Chapter 115

It wasn’t going to end easily.

Even with Auril’s ability, it took time to refreeze a broken dragon’s heart, and it didn’t seem like it would take a day to melt a huge block of ice up to 20 meters long.

“How long do you think it will take?”

“Two days at the earliest?”

“You can do it slowly. I think it will take longer than that to melt this.”

Even if it wasn’t magic, it was definitely an ability that consumed mana, so Auril had to take a break in between.

Compared to him, all I did was stand still with my necklace on the ice.

“Can I trust you… … .”

Euril said cautiously.

Brea said she was looking for something to eat outside, and Auril and I were the only ones left in the large cave.

“It is true that the dragon is dead.”


“Because I don’t feel the magic.”

The record of the Confederate front’s subjugation party fighting the dragon to the death remains in great detail.

Since the dragon is a type of monster that harms people in the end, it falls into the newly classified category of ‘superlative monster’ after the investigation of the megalithic soldier and the sky centipede.

The method of determining death was the same as that of monsters.

[After the magical response was completely lost, the dragon did not move anymore.]

“And not bare-mouthed either.”

“What did you decide to get?”

“I don’t know either, but once you help me, I’ll try to find it.”

There was definitely a trade.

Since I got this necklace that I am holding now, including hundreds of artifacts from Rama, I wonder if Brea, a fairy like her, has something to offer.

When I asked, Brea nodded without questioning this or that.

“There is something that helped me get here.”

Climb along the river for a while, enter the cave in the cliff gap, and go back to this place. If it went as planned, it shortened the way I had to come back for a long time.

In fact, it’s a time saver than the original. There was no need to go out to find food.

“How is the river water?”

“It’s melting little by little.”

Euril pointed to the floor and said.

The blood that leaked from the winter snow stopped. Even with that alone, the stream heading southwest was slowly regaining its shape.

You can see water droplets forming on the edge of the ice that has spread along the river.

“I didn’t know you would be successful.”

“Did you see me fail? I succeed.”

“If you failed, you wouldn’t be here.”

“Um, that’s it too.”

Now, a round hole has been pierced in the large block of ice.

A black tail can be seen far ahead, but if you think you have to run it all the way to your head, it’s pretty far away.

“Isn’t it cold?”

“Not at all. I think the air here is like that.”

It wasn’t because of the necklace.

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Just as the underground space where the llamas were was rather cool compared to the Menlua Desert, the inside of the cave was much warmer and warmer than the white jade on the cliff.

If you focus your mind, you can see that magical powers containing cold energy are welling up from the top of the cave. The flow of magical power was being controlled here as well.

However, the reason why the inside was filled with ice was because of that ‘winter snow’.

“This area wouldn’t have been so frozen from the beginning,”

“Was it a meadow?”

“Maybe Baekok was in a similar environment before it was covered with snow.”

White Jade’s permafrost won’t melt quickly because of the cold magic accumulated over a long time, but the ice around the Pigtail River, where the water flows, melts quickly.

Around that time, fire magicians will be brought in and pioneering will begin.

“Maybe there will be a second cotton.”

“I hope so.”

“It will be.”

It’s not too far from the 4 countries trade route, and there are no monsters, so all you have to do is melt the ice.

It is well known that the plants that are used as raw materials for potions grow very well in magical lands, so Mashu quickly recovers his national power.

The survival of King Keljian, the normalization of Mash, and the stabilization of Euril’s psychological state.

Only when the conditions are satisfied can you proceed to the next step.

In fact, even in hundreds of tests, there were only a few that succeeded so far.

“Well, when this is all over… … .”

Euril, who was sitting a little further away, mumbled.

“It will go back as planned.”

“Is that right?”

“It has already been over a month.”

The year has already changed, January 1318.

Here, the day when the sun changes is not given much meaning. It is tabooed that it is a remnant left from the age of mythology in the past.

Rather, it is March, when spring flowers bloom.

Somehow, having endured this far, it really came to the point where Jerome and Lamyu were enrolled at Summer Turge.

I hope the members are doing well. I think you will do everything well.

“Well then, let’s do all of this with the princess ball.”

“What? Why is that?”

“Think carefully. Of course. Didn’t I do anything for a month coming here?”

Even if it takes a little longer, if it was Auril, you could go up along the river. Vacation is long.

“Euril could have come alone. I was protected.”

“I might have starved to death.”

“That’s about it. Anyway, it was Auril who solved the cause, what. Actually, it’s a bit of a problem that my name is mentioned next to the princess’s name.”

Aindarok’s name is not light.

After remarriage to Shilin, Coltman is in full swing in the ranks of the imperial aristocracy.

At this point, Coltman’s situation becomes difficult if suspicions about his contact with Marsh arise for no reason.

Even if the empire was basically friendly to Mashu, it was arbitrarily carried out without any consultation what had such a huge impact. Because there are enough reasons for blame.

“You are the one who moved the troops, and you are the one who brought me here.”

“There are many great people in history who have not left their names. I’m not too sad because I’ll end up with two lines shaved off.”

“… … okay.”

It was a dissatisfied voice, but Euril nodded.

“I’m here.”

Shortly after, Brea returned and spilled food out of her bag.

