I am the only normal person in the whole world

Chapter 36 The Fox Fairy Sends Off His Son

Three days later.

Inside the rental house where Xia Yanzhen and the others lived.

News about the incident at Windsor Towers was on TV.

The incident at Windsor Tower naturally detonated all over Hong Kong. Dead people were found on the rooftop, and the remains of unknown creatures were suspected to have emerged from people's stomachs.

There are also a large number of injured and dead people on the residential floors.

The eye-catching nature of such a big event is not at the same level as a gang fight.

Hong Kong police and the government held several press conferences overnight to stabilize people's hearts.

After that it’s show time for the major news media.

Various news bombarded us one after another, and countless experts and masters who did not know whether it was true or false came into the studio to make various remarks.

The newspapers were all about the Windsor Tower incident.

Everything from the building's history when it was first built to what happened afterwards is excavated.

Xia Yanzhen and the others also learned about the past of Windsor Building from various overwhelming reports.

An unusual event had occurred in this place before this incident.

At that time, it caused a small sensation and was called the Fox Fairy Murder Incident.

Putting aside a lot of the foreshadowing, the story is that of a resident of Windsor House, the hostess suddenly dreamed that a fox ate her child not long after giving birth.

After waking up, he found that his child was really dead.

It is rumored that the cause of death was that the blood from the whole body was sucked dry, and there were wounds from animal bites on the body.

I don’t know if it’s true or false.

Several younger children died later.

Finally, a master took away a stone from the Windsor Building with a pattern that looked like a fox's head, and the matter was completely settled.

The downfall of Windsor Tower is also related to this incident ten years ago.

Without this, Windsor House would not be what it is today.

After the current major events, Windsor Tower is destined to be abandoned.

None of the survivors could remember what happened, and they had no memory of dancing at all.

For them, this day is just an ordinary day.

There is no doubt that after discharge, these people would rather live in a cave than continue to live in Windsor Towers.

In addition, the news media also revealed information that the identity of the woman whose stomach was cut open and who died was the first mother who lost her child ten years ago.

What's more, there are all kinds of basically baseless speculations.

Just listen to it.

On the other hand, Xia Yanzhen and the others may have grasped some truth.

The reason is that before Xia Yanzhen left, the book page he got from the woman had its own text description, just like Burning Blood and Jade Needle.

Turning down the TV volume, Gao Qiang picked up the book Xia Yanzhen had placed on the coffee table in the living room.

A paragraph of text appears next to the page——

The remaining page of Hongzu Strange News is the chapter about the fox fairy sending off his son.

Xu Hongzu traveled all over the world and recorded all kinds of strange things, compiled them into books, and later lost and scattered them.

This is what Xu Hongzu wrote when he passed by a village called Qingcun.

The material of the book pages feels a little rough, and the corners are chipped. It looks like it will break at a touch, but it is extremely tough, and cannot be ignited by fire or cut with scissors.

Even burning blood cannot pierce or cut it.

I don’t know what materials it is made of.

Who is this Xu Hongzu? Gao Qiang asked.

These three days were the time for everyone to rest and deal with Xiaojia's funeral, so they didn't pay too much attention to this book page.

It was the first time for Gao Qiang and Feipeng to read the chapter The Fox Fairy Gives His Son.

That's Xu Xiake. Tao E answered Gao Qiang's question.

In fact, when he first saw him, he didn't know who Hongzu was, but beside him was Xia Yanzhen, a sophomore high school student who was reaching the pinnacle of knowledge in most people's lives.

For many students, it is slightly related to the test content they have studied, but it is not that big and more interesting. Knowledge points that are basically not tested can sometimes be remembered clearly.

Xia Yanzhen is almost the same - but now he remembers everything very clearly.

The famous Xu Xiake was named Hongzu and given the courtesy name Zhenzhi.

Xu Xiake heard it all, even Gao Qiang, an ignorant guy, knew it.

However, Xia Yanzhen never knew that Xu Xiake had written something like Strange Stories. Perhaps this Xu Xiake was not the other Xu Xiake?

You know, it's not important anyway.

What matters is what is recorded on the page itself.

The page size of the book is about 32 pages, front and back pages, and the content recorded in it is quite rich.

In addition to the text, there are also illustrations, but compared to the still clear text, the small paintings are already quite blurry.

I could just barely make out that it was a group of people surrounding one person.

Based on what Xia Yanzhen and the others saw on the rooftop, the people in the painting were dancing.

The Fox Fairy Sends a Child records that Xu Xiake came to a small village called Qingcun. The people here believed in the fox fairy, who could bring heirs to the people in the village.

The method is to dance, dance the dance that Master Fox Fairy likes.

As long as you are pious enough, the Fox Fairy will send children to women who want children.

Everyone was very happy when dancing. Sometimes they would forget to stop and work, and they would only stop after being kicked by the village chief.

