I Am the Swarm

Vol 2 Chapter 286: Set off

Until seven days later, Cross would still recall the scene in the underground room from time to time, and the feeling of teasing the prey made her very obsessed.


After Claire fell into a coma, she was pulled directly into the ground. Twenty kilometers underground in this villa, there was another place called Rickenfinch.


After the laboratory sub-base developed to a certain stage, a flying insect carried the creep seed, and found Clos, and opened a new base under this villa.


If the swarm network had not evolved, Rowan would not be so radical, but now, he has his own confidence.


After Claire was sent to the underground base, the new body of Claire was temporarily controlled by the queen bee's consciousness, and in the villa, Kloss played the trick of sisterhood all day long.


And Clos in the underground base did not use her body outside to go there personally. After all, crossing the 20-kilometer underground passage would inevitably cause some bumps, and after leaving for a long time, there were other servants in the villa. It's not good to find exceptions.


So, Clos who met Claire was just a body that was temporarily produced, and was recycled after it was used up. With the authorization of Rowan, the transformation of the intellectual body in multiple bodies is only a basic operation.


Clos, who was thinking about things, suddenly noticed that the body of the "sister" beside her shook, and sensed that the queen bee's consciousness had left, and a new consciousness had come.


"Welcome back, big sister, how do you feel?" Cross smiled and gave Claire a big hug.


Claire rolled her eyes, but she still didn't reject her sister's hug: "It feels good."


After thinking about it, she added, "If it wasn't for your extra drama, I would feel even better!"


Looking at the information provided by Claire, Rowan fell into deep thought.


Claire is a very important person. She is a talented researcher. She has direct access to the ancient spaceship and has a lot of first-hand information.


After she transformed Cross at the beginning, she knew about her interpersonal relationship, and a plan for her sister Claire had already been made. So, as soon as KFC got a foothold in the swarm, the plan was executed.


And with the cooperation of Cross, there was no accident in this plan.


Rowan also obtained a lot of top-secret information.


The level of technology contained in the ancient spaceship is much higher than that of the Liken family. Without the support of complete basic theories and pre-technologies, the analysis work of the Liken family is not ideal.


For so many years, what the analysis team has been doing is to reverse the basic theory through the finished product.


So far, there have only been a few results.


But it is these few achievements that have also made the technological level of the Riken tribe advance by leaps and bounds.


For example, their warships can be built over a kilometer, which is the credit of the analysis team's material team.


Another example is their sub-light engine.


In fact, it was just made by pushing back the engine of the carrier-based aircraft on the ancient spaceship. As for the engine system of the ancient spaceship itself, according to the Ricken people's guess, it is likely to be a curvature engine that can travel faster than the speed of light, but because the front-end technology is not perfect, they still haven't figured it out.


Rowan has mobilized a group of 200,000 intellectuals, who are responsible for the overall and research of the relevant experimental parameters and data transmitted by Claire.


So far, the number of swarm intelligence has accumulated to millions, and most of them are converted from the spirits of the rat man researchers after the death.

For so many years, although they have a low sense of existence, for the swarm, they have also worked hard.


Since stepping into space, it has been difficult for Rowan to increase the upper limit of the swarm by acquiring biological genes like when ants were fighting for hegemony.


Although the genes contained in space creatures can improve the quality of the insect swarm, so far, the space creatures encountered by the insect swarm are only one and a half.


One is the atmospheric creatures found on the satellite satellites of the gaseous planets of the origin galaxy, which opened up the bio-electromagnetic technology for the swarm. The other half is Godzilla, which cannot enter space, but the controllable fusion technology it contains still greatly improves the strength of the swarm.


Moreover, Godzilla still has black technology that has not been fully utilized so far.


However, such creatures are too few to be encountered. If the swarm only expects to find such creatures to improve their combat power and civilization level, the development will be too slow.


If the swarm wants to develop rapidly, it must have its own scientific research team and technology system. And this is exactly what the intellects have been doing for many years.


Up to now, most of the technologies currently contained in the swarm units are actually the research results of intellectuals.


For example, upgraded electromagnetic technology, fusion technology, optical technology, plasma engines, electromagnetic guns, etc. developed from this, as well as observation, radar, communication, computing and other technologies developed from scratch.


Moreover, these intellectuals do not need to worry about personal issues such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, health, etc., nor do they need to be intrigued, nor do they need to consider honor and other related issues, and everyone cooperates sincerely. Millions of intelligence may be more useful than the tens of millions of scientific researchers in many civilizations.


And the knowledge they have is the most valuable wealth of the insect swarm today, and it is also the confidence of the swarm to fight the stars and the sea in the future.


Time passed slowly for half a year.


Around Clos, there are many advanced Euglena at a distance of several kilometers, even tens of kilometers, paying close attention to everything through pure optical mode.


I didn't find the slightest ~www.readwn.com~ nor the slightest abnormality.


It seems that Rowan's guess is correct. Even if there is a power of spectators, they will not watch everything in detail. All they can focus on is the development trend of the entire civilization.


In view of this, the next step of the swarm can also be launched.


"Sarah, let's see your performance."


"I will live up to my expectations and dominate the adults."


Since the Liken expedition fleet escaped from the neighboring galaxy, the swarm has not been covering up any more, and has revealed itself generously. In the stellar orbit of the adjacent galaxy, a large number of space octopuses are waiting here. The radiation energy here is very rich, which can increase their growth rate extremely quickly.


In addition, two huge electromagnetic giant structures are also slowly taking shape.


The first electromagnetic giant structure of the Insect Swarm took decades to grow after stumbling and stumbling. After that, the swarm has built many large and small mega-structure units, and has a wealth of manufacturing experience.


With the support of new technologies and new algorithms, the new two electromagnetic giant structures have grown to be behemoths of more than 2,000 kilometers in less than ten years.


Next, the two megastructures began to intensively launch archaic-class space octopuses towards the Ricken system. With the ejection speed and the output of their own engines, these space octopuses lined up in two straight lines and approached the Riken galaxy at a speed of more than one-sixth the speed of light.


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