I Am the Swarm

Vol 2 Chapter 278: remind

A new round of Taikoo-class space octopuses that arrived on the battlefield had new changes in their configuration, with a total of 200 loaded with electromagnetic guns. Together with the more than thirty Primordial Classes that survived the last round, they were responsible for long-range fire suppression.

In an instant, the long-range firepower on the swarm's side became much more ferocious. As for the Riken Clan, their long-range firepower was much weaker than at the beginning, including the ones that were destroyed by the shelling just now and those that were blown up by the plugging holes.

Moreover, the location of the Taikoo-class fort, only the main guns of the Riken battleships can pose a threat to this location. Under this situation, the long-range firepower of the two sides has gradually leveled off.

But this is only a case of mid lane sniping.

Although the firepower of the second secondary artillery firepower network of the Riken tribe has also weakened a lot, it is still maintained. But their third and fourth lines of defense have been riddled with holes by the close-up adults and juveniles, and are almost useless.

And although the secondary artillery firepower network looks impressive on the scene, in fact, their firepower is no longer a lethal threat to the Taikoo class.

In terms of data, one shot of the main gun can penetrate ancient armor, and three or four shots can make them lie dead in space. However, if the secondary artillery is to hit the same position five or six shots, it can barely penetrate the armor. If you want to make them incapacitate, you need more.

But the Taikoo class is not a target that doesn't move. It is very difficult to repeatedly hit them in the same position for so many rounds.

But now the main gun must be used to suppress long-range Primordial attacks, and only sporadic main guns help defend against these penetrating transport-type Primordial Classes.

In the end, more than 300 transport-type Taikoo class broke through the secondary artillery firepower network with only a dozen damaged.

The situation is already very critical.

Not only for the Riken tribe, but also for the insect swarm.

Rowan didn't expect that the battleships of the Riken tribe looked very mighty, and they didn't expect to be so useless. Only then did the second round of troop deployment break through their defenses.

They hardly have a good response to the close-up space octopus.

Although many of the larvae that penetrated the defense in the second round have been destroyed by the close-in defense artillery, there are still thousands of juveniles moving around the Riken fleet, and the close-in defense artillery is also severely damaged.

After 17 larvae enter the battleship, they can blow up the entire battleship from the inside. So much so that now the Riken people dare not even receive their escape pods.

But even so, the situation of the Riken clan continued to deteriorate. Many battleships were concentrated by the long-range Taikoo-class electromagnetic guns, and the hulls were damaged. Many larvae have already drilled through these gaps, and some warships have begun to fly out of the escape pods.

Don't look at the more than 300 main battleships of the Riken clan at this time, only two of them have been completely destroyed at present. However, there are hundreds of warships damaged to varying degrees, and more than 300 transport-type Taikoo-class have broken through the second line of defense.

You must know that they carry at least thousands of adults and tens of thousands of larvae...

And the Liken battleship itself is only over a thousand meters long, while the Taikoo-class is more than 500 meters. This size gap, even if the transport-type Taikoo-class is not equipped with electromagnetic guns, but only by the arms and legs, it can also cause great damage to the warship. .

Once they are brought close, the remaining 300 warships will be resolved, which is a matter of time, without even the support of the fourth and fifth waves.

But the Insect Swarm has launched 15 waves of Taikoo-level formations, and they are all on their way to the battlefield. Even if the Insect Swarm stops sending troops to the battlefield now, with what has been delivered, it is more than enough to completely solve the Liken fleet.

But Rowan's real purpose isn't to completely wipe out the Liken fleet...

It's a pity that he was still facing the enemy at the beginning, and he went all out as soon as the battle started. If it weren't for the limited number of electromagnetic catapults, maybe more troops would have arrived on the battlefield now.

Who knows that he hasn't tried his best, the Riken fleet is almost down.

He began to pray, if the Riken clan still has any big moves, let them go quickly, don't hold back, and if you hold back any longer, everyone will not look good.

Maybe they heard Rowan's prayer, or maybe the Riken people realized the seriousness of the transport-type Primordial Class approach, and they really released their ultimate move.

Under General Masai's order, hundreds of strategic nuclear bombs were fired from the battleship formation. These were not individual tactical nuclear bombs, but super nuclear weapons with a yield of more than 200 million tons each.

The nuclear bomb exploded when it was close to the Taikoo-class formation. Originally, these Taikoo-classes had a chance to escape the frontal impact, but how could Rowan give up such a chance to push the boat and pretend that the Taikoo-class dodging was half a beat slower.

In fact, this point has nothing to do with the battle situation. The power of the nuclear explosion is beyond imagination. Even if the Primordial Grade dodges ahead of time, the result is estimated to not change much.

The fiery light illuminated the starry sky, and it couldn't dissipate for a long time, as if there were hundreds of extra suns. Some of the swarm's optical observation units, organs were severely damaged.

The Taikoo-level formation that faced the nuclear explosion was directly vaporized.

A radiation belt of thousands of kilometers has been pulled up in space, separating the Riken battleship and the follow-up troops of the swarm.

In this big explosion, the fleet of the Riken tribe was also affected. They were blown away from their original orbit by the shock wave, the engine was started, and it was difficult to stabilize the hull. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

And those escape pods that were still floating out had a much more miserable end. They were accelerated by the shock wave to a very exaggerated speed, easily exceeding the escape speed of the gravitational force of the Great Kai Xing. In the blink of an eye, they disappear into the distant starry sky. If they don't catch up with them in time, the supplies in the escape cabin will be exhausted very quickly. After the death of the Riken people inside, they will drift in the icy cabin for thousands of years.

But no one has time to take care of them now.

The violent explosion also affected Daqixing. The violent storm slammed into the atmosphere. Under the chain reaction, the heaven and earth fission in Daqixing, tsunamis swept through, earthquakes roared, and volcanoes erupted.

When these natural disasters subside, I don't know how many creatures there will be left.

The Riken people were originally confident in defeating the hidden forces on T855. After all, they had been helped by external forces and developed far faster than normal stellar civilizations.

But I didn't expect the enemy to be so powerful. The first wave of attacks stunned them, and the second round of attacks had already stepped on their arrogance and confidence.

So, at that time someone proposed to retreat. While the commanders were still discussing, the detection instrument found the wave number of the swarm's follow-up troops.

This is the flaw that Rowan made the swarm deliberately reveal. The troops that had been dispatched suddenly stopped. If there were spectators, they would definitely be surprised.

So he chose to remind his opponent, which means that he hasn't started to work hard here. If you know each other, run away.

The Riken people felt that God was looking after them, and they unexpectedly discovered the size of the other party's troops, which frightened them, but fortunately they found out in advance, otherwise it would be too late to escape.

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