I Am the Swarm

Chapter 107: flying insects

After staring for two days to ensure that the bugs are very familiar with their respective businesses. Rowan finally got rid of the task of hunting for food and feeding the larvae.

Now, by occupying the ready-made plantations and killing the big-headed ants, the daily needs of the swarm base have been met. Rowan now just needs to feed himself.

The long-faced beasts have been eaten, and the super giants of the big-headed ants have been exhausted after so many days of constant hunting and killing.

As for the other units of the big-headed ant, they are too small to eat, so let's leave it to the swarm to eat and digest slowly.

And Rowan, he has decided to go a little further around and explore. Maybe one more long-faced beast could be hunted, which would satisfy the food needs for many days.

In the first few days, Rowan didn't dare to leave the base too far. I was worried that the bugs would miss out and be hit by the big-headed ants to the base, so I often used the bug swarm network to check.

But things went unexpectedly smoothly. About 10,000 adult worms emerge from the swarm every day, and there are more and more undercover agents in the big-headed ant nest.

Even the planting rooms on several floors near the connecting passage have been occupied by insect swarms, the safety of the passage has been greatly improved, and the risk of exposure has been basically eliminated.

Rowan, who was relieved a lot, continued to expand the scope of the investigation in the following days, and even did not return home at night. Although he has never encountered such a large prey as the long-faced beast, with his increasingly skilled hunting skills and the large number of small creatures in the jungle, it is not a problem to fill his stomach.

Two or three kilometers away from the northwest of the base, there is a mountain col, where there is a special green leafy vegetation, the average height is more than 30 meters, the branches are thick, there are some ping-pong **** on it, and there are many fruits wrapped in red skin. .

There are some peculiar little beasts on the tree, ranging from twenty to thirty centimeters in length, with round heads and big eyes, covered with hair, short limbs, sharp claws, and a tail with slender short hair.

Small beasts feed on red-skinned fruits, move flexibly, and can flexibly shift positions under the tree canopy through branches extending in all directions, and basically never reach the ground.

Since small birds in the same ecological niche are basically unable to threaten them, there are not many natural enemies here, resulting in a large number of them, and their vigilance is relatively poor.

Although these little beasts are not big, they are chubby, with a lot of meat and good taste.

Therefore, when Rowan first explored the vicinity, it didn't take long for him to suffer.

After digesting it for a long time, Rowan didn't dare to stay here any longer, so he focused on marking this area before leaving. It's fine in the future, you can come to visit more.

In addition, Rowan also discovered some other creatures, one of which was a bug that made him more concerned.

This is a kind of flying insect that looks a bit like an ant, but has a body length of about six or seven centimeters. Tawny, with black circular markings on the body, a pair of membrane transparent wings tucked behind, and the tail with black sharp slender stingers.

The head is flat and round, and the visor is very cool, with a unique mechanical beauty.

However, they only have a head covering and a small carapace, which protects the muscle structure at the base of the wings. Other than that, the rest of the place is armorless.

This is also understandable, after all, they are professional air combat units, which is definitely different from Rowan's fake-style body structure.

Although they lack the protection of exoskeletons, their flight speed has also been greatly improved, and when they are dispatched, they swarm in groups of more than thousands. When a large number of yellow flying insects vibrated their wings at the same time, they would make a loud buzzing sound, somewhat like the sound of an old fighter jet flying.

When Rowan first encountered this kind of flying insect, Rowan was still fighting his teeth in the red-skinned fruit forest. He was still a little puzzled when he heard this voice all the way, but those little beasts should be very familiar with this voice, and they all hid in the tree holes.

The woods that were quite lively just now can only hear the humming sound in an instant.

Seeing this situation, Rowan naturally won't look for trouble. He couldn't even care about eating, he was busy hiding among the tree canopies, and secretly observed.

Next, he saw that those flying insects flew under him like a large number of fighter planes, and no creature dared to stop him.

Judging from their arrogant posture, either they have no brains, or they have extraordinary talents and arrogance. Rowan guessed that it should be the latter, at least this deafening movement is quite bluffing.

But their flight system made Rowan very envious. But because Rowan didn't know the situation in advance, he hid a little far, and the "fleet" flew quite fast.

When Rowan went to prepare to intercept a few, it was too late, he could only watch them fly away and disappear into the jungle.

However, Rowan is not too sorry. The wings of these flying insects are not suitable for long-distance flights. Their nests should be nearby. If you continue to explore, you will always encounter them again.

Next, Rowan encountered a group of small green dinosaurs in the jungle in the other direction~www.readwn.com~. In this regard, Rowan is not surprised, after all, he has obtained the "Pterosaur Food Experience Card" before.

These little dinosaurs are somewhat like the velociraptors in the movie, there are more than ten of them. They have a fairly long head with some sharp teeth lined up in the mouth, not very neat, and may have oral problems. The big eyes on both sides of the head are moist and energetic, and they look very smart.

They have short forelimbs and thick hindlimbs, each with three curved claws that are sharp and sharp. They walk on two legs, have a long tail, are active and run fast.

Unlike velociraptors, they have some colorful feathers on their forelimbs from the elbow to the armpit. These feathers don't allow them to gain flight, but they can help them turn when they run at high speed.

Whenever this happens, they look a little more like chickens.

They are only less than half a meter tall and one meter five in length. Their skin is green with white patterns, and the surface is somewhat rough, without armor, and they don't seem to have strong defense.

When Rowan encountered them, these little dinosaurs were chasing their prey, and the movements and sounds they made when they ran caught Rowan's attention.

They sounded a bit like ducks, and they didn't know how to keep a low profile at all, and their voices were loud. Looking at their appearance, they don't look like the powerhouses at the top of the food chain. At least they are not as shocking when thousands of "airplanes" fly by at low altitudes.

Due to the complex terrain between the jungles, although these land units run like the wind, they will waste a lot of time when avoiding various obstacles.

Therefore, although they are fast, they cannot make Rowan unmatched like those flying insects.

Rowan glided between the tree trunks and quickly caught up with them.


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