66 – Homecoming – (complete)

It was less than an hour after the raid that the situation was settled.

“Whoa. Whoa.”

Breathing heavily, Todd came to his senses. Of course, he still had his head covered and his eyes closed.

‘Oh, is it over?’

All of a sudden, the surroundings became quiet.

Todd, who had been trembling with fear while crawling to the bottom of the wagon, opened his tightly closed eyes. Then he moved his crouched body as hard as he could and rolled his body outside.

Thanks to the moonlight coming down just in time, I was able to distinguish my surroundings.


And at the horror unfolding before his eyes, Todd hurriedly grabbed his waist and shivered. I was about to urinate.

It was literally a feast of death all around. It was the first time in my life to see so many people dead in one place. It was such a blasphemous scene that even God turned a blind eye.


Among dozens of corpses, a knight in blood-soaked armor stood upright in the moonlight.

The knight wiped the blood-soaked sword Ernst with the hem of his clothes.

Todd shuddered with fear.

It wasn’t because that knight casually took countless lives.

The most fundamental reason was that Knight Fried had a face filled with joy.

He was taking a deep breath as he brought his trembling hand to the scabbard, as if the excitement of the battle had not subsided.


Todd said in a trembling voice.

Lord, Harzfeld’s assessment was correct.

That knight was a monster by nature.


“I’m not kidding.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Dozens of attackers were all lying dead. Some of them were groaning in pain as if they were still breathing, but even that didn’t seem to last long.

I stopped and got excited by the thick scent of blood rising up between them.


I banged my head a few times. What kind of psycho bastard is he who enjoys killing people? It was clear that he had a hard head.

It seemed that I had been in this world too long.

Feeling strangely empty, I looked at my hand and saw that Ernst was stained with blood and emitted a magical light.

Has too much blood been smeared on the imperial sword? Once again, Lyncia’s face came to mind. Feeling guilty, I shook Ernst into a nearby stream to wash it away.

After that, I sat down on a nearby rock ledge to check my body condition. There were no injuries anywhere. Hagiya, I was wearing armor and even mana was applied to my body, so I couldn’t even get a scratch on my body with most attacks.

Asaren’s lessons were effective. As I turned mana all over my body and ran through the enemies, it literally created destructive power as if a tank had rushed into the middle of the infantry. At least two of them crossed the Nether Road at one time, so it was Yeopo itself.

However, this was not to say that this was Freed’s complete fighting power. As a rule of thumb, I was still only able to use about 50% of the mana of Freed before I was possessed. Still, at this level, I am afraid of the future.

Of course, there was no reason why the opponent was too weak.

The enemies you will encounter in the future will not be able to compare to this pyramid. It would not be enough to deal with strong enemies including apostles. Even for a flawless happy end, I had to become much stronger.

“Sir Fried.”

Just in time, Millia walked over to me as if she had dealt with the remnants.

The original sword was kept in the scabbard, and in his left hand he held the golden mana blade. It seemed to be a summoning spell.

“I’ve taken care of everything.”

“I see.”

From the middle, it was Milia’s solo stage.

She summoned a shining spear of mana and stuck the spear into the back of the fleeing enemy. It was such a brutal sight that even Fried, who had gone through all the battles, was startled.

If Millia, who uses magic, and I fight with all our might, we will be defeated for sure.

“So, the question is, who are these guys?”

It didn’t seem like a simple gang of bandits.

There was a well-controlled order among them. It was a well-trained army. In other words, it means they attacked us with someone’s instigation.

I looked at Todd, who was on his back and was shaking. When our eyes met, he shrugged.


“Can’t you guess anything? They say you’re a minister. You’re probably familiar with Lumen-El and the Duke of Harzfeld.”

The fact that they attacked even though we had the coat of arms of the Archduke of Harzfeld imprinted on the carriage meant that to them, we were the goal, not the means.

Todd shuddered and raised his toady body. Then, being careful not to touch the corpse, he approached me. And he whispered quietly so that no one could hear.

“If you don’t mind with my lack of knowledge… It seems that the Archduke was riding in this wagon and attacked it because of a misunderstanding.”

“Umm. So… you mean there’s a madman who attacks the landlord in someone else’s garden? Why? For what?”

“That’s… Archduke Harzfeld is very quiet.”

“You have many enemies?”


Todd smiled bitterly.

And he looked at Millia.

It seems burdensome to talk about the master’s shadow. Moreover, Milia is also the second daughter of another grand duke.

I waved my hand and said.

“It’s okay, tell me.”


When asked persistently, Todd finally continued.

“… Archduke Harzfeld had many wives.”

Is it polygamy?

“What’s wrong with that?”

“……The wives are all ex-wives of Lumenel nobles.”


