When he saw the explanation, Xia Yanzhen knew why such a fake human skin mask could deceive everyone.

In the eyes of others, this face should have no flaws.

But its special anomalies are ineffective against Xia Yanzhen.

What Xia Yanzhen saw was the most normal situation, a very fake human skin mask.

Similar to Xiao Ming's version of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, the human skin mask in it can be seen as a problem as long as you are not a fool.

Xia Yanzhen handed the mask to the others.

After seeing the caption, several people smiled.

The human skin mask made by the demon sect's medical staff has disappeared. This man is Fang Tianxing!

No wonder a group of Jianghu people failed to find Fang Tianxing.

It turns out that he pretended to be someone from Fengwen Tower and was selling information here!

Everyone had preconceptions that Fang Tianxing would definitely hide, but they didn't expect that he didn't hide, but hanged out openly and openly in front of everyone.

Who would have thought of this?

Even Lao Jianghu was deceived, of course, thanks to this magical human skin mask.

This thing is very quaint.

The reason why Shuitian Jiange wants Xia Yanzhen and the others to give up all the rooms is also clear.

They should have known that Fang Tianxing was pretending to be an information dealer in Fengwen Tower, so they thought that they would all stay in this inn so that they could keep Fang Tianxing under close supervision.

It's a pity that Tao E didn't cooperate - not that he noticed anything, but if he cooperated, there would really be no place to live.

Fang Tianxing pretends to be Fengwenlou’s intelligence dealer. I wonder what role Fengwenlou plays in it?

According to Fengwenlou's usual neutral stance, maybe Fang Tianxing is just pretending.

Gao Qiang used his corpse-finding skills to search Fang Tianxing's body, and touched Fang Tianxing from bottom to top. Unfortunately, he did not find the secret book of the blazing fire magic skill.

Tao E and Wang Bing rummaged around in the room, while Bai Huang walked to the door at Tao E's signal and carefully observed the situation outside through a small gap.

The inn room is not big and there are not many places to hide things.

Including the places under the bed, they were searched, but no secret book of the Blazing Fire Magic was found.

Let's go first. Tao E said decisively when he was not found in the room.

Putting the human skin mask back on the unconscious Fang Tianxing, Wang Bing took the lead in leaving from the window of the room.

This window is not big, and a person can barely fit through it.

Room A1 is on the second floor, not too high.

Outside is the backyard of the inn. No one is there yet, but there are many horses, which are the mounts of Shuitian Jiange, and some of them are outside.

The backyard wasn't big enough to accommodate more than thirty horses.

After Wang Bing landed, Xia Yanzhen grabbed Fang Tianxing and put him down from the window while Wang Bing took over.

Several people came down from the window.

At such a height, even the White Emperor wouldn't have a problem.

The wall in the backyard was quite high. Wang Bing took the lead and was about to run over the wall but was stopped by Xia Yanzhen.

He pointed to the other side and said, Tread twice over there.

Okay. Wang Bing nodded, stepped on the other side twice, climbed up the wall, but did not climb over, but jumped back down.

Let's go this way. Xia Yanzhen said.

A little misdirection, I don’t know if it will work.

This wall is quite high. Wang Bing said.

It's hard for him to climb over without stepping on the wall.

It's okay, I'll come. Xia Yanzhen held the unconscious Fang Tianxing with one hand and motioned for Wang Bing to put his arm on his shoulder.

Then he jumped up and led Wang Bing over the backyard fence and landed outside.

I'll go... After Wang Bing stood firm, he looked at Xia Yanzhen in surprise, Is this Qing Gong?

No, it's just pure jumping ability. Xia Yanzhen said, handing Fang Tianxing to Wang Bing.

...I'm so envious. Wang Bing's physical fitness is already very strong. His pseudonym is the King of Bing in reverse.

As long as he is willing, he can definitely become the king of soldiers in the army.

Unfortunately, compared with Xia Shiyi, it seems to be a bit inferior.

Xia Yanzhen jumped high and returned to the courtyard. There was no sound when he landed, not even the resting horses were disturbed.

It can be seen that there is plenty of energy left.

After jumping several times, a group of people quietly left the backyard of the inn.

At this time, night had fallen and became their cover. Xia Yanzhen and the others were leaving Sanhe Town with Fang Tianxing.

The place they went to was naturally their hometown from where they first came out.

What are these people doing to tie up an intelligence dealer from Fengwenlou? In the dark, several Jianghu people were a little puzzled when they saw the actions of Xia Yanzhen and others.

Yes, with the arrival of the people from Shuitian Jiange, this inn has long been surrounded and monitored by Jianghu people.

Several suitable locations are occupied by Jianghu people.

After all, Xia Yanzhen and the others didn't know martial arts, so they couldn't detect any slightest movement. They didn't realize that there were many people staring at the inn in the dark - literally staring.

It's a bit weird, follow me and have a look.

Several people weighed the two and decided to follow these people first to see the situation.

Shuitian Jiange will not leave Sanhe Town for a while.

Xia Yanzhen and the others picked a small alley and left Sanhe Town smoothly, then plunged into the woods next to the pipeline.

It would be more convenient for the four tracking Jianghu people to hide.

There aren't many places to hide on the official road.

Xia Yanzhen and the others walked quickly. After walking for about an hour, Bai Huang began to breathe.

