At the headquarters of the navy, the admirals who walked in one by one looked at the solemn-faced Warring States, and quickly sat in their places, not even daring to say a word.

A moment later, the Warring States scanned the surroundings and said with a serious expression: “A major event happened to come to you today, the Lieutenant General of the Burning Mountain was seriously injured and is now cultivating in the East China Sea. ”

“Sengoku, didn’t Burning Mountain go to find that kid? Could that kid be powerful? And he was injured in the North Sea, why did he run to the East China Sea to recuperate? Karp put down the donut in his hand and asked curiously.

He still has a good impression of Burning Mountain, and the two are colleagues, he is still very concerned about his colleagues, of course, he is also very curious about Han Lin.

“It’s not.” Sengoku shook his head and said, “Burning Mountain did not meet that newcomer pirate, on the contrary, he met the people of the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court. ”

“The Thirteenth Guardian Team? Marshal of the Warring States, who will the Burning Mountain meet? Is Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku? ”

Akainu asked anxiously, and the faces of the other navies around him also became serious, looking solemnly at the Sengoku.

“No, it’s a new captain, I heard that it seems to be the captain of the twelfth team in the thirteenth team of Gotei, called Kisuke Urahara.”

“Warring States, what is his specific strength, is it very strong or just a little stronger than Burning Mountain.” Tsuru frowned and asked after thinking for a moment.

She now very much wanted to know what Urahara Kisuke’s strength was, so that she could roughly judge the strength of the Gotei Thirteen Team and compare their strength with the Navy.

Sengoku was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then slowly spoke under everyone’s anxious gaze: “Burning Mountain, together with Doflamingo and Vince Mock Gaji, was easily defeated. Later, Kisuke Urahara fought against Hawkeye and easily defeated Hawkeye, initially estimating the strength of at least the top four emperors. ”

After hearing this, everyone’s hearts sank, they originally thought that the thirteen teams, Urahara Kisuke, the back captain, how the strength is only a little stronger than the Burning Mountain, but they thought of another strong explosive.

There was silence in the office, and after a moment, the usually calm Tsuru opened his mouth to break the silence: “So did Burning Mountain mention the purpose of Kisuke Urahara to do it to them?” ”

“Yes.” Sengoku nodded and said, “It seems that he asked the leader of the thirteen teams of the Guardian Court, the Spirit King, who is going to visit the North Sea, they are responsible for expelling some particularly strong people, and the Burning Mountain is also within the scope of their expulsion.” ”

“Bastards, what do they mean, do they want to occupy the entire North Sea? Want to challenge the entire world government? The fiery red dog was the first to stand up and cursed.

Not only them, but even the other lieutenant generals couldn’t help but frown, obviously unable to stand Han Lin’s approach.

“No, listening to the fire mountain means that they don’t want the strong ones in the North Sea to enter for the time being, as for the weak ones, they don’t care, that is, it doesn’t matter if our navy sends some low-level officers or even generals, and it’s only for a year, and it doesn’t matter if they enter in the future.”

“Sengoku, what’s going on here, why would they do it?” Tsuru asked curiously.

She really couldn’t imagine what Han Lin meant by doing this, if Han Lin wanted to occupy the entire North Sea, with their strength, they didn’t need to do it at all.

“It is said that it is to protect the safety of the Spirit King, so the expulsion of the strong, which was discussed by the five old stars before, may be that the Spirit King is similar to most Draco, they are all symbols of status, and the strength is not very strong.”

“So it is.”

Everyone nodded after hearing this, this idea was still acceptable to them, otherwise they would not be able to understand Han Lin’s purpose at all.

“Then Sengoku, what are you going to do now? Send troops to the North Sea? Karp picked up a donut and asked as he ate.

“Nope.” Warring States shook his head and said: “The five old stars have said, the bounty will be issued, and the rest will be closely monitored by various bases in the North Sea, if the other party is just playing, the damage caused is within a controllable range, and everything does not need to be cared for.” ”

“Got it, Marshal of the Warring States.”

Everyone nodded, their faces were very ugly, although it was humiliating to do so, but they couldn’t help it.

The strength of the other party is too strong, and they don’t want to be enemies with Kisuke Urahara and others at all. Of course, if they just play, they are naturally very happy, even if their approach is a bit overbearing.


The next day, news birds traveled around the world carrying the latest news, and each newspaper carried a special bounty slip with a few lines written on it.

Kisuke Urahara, the captain of Team 12 of Team Twelve, defeated Lieutenant General Burning Mountain, Tenyasha Doflamingo, Vince Mock Kaji, and the world’s number one sword hero Hawkeye Mihawk, with a bounty of one billion Bailey.

Second, this is the second time in all these years that a new person has offered a reward of one billion Bailey, and each one has done a sensational thing.

The most important thing is that they come from the same place, the same force, and the same strong perverts.

A few days later, on an island in the New World that has been snowing for many years, the red hair with only one arm looked at Hawkeye, whose face was still a little pale, and opened his mouth and ridiculed: “Hawkeye, I heard that you were defeated by someone in the North Sea, why don’t you continue to challenge him.” ”

“I once promised him that as long as he defeated me with swordsmanship, I would not look for him for a year, and he did use swordsmanship to defeat me in the end.” Hawkeye said indifferently, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

“Then I wonder what the strength of that Urahara Kisuke is? It can actually beat you. ”

“Very strong, the strongest person I have ever met, with the power to destroy the world.” Hawkeye recalled Han Lin’s strong strength and said with a solemn face.

“Is it? To be able to get such praise from you, his strength is really strong. ”

The redhead’s face also became heavy, and he felt that these people would one day subvert the entire sea, and even make the entire era completely violent.

However, after a moment of silence, the redhead suddenly laughed heartily: “Okay, Hawkeye don’t be so heavy, let’s have a banquet.” ”

“That’s right, Captain, have a banquet.”

Cake Island, Beast Island, Moby Dick and countless other people were shocked, and the vast majority of people were very wary of this emerging force, afraid that they would attack their sphere of influence.

PS New book for tips! Collect it! Ask for flowers! Ask for a ten evaluation!

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