I Am the Swarm

Vol 2 Chapter 666: communicate with

After the Rashudians made themselves half-crippled and the whereabouts of the commander-in-chief of the coalition were unknown, the Komongers, who had the upper hand, were only a middle-class low-level civilization, but their right to speak was invisible and secretly rising. Not a lot.


And with their opening, even if there are foreigners who disagree, it is not convenient to refute them in person. However, the Komongers are the authority in primary color technology after all, and their rhetoric is still very credible.


"There is no doubt that the Zerg has some kind of primary color interaction system, and we are all willing to believe it. Although this interaction system is very concealed, it is also very limited."


"Yeah, it relies too much on optical transmission. Not to mention that it can't receive effective information at long distances. At close range, as long as strong light is emitted, it can greatly interfere with their communication in this way."


"All kinds of energy missiles and explosions on the battlefield are emitting all kinds of light, but I have never seen any chaos in the Zerg."


"This shows that although the Zerg didn't tell lies, they didn't explain everything."


"It's normal, isn't it? If everyone here can keep a hand, I'm afraid they won't show their hole cards."


"Yeah, it's really normal." Some foreigners sighed.


"Then their main communication method, does anyone know what it is?"


"I don't know. Unlike us, our information troops have never intercepted any interactive information from the Zerg."


"Oh, we are the same. To be honest, the races of all of you may have higher technology than ours, but they are not one generation higher. Therefore, even if it is your communication, except for quantum communication, although we cannot use other signals. Crack it, but know that you are communicating. But what is interesting is that our detection equipment has not found that the Zerg is transmitting anything to communicate remotely. "


"They can't all be equipped with quantum communication systems."


"How is that possible? Forget about those large units, those small units, even if you want to deploy them, they are not big enough to carry." "Then who can say for sure, after all, we are really confused about that level of biotechnology. water."


"Yeah, but I guess that their large units communicate through quantum communication, and the small units released during combat communicate through the primary color interaction system. And I have checked the earliest records about the Zerg, which also mentioned that they used All kinds of ways of voice communication.”


"I've seen this too, but it doesn't explain what we just mentioned, the cooperative action on the battlefield without any interference. The strong light of the explosion is enough to interfere with optical reception, and there is no sound transmission in space."


"That's right, this proves that there is indeed a very secret and funny interaction system in the Zerg. But what is that?"


"I'm afraid I have to ask the Ji clan about this."


"I don't think the Ji family knows it either. If they know, it makes no sense not to share this kind of key information with us on the front line."


"Indeed, through this incident, Ji Clan, hey... In my heart, it is no longer the original Ji Clan."


"It's not invincible anymore, is it?"




The scene was a little silent for a while, maybe it was caused by the hopeless atmosphere of isolation and helplessness, or maybe it was deliberately guided by someone, and everyone's speech was much bolder. Some things that I dared not say before, can now be said.


However, these topics are just talks after all, and they can't draw any useful conclusions. They can only use this to pass the difficult time.


While everyone was waiting anxiously, time passed little by little, and the battlefield fell into a strange situation. The troops on both sides looked at each other from a distance, but no artillery fire was fired. The party with the dominant force had a somewhat scattered formation, neither attacked nor retreated, and even many actively shut down most of the energy systems, and the lights of the ship went out a lot.


They lost their power, and they were like dark metal cages in space, revealing a terrifying atmosphere.


After a long wait...


"It's almost time..."


"Really? Do you think they have complete control of our fleet?"


"Maybe, who knows, I'm just talking."




A few sighs, in fact, many foreign races have a vague understanding of why the Zerg has not responded. The Zerg remnants on the battlefield did not move, but the Zerg in their battleships would not be idle.


The previous encounter of the Rashudians was largely because they themselves increased the output power of their energy in order to enter the warp speed state. The Zerg units seized this node and destroyed the energy system, which led to a situation that the Rashudians could not control.


But if they don't increase the energy output power to that level, even if the Zerg destroys the energy system, it will only cause a small tonnage explosion, and it will not be able to kill the sturdy battleship.


The Rashudians are like this, and the same is true of other races. But with the passage of time, the combat power of the coalition forces has stagnated or even declined. On the contrary, the Zerg side is definitely improving.


"Looking at it from another angle, there is a high probability that the Zerg will not kill us all. This may be good news." A foreigner laughed and laughed, but his laughter was somewhat eerie.


Although his laughter was ugly, his words were recognized by the foreigners. If the Zerg wants to kill them all, they only need to blow up the energy system. There is no energy system that achieves the ultimate output. Although the explosion of its small tonnage will not completely blow up the warship, it will also cause the warship to lose energy. Without energy, the warship cannot fire or start the engine to leave, and can only be forced to stay. in situ.


And the loss of energy~www.readwn.com~ will lead to the collapse of the warship's gravity system and internal circulation system. It does not require the Zerg to continue to shoot, and the gradually bad environment inside the ship is enough to kill them.


And the Zerg have not done so after waiting for so long, which means that they do not want to destroy them all. The reason why there has been no response is because the Zerg in the ship are only more than defensive, but insufficient in attack.


After the number of those bugs can completely control the environment inside the ship, I am afraid that the response of the Zerg will follow.


"I have been to the trade city of the Riken tribe before. Do you know the Riken tribe? It is the race that is closest to the Zerg, a very bad and miserable race." A representative said suddenly, he was from the Koya Alliance One of the outer circle civilizations in China, the ethnic group's territory is very close to the Zerg.


Although this foreigner's strength is serious in those middle circles, and he is also a badass, but he is mysterious, and he looks like he is about to make a big news, which still arouses everyone's interest. When I went so close to the Zerg, there might be some gossip.



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