Tao E in front suddenly raised his hand and motioned for everyone to stop.

Emperor Bai breathed a sigh of relief and could take a rest. He was not so tired on the official road.

There are no smooth roads in the woods, so walking is stumbling and consumes a lot of energy.

However, others were calm and relaxed, and Bai Huang's pride and arrogance did not allow him to say that he needed to rest when he was tired.

Men can’t say no—and teenagers certainly can’t.

Bai Huang, fifteen years old, has strong self-esteem.

You've been following us for so long, don't you want to come out and meet us? Tao E turned around and said, facing the dark woods.

Is someone following you?

Several people looked around, but they didn't notice anyone following them.

The woods were quiet, with only some insects chirping, and no one responded to Tao E's words.

What, why don't you come out? Do we have to find it ourselves? Tao E took a step forward, ready to make a move.

You're really capable. I thought my concealment skills were good. A voice sounded, and a man walked out of the darkness.

White Emperor, do it! Tao E growled as soon as this person appeared.

Bai Huang was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand.

The man who appeared reacted quickly and immediately drew out the weapon he was carrying and prepared for battle, guarding against the attacks that would come in front of him.

However, compared to the internal power, the White Emperor's telekinesis is truly unreasonable.

It has no color, no form, and makes no sound.

In the darkness, when the Jianghu man realized that he was being attacked, an irresistible force had already fallen on his head.

With a snapping sound, the man's neck was snapped, and he knelt on the ground, on the verge of death.

The White Emperor waved his outstretched hand again, and his telekinesis hit the Jianghu man.

It sent him crashing into the big tree behind him, which was also where he had been hiding just now.

The big tree shook and dropped many leaves.

The pursuer was killed by the White Emperor. This person was stronger than the one yesterday. The White Emperor failed to kill him with one blow and made up for it with a stab.

As soon as the man died, noises suddenly came from the other three places.

Three dark figures could be seen desperately running backwards, away from Xia Yanzhen and the others.

The White Emperor took a step forward, raised his hand and put it down again. These people were not close to them, and they were running too fast, so he could only look at the ocean and sigh.

The range of telekinesis is currently twenty meters centered on Baihuang.

The first person to come out is within the White Emperor's attack range.

The last three who escaped are not here.

Xia Yan really didn't chase them. There were three targets, and it was difficult to chase them at night.

He was still holding the unconscious Fang Tianxing in his hand.

Just make sure these people leave.

Uncle Tao, how did you know someone was following you? Gao Qiang said in surprise after killing a follower and frightening three people away.

I don't know. Tao E said truthfully, I was just cheating.

On the way, Tao E realized that when Shuitian Jiange checked in, someone must be watching the inn.

They kidnapped Fang Tianxing and came out. Maybe he was being targeted, so they gave it a try. Anyway, there would be no loss if they made a mistake.

Not wanting to be lucky, I just got rid of the tail behind me.

It also means that Xia Yanzhen's little arrangement did not work.

These people are so unlucky. As he said this, Gao Qiang did not stop touching the corpse at all.

Some money, throwing knives and other things were found from the corpse.

It's a pity that there are no martial arts secret books.

It's normal. Unless you are practicing the martial arts yourself, who would carry martial arts secrets with you?

Most of the martial arts secret books are kept in the sect's library.

After taking care of the tail, everyone quickened their pace and rushed back to their birthplace.

Stop pretending and get up.

Xia Yanzhen threw Fang Tianxing to the ground and said.

Fang Tianxing woke up a few minutes ago, but was pretending to be comatose.

Fang Tianxing, who was exposed, stood up and stared at the five people in front of him: Who are you and how did you discover my flaw?

The human skin mask on his face is the work of a miracle doctor with withered hands.

The Blazing Holy Cult, no, it should be said that the entire world could not find a second one. Fang Tianxing could not understand how he was discovered?

Could it be that the people from Shuitian Jiange sold him? It makes no sense.

Xia Yanzhen didn't answer Fang Tianxing's words, and reached out to take off his human skin mask.

This thing no longer belongs to Fang Tianxing.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Tianxing was picked up by Wang Bing and Gao Qiang and pinned down on an old chair with a backrest.

Why, you want to use torture to get the whereabouts of the Blazing Fire Magic from me? Fang Tianxing did not resist, but sneered disdainfully.

He couldn't resist. After the forced exercise, he was even weaker from his original serious injury.

Even standing and other movements are quite difficult.

Sitting on the chair, if there were not two people controlling him, Fang Tianxing might not be able to sit still.

No one answered Fang Tianxing's question. Xia Yanzhen just looked at him with interest.

Wang Bing's face was expressionless.

Gao Qiang showed a ferocious and provocative smile like a gangster.

The White Emperor was sitting on the side with a grim look on his face, but he was actually resting. His legs were weak from walking.


The ajar wooden door was pushed open, and Tao E came in carrying a bucket of water.

None of the five people understood torture.

Even if Gao Qiang distorts his face and turns into a Sakurajima-style gangster, he still can't scare people like Fang Tianxing.

Therefore, in order for Fang Tianxing to reveal the whereabouts of the Blazing Fire Divine Art.

I plan to try the Internet celebrity punishment that many people know - waterboarding.

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