I Am the Swarm

Vol 2 Chapter 557: arrive

A few people showed ambition and desire in their eyes, but they were also vigilant about their accomplices around them. The wealth and silk moved people's hearts, and this treasure of the Zerg was no longer just a wealth and silk to describe. It represents power and honor. With it, perhaps everything that was coveted before can become easily available.


But at the same time, another doubt appeared in the hearts of several people. Since the race that left this inheritance is so powerful, what made them go extinct? Or... have they gone to a higher level?


All civilizations have been full of infinite reverie about higher technology and higher dimensions, ever since they stepped out of their home planet. Although until now, each of their races has ruled hundreds of star systems, this reverie has not stopped.


Since the civilization that has been inherited is so powerful, it is very difficult to be completely wiped out. At least at the level of the Ji clan, it has been able to resist most natural disasters.


In order to exterminate the former civilization of the Ji clan, apart from their own death, there is only a war of the same level.


However, if it is a war, then the general race is not in the mood to leave an inheritance. Even if it leaves an inheritance, as an opponent of the same level, there is a high probability that this inheritance will not be allowed to flow into the hands of outsiders.


If you think about it this way, then the only option left is to kill yourself. Could it be that when this race broke through to a higher dimension, it left a memory for their past hometown?


So has this race succeeded or failed? If they succeed, can they in higher dimensions interfere here?


"Don't think about it, those are just things from science fiction films. What is it, you can see what it is when you defeat the Zerg." The conference room fell silent for a long time, and each participant was distracting his thoughts until someone came back to his senses. Come, break this silence.


"In any case, the matter of Stargate should still be taken seriously. If they run away, the loss will be too great."


"I think this matter has to fall to the Ji Clan. We can mention this matter at the elders meeting through our people. When it is not convenient for us to take action, only they can stop the construction of the stargate."


"It's feasible, but we can't completely pin our hopes on the Ji clan. We will also send some reconnaissance ships to try to locate the real Zerg."


"Isn't the royal court of the Zerg in that neighboring galaxy? I think we can send some people to get some information there."


"The Zerg is different from ordinary civilizations. We have never seen ordinary people so far. It is almost impossible to sneak into the Zerg. Without legal identity, I want to stay in the Zerg's territory..." The mysterious man who spoke shook his head. Shaking his head, the meaning is self-evident.


"Isn't the information from the Ji clan last time that the zerg are actually rat people? I think this is very likely. You think about what neighboring galaxy their royal court is in. And each civilization has not yet stepped out of its own way. At the stage of the parent galaxy, one of the other surrounding star systems will be named this way. And the location of the Zerg's royal court is the closest star system to the mouse-man galaxy."


"It makes sense. A group of Rat People have acquired the inheritance. In order to distinguish themselves from their original family, they moved and changed their name in an attempt to cut off the connection with the previous one."


"Haha, but how could this connection be cut off so easily."


"The Rat Man civilization has a complete social form. There are countless Rat Man people, and most importantly, they actually follow the technological route. They are no different from primitive society to us."

"And it's much easier to sneak into a primitive society."


"Then you can try to find a way to sneak into the Zerg, or lock the Zerg's location to prevent them from running away."


"Ha ha……"


Several people spoke one by one to clarify their thoughts.


"But the mouse planet is in the hinterland of the Zerg, and it's not easy to touch it."


"This kind of thing, of course, let the great Ji clan take the lead."


"That's right, maybe this kind of secret confrontation can expose more things to the Ji clan and the Zerg clan."


"That's exactly our purpose, isn't it?"


Conspiracies in the dark are constantly growing and surging, but on the surface, they still maintain a kind of calm. Time is detached from things, and will not pay attention to these chores, and still move forward according to its own laws.


Year after year, until...


In the empty void, a huge 4,500-meter warship suddenly jumped out of the void, with a total of 156 huge main guns pointing forward, and hundreds of secondary guns scattered all over it. The long and narrow hull like a blade, with the sharp protrusions deliberately made on the upper hull, and the scarlet battleship painting, make it look hideous.


As soon as this peculiar warship jumped out of warp space, it showed good military literacy. Hundreds of small spherical detectors were ejected from the hidden silo. At the same time, the lights of the battleship are lit in rows, and the radar is fully on...


"Welcome, esteemed Rashudians, the surrounding area of ​​0.01 light-years has been cleared, so you can safely land." Suddenly a message came in. Through Movi's relationship, the coalition forces already knew the location and exact arrival time of the Rashudian fleet, and cleared an airspace in advance~www.readwn.com~ for the fleet to arrive.


It has been nearly eight years since the Ketuo clan evacuated. Over the years, fleets of various races have been arriving at the front line.


The total number of warships stationed on the front line has increased to more than three billion, and so many warships are stationed 1.5 light-years away from the Zerg No. 1 and No. 9 star systems. Coupled with countless various reconnaissance instruments and patrolling small ships, this vast star field is also very crowded.


Therefore, this place is no longer suitable for the escape point of warp space. There are too many unknown interferences, and it will be very dangerous to forcefully escape. If you encounter flowers and plants, you will be destroyed. And the large-scale fleet escapes collectively, the danger is even greater.


When other race reinforcement fleets arrive for the first time, they will find a safe place and jump out far behind the front line, even behind a few star systems on the front line. But in this case, it would take years to get to the front line with conventional power.


In order to save time and show their speciality, the Rashudians passed through Movi in ​​advance and asked the coalition to cooperate with their escape.


The escape of more than 200 million warships requires a large area, and the Rashudians also ask to save time as much as possible, which requires even more space.


However, there is no way. As a special existence outside the inner circle of civilization, the Rashudia people will not only provide strong support, but also inject a shot of booster into the front lines. So they do qualify for some additional requirements.


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