I am the One Piece Kaido

The pirates are the 100th day of the beast

The huge vibration sounds in an instant, and the majestic air waves swept, and several warships located in the port will shake dramally. The waves are surging, and the whole season is shaking in an instant.

"Wow, ah !!"

"what's up!!"

"What is this explosion ?!"

The big film is in the harbor, just unfortunately the vapor wave, dozens of momently, a sharp waves are flying, there are several or even the air, calling in the panic.

"Hey !!"

At this time, the vigorous harsh alert couldn't stand, and the whole stretch was resounded.

"Enemy !!"

"Some people attacked it, hurry up !!"


Soon, a large number of Navy under the alarm, fast collectors, flying quickly in the direction of vibration.

"What is going on? How can it be such a huge shock!"

The new Navy G8 Fortress will serve as the commander's strengthening, at this time, at this time, some uneasy wrinkled, looking at the port of dramatic shock.

"Do you want to see?"

Being next to him is a glamorous woman with a golden hair, wearing a chef suit is a wife Jessica, a stream.

"Well, there is always a little uneasy in my heart, I have taken it!"

Some faces have a little ugly, and the hearts of the restless strengthening of strengtheningson says their own wife, they ran in the direction of the shock.

"Be careful!"

After you, Jessica has a little worried.


Running, Junson smiled and said that the tone was strong.

"I am a middle general, but here, there is a g8 stretch with tens of thousands of sea, how can it be dangerous!"


"Fast, fast, surround it!"

"What is this huge pit hole? What is it?"

"From the sky?"

The large number of navy holds the guns that will take the pit caves from Kamado, and they have a little amazed.

"Hey, this shape, it seems to be humanoid!"

Suddenly, a naval soldier swallowed, the forehead was cold, and some trembled.

"How could it be !! So big shape, only the giant family is only!"

"And I want to pull out the deep pit, how to say it is over kilometers!"

A group of sea soldiers have laughed and did not believe in the soldiers.

"But, but ..."


Just when the sea soldiers wanted to defend, a big hand extended from the pothole, directly pressing the side, and issued a vibration.

This hand is really too big. If Zhang opened, even more than a sea soldier, it looks full of shocking.

"what is this?!"

"Blame, blame, monster !!"

In the eyes of a crowd, a huge god is climbed out from the pothole, a pair of sharp and cold eyes, and it is indifferent to them, just like being dedicated by peer , Let the sea soldiers are cold, and the body can't tremble, fear to the extreme.

"Hey !!"

When the huge body appears, thoroughly let all the sea soldiers, up to 20 meters like the monsters of the magic God, a part of the tyrannical eyes, a bit of taste, only to the calf, like the antique sea.

"Ah !! Jumping from tens of thousands of high altitude, it is really a novel experience, which is more exciting than the O'Hara!"

Twisted the twist, Thaedo did not pay attention to the Navy, but said with self.

"It is a pity that there is no feeling, it is better than the hard!"

The tone is full of dissatisfaction, as if it is the same.

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