I am the only normal person in the whole world

Chapter 10 Training essential skills and discoveries

Once, Tao E had an opportunity to complete a task, but he didn't cherish it.

Until I lost it...oh, actually I didn't lose it.

That's okay.

Well, just carry me over the mountain. It feels a bit strange. Tao E said.

It's okay to carry it.

Well, it's not the method. It's just that I didn't expect that you can do nothing and win. Tao E said, There is also this way to leave and complete the mission.

I originally wanted to say it, but it's better now. Xia Yanzhen said, Do we have a chance to practice marksmanship?

Although I just thought that a gun is not easy to use, which man would refuse to shoot?

Not to mention, you will continue to enter such a dream copy in the future, and skills such as shooting and driving are absolutely necessary.

You don't need to use it at ordinary times, but you must use it when needed.

Why not take advantage of this time to practice? Li Yuan and the others need Xia Yanzhen's ability to ignore ghosts and break through walls. They shouldn't refuse such a small request, right?

Then shall we go now? Tao E also wanted to shoot.

Let's go. Xia Yanzhen stood up.

The two found a soldier and explained their purpose to him.

The man did not refuse and took the two of them to the shooting range of the institute.

The institute has many laboratories, each of which is equipped with a security team and is fully equipped.

A shooting range has also been established, and shooting training is conducted from time to time.

At its peak, there were more than sixty armed soldiers, but now there are only eight of them, and the guns and bullets are enough.

You can give Xia Yanzhen and Tao E some marksmanship.

The soldier didn't have too strict requirements, but just taught them basic operations and some essentials.

Xia Yanzhen learned very quickly.

After getting a little familiar with it, you will gradually start to be able to hit the target.

Tao E, on the other hand, needs to be slower. His hands are not as steady as Xia Yanzhen's.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Whoever shoots better in the end cannot be determined simply by whether his hands are steady or not.

The two of them didn't expect to become any sharpshooters in a few days. At least they had some understanding of firearms. They could use the guns to their advantage, not just fire sticks.

After practicing until night, Xia Yanzhen and Tao E came to the conclusion that compared with rifles, pistols are garbage.

Then the two men each brought a pistol back for self-defense.

Back at his residence, Tao E asked: Xiaoxia, you...are a high school student, right? Are you eighteen yet?

When he looked at Xia Yanzhen, he looked more like a student at the beginning, and he couldn't drive, so he might be a high school student.

No, seventeen. Xia Yanzhen told the truth.

He won't really come of age until next year.

Hmm... Tao E pondered for a moment, Should we leave our contact information so that we can contact you easily when we get back? In the future, we will all carry out tasks together, and we can take care of any problems in real life.

Oh, okay. Xia Yan really didn't have any objections.

The two exchanged numbers so they could contact each other after returning.

Xiao Xia, have you ever encountered anything unusual in the real world? Tao E asked.

What's unusual? Xia Yan was really confused.

Apart from some abnormalities in his body, the biggest abnormality he has ever encountered is these dream copies.

It's the kind of strange thing that is difficult to explain with modern science. Tao E said.

He once encountered an unusual event.

The impact on Tao E was quite big. He was a successful businessman with a lot of business, which was different from some more superstitious businessmen.

Tao E didn't believe in any Feng Shui, masters, praying to gods or Buddhas, or even praying for a lucky draw.

If it's a director, he's someone who doesn't even put up a pig's head when the crew starts filming.

But that weird incident really broke his previous understanding. Not long after, Tao E faced his first nightmare.

After the nightmare, Tao E, who survived, began to spend time and money investigating.

After discovering some liars, it was indeed found that there are 100% abnormalities in reality - it may be people or things.

Tao E himself met him again later.

Substitutes are attracted to each other, and so are extraordinary, abnormal, and weird things.

Tao E extremely doubted that people like them would not only encounter danger in these nightmares, but they would also not be able to sit back and relax in the real world.

We are all teammates and get along well.

In addition to tasks, if you encounter difficulties in the real world, you can also help each other.

It can be regarded as the basic process of developing from online to offline.

Of course, if you are tired of looking at each other, you will definitely want to hide all your information.

Even killing each other is possible.

Teammates are never natural comrades-in-arms. When they are exhausted, strangers become colleagues and classmates.

Whether you can get along well depends on the person and the situation.

Tao E and Xia Yan are really happy with each other and feel that they can develop offline.

I really haven't met him before. After listening to Tao E's brief description, Xia Yan recalled it carefully and confirmed that it was not the case.

There are indeed major changes in life, but what does that have to do with abnormalities?

This day was spent quite quietly.

In the afternoon, Xia Yanzhen and the two met some survivors in the research institute.

