I am the only normal person in the whole world

Chapter 842 Bodyguard and Large Power Bank

There was silence.

Xia Yanzhen's words did not make everyone applaud, and the other four looked at him with strange eyes.


Even in a sin city like Gotham, it sounds like what the villain is saying.

What are you going to do?

Wonder Woman asked after a moment.

Xia Yanzhen wiped his neck.

...You want to kill someone? The Flash and Superman were surprised.

They know Batman's principle of not killing (to humans), and this is his bottom line.

There was no expression on Cyborg's cyborg face, except for the slight flash of red light in his eyes.

Wonder Woman showed a playful expression: Actually, you should have done this a long time ago. If those crazy people live in the world, they will only hurt more people.

She also has some knowledge of Gotham City's famous criminals.

After understanding it, she came to the conclusion that if she were Batman, she would definitely kill all those people.

The wild Amazon female warrior is not particular about not killing people. She was a woman who killed indiscriminately on the battlefield.

Yes, I think so too. Xia Yanzhen nodded, I have realized it.

Enlightenment in the Batcave!

You came to us, you don't want us... Flash said uneasily.

He is good at rescuing people, and he can also beat them, but he has never killed anyone.

Superman also frowned slightly. He is a kind man and powerful. He does not kill people - except for battle damage.

of course not.

Xia Yanzhen shook his head, Actually, I did some research and found that Gotham City is not simple. In addition to the criminals on the surface, I'm afraid there are also very terrifying forces secretly there.

What? Wonder Woman became interested.

I don't know, I'm not completely sure yet, but I am certain that this force maintains the status quo of Gotham. If someone wants to break it, there will be great danger. Xia Yanzhen said, So I need you s help.

Xia Yan really thought that the Dream God would most likely be a clown, but he had no intention of killing just the clown.

He wants to wipe out all the criminals in Gotham.

No one is spared.

This is the safest way. No matter who the dream god is, he will die!

As a result, the noise caused can be huge and will attract more hostile forces to intervene.

The hostile force may be the Court of Owls - a hidden force secretly composed of various old families in Gotham.

It could also be Barbatos. This thing is at a very high level, directly rising to the level of the multiverse. It is the product of the editors' mouth-talking mechanical deity.

Everything that doesn't make sense about Batman and Gotham can be blamed on Barbatos.

The Court of Owls can also be regarded as a product of Barbatos.

The Wayne family was influenced and even controlled by the Court of Owls and Barbatos.

If you encounter this thing, you will have great fun.

For Xia Yanzhen, whether there is Barbatos or not, it does not prevent him from finding foreign aid.

It is too dangerous to do it alone.

After all, he is a real mortal. Even if he puts on a bat suit, he will still be killed if someone shoots him in the chin.

There really is no steel alloy chin.

There is strong foreign aid, why not use it?

How do you want us to help you? Cyborg asked.

Batman has asked for help, and he will help even with this.

First of all, help me build a safer suit... Xia Yanzhen said.

Xia Yan really felt that the existing battle clothes were not strong enough.

No matter what, we have to make an Iron Man-level suit.

Making a suit is a simple matter, especially with the help of Cyborg and Superman.

Batman himself has all kinds of more powerful raw materials.

It's just that Batman wants to maintain his condition, so he rarely uses those and only wears regular suits in most cases.

Xia Yanzhen has no such concerns.

Use whatever is good and just pile it up.

In one night, a brand new super suit was released.

A full-armor suit with functions such as flight, high defense, high-speed movement, energy absorption, reflection, and internal breathing circulation.

The shape still has the basic look of the Bat suit, but without the cape, it is changed to a jet flight similar to Iron Man.

At the same time, there are micro-jet devices everywhere, which can make the wearer's movements extremely fast.

After Xia Yanzhen put on this suit, he had sex with Superman twice.

Well, as expected, I can't beat him.

But it can be used with two hands, and it can also absorb Superman's heat vision and store it as energy or fight back.

Another huge advantage of the suit is that it is easy to carry. Although it is not visible at all like Iron Man's nano armor, it can also be shrunk into a black thermal vest.

Xia Yanzhen wears the innermost one and can be fully armed in half a second when necessary.

It's so rare that you are willing to let me build an intelligent assistance system for you.

Cyborg looked at Xia Yanzhen and said.

More than that. Xia Yanzhen said, Afu has some things to be busy with. Next, I hope you will be our scheduler and take charge of the overall situation in the Batcave.


