Get in the car borrowed by Lin Nan, with Gao Qiang driving.

Tao E explained the matter while looking through some documents he had just brought out.

It's not complicated at all, it's very simple.

An important part of the income structure of gang societies is protection fees.

Of course, this thing is not that if you pay money, the society will protect you, but that if you pay money, you will not be harassed by members of the society.

If people from other societies and gangs come to harass you, you have crossed the line and you can call someone to come.

There are many young people who choose to join clubs and become fresh blood just to avoid being bullied.

This is the situation of the friend who called Gao Qiang.

My family opened a small tea restaurant and joined Fuxingyi to prevent being bullied.

Because you are a gang member, you can pay less or no protection fee.

When something happens, you can find someone to help.

What happened to the tea restaurant was a bit bizarre. They discovered the ghost coins when they were finally closing and counting money for four consecutive days.

On the first day, I thought it was a prank and ignored it.

The next night I found Ming coins again and asked the two workers in the store. They had never received Ming coins.

On the third day, there were also Hades coins.

The store owner wondered if the clerk was causing trouble, but he put the money in the drawer and locked it, and only he had the key.

On the fourth day, when I finally counted the money, I still saw the ghost coins, and the nature of the matter changed.

It suddenly turned into a supernatural and terrifying incident.

It happened that Gao Qiang asked his younger brother to pay attention to all kinds of abnormal events and promote his reputation as a master of catching ghosts.

So I got in touch, and it really worked.

Gao Qiang, who was driving, spoke much louder: Uncle Tao, what's the use of these things you've been looking at?

Tao E has been collecting a lot of things these past two days.

Well, some previous case reports, gossip and so on. Tao E didn't notice Gao Qiang's trembling and smiled gently, Let's see if there are any ready-made old things that can be dealt with.

It's a pity that I haven't found anything good yet, but you found one. Well done.

Hahaha, I'm lucky too. Gao Qiang became humble.

What is engraved in the genes of Zhengguo people is that they must be humble if they are praised. This is instinctive.

Even Gao Qiang is no exception.

But I also looked into Kong Tonggui's case ten years ago. Tao E said, It was really a sensation at that time, so we could only find these unlearned and unskilled gangsters to take over.

How do you say it? The others also became a little interested.

This is a very famous case of two corpses. It was a child gang, and no one was an adult. Tao E said briefly.

To put it simply, a group of idle and idle teenagers tortured and killed a couple in an extremely cruel way.

Because the method was too cruel, the impact was huge.

Only Kong Tonggui didn't understand anything and didn't even know about this matter (he was just a gangster and didn't know how to read the news), so he took the blame just because he was a minor.

Meng Zhongda was lying to people from the beginning. Three years? A ten-year sentence is not considered serious.

If he were an adult, he would probably be sentenced to death.

And the subsequent development of things is also very story-telling.

Except for Kong Tonggui, the person who took the blame, the other four people who committed the crime all died in prison.

There are suicides and accidents.

At that time, there were reports in the media and newspapers that it was a natural cycle and retribution was not good.

But obviously, that's not the case.

The deaths of these people are inseparable from Kong Tonggui, because the evil spirits released by Kong Tonggui from his body have the same appearance as those four people.

Those evil spirits maintained their appearance as teenagers, and also maintained the bestiality and madness they had when they committed crimes.

It also led to a mystery——

Tao E was investigating this matter, not just out of curiosity. But according to Lin Nan, Kong Tonggui was an ordinary person before he went to prison, and he had no family secrets.

How on earth did he learn to turn people into evil spirits and seal them inside his body?

Are there talented people in the prison?

If there is such a capable person, if we find him, we will undoubtedly find more abnormal events.

It's more reliable than running around trying your luck now.

What else can we learn from him?

There is nothing to gain for the time being. It is not that simple to find out what happened in the prison. It will take time and the help of some capable people.

It's a pity that Tao E hasn't been able to meet anyone with energy.

Driving all the way to the tea restaurant, Gao Qiang's new little brother was already waiting.

There was also a young man accompanying him, the son of the owner of the tea restaurant.

After a few people got out of the car, they asked about the relevant matters in detail, and even got the ghost coins - only part of them.

The first day I thought it was a prank and threw it away.

The next day and the following were retained.

After the fourth discovery, I put all the ghost coins together and planned to find a mage or some master to do the ritual.

Now it's in the hands of Xia Yanzhen and the others.

The Ming Coin was given to Xiaojia, who had yin and yang eyes, to look at it. Xiaojia found a little bit of residual death energy on it, which proved that the matter was not a man-made prank or to scare himself.

Abnormal indeed.

After it was confirmed, everyone's interest suddenly became much higher.

Have you ever heard the story about 'Ghost ordering takeout'? Xiaojia asked.

Gao Qiang and Tao E shook their heads and didn't listen.

Xia Yanzhen and Feipeng have heard this story.

