I Am the Swarm

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Target

"It's kind of interesting, since that's the case, then we should move a little bit and let them understand the reality." Sarah laughed as she watched the referendum that the Ricken tribe had become a child's play.

A harsh siren sounded from the defense line of Wen and Wu Shuangxing, and all the Rickens were ready to fight. The engines of the battleship had warmed up, glowing red and blue, and the land-based cannons and railguns also began to charge.

Under the vigilant gazes of the Rickans, the Primordial Cluster of the Insect Swarm slowly accelerated. But just as they approached the range of the energy cannons of the civil and military lines of defense, the entire group suddenly turned, bypassed the line of defense, and headed behind them.

This terrified the Ricken tribe. The Zerg didn't talk about martial arts, and they said they wanted to fight head-to-head. Why did they suddenly go to the back.

The three major fleets started urgently, but just as they were about to catch up, they took off 20,000 Primordial Classes again from the direction of Izumo. At the same time, more land-based electromagnetic cannons appeared on the more than ten satellites of Izumo, and the instantly increased firepower caused the suppressed Ricken commanders to be in a dilemma.

If we chase after, let’s not talk about whether the number of more than 3,000 warships can pose a threat to the 20,000 Taikoo class. If we say that the defense line of Wen and Wu Shuangxing lacks the firepower of more than 3,000 warships, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand the attack of the remaining Yunxing Zerg troops. Even if you stop it, you will lose a lot.

But if you don't chase, the rear base camp will face a huge threat. Once the home planet is besieged or captured, the troops on the defense line of the civil and military stars are still in an embarrassing situation.

This kind of backtracking tactics is theoretically difficult to achieve, because there will be confrontational civilizations, and basically the level of technology and military strength are not much different. At this time, if one side spreads its forces, it is likely to be divided and devoured by the other side.

The Wen and Wu double star defense system spans tens of millions of kilometers, which seems to be a long distance, but it is not impossible to bypass it in the vast space. However, the Wenwu double star defense line is connected with the defense circle of the parent star of Ricken behind it, and the defense circle of the star system's No. 3 planet Guiyun star, watching and helping each other.

If this tactic was adopted when the swarm just captured Izumo, the separated troops may not have reached the strategic position, and Izumo would be annihilated by the concentrated superior forces of the Ricken clan, and then the battleship would return and cooperate with the mother The star defense system then eats the branch troops.

However, the swarm cannot be speculated according to common sense. The powerful ability of violent soldiers makes the combat power ratio of the confronting two sides seriously imbalanced. Now not only can the Liken mobile troops, which are suppressing the double-star defense line of civil and military, dare not move rashly, but also can separate a large number of troops to fight guerrillas.

"What should I do? Admiral Heaton?" Khamis asked, now this situation is really a dilemma.

Admiral Heaton was the old general who spoke harshly to the congressmen. He was the person with the highest rank in the Civil and Military Defense Line and the highest commander on the bright side. In the past, there were many factions in the army, and each general represented a different faction. Sometimes his words were not very helpful.

But after the Second Colony Conclave, his title became much more obvious, and his tough attitude was supported by more officers. Including the commanders of the three major fleets, they will now take the initiative to consult his opinions.

"If we chase, our line of defense is too dangerous." Admiral Heaton pondered for a while and continued: "Although it is impossible for all the warships to chase, but if there is only one fleet, it should not be a problem. If the opponent attacks the mother If it is a star, the fleet can also play a certain role in harassment and involvement."

"I'll go!" The three commanders looked at each other, Khamis nodded, and took over the task. Now there are only about 1,000 single fleets. Compared with the Zerg's 20,000 Taikoo clusters, even if they are only tracked and monitored from a distance and involved in harassment, the fleet that catches up is equivalent to dancing on the tip of a knife, which is very dangerous.

Seeing that Khamis took the initiative to take over the task, Arter and Novaru secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if they were called to take over this kind of task, they would not refuse, but intelligent creatures always instinctively avoided risks.

Liken's First Fleet, which had left the Civil and Military Shuangxing Line of Defense, could not escape the worm's detection by the insect swarm even though they had made some cover up. However, after the swarm saw that most of the battleships were not moving, they no longer cared.

The Ricken commanders watched the Izumo Zerg nervously, and when they found that they didn't act aggressively, but simply made a deterrent gesture with force, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

They are really worried that the insect swarm will take the opportunity to attack the defense line of the civil and military double stars. The guns and guns on the battlefield are not long. It doesn't feel good.

The Zerg branch group that went away did not directly attack the Ricken home planet after bypassing the Wenwu double star defense line, but kept the channel and continued to move forward.

"Where are they going?" Because this is the home of the Ricken clan, there is no secret about the movement of the swarm branch cluster. Not to mention the large-scale monitoring equipment of several major defense circles, the Rickan First Fleet alone fell behind the cluster. , without taking them out of sight.

"Maybe it's going to attack the other side of the parent star. After all, if they attack directly, they are still within the attack range of our defense line, and we can still provide some support."

A few days later, the swarm troops approached the defense circle of the Ricken home planet. The Ricken army here is already in full formation. The parent planet plus the two major satellites have a large amount of land-based artillery and rail guns, and densely packed smart mines. Except for the lack of a mobile fleet, the defense The rigor even exceeds that of the civil and military double-star defense line.

This is understandable, after all, this is the base camp of the Riken tribe. All the weapons have already entered a state of preparation, and only after the swarm troops enter the strike range, give them a head-on attack.

However, the swarm troop just bypassed here far away~www.readwn.com~ did not turn around to attack, and still kept the speed and continued to move forward.

"Their target is not the home planet!"

"We were deceived again!" Why is it double?

"Their goal is Guiyun Star!" Because the Guiyun Star defense circle is in the rear closest to the star, its defense level is not as tight as the other two defense circles, and there is also a No. 3 colony there, where a large number of Rickons survive. , resulting in a bit of a bogeyman even with support.

"Quickly organize the evacuation of the people there. If we act fast, we should be able to reduce some personnel losses!"

The transport ship of Guiyun Xing fled to the home planet with a large number of Likens. Because of the pursuit of transportation efficiency, the riding experience of the escaped Likens was not good. Not to mention sitting, standing on foot, all the weapons of the spacecraft were unloaded. , so that once they are attacked, they have no power to fight back.

After years of hard work, the career was abandoned, and many Rickons cried bitterly in the cabin. However, compared to their kin who remained on Guiyun Star due to their limited transportation capacity, they were already extremely lucky.

Those of the same clan must wait until the second round, or even the third round, before they can withdraw, but by then the war may have already started.

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