Just when everyone has their own way of passing the test, the time has come for the exam.

  Mitarai Red Bean threw the red bean [-]D bamboo stick on the tree and slammed it into the trunk.

  She waved her hand, "The exam begins, each group goes to their respective gates into the forest, and enters the forest!"

  Each group has its own door, and the time of entry varies.

  The cover is to avoid each group meeting first at the beginning of the exam.

  At that time, many groups may have fallen on the road before the exam has started.

  It doesn't make any sense to start that way, so divert when and where the groups enter.

  And the forest is very big, I believe that everyone can't meet together.

  Xia Chuan Yuji and others were the first group to enter, and they entered the forest from Gate 1.

  As soon as I entered, I felt dead inside.

  It was very uncomfortable, but the three of them still had to go to the deepest part of the woods.

  Because that is where the tower is located, the candidates will be gathered there.

  Naruto Uzumaki looked at Xia Chuan Yusuke and lost his mind, "We are the first group to come in now, what are we going to do?"

  "Go directly to the tower."

  "Where are we going, why don't we grab the scrolls?"

  "Where do you think everyone will go after taking the scrolls?"

  "To the tower, of course!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Naruto Uzumaki responded.

  Yes, everyone went back to the tower, why should they guard here?

  It's better to go to ambush near the tower and wait for someone to come and snatch them.

  That's the first benefit that comes in, but it's not exactly that.

  Gate 1 is at least a day and a half away from the tower, while the other gates are much closer to the tower.

  Maybe they came first, but there were no other latecomers to the tower.

  So the three quickened their pace and rushed towards the tower.

  That's it, everyone started rushing towards the tower.

  Along the way, the forest was quiet, and there was no movement at all.

  Only sometimes one or two birds are startled by them and fly into the air.

  But it is this atmosphere that is the most terrifying.

  As a result, the three quickened their pace and walked forward.

  In the blink of an eye, three hours later.

  According to the current time, almost everyone has entered the forest.

  I believe there will be a battle in the near future.

  Although the strength of Xia Chuan Yusuke's group is very strong, it is still a bit rare to be the first to complete the task in the tower.

  Because there are too many uncontrollable factors, the three of them slowed down.

  Because of the fast travel, it will consume a lot of physical strength.

  And they didn't bring food in, Naruto Naruto was already hungry at this time.

  Xia Chuan Yusuke also stopped, "Well, I'm going to make a fire, you guys go and catch a few fish 々~!"

  Nearby is a small clear river, churning with fish.

  Uzumaki Naruto snorted and ran to the river.

  Bai looked at Xia Chuan Yusuke with some puzzlement, "Didn't you say you have to get to the tower quickly?"

  "I want to arrive quickly, but I have to eat!"

  "It's true!"

  "Nurture your spirit before you can face the next battle."

  "Well, I'll go catch fish with Naruto first!"


  Of the three, only Xia Chuan Yusuke can escape.

  Therefore, the task of finding firewood and making a fire was naturally given to him.

  When he got the firewood back, the two had already caught a few fish and came back.

  Now this one is watching around to see if anyone is lurking around.

  Xia Chuan Yusuke piled up the firewood and quickly made a seal.

  "Art fire escape ho fireball!"

  A large fire spewed out of his mouth, directly igniting the firewood.

  He called the two of them, "Come here quickly, I didn't find any danger when I went to pick up firewood just now."

  After listening to this, the two were relieved and returned to the fire to start grilling fish.

  Because there is no seasoning, the grilled fish has no flavor.

  But for the hungry Uzumaki Naruto, this is already delicious.

  After eating his grilled fish in three or five times, he began to sit aside in a daze.

  Bai was not very hungry yet, and Xia Chuan Yusuke only ate a little.

  In this way, the three of them lost a few more hours.

  It was getting late, just as the three of them were about to rest here.

  Xia Chuan Yusuke suddenly felt another strange breath, as if someone had been staring at them.

  But when I looked around, I didn't see anyone.

  Apparently Shiro also noticed something was wrong, "Yusuke, do you feel it?"


  Xia Chuan Yusuke nodded, "It should be someone, let's leave quickly!"


  Wake up Naruto Uzumaki who was already asleep, which made him a little puzzled.

  "Don't you mean to rest here?"

  "We can't rest, we have to hurry up."

  Naruto Uzumaki, who was drowsy, had to stand up, "Okay, let's go first."

  Although he didn't know why Xia Chuan Yusuke left in such a hurry, he also felt that something was not right.

  So the three stood up, put out the fire, and continued on their way.

  However, the three circled around and returned to the place just now, and did not check the place where the fire was just started.

  Instead, he found a place to hide, and Naruto Uzumaki was very puzzled, "'Why are we coming back?"

  "Be quiet." Xia Chuan Yusuke made a mute gesture, "Someone!"

  As soon as the voice fell, a big snake jumped down from the tree trunk.

  When they came to the place where the three people grilled the fish just now, Xia Chuan Yusuke and Bai felt that someone was watching them.

  I didn't expect it to be a snake, this one doesn't look like an ordinary snake.

  As long as Xia Chuan Yusuke recognized it, this was Orochimaru's snake.

  Orochimaru must have been watching them just now, no wonder they couldn't find it.

  After all, no one thought that it was a snake watching over them, and Orochimaru would catch up so quickly.

  Just then, a long-haired, white-faced man emerged from the snake's stomach.

  Although this snake is very large, it will not spit out a single person.

  And (Nuo Nuo's) this long-haired, white-faced man also got out like a snake.

  It looked horrific and disgusting.

  Naruto Uzumaki's face was very ugly, and it was the first time he saw such a disgusting scene.

  But even if it was disgusting, he didn't cry out.

  But this scene is too weird.

  Especially at night, it's chilling.

  At this moment, everyone found that the white-faced man walked to the fire.

  Picked up a piece of charcoal and put it under his nose and sniffed.

  Then he looked around again, and then threw away the charcoal.

  "Come out!"

  The white-faced long-haired man shouted out of thin air, which startled the three of them.

  Could it be that they found them, but it was impossible. The three of them were almost dozens of meters away from the long-haired, white-faced man.

  So far away and still restrained, there is no reason for the other party to find them?

  Just when the three were surprised, a few people jumped down from a tree.Change.

Chapter 303

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