The people of Senluo Group are really in a biological crisis. Tao E said.

Needless to say, it has been decided that your Senluo Group is the BOSS of this mission.

What should I do? Xia Yanzhen asked.

Got a gun too?

Yes, it seems there are more than just guns. I don't know if I'm mistaken. There are cannons over there at the sentry tower. No, it seems to be machine guns or something. Xia Yanzhen said.

He didn't know much about firearms, he just recognized that this was a pistol and this was a rifle.

Just rush in - that's definitely not possible. Tao E said.

The soul scream can kill those people, and the gun in their hand can also kill Tao E.

Are there any other roads around? Tao E asked.

The world in Xia Yanzhen's eyes is different from his. Now that he is being beaten by ghosts, he can only let Xiao Xia be his eyes.

Did you drive? Xia Yanzhen said.

Is there a way over the mountain?

I haven't seen it clearly, so it's probably not there, but it's not impossible to go up the mountain. Xia Yanzhen said.

The area near the tunnel is not the lower end of a cliff, but a low mountain that looks climbable.

You can also see the peak of the surrounding mountains and forests at a glance, so climbing over the mountain may not be an option.

Then go over the mountain! Tao E said immediately.

After passing through the tunnel, it shouldn't be too long before the mission of leaving Kuangman Town is completed.

Okay. Xia Yan really didn't have any objections.

The two got out of the car, and Xia Yanzhen didn't forget to put on the fire ax to make it easier to clear the road.

I just got out of the car and before I could leave, two black cars roared towards me.

Run! Before Sen Luo's armed soldiers could get out of the car, Tao E shouted, climbed over the railing, and ran to both sides of the road.

A little further out there are mountains on both sides of the road.

However, Senluo's armed soldiers did not get out of the car at all. The muzzles of their guns stuck out directly from the window, and gunshots rang out.

Having just started, gravel flew in front of Tao E before he had time to eject.

The bullet hit the ground, causing him to stop abruptly.

Do not move.

A cold, dull voice came from inside the car.

Senluo's armed soldiers got out of the car, holding guns, and slowly approached.

Tao E turned around and shook his head slightly towards Xia Yanzhen, who was actually a little eager to try.

Be careful, he doesn't want to fight bullets with his flesh and blood.

Xia Yanzhen looked down at the fire ax in his hand, threw it to the ground, and raised his hands in a very cooperative manner.

The armed soldiers approached, and the barrels of their guns were almost in their faces.

Fortunately, the two of them did not resist and were not pressed to the ground by a few strong men.

Plastic handcuffs were put on the two people, and Xia Yanzhen and Tao E were taken to the car.

There are two benches on both sides of the box car, and Xia Yanzhen and Tao E sit opposite each other.

There was an armed soldier guarding the left and right sides. His hands were still handcuffed behind his back, and the handcuffs were baked together with the handles at the back.

Prevent them from moving around.

In the passenger seat, a man turned his head and held a tablet in his hand towards the two of them. After swiping it back and forth, he said: I entered your appearance into the database, but I can't find your information.

Now you can't enter or leave the town. It just so happened that in the morning someone discovered that an iron fence in the hospital was damaged. And it just so happened that there were several surveillance cameras in the hospital that were still functioning, so... guess what I found.

“It’s funny that you guys showed up at the hospital.

Can you tell me who you are, where you come from, and how you entered Shuiyuan Town?

The man's face was filled with a smile, but his eyes were extremely hot.

Looking at Xia Yanzhen and Tao E, they seemed to have discovered an extinct rare animal.

We just slept and appeared here out of nowhere, do you believe it? Tao E said, looking quite calm.

After receiving an answer, the man looked at Xia Yanzhen again.

Xia Yanzhen retracted his gaze and said resolutely, I don't believe it.

What? the man asked.

I don't believe it. You said Shuiyuan Town can't enter or leave. I don't believe it. Aren't you Senluo people guarding the entrance of the tunnel? It sounds like everyone is trapped. Xia Yanzhen said.

The man Li Yuan was stunned and looked at Xia Yanzhen with a frown: Tunnel, can you see the tunnel?

The tunnel is right there, can't you see it? Xia Yanzhen asked.


Li Yuan laughed and ordered, Turn around, turn back. I want to see where the tunnel you mentioned is!

The driver followed the order and turned around and drove back, and the cars behind him quickly followed.

After driving for a while, the driver slowed down and said, We should be almost at the area where ghosts hit the wall.

Stop. Li Yuan said.

Tao E continued to be locked in the car, and Li Yuan and two armed soldiers took Xia Yanzhen out of the car.

Come on, tell me, where is the tunnel? Li Yuan pointed to the entrance of the tunnel in front of the big carousel and said to Xia Yanzhen.

Isn't it right there? Xia Yanzhen gestured to the front.

Li Yuan looked slightly irritated and made a gesture to one of the armed soldiers.

The man took the initiative to move forward, but within two steps, his body tilted inexplicably, and then his direction changed.

It changed from a branch line to a diagonal line, and it became more and more crooked. At the end, it just turned around and walked back.

Did you see it? Li Yuan said.

See, he turned around.

Of course I know he made a U-turn! Do you understand that this road with no end in sight will always make you turn around and return to the same place! You can't even detect it. Li Yuan said angrily.

It's like a parent who helps his children with homework but can't make sense no matter how hard they explain.

