While Xia Yanzhen and the others were getting to know Kong Tonggui.

In a rather high-end romantic place in Xiangdao, there is a quiet lounge filled with smoke.

Lin Nan was smoking, accompanied by five younger brothers.

After eating and drinking, he naturally wanted to bring his good brothers to vent and release.

At night, I must hold on to the wall to go out.

But he himself is not together.

As he said, he has indeed had a lot of friction with He Qunying recently, so he should be careful as a red stick.

I don’t want someone to steal my home when my legs are weak.

Letting some people follow Kong Tonggui was also to protect him, and He Qunying might take action against Kong Tonggui.

Don’t forget, Kong Tonggui is also a member of Fuxingyi.

It's just that new people who have joined in these years may not know him.

After a while, the door of the lounge was opened, and a woman who was supposed to be charming walked in with a frosty face: Brother Nan, the brother you brought here doesn't follow the rules!

Huh? Lin Nan looked over, What's wrong?

Go and see for yourself. The mamasang said angrily.

Lin Nan frowned and stood up. There was still a background to this place. If he was unreasonable, he, a red stick, wouldn't be able to speak loudly.

Arriving at Agui's Happy Room, the door was ajar. Lin Nan pushed the door open and walked in, feeling the smell of blood.

There were blood stains in many places in the room, quite a lot.

Kong Tonggui was lying on the bed, with his body like a smoker exposed and a happy expression on his face.

Seeing Lin Nan coming over, he showed a smile: Anan.

Lin Nan nodded, turned around and went out to close the door again.

Both of them have been sent to the hospital. Mamasang said angrily, Brother Nan, knowing that you brought your brothers here, I arranged for Rose and the others to take care of you.

I'm sorry. Lin Nan was unambiguous and immediately motioned to the boy next to him to take out a large wad of money from his wallet. This is compensation. I will pay for the soup and medicine for Rose and the others later on.

Oh, I'm just saying, Brother Nan, you're too outspoken. Mamasang immediately smiled brightly and took the money, Do you want to arrange some more for your brothers, Brother Nan?

No need. Lin Nan said.

The mother-san left with satisfaction.

Lin Nan returned to the room and originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Kong Tonggui's emaciated body like a poisonous insect, he sighed and smiled: What should I say? Do you want to go to the next one? I'm sure you'll be happy!

... Kong Tonggui was stunned for a moment, but the smile on his face disappeared, and he was a little uninterested, No, take me home when you are tired, my original home.

Sure! Lin Nan smiled.

The next morning.

Big Hair knocked on Xia Yanzhen's door: Let's go, let's go. Let's go see Brother Gui.

Last night, Tao E, Xia Yanzhen and the others found Dafa who had just left.

It means that he is willing to follow Kong Tonggui, and Big Hair is very happy. If he succeeds, he will also be a matchmaker.

Regarding Tao E's suggestion of wanting to know more about Kong Tonggui, he naturally agreed with both hands and feet.

Tao E and the others took good care of Kong Tonggui, and Kong Tonggui was happy. Kong Tonggui was happy, and Lin Nan was happy.

When Lin Nan was happy, didn't his big hair start to tremble?

When Dafa joined Fuxingyi, Kong Tonggui was no longer around, and he still needed to find an old man who had been in the gang for more than ten years.

To be honest, those old four-nine who have been around for ten years without dying or rising to the top are all having a miserable time.

Some people are marginalized.

Fortunately, Big Hair had enough time to hang out and was able to find someone to inquire about.

From those people's mouths, Xia Yanzhen and the others learned that Kong Tonggui and Lin Nan were good brothers in the past, and they had hung out together before they even joined the gang.

After joining the gang, Kong Tonggui also rescued Lin Nan, a true life-long friendship.

Later, Kong Tonggui seemed to have gone in to take the blame for the gang boss, and originally agreed to come out in three years at most.

Later, I don't know why, but I didn't do it well, so I was sentenced to more than ten years.

The old four and nine were also surprised by Kong Tonggui's sudden appearance.

Other than that, there is no more information, such as character, character background, etc.

The little gangsters all have similar personalities, they are flamboyant and out-of-the-box.

When will you be hacked to death on the street or climb up the stairs, will things change?

Moreover, after Kong Tonggui has been squatting for ten years, will his personality still be the same as before he entered?

If you really want to know more, you have to go to jail.

Big Hair doesn't have the ability to take Xia Yanzhen and the others to the prison to visit and investigate.

In terms of information, it can only be regarded as something gained.

Before Dafa arrived, he had already contacted Lin Nan and took Xia Yanzhen and the others directly to Kong Tonggui's home.

Kong Tonggui's home is a better place than the shanty town.

Before he entered, he was just a low-level gangster and couldn't live in a very good place.

Lin Nan left two clever younger brothers to guard him, and together with Xia Yanzhen and the other five people, the seven people would follow Kong Tonggui, which would be a perfect match.

After sending Xia Yanzhen and the others, Dafa left happily.

Because of his ability in doing things, Pang Kun asked Big Hair to follow him, which can be said to be smoothly rising to the top.

Here he comes.

In the dim and narrow room, Kong Tonggui lay on the sofa and looked lazily at Xia Yanzhen and others, Why are there so many people?

Brother Gui, Brother Nan asked us to follow you well and listen to your orders. Tao E said with a smile.