Cyborg agreed.

It seems that Bruce Wayne is really ready to clean up the city.

Break all the previous rules.

In the past, he regarded Gotham as his own backyard and would not let others get involved.

This is a reliable and good teammate, but also a paranoid person who is not easy to get along with.

Now, it looks much sunny and cheerful.

Is the knot in your heart opened?

Or was it replaced?

Cyborg should have been suspicious, but he secretly scanned his body last night.

Make sure the other person is who he or she is, and not someone pretending to be someone else.

On a physical level, the absolute Batman.

Barry, there is something here that I need your help installing. Xia Yanzhen gave the Flash a box, which contained a bunch of devices about the same size as a USB flash drive.

Where to install it?

There are many places in Gotham that are not connected to the Internet. They are internal networks and require physical intrusion. You install these small devices. Let Cyborg direct your actions. Xia Yanzhen said.

Cyborg nodded, he had taken over Batman's computer and satellite.

A lot of information about Gotham City was unfolded in front of him one by one.

Maps of many secret places have also been recorded, which can guide the Flash from the air.

It is unrealistic to expect the Flash to memorize those ancient and complex maps and put them into practice in a short time.

Barry is not Bruce or Clark.

Don't have the brains.

The Flash put on the watch and box that Cyborg gave him and set off.

Well, what should we eat for lunch? Superman asked, having nothing to do.

I forgot. Xia Yanzhen patted his head, Afu isn't here, we'll go out and solve it at noon.

I won't go. Cyborg said.

The three of them got into Bruce's luxury car and drove out of the seemingly desolate manor.

When they came back, the Flash had gotten things done and was back.

While devouring the food Xia Yanzhen and the others brought back, he said vaguely: Something big, something big is going to happen...

You eat first. Xia Yanzhen signaled to Flash that he could eat slowly and not in a hurry.

If there is any big thing, Cyborg can explain it.

The criminals in Blackgate Prison are planning a riot and escape, and they are expected to take action tonight. Cyborg said concisely.

Gotham City, a city full of outstanding people, has two major talent markets.

One is Blackgate Prison and the other is Arkham Asylum.

The former houses normal criminals, such as the Riddler, Penguin, and Carmine Falcone.

The latter houses abnormal criminals, whether mentally or physically abnormal, who will be sent to Arkham Asylum.

There are too many examples. Starting from the most famous Joker, a long list can be listed. It can be said that most of Batman's enemies fall into this type.

In fact, according to Xia Yanzhen's opinion, the Riddler should also be imprisoned in Arkham.

Narcissism to a certain extent is also a disease.

What's more, that guy likes to place random riddles all over Gotham City. Can you bear this?

The program is reserved. Xia Yanzhen said, without any surprise or surprise.

The Blackgate riots, prison breakout, and the fall of Arkham Asylum are all beautiful sights of Gotham that you must try.

After escaping from prison, they also planned to kill the newly appointed mayor, Quincy. Cyborg said.

Quincy, the new mayor of Gotham, his first priority after taking office is to pull out some slum areas in Gotham to create the largest talent market.

Blackgate Prison merged with Arkham Asylum, throwing all criminals, mentally ill or not, into it.

Give them a warm home where criminals can learn from each other.

Of course the criminals are not happy. Our original scope of activities was the entire Gotham. How dare you restrict us?

Quincy has a way to die.

It's actually a prison break. What should I do? Superman asked.

Let's do it when they do it at night. Xia Yanzhen said, Barry is responsible for rescuing people and controlling the situation, Diana (Wonder Woman) will deal with the criminals, and Cyborg will take command from the center.

He made simple arrangements.

Then what do I do? Superman asked, pointing at himself.

You are responsible for protecting me.



There was silence.

What's wrong? I'm the only one whose superpower is money. Do I need your protection? Xia Yanzhen said confidently.

The biggest role of Superman coming here is to protect him and act as his bodyguard.

It's not impossible, but... Superman felt that Bruce in front of him had changed too much, and he couldn't get used to it.

Are you really Bruce?

Wonder Woman asked.

Yes, of course I am Bruce Wayne. Xia Yanzhen said.

To be honest, his identity in this world is Bruce Wayne.

Nothing wrong.

Wonder Woman made an expression and took back the mantra lasso she had secretly put on Xia Yanzhen.