They were mainly edible fruits, and I saw a few rabbits with frozen soles.

“How are you?”

“It’s okay.”

“Don’t get hurt. It must not collapse.”

“The name is dragon, but wouldn’t it be roughly strong?”


Difficult to order once.

Come to think of it, I had a question. I asked, pointing to the winter snow Auril was holding.

“Brea, can’t you freeze that?”

9-star ice properties.

I don’t know exactly how much it is, but I don’t think it’s particularly lacking compared to Auril.

“I can’t touch it.”


“Fairy, dragon. It doesn’t mix with magic.”

The magic of the fairy and the dragon collided with each other, so Brea could not touch the winter snow. Is that why you left it alone after seeing it broken?

“Still, people are having a hard time because of that.”


“… … Ah yes.”

I realized all over again that Rama was a kind fairy.

“And again, it was Rama who taught humans fire magic.”


“Can Brea use ice attribute magic?”


“But we don’t have anyone who can use ice attribute magic separately, right?”


“… … Just, yes.”

I didn’t set up ice attribute magic separately, but I found a convincing reason.

This guy didn’t teach me.

Whatever happens to humans seems to have nothing to do with Brea. While I like Euril… … .

Oh, then?

“Can’t you teach Auril?”

“You use it well alone.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if I taught you?”

“It’s annoying.”

Still, I’m glad that my baby is a fox that I cherish. The Mashu royal family also has a long history, so their blood may be pale.

When Euril was resting, it seemed that Brea was saying something by her side, but by then I had already dug deep into the ice, so I couldn’t hear it.

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Just like that, three full days passed.

“I think it’s all melted.”


After Auril sealed away the snow of winter, the ice surrounding the dragon quickly melted.

It was to the extent that I, who had only roughly dug a hole and was going straight, came back drenched.

Finally, the ice melted up to the head, and when the remaining ice was removed from the soles of the feet and part of the tail, the huge blue dragon’s body was completely exposed.

Brea approached cautiously.

“wake up. stupid.”

Let’s stroke the deeply covered eyelids.

Surprisingly, the eyes slowly opened, revealing elongated pupils. Since I didn’t feel any magic power, it means that I’m already dead.

[…] … this.]

Even though I couldn’t open my mouth, a voice rang in my head. It was as recorded.

[How much time has passed.]

“1,000 years.”

Brea’s dry voice reverberated through the cave.

[Haha. It’s been too long. Yeah, I saw two people behind them… … .]

“Human. You are alive.”

The bright yellow eyes turned this way.

[Where, say something.]


I answered rudely. Skadi’s satisfied laugh filled my head.

[Ahaha! You speak. Did humans survive well?]

“Yes… … . We do fight sometimes, but we’re just fine.”

[okay. That’s enough.]


The ice remaining near the soles of his feet shattered, and the large dragon’s claws moved.

Claws slowly brushed through Brea’s hair.

[You worked hard, Brea.]

“To take care of. I’m tired.”

[It must have been.]

“No fun. boring.”

[So I told you to leave.]

“Now what?”

[You were a stubborn child. I am no longer a child… … .]

thud. arm fell off

[Watch, if there is.]


There were no more voices.

The yellow eyes lost their luster, and the heavy body did not even move.


Brea tapped the dragon’s hard scales several times, but nothing changed. dead.

Euril whispered softly.

“Is he really dead… … .”

“He was already dead, so that’s also wrong.”

Wouldn’t it be some kind of retrofitting?

Unexpectedly, Brea trudged back without regret and stood in front of me. It’s been a thousand years, so I don’t know what to comfort her.

“That dragon… … .”

“Once upon a time.”

Brea slumped into her seat and started talking. Surprisingly, it was connected with the story Derek had told me.

long ago.

Humans who were pushed out of the continent by monsters were cornered.

Although he had just begun to learn magic from the fairies. It was difficult to handle the monsters pouring down from the vast north.

“To survive. I missed you.”

At that time, there was an old dragon that flew from the continent.

Because it’s fun.

The reason was that.

It’s fun watching people. Skadi pulled out her own heart, smashed it, and drained her blood to the ground.

To prevent anything that lives and breathes from approaching.

The area to the east of the northern wall was forever frozen permafrost.

The defense line was cut in half, and a wall was erected in the northern part of Aindarroch to match.

Under the endless winter and the power of brilliant magic, humanity has regained its light.

“Something like that happened.”

“What are you guys saying?”

“Iknow, right.”

It was no use trying to comfort him. There’s no way she could understand it, and Brea herself probably didn’t want to be understood.

I just had to listen.

“… … take it.”

Brea held out her hand.

what. Did you have something to give?

There was no way that there would be any artifacts in this place where no one had ever set foot.

He said he would look for it, so it was good if he had it or not.


[Dragon Heart II]

: The second heart of an old dragon that saved humans by freezing the world.

[Effects when taking]

– Permanently +1 all stats Lv (ignoring the growth limit)

It seemed to stop breathing.

The voice came out of Euril’s mouth instead.

“Dragon Heart… … ? So what’s over there?”

said Brea, placing the glittering jewel on the palm of my hand.

“A dragon’s heart is originally two.”

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