Episode 105

“It’s snowing.”

When I reached out the window, something white landed on it. It quickly melts away, then settles down again… … .

I survived until winter and see all the snow. It was a thrilling first sight for me.

“I watched until I got tired of it.”

It doesn’t seem to be the case for Euril.

“I don’t like it either.”

“I think I liked you until just now.”

“no. When the road freezes, you fall over, the wheels slip, the roof collapses, and I once thought that garbage fell from the sky.”

“Just make sure everything fits me.”

“It’s true.”

I said I was thrilled, but I didn’t say it was good. That’s the reason the horse-drawn carriage stopped right away.

“Oh, you can stay inside.”

“I will help you.”

In winter, on the road to Mashu, chains are put on the wheels of wagons or wagons.

The ride comfort will decrease, but since there is no such thing as a road maintenance vehicle, the speed of accumulation is faster than the speed of cleaning. It’s better than slipping and getting hurt.

I helped the driver put the chains on the wheels. A little bit of oil stains.

“Have you tried it? you are doing well.”

“This is no big deal.”

“I will leave immediately.”

When I got back into the car, Euril was staring at me.


“Is there anything you can’t do?”

“Live and learn.”

“I’m a year older.”

“Oh, now that it’s snowing, can I tell you about my trip to the desert?”

“What does it matter?”

“When it’s cold, we should talk hotly.”

It was only now that he told me about what happened in the Menlua Desert. I said I would believe in what I said in the future.

“… … Should I believe that?”

Of course there will be such a reaction.

“You won’t believe it?”

“Is this fairy blood?”

“Because it is.”

Euril gently shook the sky-blue liquid contained in the necklace.

I couldn’t believe it because it was so clear that it was blood, but there was no other way to explain it.

A warmth that never cools off.

He asked a fairy for such an outrageous thing and got it.

for yourself.

“… … What do I say?”

“It was easy to ask for that. He was a bit of an idiot. Because he was kind, I thought he would listen to anything.”

I was able to ask because she was such a fairy. I hope you are not listening

“I am sorry to see you like this. Should I go back later and ask for more? Wouldn’t it be better to take it in the bathtub and soak Auril in it?”

“Are you going to be angry?”

“Is that right?”

It’s strange when you look at it.

Rama must have great power. while caring for humans.

Then why is there a bad ending? Can’t you come out and catch some monsters?

“Then what about the artifacts?”

“By now, they should have dispersed well to all corners of the continent. Because you and I made a fuss asking for it.”

“You’re not even getting paid?”

“I have enough money, so what? My father might say something.”

Ainim said they increased support, but I don’t know how much.

It was only during the air raids that resources from all over the empire were raked together to receive support, but I don’t know what happened after the air raids ended. Shilin must be cheering me on.

If it’s not enough, it’s enough to sell the three artifacts I’ve left for myself.

“How are people like that?”


“Are you not greedy?”

“It’s better to be used than to have. Oh, so I lent it on the premise that it would be used for wires. I must have visited about 80 of them in Mash, too?”

200 Empires, 130 Enpyrians, 110 Lidens. 70 Credits.

It was distributed roughly like that. Even if Riden didn’t like it, the front line to block the sea monsters was long. They’re proud of themselves, so they’ll do just fine.

In fact, in terms of influence, you should pay more attention to lasers than artifacts. It is said that about 10 units were deployed to the Confederate frontlines as a test.

The power was verified by Derek, so as soon as stability and continuity are verified, Neil will mass-produce and distribute the mold.

‘What I need is a magician of the theory of imagination.’

Since they said they had almost finished building the school, magicians who learned the Imagination Theory were pouring out of the Empire.

It is natural that the wizards of the empire who have learned magic through imagination theory are put into the frontlines first to utilize lasers. It is even better if you took a lecture directly at Summer Turge.

While expanding the influence of the empire, it also strengthens the power to deal with monsters.

It’s going frighteningly well.


“… … It’s strange to see you smile sometimes.”

“Will you be Mash soon?”


Mashu Kingdom in the northeastern part of the continent.

Even 100 years ago, it was a strong country. Despite the barren land and cold climate, strong warriors survived against the cold, hunger, and monster threats.

They pioneered Northwest Cotton, a neutral zone riddled with threats, and made it into what it is today.

“Let’s talk about Frid.”

“Yeah, do it.”

“I feel sorry for Euril. Auril will only be hated by him, but I hope he doesn’t hate him the same.”

The Northwest, Mashu’s new frontier, was a terrible forbidden land not much different from the Northern Neutral Zone until 150 years ago.

Only with the heroic performances of the current king, Keljian Mashhma, and the former king, Turunchey Mashhma, and their subordinates.

without any help from other countries. They exterminated the monsters and opened up a vast neutral zone.


Wide plains and immobile ports. Wrap the frozen land of Mashu with warmth and softness like cotton. It got that name.

It quickly grew into a large city with the advantage of being a border with Cotton Rongrte. Frid was born there to a married couple who worked in a bar.

“I heard that Frid was teased a lot because he was shorter than his peers.”

“… … Is he?”

“yes. Are you curious?”

By that time, Keljian Mashhma was already going mad.

