Chapter 158

I thought about it for a while when I was making the game, but I had been thinking about it for a very long time.

what is magic

If magic really exists, is it possible to realize ‘physically impossible things’ with magic?

And not long after I landed in the world of this damn game, I found the answer to that question.

‘Implement what I understand.’

As for the bottom line, it didn’t matter if it was actually possible or impossible.

Even if it’s impossible, you have to convince yourself that it’s plausible. Even if you force it, if you believe it is right, it will come true.

so it was named

imagination theory.

‘Without a single exception, up to 6 stars. It can be reached in 15 years.’

This is what I once said about the theory of the imagination. This saying is still valid today.

The amount of magical power needed to cause a larger phenomenon is important, and the wizard’s star rating itself does not determine whether or not magic is possible.

So, in order to raise my magic level, I practiced magic all day long.

For I understand the undoubted, fully proven principle.

Shoot aaa!

“What if it rains?”

Suddenly, rain poured down from the clouds overhead. Although the power of [Firestorm] would probably be halved. There’s nothing wrong with wasting time.

“Mage, please make sure the water doesn’t pool here.”

“I hoped… … . Even after 200 years of research, I have never succeeded.”

“And I have never failed.”

“Hehe, crazy man.”

It seems that Derek immediately noticed what he was trying to achieve.

Baeller told Derek that just controlling two 5-star magics would make him go crazy.

Most large-scale wind magic creates an updraft. “Firestorm” is no exception.

‘Higher. widely.’

The wind blows.

A slight pain arose in the chest area. He spreads his mana without hesitation.

A long cumulonimbus cloud that stretches from the sky to the ground. Moisture that rises in the clouds decreases as altitude increases.

When the temperature drops below freezing, ice and water droplets coexist.

Due to the friction of the air current, the ice loses electrons and rises. Conversely, water droplets that gain electrons fall.

A flow of electricity, a voltage, occurs in the cloud where the charge is separated.

It’s simple, it’s understandable.

A thundercloud is created.

“I never thought I would see this before I die.”


With a roar, his vision flashed and turned white. The sky centipede’s sharp antennae struck a bolt of lightning.


His reluctant scream was buried in tinnitus of thunder. Even in the middle of deafening, I did not lower my hand outstretched to the sky.

once is not enough


cooong! bang! bang!

Lightning struck in succession.

The little devils flew into the sky and scattered into dust and ash in an instant.

The skin of the sky centipede is burnt to the point of being buried in the darkness of the night.


However, it should definitely be removed. Even if you hear something different from your chest.

As much as it is a disaster that I called, I must see the end with my own hands.



Did you hit it 20 times? Derek hastily grabbed my hand.


His fingertips were trembling.

In the aftermath of excessive magic power, the hand, which was bluish, did not look human at all.

“If you’re worse off than this, it’ll be difficult. Leave the rest to me.”

“… … Yes.”

It calms the heart that is about to explode. The seal was not completely broken. It seems to have been quite strong.

Maybe it’s because I listened well to Nazis and never used magic higher than 3 stars. I’m glad if that’s the case.

“Uh, uh uh… … .”

“Sah, did you buy it?”

“Not yet. You guys go back.”

Derek bites the researchers.

Lightning struck like that, but there are still little devils who survived.

“Are you all right?”

“I am still fine. Think of a magic name. It will be seven stars.”

It’s a lie.

While I was casting my spell, dozens of white lights scattered in a dizzying fashion, intercepting small demons that approached or escaped the area.

Even though it was an independently optimized magic, dozens of magics were cast at the same time.

It was a task that required tremendous mental strength even for a court mage.

“About [Wind Blade]… … . Ugh.”

“Overloaded. After using that much mana all at once, it’s like that. That’s why we don’t use 7-star or higher magic either. Because it’s ugly.”


I tried to hold on to Derek’s shoulders, but it was impossible. The thunder stopped, but the tinnitus that beeped in my head did not stop. I sat down on the floor.

“Sir Rockstryn! Senior Baeller!”

Then a happy voice came from behind. Freed, who ran with all his might, immediately grasped the situation and raised the ground around the Sky Centipede to block it.

“Come early, you son of a bitch… … .”

“sorry. It was late to evacuate the students.”

“Who is the dean?”

“There are a lot of monsters that have leaked out, so I’m dealing with them all together with the other professors.”

“… … You missed it after all.”

The little devil is a very dangerous monster.

It is small and inconspicuous, and it moves so fast that it is difficult to hit it with moderate magic.

Even so, they are very aggressive, and even a single one sneaking into the campus can take the lives of dozens.

“Now it is important not to leak further here.”

“Are you all right, Meiji!”

Fifteen professors, who arrived a little later than Frid, joined in and began to hunt down the little demons constantly crawling out of the corpse of the Sky Centipede.

It seems to have been protected from lightning to some extent because it was in that huge body, but fortunately, the shock was great, so the movement was sluggish.