He looked so irritated that he wanted to shoot into the air, and even Tao E in the car behind him started to mutter.

The reaction was so intense. Could it be that he had guessed wrong that Senluo Company was not an umbrella, but a victim who was also trapped in Shuiyuan Town?

Is that so? It seems that you are not normal.

Xia Yanzhen nodded, very confident.

Oh, you're normal. Come on, come on! If you're normal, just go ahead! Li Yuan pointed forward.

Then I'm leaving? Xia Yanzhen took two steps forward and turned back.

Make sure the other person won't shoot you behind the scenes.

On the positive side, he felt that he was able to dodge bullets if he was focused enough. To be precise, he could react and dodge before the opponent fired.

If you don't have eyes in your back, you can't do it.

Let's go, keep going. If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago. Li Yuan motioned to the soldiers to lower their guns.

After making sure that no gun was pointed at him, Xia Yanzhen walked forward.

The hands behind his back moved slightly, and he could use his strength to break free of the plastic handcuffs at any time.

He is not fast and needs to be careful of the armed soldiers at the entrance of the tunnel.

Li Yuan and others, including Tao E, all stared at Xia Yanzhen's back.

I saw him walking a certain distance, and his direction gradually changed. He was also walking to the side, no longer in a straight line.


Li Yuan sneered disdainfully, saying that he was just a parallel import for a long time.

I'm afraid you're looking for an excuse to escape, right? He even abandoned his companions.

However, in this abandoned and isolated town, how could it be possible to escape?

When he turned back, I really wanted to see his shocked look.

Li Yuan and others just stayed where they were, with no intention of chasing them, and left when they came back.

If they catch up, they will be lost once they are really beaten by the ghost.

However, things were different from Li Yuan's imagination.

Xia Yanzhen did not turn around and come back like the others. On the contrary, he came to the roadside with a clear purpose.

Then, there was a strange thick fog on the road.

They watched helplessly as Xia Yanzhen disappeared into the thick fog in a few steps!

Where are the people! Li Yuan's eyes widened.

What Xiaoxia saw is really different from what I saw. Which one of us is abnormal? Tao E was also confused.

The world in the eyes of two people is really different.

Whose view of the world is real and normal?

Uh... what he saw was a group of black-haired monsters, and what Xiaoxia saw was a group of moving corpses.

It doesn't seem normal?

While Tao E was thinking wildly, Xia Yanzhen didn't see any thick fog around him that swallowed him up.

He just continued to move closer to the armed soldiers at the entrance of the tunnel.

Xia Yan really appeared and attracted the attention of those soldiers.

Just when several soldiers were aware of it, Xia Yanzhen exerted force with his hands, and the plastic handcuffs tied to his wrists were broken by him.

At the same time, his body leaned forward and landed in a sunken place beside the road.

There is also a stone blocking the front to ensure that you will not be hit by bullets.

Of course he had a reason for walking to the side of the road.

The imaginary gunfire did not ring out.

There were six armed soldiers guarding the intersection.

Two of them rushed towards Xia Yanzhen, not only did they not use the firearms in their hands.

Instead, he let go of it, letting the rifle dangle from his body.

Without guns, are they also corpses? A trace of doubt flashed in Xia Yanzhen's eyes.

These soldiers all wore black masks with only their eyes exposed under their helmets, so it was impossible to tell whether they were corpses or not.

But since they rushed over on their own initiative.

Xia Yanzhen immediately stood up, put his right hand around his waist and made a fist.

Step on the ground, twist your waist, throw your shoulders, and punch!

The fist rotated, from the palm upward to the back of the hand, and hit the chest of the soldier in front.

Before entering high school, Xia Yanzhen lived with her grandfather and learned Juntiquan.

Xia Yanzhen's learning was messy, he didn't understand the essentials of various movements, and was never standard, but he at least learned about how to hit people.

This is the first time that I can really punch without any scruples and use it in actual combat.

The fist hit the soldier, and the feedback from it made Xia Yan really feel that what he hit was not the ribs of the human body, but some kind of extremely old and broken material.

The soldier flew backwards and hit the second soldier.

The two collided into a ball, like a gourd rolling on the ground.

The two rolling gourds rolled a few times and then stopped moving. The remaining four armed soldiers, including the one who originally held the machine gun on the sentry post, directly threw down their most advantageous weapons.

He rushed towards Xia Yanzhen like a wild beast.

You guys are not normal. Xia Yanzhen muttered and took the initiative to greet them.

the other side.

Li Yuan, Tao E and others saw the sudden thick fog suddenly begin to surge, and several huge black shadows that were probably five meters in height could be seen looming.

The roar of beasts came.

It seemed like there was a terrifying giant beast hiding behind the thick fog.

Immediately afterwards, the roaring stopped suddenly and the black shadow disappeared.

The billowing fog calmed down.

Not long after, another dark shadow appeared, but this time it was the size of a normal person, and it gradually became clearer.

Let the armed soldiers raise their guns and aim immediately.

A dark shadow emerged from the fog.

Xia Yanzhen came over dragging a corpse with his left hand.

The thick fog behind him disappeared without a trace, leaving a dark red blood trail on the ground.

Throwing the body in front of Li Yuan, Xia Yanzhen said: Looking at his equipment, he said he was not from your Senluo Group.

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