Gao Qiang's identity in this dream copy is that of a gangster, which is similar in reality.

He is very good at fighting. After gaining benefits from the dream dungeon, his strength becomes stronger and he is even better at fighting. He can easily hit seven with one.

Go to some UFC and win the championship easily.

But he didn't expect that he couldn't move after being held down - it felt like he could move, and when Gao Qiang tried, the hands on his shoulders were like a huge mountain pressing down on him.

It felt like my bones were about to break.

A man who can bend and stretch, Gao Qiang stopped looking at Xia Yanzhen and calmed down.

A little ahead, Big Hair was grabbed by Tao E, and he felt unable to break free for a while.

Seeing that this man had no intention of making another move, Tao E immediately let go of his hand, and he could see that the red mark on Big Hair's wrist was fading.

In the last mission, Tao E got a blessing in disguise.

The jade needle suppressed the madness of the mad beast, but it did not have the power to suppress the mad beast. Tao E's strength, speed and reaction were improving.

Given time, maybe we can do the same thing as the black-haired monster dodging bullets in the passage.

Have you really damaged your brain? Big Hair looked at Gao Qiang and asked in confusion.

After being blocked for a moment, his attitude suddenly became much gentler.

Yes, Brother Big Tou, it took him a long time to think of us. Tao E said.

Gao Qiang's identity is the 49th son of the gang Fuxingyi.

Sijiuzai is the younger brother in the gang club, and is the most basic member, Da Di.

The person he followed, or rather the guide who led him onto the gang path, was called Big Hair.

There was information in the diary, and it was very thoughtful to explain that Gao Qiang had just hit his head, giving him an excuse for amnesia.

The man in front of him had indeed a big head. Tao E blindly guessed that this man had big hair.

Do you want to go to the hospital? At the foot of the stairs, Big Hair's tone softened.

It shouldn't be necessary, maybe I'm just confused. Tao E said.

You are... Big Hair looked at Xia Yanzhen and others, Pushing, Xiaoqiang's fellow countrymen, right?

Yes, come here to make a living. I am Xiao Gao's cousin, and my name is Tao Da. Tao E briefly introduced everyone's identities.

According to the information given in the diary, several people had a distant relationship with the big-haired man just two days after arriving.

We only know each other now.

Oh. Big Hair responded, looked at Tao E and said, You are quite strong.

Those who dig in the soil have some strength. Tao E showed a honest smile.

Big Hair didn't know if he understood, and rolled his eyes: Since everything is okay, do you want to come together?

What? Gao Qiang asked, What are you going to do?

You idiot, you have forgotten such an important thing! Why don't you just die! Big Hair cursed again.

His speaking style is exactly the same as that of Huang Mao Gaoqiang.

Once you get used to it, those words are just modal particles and are not really swearing. When you meet a stranger, you say this. If you encounter someone with a hot temper, you have to take action.

No wonder the Young and Dangerous always fight when they have nothing to do.

What's going on? Tao E immediately took over the conversation to prevent the two gangsters from arguing again.

Because Xia Yanzhen was standing next to him, Gao Qiang didn't take off again.

The big boss's brother is coming out. We need to go pick him up together and build a strong momentum. Big Hair said, I have forgotten what I told you two days ago. Be careful that the big boss really wants you to rush to the street.

Although Dafa brought Gao Qiang into Fuxingyi, he said he was his eldest brother.

But if we really look at the level of gang members, he, like Gao Qiang, is the lowest level of the gang.

He is actually a younger brother himself.

The person he directly follows is Straw Shoes, who is one level higher than Sijiuzai. He used to be responsible for various liaison positions. Now, the division is not so strict.

The main thing is to show that this person is really in the gang and is a brother.

The big boss in Big Hair's mouth is Fu Xingyi's red stick, a senior employee and the most capable one in the gang.

Someone who is truly famous.

In the past, in order to be the leader (boss) of a gang or society, one must have been a red stick.

Nowadays, it’s not that important. It doesn’t matter who can lead the club to develop and make money. It doesn’t matter if he can fight or not.

There is a saying that goes well, young and Dangerous don't need to use their brains, they will remain Young and Dangerous all their lives.

And for the forty-nine guys like Gao Qiang and Big Hair, Hong Guan is a big shot who looks up to him from the top of the mountain. When he comes down to ask them to do things, he will naturally be very humble.

Gao Qiang didn't know whether to go or not and looked at Tao E involuntarily.

Come together, I'll give you twenty yuan. Big Hair also noticed that his little brother Pou Jieqiang listened to his cousin and said.

He followed the straw sandals and didn't have many people under him.

If he can get five or six people to go with him, he will look so majestic, and maybe he will fall in the eyes of Brother Honggunnan.

Isn’t it time to take off?

Twenty per person? Tao E asked.

Twenty for everyone. Big Hair said angrily.

Twenty for one person, eighty for four. How much money is that?

At the current price level, twenty yuan is enough for one person to eat out for the whole day.

Go. Tao E agreed. What he cared about was not the money, but the understanding of this place.

Including Xiaojia, a group of people set off just like that.