Only then will he run to work in despair.

In Xu Xiake's records, this is a rather strange and interesting thing, without any weirdness or horror.

At the end of the article, Xu Xiake specially wrote some dance moves, saying that the effect was remarkable, and spoke highly of it, believing that the effect is no less than that of the handed down Wu Qin Xi.

There is no doubt that the cause of the incident at Windsor Mansion was that the mother who lost her child wanted to pray to the Fox Fairy to give her a child - although according to rumors, her child was lost because of the Fox Fairy.

And what was finally born was some kind of unknown monster that was neither human nor beast.

This may be related to the fact that the child-seeking ceremony was interrupted by Xia Yanzhen and others, resulting in the child being born incomplete.

But even if the entire ceremony is completed, will the one who emerges in the end be a Fox Fairy or a human?

A person is interrupted when he turns into a fox, and a fox is interrupted when he turns into a human.

Either way, it's obviously not normal.

This thing is useless.

Gao Qiang said, compared to burning blood, this broken page has no effect at all.

The only thing that may be useful may be Xu Xiake's last recorded dance moves, but who dares to dance this thing?

He danced to strengthen his body and became so fit that he couldn't stop at all, even to the point of death.

Windsor Tower, the residential area downstairs is okay, not many people died.

On the rooftop, all the real dead people were dancing.

The little bit of white fluff on Gao Qiang's legs just completely fell off yesterday.

Maybe it will be useful. Feipeng said, his voice hoarse.

Huh? The three of them looked at him. What use could this fragment of page have?

I want to try. Feipeng supported the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands and reluctantly stood up.

He doesn't have great resilience.

After breaking my muscles and bones, I was able to move normally one night, and I was full of energy after two nights.

The rapid growth of bones is based on Feipeng's ability to launch his own bones. If he doesn't launch, his bones will be broken by external force. Feipeng's recovery speed is no different from that of ordinary people.

It hurts the muscles and bones for a hundred days.

Or Feipeng could be more cruel and launch all his broken calf bones, in which case the recovery would be much faster.

Are you sure? Tao E asked.

Xiaojia's death made this young man change a lot and grow up all of a sudden.

Well, even if there are risks, isn't there Brother Eleven? Feipeng said following Gao Qiang's title, If I can't stop, please break my legs, Brother Eleven.

Xia Yanzhen nodded, breaking the leg would not be a problem, he was already quite skilled at it.

Feipeng gritted his teeth and let go of the wheelchair and began to dance - the movements written by Xu Xiake were just simple words, but they were engraved in Feipeng's mind as clear and complete as if someone was giving live teaching.

Half a minute later, a smile appeared on Feipeng's face, which was struggling to dance, and his movements became smoother.

It is different from the dance that everyone has seen that is so twisted that it can break bones.

Now Feipeng's dance is relatively normal, at most he can be regarded as a master.

A minute later, Feipeng's movements became larger, the smile on his face became more obvious, and he began to chuckle.

Xia Yanzhen took the mop and was ready to break his legs.

Fortunately, after dancing for another minute, Feipeng suddenly stopped moving, the smile on his face faded, and he was breathing heavily.

After breathing for a while, he said: I'm fine.

Several people helped remove the cast from Feipeng's leg. In addition to his own leg hair, there was some white fluff on his calf.

The broken leg injury has fully recovered.

Double-edged sword. Tao E said, Don't use it until there is a crisis.

This weird dance can make people recover from injuries quickly, but it can also make people get lost and die.

I don't need it.

Gao Qiang, who has the ability to recover quickly, is not sensitive to the child-seeking dance that can be used to recover from injuries.

Let's look for other abnormal events. Feipeng said after he could move freely.

Are you okay? It doesn't matter if you rest for a day or two. Tao E was worried about Feipeng's mental condition.

It doesn't matter, I want to end this dream copy as soon as possible. After a pause, Feipeng continued, I also want to become stronger quickly. If I were stronger...

If he were stronger, Xiaojia wouldn't have to sacrifice herself to save him.

Then let's look for it, but it's a mess outside now, so be careful. Tao E said.

The situation outside is indeed a mess now, and the incident at Windsor Tower has had a huge impact.

It is difficult to explain using modern scientific methods. To put it bluntly, it means that a group of people committed the crime, but in fact it sounds more likely to cause panic.

Is there such a terrorist group in Hong Kong, the Shoe Cult?

On the contrary, some experts and masters’ claims that evil is at work are easier to accept.

Of course, there is also the theory of collective hallucination, but this cannot explain the woman who was disemboweled to death and the charred corpse of the strange monster.

There are also ghosts who are pregnant, and rumors of ghosts pregnant are noisy in the world.

It's closer to the truth.

Outside Windsor Building, there are monks, Taoist priests and others performing rituals every day.

The officials also let it go. The presence of those people can somewhat eliminate the panic of some people.

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