Several people died at home without realizing they were dead and then ordered takeout every day.

The store received ghost coins for several days in a row. After calling the police, they found that someone was dead there.

Following this train of thought, Xiaojia went to ask about the situation.

This tea restaurant does deliver food. It delivers a lot of food these days, and there are several places where it delivers every day.

Tao E asked the boss for a small book to record the points, and found those places. After comparing the prices, he found that there was only one place that matched the price of the Hades Coin - Windsor Building.

For four days, 40 yuan was given out once a day, which added up to 160 yuan.

The face value of the Ming coins that everyone got was 1.2 billion, plus the 4 billion that was lost on the first day, it just matched.

After confirming the location, the group ran directly to Windsor Tower.

Windsor Tower has a total of ten floors. It was glorious many years ago, but it is not so good now.

The lower floors are half-dead hypermarkets, the upper floors are residential buildings, and there are still a few empty floors that no one wants.

It looks like the sun is declining.

There is an elevator, but it often stops for no reason and cannot be used, so we have to climb the stairs.

The place to order is room 602 on the sixth floor of the Windsor Building.

When Xia Yanzhen and the others arrived, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was setting, stretching its shadows on the ground.

The red sunset was just behind the Windsor Building, and the setting sun was like blood. Coupled with the fact that the exterior wall of the building had peeled off a lot, it gave people a very bad visual experience.

I don't want to get close when I see it.

The hypermarkets that were supposed to be open until 9pm were also deserted.

Xia Yanzhen and the others entered the Windsor Building and tried the elevator. Neither the up nor down buttons lit up.

One of the two elevators stopped at the eighth floor, and the other stopped at the sixth floor without moving.

There are escalators on the first to third floors of the hypermarket, but there is no way to go up there through the hypermarket.

You can only take another stairway.

All the way up the stairs, the five people arrived at the fourth floor, which was completely empty, with no shops or residents.

The same goes for the fifth floor.

The sixth floor is the real floor where people live.

Not every house is occupied, many are rentals, and there are always a few vacant houses.

The walkway is quite narrow and there is a lot of debris piled up.

It's not very easy to walk.

Room 602 has two doors, a hollow iron door on the outside and a wooden door on the inside.

Gao Qiang took the lead, knocking on the door and shouting: Open the door, takeout is here!

Before Xia Yanzhen and the others came, the tea restaurant received another takeout call. Of course, no one would cook and deliver it this time.

But that doesn't prevent Gao Qiang from using this as an excuse.

He knocked on the door for a while, and suddenly a few banknotes came out from the crack of the door below.

The total face value is forty, which is exactly the price of takeout.

Then, the wooden door inside opened a gap inward, and a hand stretched out, indicating to give him the takeaway.

When the quasi-red stick Gao Qiang was in high spirits, he would not be polite to others. He grabbed the hand suddenly and smiled arrogantly: I got you!

What are ghosts to be afraid of?

My high strength is more evil than a ghost!

As soon as his hands came into contact, Gao Qiang felt a chill spread all over his body along his palms. His body stiffened, but it was still within an acceptable range.

He lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of concentrated sulfuric acid on his hand.

Corrosion, strong smoke emitted directly.


A hoarse scream came from behind the door, What are you doing! The Yan family shovel! You are sick!

Everyone was stunned by the curse.

Does this ghost still have sense?

There is death energy in my hands. Xiaojia said.

Brother Eleven, help open the door! After receiving a positive answer, Gao Qiang said, Use your sword.

Xia Yanzhen stepped forward, grabbed the railing of the iron door, and pulled out.

The iron door opened outwards. As Xia Yanzhen pulled it, the door shaft and lock on one side were destroyed.

The iron door was completely removed by him.

Let go. Xia Yanzhen said.

Gao Qiang immediately let go and retracted his hand from the gap. The hand in the room also took the opportunity to retract.

When the iron door was thrown away, Xia Yanzhen kicked the wooden door.

The wooden door fell down with a sound, trapping the person behind it.

The situation in the room is also clear. There is a mahjong table in the small living room.

The three men with pale faces and obviously bulging bellies stood up in shock and looked at the dangerous figures at the door who looked like wolves and tigers.

If they weren't already dead, Xia Yanzhen and others would look more like villains.

It smells, I smell it!

Xia Yanzhen's tone was filled with excitement.

When the door opened, he smelled a distinct odor.

The world he saw had always been normal. Except for some moving corpses, he couldn't see evil spirits and couldn't smell the stench of Kong Tonggui's blood.

Even the various abilities of his companions, he couldn't see or feel anything - Xiaojia could see it by rolling his eyes.

Incompatible with this abnormal world.

Now he could suddenly smell a special smell, and Xia Yan was really excited.

Finally, I no longer have to look confused.

Well, we smelled it too, it should be a gas leak. Tao E said very calmly.


There will be more in the evening, please give me some recommendation votes.

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