I am the One Piece Kaido

The pirates are the 220th section of the beast

Even at the Pira King World, there is a violation of Triadow, it is also like the antity, in some of the big energy, now Thaday, the ants are also strong, all are blowing directly There is no difference in the existence of death.

Even if the Hamer's blood has recovered, it is just the stage of being separated from the antity, becoming a strong person, and it is far more than those who can destroy the wilderness.

Of course, with powerful blood and system, we can shuttle all over the world to strengthen its own, and Thaedo has confidently on the top of the world.

"But even if the world is endless, the strong is like a star, I will also pay the top of the top of the world, the empire, all the horizon every corner!"

Dear look at the eagle, Thaedo is strong, if it is the previous Thaed, nothing is the rule of the pihydrate, and then step by step into the intensive of the peak of the Ten Tienan.

But now Thara changed his mind, how can a world in the district can meet Thara?

If it is possible to integrate all the world into yourself, let hundreds of millions of power surrender yourself!

Let the beauty of the people in Tiantian have to be in our hometown, so that he has become the emperor of all the world!

If it is able to achieve this great, the life is a life, where is there any regret?

Even if this great industry is almost impossible to complete, even if this great, the time required until the star, the world is still difficult to satisfy, but what?

This is the arrogance of Thara, is also his wild look, and his future pursuit of life.


I took a deep breath, and the eagle's eyes were shocked, without any hesitation, kneeling, said respectful to Caise.

"Eagle Eye Michac, I am willing to follow Tamarian, fighting the world!"

PS: When it comes back, build an empire seems to be very troublesome. _ (: з "∠) _.

The 157th chapter of the spike battle, the bloodthirsty rain, the third is more

"The eagle is even surprising !!"

In the distance, the body is not in the tremburaku, staring at Thaedo, and the feelings who can't cover up, some whispered.

Next to, Dofontech and multi-bians have no compassion, tall body is tight, ready to escape.

Yes, it is escaped, facing the desperate monsters of Thamedo, even if it is a trusted, the Francience, only the idea of ​​escape, especially when I saw Kaido raised hands The spike is not dead, no hurt, take the chop of the eagle, and downs a proud eagle eye, and the heart is feared to the extreme.

I don't dare to rise at the heart and the mind of Thara.

"Well, after you have solved the white beard and others after I solved it!"

Seeing the eagle eyes, Kaido nodded, said to the eagle.


Thaedo turned to the Qitaka, who looked up, and the terrible momentum was exuded, such as the quince collapsed, and people were frightened.

"Still first solving you!"

"not good!!!"

The pupil has contracted sharply, and there is a sudden in the face of the Cataka, it seems to have seen anything, the sticky rice cake is out, it has become a huge white fist, directly hit it.

"Weird Year !!"

The huge fists are like a star, torn the atmosphere, with a crushing mountain, cut off the terrible power of the river, colliding with a white fist.


The white fist is like a tofu hits the steel, directly breaks, and the white rice cake is blown out, and the huge black fist is not changed, and the heavy bombards are on the Kataka in the look.


The talented spheres, the whole person of the Cataku is directly impolished into the earth, and a huge pothole is a huge pothole, and the cracks are crazy, and there is no earth.

"Boom !!!"

The big earth shocks, the whole island is under a punch in Thara, let the hundred pirates standing on the island, and it seems that it is unbearable.

A boxing of mountain rivers, lifting the foot and smashing the mountains, this is the truly war of Thara!

"Escape! .!"

The pupil is shrunk to the tip size, and the forehead can not help but sweat. Duran Mingge has a horrified, and it will run in the moment. He has no courage to face the monster.

"damn it!"

The colorful face is difficult to look at the kung fu, escaped from the Duran Mingchie that dozens of hundreds of meters away, and whispered, and wanted to turn around.


However, I haven't waited for him to escape. One big hand falls from the sky, like the hand of the sky, directly grasped his half of the body, the horrible force swept, pinching his whole body violently, almost squeezing him into meat sauce.


Multi-library cracks, terrible power is that he can't resist it, almost crush him.

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