I Am the Swarm

Vol 2 Chapter 325: start up

"The brightness of the stars in the T81 galaxy (the number of the Rickon family, the origin galaxy on the swarm) is dimmed, and the brightness decreases by about % every year. It is suspected that there is a high-level civilization, building a Dyson sphere, and using Hengxing energy?" Ken looked at the information in front of him and exclaimed in shock: "This change has been going on for decades?"

"This progress is much faster than ours!" The Liken people have just built a similar device, and it is still in the experimental stage. The other party's progress is obviously quite mature.

"The T81 galaxy is about five light-years away from the T85 galaxy, which is similar to us."

"It's 9 light-years away from us. Fortunately, there is a T85 galaxy in the middle as a buffer, otherwise we would be very uncomfortable. It seems that their technology level is higher than ours."

"If they want to come to us, they have to pass the Zerg first. Why don't they attack the T85 galaxy, so maybe the Zerg will withdraw. Maybe we should send someone to visit this civilization, maybe we can join hands to deal with the Zerg."

"Have you forgotten what Your Excellency the Speaker said just now? Haven't you thought about it, if the civilization in the T81 galaxy is also a Zerg?" Rickard really couldn't bear it.

Hearing Rickard's words, everyone was horrified.

If the T81 galaxy is also a Zerg, then things are a bit big. This shows that the other party is likely to occupy more than two galaxies, and the strategic resources do not know how much to increase, and the variables in it do not know how much to increase.

The Zerg troops that have arrived in the Rickan galaxy are only from one galaxy in T85. If the Zerg occupy multiple galaxies, it is very likely that other galaxies will also send troops, but because the distance is too far, they are still on the way.

The Riken tribe is currently struggling to contend with a galaxy of Zerg forces. If there are more, then they will simply surrender.

This is not an alarmist, but a real problem before the Riken tribe. According to the calculation of the staff, if there are really Zerg reinforcements from other galaxies, such as the T81 galaxy. According to the highest speed shown by the Zerg so far, it will take them about 50 years to reach the Rickan galaxy from the T81 galaxy.

It has been more than 40 years since the expeditionary army was defeated in the T85 galaxy. That is to say, if the occupation of the T81 galaxy is really a Zerg, then a few years later, the Zerg reinforcements from there will appear in front of the Riken at any time.

This makes the so-called delayed plan a joke. I don't know how long the T81 galaxy has been operated by the Zerg, but from the changes in the brightness of the stars, it can be inferred that it has been a long time. There are far more troops.

Once the Zerg armies of the two galaxies are surrounded, they may not be able to resist for long.

The only thing worth breathing a sigh of relief is that other galaxies in the direction of the T85 galaxy, except for the T81 galaxy, are more than ten light-years away from the Liken galaxy. galaxy.

This shows that the Ricken tribe can resist up to two galaxies of Zerg troops in a short period of time, and I don't know if this is good news.

It should be, compared to a few minutes ago.

"It seems that we have no choice."

Although the Riken people have made up their minds, the Zerg is really too cautious. A large number of adults and larvae have been sent out, and the Primordial Cluster has been wandering millions of kilometers away from Izumo.

"This distance is actually not a safe distance, and I think it can be activated."

"I think we can wait a little longer. At their current location, if they are evacuated in time, the loss will not be too great."

"That's not necessarily. There are too many unexpected factors in this plan, and we don't even know how much it can achieve."

"Has our plan been leaked?"

"How is that possible? After all, it has already begun to penetrate our home court, and it is normal for the opponent to be cautious."

"Then wait, our arrangement should not be so easy to detect."


"Are we being so cautious that it's not in line with the past?" Sarah said looking at the news in front of her.

"It's really a bit, but the current position of our troops is already in the outermost orbit of Izumo, so there's not much of a problem." Morgan thought for a while and said.

"Then send 500 Primordial Classes for fun. If we don't go over, the Ricken will not start it, and it's a waste of time."

"Your Majesty, delaying time also seems to be in line with our strategic plan." Terra, the former captain of the Queen's Guard, said doubtfully.

"That was before, Lord Master has some new ideas now." Sarah patiently explained to Terra, who was very close to her.

Terra nodded to show that she understood that Sarah was worthy of being Her Majesty the Queen, and she could always get some first-hand information from Lord Master.


"They moved!" A Riken observer hurriedly shouted after discovering the changes in the Taikoo-level cluster from the monitoring.

"How many?"

"They are currently in a stealth state, and when they are gathered together, gravitational waves interfere with each other. It can only be initially judged at about 500."

"It's a bit small." Officer Ricken pondered for a while, and then he didn't want to be fooled. He reported this information. It was not up to him at his level to decide what to do.


"500? Do you want to start it?"

"Let's start it, our arrangement is about to be discovered, and it doesn't make sense to drag it down. Besides, it will take a while to start it~www.readwn.com~ Maybe there will be more Zerg troops approaching."

The gaseous planet Izumo is full of high-intensity hurricanes and lightning. There are only two ways to ignite this huge gaseous planet.

One is to increase its weight. When its mass reaches 80-100 times its current mass, the planet's gravitational force, which increases with its mass, will be strong enough to compress the planet's core and undergo hydrogen nuclear fusion. Will become a new star, glowing and hot.

Of course, this method is a bit too fantasy for the current technological level of the Riken tribe.

The second method is much more reliable.

The Izumo star is full of flammable gas hydrogen gas, and the reason why it did not explode into a fireball is just because of the lack of another element involved in the reaction - oxygen.

As long as a large amount of oxygen can be injected into the Izumo star, it can also be ignited.

As the aboriginal of the Ricken galaxy, the Ricken family, who have been operating in Izumo for a long time, detected a large amount of solids in several satellites of Izumo early on. They are deposited in the depths of the moon. It would be a bit nonsense to completely ignite the Exostar if these solid oxygen were filled into the Exostar, but it would be more than enough to cause a big bang.

If the plan goes well, the explosion will cause huge damage to the Zerg troops, enough to neutralize their current offensive.

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