He is able to bend and stretch, and he doesn't mind giving Kong Tonggui a smile at all.

It was hard for Feipeng and Xiaojia to smile, and Gao Qiang didn't have a good face either - he was always the boss and the second child.

Xia Yanzhen plays his cold swordsman, pretending to be a master without speaking.

What are you following? How can I have spare money to support you? Kong Tonggui was impatient. He pointed at Xiaojia and said, You stay, and the others can go.

That's not possible, Brother Gui. Tao E said, Brother Nan told us to follow you and protect you.

Protect me? Just you? Kong Tonggui sneered disdainfully, When I stab someone with a knife, you don't know where to eat shit!

Tao E narrowed his eyes and remained unmoved.

Gao Qiang originally wanted to jump, but suddenly he felt a gaze falling on him from behind, which seemed to be of great weight, and his heart that was eager to try was immediately put down.

No rush, no rush.

Once it is confirmed that Kong Tonggui is one of their mission targets, he will feel better.

Okay. Seeing the reaction of Tao E and others, Kong Tonggui took out his mobile phone and made a call, I can't speak well, so I need to find someone who can.

I saw him dialing a number: Hey, Anan, what's going on...

As he spoke, Kong Tonggui's face became more and more ugly, he stood up and walked into the room.

It took him a long time to come out, and he said with a gloomy face: Okay, follow if you want, but I want to sleep now, get out.

Tao E smiled and left first.

As soon as they walked out of the room, Tao E's cell phone rang - it was specially given to him by Big Hair, saying it was for easy contact.

Hello. Tao E picked up.

Tao Da, right? a voice came from over there.

It's me, you are...

Lin Nan, we met yesterday. Lin Nan said.

Brother Nan, I have admired your name for a long time. Tao E said with a smile.

Hmm... Lin Nan responded casually, Agui has a bad temper. Be patient, protect him, and stay close. I'm afraid someone will do something bad to him.

Brother Nan said he wanted to sleep and kicked us out. Tao E reported truthfully.

Then guard the door. Lin Nan said, We must not let anything happen to Agui. If you do well, you will be rewarded.

Then we have to follow him 24 hours a day? Tao E asked.

Aren't there five or six of you? Lin Nan said, It's your turn. You will have the money. Do you know if there is any situation, please call me as soon as possible?

Okay, Brother Nan. Tao E's voice became louder as soon as he heard the money.

Yeah. Lin Nan hung up the phone.

When the two boys at the door saw someone coming to change their shift, they said they had something to do and disappeared in a hurry.

Tao E and others took a few steps away and looked at the closed door.

How is it? What did you see this time? Tao E asked Xiaojia.

Xiaojia shook his head: I didn't see the black energy this time, but this person is a bit dark.

I can see this too, Gao Qiang said, Is this guy one of the abnormal events we need to solve?

Let's make some money first. Tao E said, Two-pronged approach, we won't lose even if this person has no problem.

If you want to stay in this island for a while, you will definitely need money.

Different from the completely chaotic background of the last Madman Town, Xiangdao is just a mixed bag of fish and dragons. The basic order is still there, and it is a stable civilized society.

Tao E didn't want to rob in order to survive and cause unnecessary trouble.

Not long after, a loud snoring came from the door.

Xia Yanzhen walked over and through the dirty glass window, he could barely see Kong Tonggui lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

It feels weird, he said walking back.

Yes. Tao E was also thinking, Do you really need us to protect him?

They followed Kong Tonggui. On the surface, they said that Fu Xingyi had friction with He Qunying, and they were afraid that Kong Tonggui would be fucked by He Qunying's people.

But is Kong Tonggui really so important?

His identity is nothing more than Lin Nan's good brother. Could it be that he and Qunying would kidnap Kong Tonggui and force Lin Nan to submit?

If that's the case, why would outsiders like them be arranged to come? Wouldn't it be better to find one of our own?

There is not enough information and nothing can be inferred.

A few people stood there bored for an hour or two, while Kong Tonggui was still fast asleep, and Xia Yanzhen simply started practicing martial arts.

He also continued his daily practice yesterday.

Gao Qiang looked at it for a while but couldn't see anything interesting, so he said he wanted to walk around nearby.

After a while, a younger brother who had just left came back and handed Tao E a sum of money, saying that it was from Brother Nan.

He was also given two keys, the keys next to Kong Tonggui's residence.

Tao E and the others can stay at night, but they must protect him 24 hours a day.

Tao E agreed.

Kong Tonggui didn't go out that day, didn't even eat, and slept from morning to night.

While Tao E and others were relaxed, nothing happened.

The next morning, Kong Tonggui slowly went out to have breakfast, and Xia Yanzhen and the others followed him.

Kong Tonggui glanced dissatisfiedly and didn't say much - he still didn't give the money after the meal, so Tao E gave it to him.

Fortunately, Lin Nan gave everyone money in advance and seemed to have expected this.

Kong Tonggui went back after breakfast, lay down on the sofa, and wanted to sleep again.

Tao E and Xia Yanzhen talked about it and planned to go back to catch up on their sleep.

He was keeping vigil last night, so he was tired but not tired. Now that he has some free time, he might as well take a nap for a while.

Before Tao E could go in to rest, a cell phone rang.

Tao E picked up the answer, and there was Lin Nan's angry voice: Where is Agui!

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