Everyone paid attention to the surrounding situation along the way. The place where they lived now was low-end but lively.

There was a roar of people.

There are many short buildings and the roads are winding. If you take more turns, you risk getting lost.

Big Hair led the way and then led a group of people onto the bus.

Yes, as a low-class 49-year-old with big hair, he is very ordinary and has no car to travel.

Now, if you want to go to a relatively remote suburban prison, you can only take a bus.

The straw sandals followed by Big Hair did have a car, but it couldn't accommodate even ten people in total.

They can only meet again outside the prison.

I changed trains several times along the way, which made Huang Mao Gaoqiang grumble and lose all energy.

who is he?

Travel through the dream dungeon and complete various impossible tasks.

A watermelon knife was used to cut from South Street to North Street, and from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road. They fought bloody battles without blinking an eye, and others trembled when they saw it.

So now we are squeezing the bus here?

I finally found a seat to sit down on, and there was an old man next to me who was staring at me, as if I had violated some laws of nature.

I was squeezed out by the bus!

When he got off the bus at the station, Gao Qiang looked like he was about to die, with his hair tangled up like a defeated fighting cock.

I'm going to die! Are you here to mourn? Dafa cursed when he saw it.

I'm crying—— Gao Qiang suddenly became energetic.

But before he could say the word Nima, several cars sped by and stopped.

At the front was a very flamboyant red convertible sports car, with a red-haired man sitting in the driver's seat wearing sunglasses.

Even if most of his face is covered, you can still feel his arrogant and unrestrained expression.

Brother Nan!

The big-haired man had a look on his face as if he had seen his biological father, and he went to open the door for the red-haired man.

This person is Lin Nan, the red stick of Fuxingyi.

You are... Lin Nan took off his sunglasses and glanced at Big Hair, Oh, Big Hair, right?

Brother Nan, you still remember me! The big-haired man smiled broadly.

Of course, you are my little brother. Lin Nan patted the big hair on the shoulder, which made the big hair's body feel relaxed. You also brought a lot of people with you, so you are very considerate.

He scanned the five Xia Yanzhen people. Although he was a little surprised why there was a woman, it didn't matter.

Brother Nan, you ordered me to go up the mountain of knives and go down into the sea of ​​fire! Big Hair achieved his goal and smiled from ear to ear.

Many people also got off the cars behind.

A group of people gathered not far from the prison entrance, making the prison guard frown.

Soon, a man slowly walked out of the prison holding a bag.

This man was young, thin, with sunken cheeks and deep-set eye sockets, looking like a heavy smoker.

He seemed to be uncomfortable with the sunlight outside, and squinted his eyes.

Brother Gui!

Lin Nan opened his arms and greeted him with a big smile.

Kong Tonggui looked at Lin Nan, showed a charming smile, opened his arms and hugged Lin Nan.

Brother Nan!

The two called each other brother with a hint of teasing.

Finally out! Good brother! Lin Nan patted Kong Tonggui's back twice before letting go.

It looks like you've gotten ahead of yourself. Kong Tonggui looked at Lin Nan and said.

Now the red stick!

Lin Nan didn't mind showing off in front of his brothers, and then ordered a group of people around him, My brother! Call me your brother!

Brother Gui!

The big one screamed the loudest, and a group of people all shouted loudly.

Xiaojia looked at Kong Tonggui, frowned, and took an extra step towards Feipeng.

Feipeng noticed his girlfriend's abnormality and asked in a low voice: What's wrong?

There's something wrong with this person. I don't know if I saw it wrong. Xiao Jia said in a low voice.

What's wrong? Huang Mao Gaoqiang said excitedly, Is there something wrong with him? Is it our -


Tao E coughed and interrupted Gao Qiang's words.

There are some things that cannot be said outside the home. It would not be good to expose their identities.

Agui. Lin Nan held Kong Tonggui in his arms and said, You just came out, and you will definitely need people around you. You can choose the people here as you like.

So generous, Brother Nan. Kong Tonggui said with a smile.

Without you, I don't even know where I would be buried. As long as I have something to eat, you will be indispensable. Lin Nan said, and then lowered his voice, During this period, we have had a lot of friction with He Qunying. I will kind of hard.

Do you need my help? Kong Tonggui asked, Although I am a 49-year-old boy, I am also a member of Fuxingyi.

When he said this, his expression was a little strange.

No, you just came out, enjoy your life first, and when things are over, tell me what you want to do. Lin Nan said, I will make arrangements for you.

Okay. Kong Tonggui agreed, Then I will pick a few people to follow me. In ten years, I have even forgotten which direction the small shop selling fish ball soup opened.

Lin Nan patted Kong Tonggui on the shoulder: The store is closed.

It's closed. Where is the boss lady?

Well, don't think about it. The landlady has gone. Lin Nan smiled.

Fuck, that was my first love, and it's gone just like that. Kong Tonggui said, looking at the group of people brought by Lin Nan.

Then, he pointed at Xiao Jia, who was very inconspicuous in the crowd, and said, Let that little girl follow me.

There will be an update tonight, please bookmark and recommend!

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