Chen Xinyi wanted to continue speaking with indignation. She raised her eyes to see Cha Cha's red eyes, her throat seemed to be blocked, and suddenly she couldn't speak.

As a bystander, she has witnessed with her own eyes how Cha Cha likes to be stubborn.

She just felt it was not worth it for Cha Cha.

Shen Zhi didn't have the same liking and love for her, and his personality was too cold.

Chacha raised her small face, her voice was very small: "Have Shen Zhi and Jiang Miaoyan confessed? When did it happen?"

The girl's cheeks are white, the tip of her nose is slightly red, and her inner grievances are hidden deep in her eyes.

Chen Xinyi scratched his cheek, "I also forgot, I should have liked it anyway."

Shen Zhi's call came again.

Cha Cha had never hung up his phone before, nor did she fail to reply to his news. This was the first time she had hung up his call.

Shen Zhi's temper is not so good, nor is it the temperament that keeps whispering for others.

The phone's ringtone is silent.

Chacha lay on the table, looking in a trance. When she was in junior high school, she didn't fail to see the difference between Shen Zhi and Jiang Miaoyan, but Shen Zhi personally told her that she liked her.

Chen Xinyi looked at her worriedly, and began to regret whether she was too reckless, "Chacha."

She added: "Jiang Miaoyan didn't promise him that day, so don't be too sad, but I still think Shen Zhi is not suitable for you."

Cha Cha is also a little girl, and sometimes she feels very tired. Faced with her boyfriend's cold reply, she also wonders if she should give up.

But when we met, it was different.

Shen Zhi is considerate and gentle, just like when he was a child. Although he talks less, he does more.

In this way, Cha Cha, under the sweetness he gave again and again, got deeper and deeper.

Cha Cha said: "I think about it."

She has liked Shen Chong for a full seven years.

She and him have known each other for more than ten years, and the memories of so many years cannot be considered.

Her joy for Shen Zhi.

From the little sprout that took off, it gradually grew and took root in her heart.

Chacha and Shen Zhi started a cold war.

This is almost something that has never happened before.

In her WeChat dialog box, "Let's break up" several words were typed and deleted repeatedly.

One week passed.

The other two roommates also found something wrong. After finishing the evening study, they held the book and bumped her with their arms, and asked casually, "Why haven't you been to your boyfriend at night? Have you quarreled?"

Cha Cha said: "No."

There was no quarrel.

Shen Zhi is not even willing to argue with her, and she seldom gets angry with him.

This time, it's just that no one is willing to bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

Yu Wan knew in her heart, "Boyfriend really can't get used to it. No matter how good he looks, he can't get used to it. You are too kind to Shen Zhi. He takes it for granted."

Which time isn't Chacha going to the Finance Department to look for Shen Zhi?

However, Shen Zhi also sent Chacha back to the female dormitory every time.

Chacha said: "We may be breaking up."

Yu Wan thought that the two of them were simply quarreling, but he didn't expect it to be so serious, "Fuck, why? What happened?"

After a few seconds of silence, Chacha told her what had happened this afternoon.

Yu Wan suddenly understood after listening.

Another week passed.

Cha Cha seems normal, as if nothing happened.

Classes and meals as usual every day.

But several roommates are worried about her.

Yu Wan and Chen Xinyi avoided her in private and started chatting secretly.

Yu Wan said: "Our dormitory prohibits mentioning this person Shen Zhi these days."

Chen Xinyi didn't know if he was doing it right, "Okay, I won't mention it again."

Yu Wan said: "Although Chacha looks like a okay person, I thought she was okay, but these days, every morning, her eyes are swollen."

Chen Xinyi stopped talking.

Ten years of feelings, day and night, bit by bit, and she is so emotional, this time she is really sad.

Yu Wan's voice was a little bit stunned, "I asked her what's wrong with her eyes, and she also lied to me that she was staying up late and swollen. In fact, I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and heard her sobbing."