At night, all the survivors returned to their rooms and refused to leave until they died.

Li Principle will lead people to drive and patrol within a certain range of Shuiyuan Town to look for survivors.

In most cases, the black-haired monster will only appear late at night after three o'clock. Before three o'clock, as long as it does not shout loudly with a loudspeaker.

There is no danger in driving in Shuiyuan Town.

Anyway, that's what Li Yuan said.

He is busy every day, doing his best to maintain this surviving place, and has a high prestige in the eyes of everyone.

The life affairs of the survivors of the institute were basically taken care of by Li Yuan and eight armed soldiers.

Li Yuan will even help them find relatives and friends.

The survivors just need to stay in the institute and don't cause trouble.

Now Li Yuan had the same request for Tao E and Xia Yanzhen. He said that he was looking for some clues and hoped that Xia Yanzhen and Tao E could stay for a day or two.

When something is really gained, everyone will work together to leave Shuiyuan Town together.

If it fails, Li Yuan will not restrain the two of them.

Shuiyuan Town is so big that the two of them can go there, as long as they don't deliberately lure the black-haired monsters all over the ground to this survivor base.

These actions were the sincerity Li Yuan showed to Xia Yanzhen and Tao E.

Don't ask about the origin, just the purpose.

If everyone has the same purpose, they can cooperate. If cooperation fails, it will be easy to get together and disperse easily.

In today's environment, there is no need for internal friction.

Two days passed like this.

Xia Yanzhen and Tao E both believed that it was better to be still than to move, so they concentrated on improving their skills during the past two days.

In addition to learning shooting, Xia Yanzhen also learned to drive under Tao E's guidance.

After rushing to the green belt of the institute several times, he barely learned to drive. His talent in driving was lower than that of shooting, but it was enough.

As night fell, Tao E and Xia Yanzhen were chatting in the room. They found that they were all from Zhengguo Haizhou and could meet each other within a few hours by train.

At this time, the doorbell of the room rang.

Tao E walked over and opened the door. Outside the door was Li Yuan, who had been in a hurry for the past two days.

One person, followed by Sen Luo's armed soldiers.

We've gained something. Maybe we can find a way to break through the ghost wall and leave this ghost place! Li Yuan said excitedly as soon as he came in.

How to say?

Tao E looked very calm.

With Xia Yanzhen here, he is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and can leave whenever he wants.

They also discussed with Xia Yanzhen that if there was no movement from Li Yuan's side for another two days, they would find a time to sneak away at night.

Why sneak away?

Although Li Yuan said that everyone would have a good time together, who knows if he will change his mind when the time comes?

Xia Yan can really ignore ghosts and hit the wall.

In a different place, Tao E is Li Yuan, and he will not let them leave easily.

Defenses can not do without.

I finally cracked the No. 1 Research Laboratory and found a researcher's video log. Take a look. Li Yuan waved the tablet in his hand.

Ah? Tao E didn't know why.

Does this have anything to do with us leaving Shuiyuan Town? Xia Yanzhen asked directly.

Watch and talk.

Li Yuan connected the tablet to the projector in the room and opened a file.

Inside are more than a dozen video files.

After opening the first one, what appears on the screen is not the kind of clean, high-end, very technological laboratory scene.

But it was shot outdoors.

A man wearing a safety helmet, who looked more like a civil engineer, said to the camera: March 15th, the weather is sunny, it is now - one o'clock in the afternoon, and the excavation work is in progress...

The First Research Laboratory is mainly responsible for geological exploration work. Li Yuan explained, Before what happened, they were digging in Shuiyuan Town and seemed to have discovered something. They also asked other research laboratories to participate.

You don't have one? Xia Yanzhen asked.

“My research project was at a critical juncture at that time, so I didn’t join it for the time being,” Li Yuan said. “Then something happened.”

Tao E asked: So you suspect that the anomalies in Shuiyuan Town and that those monsters are related to the excavation?

What monster was accidentally dug up underground, causing all kinds of changes?

It's an old trick to commit suicide. Tao E said that he has watched no less than ten related movies.

It's not doubt, it's certainty. Li Yuan said.

In the video, the civil engineering guy is still introducing or recording today's excavation work.

Use the video as a work log or something like that.

There was no important information, so Li Yuan pressed the accelerator button.

Until the last few minutes, another person came over and expressed his excitement that he had discovered something.

The old man went over immediately and didn't forget to take the photo.

Unfortunately, this discovery was not about digging something, but the detection of some soil that was completely different from the surrounding soil.

Is there any point?

Xia Yanzhen asked. Rather than watching these scientific research videos, he wanted to see the key points first.

What exactly did these people dig up that turned Shuiyuan Town into a desert filled with corpses, or black-haired monsters?

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