There's nothing wrong with him, but he probably went crazy after years of dealing with the madmen in Gotham.

Fortunately, it's crazy in a good way.

Not joining the talent pool of Gotham's talent market.


The Batfighter flew out of the Batcave and headed towards Blackgate Prison.

Xia Yanzhen was sitting in the driver's seat: Cyborg, tell us the news about the clown as soon as possible.


The Joker is currently not in Arkham Asylum. He is in a free state and has no idea where he is or what he is doing. He needs to be careful.

The whereabouts of other famous criminals are basically known.

Only a few slipped through the net.

Blackgate Prison.

On an ordinary day, a riot suddenly broke out in the main control room. Several prison guards betrayed, occupied the main control room, and opened the prison door.

At the same time, explosions were heard from some parts of the prison, and some escaped prisoners were blown directly through the walls.

The entire prison suddenly fell into great chaos.

The chaos had just begun when a red and yellow lightning appeared and shuttled through the Black Gate Prison.

A large number of criminals still couldn't figure out what was going on, and people suddenly took off.

When they landed and came to their senses, they found that they had been handcuffed to prison railings and other buildings, and the freedom they had just gained for less than a few seconds was lost again.


A shirtless man with no shoes and short scars covering his body was screaming.

Zas is a serial killer who leaves a scar on his body every time he kills someone.

He was dislocating his fingers, trying to escape the restraints of the handcuffs.

As soon as he finished one hand, before Zas could let himself be completely free, his eyes were spinning.

Before dying, Zas saw a familiar body, his own, full of medal scars.

So handsome.

Before he died, Zas thought.

After cutting off Zath's head with a sword, Wonder Woman continued to look for those damn scum in Blackgate Prison.

Even though she is a wild Amazon female warrior, Wonder Woman will not kill all the criminals in Blackgate Prison.

They should make choices based on the crimes they committed. People like Zas will definitely die.


Batman! Are you crazy!

In another place, a middle-aged man approaching old age had a sharp voice, like a frightened little girl.

This man is called Carmine Falcone, nicknamed Roman, and the boss of Gotham's old gang.

Various versions of Batman will first use him and his little brother to gain experience when they debut.

Now, the Romans' younger brothers were lying on the ground.

Standing in front of him was the dark version of Batman, Xia Yanzhen.

Xia Yanzhen ignored the frightened Roman, picked up the gun on the ground, and shot him.

Later, he used the heat vision from Superman to directly burn the Roman corpses to ashes.

Superman is not only a bodyguard, but also a large power bank, ensuring the smooth operation of this suit of armor.

Now, this power bank is not next to Xia Yanzhen.

Instead, he was near the ship with the Flash, who had already finished his work.

The scene in the prison was too cruel, and the kind hearts of the two might break out. To avoid this, it was better to let them stay elsewhere.

By the time we get to Arkham, it's hard to feel sympathy for those crazy people.

Goodbye, Cobot, I hope you will be more handsome in your next life. Xia Yanzhen found Penguin and ended his life with words without mercy.

After that, it is customary to use heat vision to completely destroy the corpse and ensure that it will not be resurrected.

problem occurs.

At this time, Cyborg's words came from the headphones.

whats the matter?

City Hall, there's a lot of yellow gas over there. Cyborg said.

Scarecrow's fear gas?

Xia Yanzhen asked, Scarecrow, like the clown, is a missing person.

Collecting, give me a minute. Cyborg said.

One minute later.

Yes, the gas analysis composition is the same as the fear gas in your database, and it is more toxic. Cyborg said, It is enough to kill people.

I'll go there. Superman said immediately.

There are still many people in the city hall at this time.

No, don't go. Wonder Woman, go and put on your gas mask. If you find Scarecrow, kill him directly.

Just in time, I'm done here.

Wonder Woman directly smashed the ceiling of the prison, flew into the sky, went to the Batfighter to get the gas mask, and rushed to the city hall.

Why don't you let me go? Superman was a little confused.

I'm afraid that you will be poisoned and turn from a strong foreign aid into an enemy. The strongest fortress is often broken from within. Xia Yanzhen said.


Normally, Superman is definitely not afraid of Scarecrow's poisonous gas.

But God knows what might happen.

If it was Diana who was in trouble, at least Superman could hold her down.

If it were Superman going berserk, that would be a waste.

Xia Yanzhen could only solve the problem by spitting kryptonite in his face.

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