Hiding in the quilt, biting his lip, dare not let them know.

Chen Xinyi: "I heard it too."

They both did not intervene tacitly, pretending not to know.

Cha Cha had just arrived in the high math class that day, and the front row was already occupied by the students who had arrived in advance. She silently walked towards the back corner, and raised her eyes to see Shen Zhi sitting on the outermost side.

She froze for a moment, and her eyes became sore.

Cha Cha unconsciously hugged the textbook in his arms, buried his head and walked to the empty seat behind him.

Upon seeing this, Shen Zhi moved to the seat beside her.

Today, Shen Zhi skipped a big class and came to look for her. The two of them sat together and caused a sensation among the classmates. They turned their heads and looked back.

Shen Zhi consciously had enough sincerity, and he really didn't take the matter of that day seriously. He put his phone in front of Chacha, "I have deleted it."

It's true as he said that day.

It doesn't matter if you are concerned or have contact information. If you really want to contact, you will not fail to contact.

Shen Zhi didn't expect to hang up his phone at the tea party and even say "Let's break up".

He made a certain degree of concession, and he did not want the two to continue this meaningless cold war state.

Cha Cha did not touch his cell phone.

There was an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

This is probably the first time Shen Zhi has compromised for her.

Cha Cha hum sounded.

Shen Zhi glanced at her, "Have you had breakfast?"

Chacha shook his head honestly, "No."

Waking up too late, and in a bad mood, I have no appetite.

Shen Zhi said, "I will take you to dinner in a short break between classes."

Cha Cha did not say that it was good or bad.

She lifted her white face and applied ice cubes before going out in the morning. She couldn't see that her eyes were swollen. Her voice was very careful. She looked at him and asked, "Azhi, do you really like me? "

Shen Zhi squeezed his hands, and he said "um".

Shen Zhi knew that he had used tea.

In the past few years, he hasn't spent many days thinking about Jiang Miaoyan. Sometimes he feels that he doesn't seem to have so much extreme and stubborn emotions towards Jiang Miaoyan.

He persuaded himself to like tea and tea again and again in his heart.

These words do not know whether to lie to others or to lie to themselves.

Chacha put her heart down, she pressed the corners of her lips, "That's good."

Cha Cha and Shen Zhi slipped out through the back door after half a session of high math class.

Just after leaving the hospital, she did not accidentally receive a text message from Chen Xinyi: [The teacher called. 】

Chacha: [It's okay. 】

Shen Zhi squeezed her hand and took her to eat outside of the school. It was neither the meal nor the time for get out of class. There was no one on campus or outside.

Shen Zhi gave her the menu, "What do you want to eat?"

This is a Sichuan restaurant. As Chacha remembered that Shen Zhi couldn't eat spicy food, he ordered two non-spicy side dishes and a bowl of light porridge.

Basically, he was eating tea, and Shen Zhi didn't move his chopsticks.

After eating, Shen Zhi asked in a low voice: "Are there classes in the afternoon?"

Cha Cha shook his head: "No more."

Shen Zhi nodded, then let it go and held her five fingers, "Then you can go to the business courtyard with me."

Of course, Cha Cha had no objection. He hung his head and walked with him and said, "Okay."

Because she is a very pretty little girlfriend.

Therefore, Chacha is quite famous in the business school.

Shen Zhi's roommates all recognize her and have eaten with her. They are jealous and envious of Shen Zhi, especially Cui Nan. After seeing Chacha for the first time, he returned to the dormitory and said, "Fuck! Why is my girlfriend so gentle and cute! I have no human rights in front of my girlfriend. I said I was hungry, and she would just let me go to shit."

Shen Zhi was expressionless and took the clothes to take a bath in the bathroom. After he came out, Cui Nan was still wailing like crazy—"I want a sweet girlfriend too. If I grow up to be like Shen Zhi Ah! But Shen Zhi, you are also awesome, you are actually no different in front of your girlfriend than in front of us."