Losing the last tenth finger on Euril’s tenth birthday, leaving the kingdom crumbling. After leaving Mash, Keljian recklessly wandered around looking for a medicine that would cure Auril’s curse.

More at readwn com

Just like that, eight years ago, in December of 1309.

The northern walls of Aindarroch have been breached by airstrikes.

The monsters rushed in rapidly.

Compared to the Aindaroch Territory, which is mostly mountainous and has a low population density except for Tarum, Cotton has already grown into a large city with more people than the capital.

Nevertheless, since all defenses were left to Aindarok, there was no choice but to pay the price.

“We were irresponsible.”

“We are also responsible. It wasn’t that the Empire lacked troops. I asked for support, but they sent only a small amount of troops.”

At the time, Coltman’s political standing was the bottom of the bottom.

The previous head of the Aindarroch family passed away early, and he became the head of the family without graduating from Summer Turge.

At a young age, he became the general manager of the important position of the Northern Wall, so there was no way the center, which was already frantic in fighting, could not take a good look at the North.

“Because it’s our fault.”

“Half and half, then.”

“… … okay.”

Auril reluctantly nodded.

What happened to the big city that was attacked by monsters in broad daylight without warning? It was truly bloody.

The winter snow piled up and the carriages were tied up, and more than 80% of the people who escaped were killed by the monsters chasing them.

“There was a warehouse in the basement of the tavern where precious alcohol was stored. Since the large keg is round, there is a space between them, right? Frid’s parents forced him into it.”

It is said that Frid, who was small, fit in just right.

However, soon after, monsters invaded the basement, and due to the nature of monsters that judge prey with their sense of smell and hearing rather than sight, Frid, covered with the smell of alcohol, went unnoticed by the monsters.

He heard the sound of his parents being bitten to death alive.

Even at the moment of death, Frid’s mother drew the attention of monsters by making noise with her poker.

“About two days later, the imperial family’s reinforcements pushed the Aindarok Territory away, and my father sent reinforcements to Mash as soon as he had time to spare.”

Because the empire had enough power in the first place. The Aindarok Territory was restored in an instant.

From then on, Coltman realized that his choice was wrong and was looking for an opportunity to enter politics.

He looked around, but in fact, Frid hadn’t eaten anything for four days and was on the verge of starvation at that time.

Not even thinking about getting out of that barrel, I closed my eyes and covered my ears.

Coltman, who was chasing the traces of magic, found it.

“If it weren’t for the wizard… … ?”

“He died.”

Coltman brought in the surviving Freed and taught him magic, but Freed spent more time training his body rather than magic.

It is said that if there was a day, half of it was exercising. Coltman didn’t really stop it. It wasn’t that I didn’t learn magic at all.

Eight years passed like that.

“When I first saw him, he was just an ignorant guy with no tips.”

“You taught me magic.”

“yes. You work so hard.”

Because it is the main character.

Of course, the reason was great. But isn’t there a fundamental reason why he has no choice but to become a main character?

Exercise while reducing sleep in the morning, and practice magic while skipping meals. He was that kind of guy.

Compared to the efforts made so far, the results were absurdly low.

If you work hard, you should be rewarded.

“Because that is fair.”

“Well, if.”

Euril said quietly.

“I didn’t do anything, but what if I was just getting a reward?”

“Is there anyone who is blessed like that?”

“I have.”

I said with a smile.

“You have to work twice as hard. Because interest is charged.”

And the time to give back what you received is now.

“It is a gateway.”

Arrived at the gateway to Mashu.

“Get off.”


I had to get off the wagon for the inspection. I loosened the scarf so that my face was as clear as possible.

look at me Charm 10 is here. Instead of Auril, the gaze will be focused.

“Lockstrin Aindarlock… … . Yes. Welcome to visit.”

The gateway to Mashu was crowded with people. As always, I drew attention.

However, the reaction was not as violent as it was not Rongrut. I could hear whispers all around me.


It’s Auril.

He took off the woolly hat of the overcoat he was wearing. Shining silver hair exposed in the midday sunlight.

“… … Euryl Mashuhma.”

His voice, mixed with shallow breathing, was proof that he was very nervous.

There is no way that the people of Mashu will not recognize silver hair, which is unique to the royal family of Mashu. Euril quietly closed her eyes. He said he could avoid half of it if he just walked to where I was.

The reaction was quite different.

“Meet the princess.”

“Ah yes… … .”

The soldier bowed his head respectfully.

yes, i am a soldier Obviously, you can’t openly ignore Auril, who is your superior as an organization.


“Meet the princess.”

“Meet the princess.”

“Meet the princess.”

Everyone reacted the same.

Those who bowed their heads toward Auril were all the people of Mash.

“why… … ?”

Did he bow down to himself for driving the kingdom into catastrophe? Aren’t you throwing stones? Are there soldiers guarding it?

Euril stretched out her trembling legs and took one step forward.

“I… … .”

Shhh, she’s a princess. Some parents snatch their children by the collar.

Because I have no face to see. There are also bot carriers carrying heavy backpacks.

That’s enough to make me live. There is someone muttering.

“Welcome home. Princess.”

The first princess of the Mashu kingdom, Euril Mashuhma.

It was my return home after 3 years.

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