I am the only normal person in the whole world

Chapter 38 Don’t want a male mother

Went downstairs with Master Li, and what came to pick him up was an SUV that could accommodate several people.

The person in the co-pilot turned around and said, Master Li, the matter is serious.

There was unmistakable horror on his face.

Mangrove Central Plaza Park.

At this moment, a warning cordon surrounded the outside, and several important entrances and exits were occupied by various official personnel.

Prevent stray people from entering.

Outside the cordon, there were a large number of onlookers and reporters from all walks of life.

There are still people at the contact desk, planning to dispatch helicopters. Don't miss this big news.

In addition, slightly further inside the cordon are various Feng Shui ghost catching masters.

The officials are still looking for various capable people to solve the problem.

Master Li was called here because of this.

The car carrying him, Xia Yanzhen and others stopped outside the cordon, and a group of people were led into it.

Master Li is probably the last one to arrive.

After he arrived, a middle-aged man who was not angry and intimidating and whose status was obvious from a glance came over to give a mobilization speech.

The safety of Hong Kong Island is in everyone's hands, one hat after another.

Anyone who fails to deliver it later will be a sinner through the ages.

Those magicians talked nonsense and said that they were already working hard.

Tao E was really too lazy to watch these people perform, so he walked over and whispered a few words to Master Li.

Are you sure? Master Li's eyes widened.

Well, let them retreat. I'm afraid the laughter will expand and everyone will fall in. It's enough for us to come. Tao E said.

After listening to Tao E's words, Master Li asked: Are you sure? It will be bad luck if you fail.

Ha. Tao E laughed, If it fails, we will be the first to die. What are you worried about?

Master Li gritted his teeth and agreed, walked forward and said something to the middle-aged man.

The two talked for several minutes, and Master Li used his sharp tongue to successfully convince the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man clapped his hands, motioning for everyone to step back for protection, and then began to expand the warning range.

Master Li, I have put my life and property in your hands this time. The middle-aged man said, If something goes wrong, we are all done.

Don't worry, Sir Chen. Master Li was worried in his heart, but on the surface he was confident, I am good at Feng Shui fortune tellers, and my junior brothers are the ones who are really good at catching monsters, catching ghosts, subjugating demons and eliminating them.

That Chen SIR glanced at Xia Yanzhen and others who took the initiative to walk towards the center of the park.

Does he trust these people?

Of course he didn't believe it, but he had no choice. In fact, even inviting people like Master Li to come was a no-brainer.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

Xia Yanzhen and the other three walked into the park along the road. Within two minutes, they heard some faint laughter.

I'm leaving, you stay. Xia Yanzhen said.

Be careful, use the flare gun if necessary. Tao E said.

If it is exactly the same as the Windsor Building, it should be handled quickly. Xia Yanzhen said.

Yes, what happened in Plaza Park is exactly the same as what happened at Windsor Towers.

A group of smiling people were dancing, and their ribs were pierced through their bodies, and their hand bones and cervical vertebrae were broken.

It won't stop even if you die.

And laughter is a pollution that causes others to join in the fun.

Xia Yanzhen walked forward, his laughter became clearer, and he saw many officials in uniforms dancing.

Obviously, the right decision to fence and isolate this place was made after paying some costs.

Ignoring these dancing people and solving the source, these people will naturally have hope of survival.

Xia Yanzhen took out the burning blood from the long black bag, put it on his waist, and began to speed up.

It is very simple to find the source and center point, just go wherever the laughter is loudest.

Xia Yanzhen is not affected by laughter and will not join the team asking for Ziwu.

At best, he thought these people were noisy.

Xia Yanzhen continued to move forward. The closer he got to the center of the park, the more people were dancing around him. The scene far surpassed that of Windsor Tower.

The number of dancers may not exceed that of Windsor Tower, but those in Windsor Tower are separated.

But now, a group of people gathered in the square, looking vast.

Xia Yanzhen ignored the weird scenes around him.

The first time you encounter this kind of thing, you might still feel a little nervous, but the second time, you are basically immune to it.

And it's still broad daylight.

Relax and watch the people around you dance, it's even a bit funny.

Xia Yanzhen had already seen a large number of people forming a circle in the center of the square. Because they were too dense, it was impossible to see clearly who was in the center.

Was it a resident of Windsor House whose child had died?