It wasn’t pure love.

“In addition to that, there are many children, so competition for the position of head of household is fierce. Recently, there have been a few complaints… no, rather a lot… because landlords took land and taxes to expand their villas. Recently, in the capital, Riots of beastmen slaves often break out. Furthermore, relations with other nearby subjects are not good… so it’s hard to say exactly who is behind it.”

“……Uh, um. Yes.”

Harzfeld you bastard. It was pure madness.

From what I’ve heard, he’s the wise ruler we talked about earlier in the carriage, and everything he said was bullsh*t.

As if that thought was buried in his face, Todd picked up the words he had hurriedly said.

“That, that! As I said before, it is true that the security is good. Recently, when the dissatisfaction grew, Grand Duke Harzfeld showed the dignity of the imperial authority by cutting the heads of influential people…”

“driving me crazy.”

I covered my head.

In the end, it was like being involved in the karma of Harzfeld’s son.

Was this full support? If I had known this was going to happen, I would have just taken a cheap carriage.

“First of all, contact Archduke Harzfeld. There is a force that is not so great, seeking your life.”

Where was the magic tool? I put my hand in my bosom and rummaged.

And that was the moment.


A whistle was heard.

Were there still remnants left? Thinking so, I drew my sword like a deukdal. Todd in front of him rolled his eyes as if fainting at the sight and fell backwards.

But unexpectedly, it was Eina who whistled.

“Sir Eina?”

I wondered where he had gone, and he was dragging someone’s leg with his one intact arm.

Upon closer inspection, it was the corpse of a leader holding a spear and leading the raiders. The magic spear thrown by Millia had been pierced through the chest and was almost soaked in blood.


I woke Todd up by touching him with my foot.

Aina sign language, and Todd, who has come to his senses, interprets it.

“He says take a good look.”


Eina pulled the mask the leader was wearing and took it off.

Then, long white hair flowed through the mask, and Eina grabbed it and pulled it off. A terrible sound is heard and the scalp peels off. Everyone was stunned by the brutal hand movements.

But even that was short-lived, revealing long ears beneath the torn scalp. Ears slightly shorter than Eina’s, but much longer than human’s.

Right next to her, Millia held her breath.


“It’s not just an elf. That’s…”

Aina signed and Todd interpreted.

“I’m a snow elf.”


what is that about

As I put on a sullen expression, Todd continued interpreting Eina’s sign language.

“Snow elves were originally a race that lived only in Eisenward, a northern province of the Empire. From a mixture of northerners and elves, they gradually grew into a dominant force in Eisenward.”

Come to think of it, it seemed that there was such a phrase on the loading screen of Raising the Empress.

I searched my memory.

For sure… … .

“You were subjugated to the Empire about a hundred years ago, right?”

“Yes, that’s how Eisenward became one of the Empire’s principalities. However, even as a dependent of the Empire, Eisenward and the snow elves who live there are still strong in their independence.”

“I guess so.”

After all, it was annexed by force.

That’s mad, though later in the game rebels rise from the north.

“The fact that there are snow elves here.”

“That’s right.”

Eina pointed at her ear, then stuck out her tongue and laughed like an idiot.

“The person behind this attack…”

“Duke of Winter Aranion.”

interrupted Todd. Milia heard me and her eyes lit up coldly.

Grand Duke of Winter Aranion Elderheart.

The three most influential of the five Grand Dukes of the Empire, along with the Iron Blood Grand Duke and the Golden Grand Duke.

Perhaps this raid was somehow related to the Great Duke of Winter, Aranion.

There are less than two months left for the third act meeting. I don’t know if there was an actual owner of Aranion, but a person under him tried to assassinate another grand duke. I would have known without saying how big this was.

“Something is going to happen.”

I sighed in embarrassment.

When he came to find the Iscobal estate, he was caught up in a fight behind the scenes between the grand dukes.

But it is something that cannot be passed on.

Aranion was the guy who later appeared as a boss in Act 6.

Lautrec’s betrayal in Act 5 turns the imperial capital into a mess. And before it can be settled, Grand Duke Winter Aranion and his subordinate snow elves revolt in the north, taking advantage of the chaos.

The sixth act was an episode dealing with the war that took place in such a situation of a 5-minute fight. In that situation, I remember that it was a scenario where the church intervened and the situation went strangely, and it was defeated by paying a painful sacrifice.

However, it was normal for Aranion to take action only in the fifth act at the latest.

But now, his enlisted man is here in Lumen-El.

For some reason, it meant that Aranion’s plan had been moved forward.

“driving me crazy.”

This was also a prelude to future developments.

Like the previous incidents, it seemed unlikely that the third act would follow the original storyline.

He let out a sigh of despair.

There is nothing to do.

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