“Brother, are you okay? Yeah? Are you okay?”

“I don’t think it’s okay.”

“You can’t sleep! If you sleep, you will die!”

“No, I think I can sleep. And I don’t think I’ll die… … .”

“Leave it to rest.”


Lamu must have been tired from running around the campus, so he arrived at the end and shook my head.

I smiled and turned my head towards the sky centipede. Baeller asked instead of me, who had difficulty opening his mouth.

“How are you now?”

“Most of them are dead. It remains inside, but hardly moves.”

Was it excessive greed?

Yes, there was a part of Sky Centipede that was somewhat unknown.

I didn’t expect at all that a sky centipede, the mother of a weak flying monster, could lay eggs of a completely different species when faced with an extreme situation.

If cornered, a mouse bites a cat, and if he was a creature, he would have his own way to survive, and he should have prepared for it.

‘It’s a mistake.’

I was not careful.

Even if there was no unfair part, there must have been a way to block the problem more reliably.

For example, if this corpse was left in the confined space of the imperial family, not in Summer Turge.

No matter how much monsters pour in, if you are determined and the guardian wizards guard the narrow entrance, you can protect it even for a hundred days.

But fortunately.

I made mistakes, but I didn’t fail.

“Thanks to you, I lived, Meiji. and senior.”

“I will die because of you. I’m glad you know.”

“I’m glad I was helpful.”

There were people by my side who would correct my mistakes.

“What you told me was the biggest, Ramyu. Having brought such a monster into the schoolyard, I never dreamed that it would turn out like this.”

“But in the end, it was my brother who stopped me! Did you make that lightning earlier too? Is this a new magic? Because I was surprised.”

“Not new.”

The old-fashioned explanation was given by Baeller for me.

“It is magic that many people have tried to create since ancient times. All failed.”

“Wow. cool.”

“done. Help Fridna.”


It wasn’t long after the magic was reaped, the rain stopped, and the dark clouds dispersed as if it had never happened.

Darkness rolls in and dawn comes.

The charred sky centipede was motionless, and little demons that occasionally popped out of the holes were bursting out due to the magic of the professors, Frid, and Lamyu surrounding them.

“All the monsters that leaked into the campus have been dealt with.”

“In case you didn’t know, all the students in the tower were evacuated outside.”

“There are three wounded. Fortunately, all three are minor.”

“They say that as soon as the refugees saw the monster, they immediately responded with magic.”

“Since flying monsters have been attacking us lately, the response has been quick.”

By that time, the professors, including Wirain, had safely completed their correctional work and flocked to the empty lot where the Sky Centipede was located.

“Was that your magic?”


“It was great. I will report to the academic community.”

“thank you.”

Wirain briefly recited his impressions.

It seemed to pass right by.

“But you will be sick enough to die again, so you should be well prepared.”


“Knowing that this would happen, I prepared tea horse seats in advance. Let’s go together to the ambulance when we’re done.”

“… … Please be gentle.”

It means re-sealing.

I really don’t want to go through that again.

It hurts right before I thought ‘I’d rather die’. Pinkie even anesthetized her.

Anyway, with so many wizards around, I definitely feel a sense of security now.

‘Is it resolved… … .’

It’s been quite a long time since I came back from the white house, and there hasn’t been a crisis like this, so maybe it’s been dull.

I corrected my mindset.

There really isn’t much left.

If you leave Summer Turge sooner or later, every moment from then on will be a series of crises.

Saying don’t be shy, thanks to that, I reflect on myself for being a little lax. You must be aware of the fact that you are always driven to the edge of a precipice.

Stay alert and make sure this doesn’t happen in the future… … .

“Oh, hot!”

Suddenly, a young professor let out a shrill scream.

“Why is that?”

“Who shot the wrong spell?”

“No, water just splashed out of his body. Is it very hot?”

The professor poked at the corpse of the little devil who died after being cut in two by the 「Wind Blade」 as if it were strange.

Kim seems to be blooming.

“… … under.”

I laughed out loud because I was dumbfounded.

It was tough going there.

The nape of the neck is still itchy.

“Meiji, something is strange!”


“These guys are getting hotter.”

“It’s hot, what… … ?”

The later the guy comes out, the hotter it gets. I mean something. It means that the inside of the centipede is boiling.

Derek’s complexion, which seemed relaxed even during the lightning strike, turned white this time.

Rarely did he even stutter.

“Hey, everyone back! go away! I mean get out!”

“what happened?”

“It explodes! It means that the monster’s body will explode when it gets hot!”

I vividly remember what I experienced in the Neutral Zone 30 years ago.

This was the moment when Rongurt, who had enough power, stopped expanding under the Confederate Front.

This is because a high-level monster that was captured and studied at the outpost for research exploded and the entire area was blown away.

A single prognostic phenomenon.

Right before it exploded, its body heated up rapidly.

“If a guy like this explodes, the entire campus will be blown away. All out!”

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