Pushing aside the dancers blocking the way, Xia Yanzhen stepped into the encirclement.

The dancers were pushed away by Xia Yanzhen and continued dancing after staggering a few steps without attacking him.

Approaching the center, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment when he saw the person who caused this abnormal event, showing a surprised expression.

How could it be you? He asked with a surprised tone, and the cold temperament of pretending to be an expert disappeared.

Ah, Brother Eleven. Why are you here?

Feipeng looked at Xia Yanzhen with a bright smile, and his voice was clearly audible among the many laughters.

Xia Yanzhen did not answer Feipeng's question immediately.

His eyes fell on Feipeng's belly, which was bulging forward and bulging to both sides.

I'm pregnant in ten months, and I'm probably pregnant with triplets.


Xia Yanzhen calmed down and looked at him, Well, do you know what you are doing?

He wanted to make sure that Feipeng was crazy.

Of course. Feipeng said with a smile, I want to regenerate Xiaojia!

Is this too dangerous? Xia Yanzhen continued to ask.

Why is it dangerous? You see, everyone is very supportive and helping me. When I give birth to little Jia, we can be together forever. Feipeng smiled broadly.

——Um, are you sure you want to give birth to Xiaojia again? How? Xia Yanzhen said.

Feipeng held out his belly: Xiaojia will come out from here.

Are you saying that she will cut open your stomach and come out? Xia Yanzhen said as he slowly approached Feipeng.

Feipeng nodded with a matter-of-fact expression: Yes.

The face has the brilliance of motherhood and fatherhood.

Then you won't die?

How could that be? Feipeng said innocently, his cognition had undergone earth-shaking and serious changes.

All kinds of common sense are stripped away and cognition is distorted.

Because if your stomach is cut open, you will die. Xia Yanzhen continued to approach slowly.

His right hand was already on the hilt of the sword.

No, Feipeng said, When the time comes I can dance, and dancing will resume.

Don't you have the energy to dance? Xia Yanzhen said, It will be very painful if your stomach is cut open.

I'm not afraid of pain!

Feipeng was as brave as an innocent child, and then he suddenly thought of something, Wait a minute, when I give birth to Xiao Jia, I will dance. Then I can have another one.

This way I have two Xiaojia, no, three, four, five...

Feipeng fell into fantasy.

After a moment, he said happily: The whole world is my Xiaojia!

Really, that's good. Xia Yanzhen said perfunctorily, and he was about to bring Feipeng into the attack range.

Then there is no need for others to exist.

Suddenly, Feipeng's tone became extremely cold, and while speaking, he raised his hand towards Xia Yanzhen.

Ten fingers were aimed at Xia Yanzhen, and his fingers exploded!

Feipeng launched all the phalanges of his fingers at once.

After Xiaojia's death, he became very cruel, not to mention completely abnormal now.

The moment he took action, Xia Yanzhen threw him to the side, and at the same time drew his sword and swept across it.

The target was Feipeng's calf.

I wonder if cutting off his legs will return him to normal.

It is better to have a broken leg than to go crazy or die, and according to Tao E, as long as you are not dead, you will be fully recovered when you return.

It's just two broken legs, but he won't die.

While swinging the sword to cut off Feipeng's legs, part of his phalanges also hit Xia Yanzhen.

Feipeng's launch this time can be described as an explosion. The range is not the row in front, but a circle.

Xia Yanzhen couldn't see the bone bullet, but at least he could see Feipeng's ten broken fingers.

Knowing that Feipeng was using his ability, he still chose to dodge just to be on the safe side.

Xia Yan really didn't feel the pain of being hit by his phalanges, and his sword actually passed Feipeng's calf.


Feipeng screamed in pain and fell to the ground, a ball of flame bursting out from the fracture.

Burning blood ignited his blood.

Part of the flames began to spread.

However, cutting off his legs did not make Feipeng return to normal. On the contrary, he roared: Everyone except Xiaojia will die!

There was no anger at being attacked by Xia Yanzhen, only madness towards Xiaojia.

All the remaining bones in his hands flew out.

The range and power were even greater than those of a shotgun. The dancer closest to the two was hit and fell to the ground, with two heads disappearing without a trace.

The dead body fell down and immediately stood up again to continue dancing.

Xia Yanzhen, the target that Feipeng wanted to actually kill, was not within the attack range of Bones.

There are also nights.

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