Cui Nan asked again: "Brother Shen, are you two...have you?"

Shen Zhi kicked it: "Go away."

All in all, Cha Cha is a child who is very popular and likable in front of anyone.

Shen Zhi went to the office of the business school to talk to the teacher about the information. Cha Cha sat outside and waited for him. During the period, a senior sister passed by and bought her milk tea.

"She's so beautiful, like a doll, my sister is heartbroken."

"I heard that the personality is also good, whether he studies, or he is still a math department."

"So what! Now she is from our finance department!"

"But the little girl is quite miserable. A stubborn and crazy suitor in the school forum changed the forum id to'When will Shen Zhi break up with Chucha?' He also built a tall building and checked in every day."

"Shen Zhi is indeed handsome."

Chacha held the milk tea, biting the mouth of the straw and swallowing slowly.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Shen Zhi came out of the office. The two of them strolled outside the school’s Yueming Lake. He quietly listened to Chacha’s soft-spoken words, and the irritability and gloom of the past few days was well relieved. .

In the evening, Shen Zhi sent Chacha back to the dormitory. He caught a glimpse of the date displayed on the phone. He remembered that it was almost her menstrual period. He went to the pharmacy and bought her a box of painkillers by the way. , Don't bear it yourself."

Chacha pinched the plastic bag he handed over, "Okay, go back and rest soon."

Shen Zhi raised his hand and touched her head.

Cha Cha reluctantly went upstairs until he could not see Shen Zhi's back.

She has a soft personality and is really coaxing.

Yu Wan and Chen Xinyi lay on the windowsill and peeked at her and Shen Zhi. Chen Xinyi said, "Forget it, Shen Zhi doesn't seem to be that annoying."

Yu Wan said: "The main reason is that Chacha likes him. Maybe handsome men don't know how to fall in love, right? Shen Zhi didn't make any principled mistakes. Since he is willing to coax, it means he cherishes tea."

Chen Xinyi said, "I hope."

When Shen Zhi returned to the dormitory, several roommates were fighting in the game battlefield, the keyboard crackled, and two swear words popped out from time to time, "Fuck! Fool Rambo! I'll report him when this is over!"

In less than three minutes, this unilateral massacre was over.

Cui Nan took off his headphones and saw Shen Zhi. He asked, "Shen Zhi, has the little girlfriend coaxed you?"

Shen Zhi said indifferently: "Reconciled."

"My girlfriend just relies on coaxing, and I don't know what your two-week Cold War was about. It's a big deal."

Shen Zhi raised his neck and took a sip of water without making a sound.


After Chacha was coaxed by Shen Zhi, they felt that the two had returned to the past. They occasionally ate dinner together, went to the movies on weekends, and went to the surrounding scenic spots together when they had a small holiday.

Jiang Zhou was quite venomous about the fact that his sister did not go home on weekends, and asked her if she was in love?

Chacha didn't dare to tell the truth, pretending to be foolish and fooling around.

Jiangzhou is a sister-in-law, and unable to pry out useful information from her sister, she entrusted the students who stayed on the school to help inquire.

My sister is still young.

Chacha has a lot of pocket money every month, but she never spends money lavishly at school, just like ordinary college students.

I can't bear to buy a brand that is too expensive, but I don't feel sorry for the money if I buy something for Shen Zhi.

Shen Zhi is also very generous to her, just spend what it takes, not a stingy person.

The first semester of the freshman year came to the end with surprises.

Yu Gu only returned to school for the last month of class when he was about to take the final exam. He took leave of absence to go to the hospital for treatment in the past few months.

Yu therefore took the entire semester of courses in only a few days and became a very important student by the professor.

As soon as Yu Gu returned to school, he hugged Chacha and placed his delicate chin gently on her neck. He said, "I miss you so much."

Chacha tried to push him away, but found that she couldn't push. She said helplessly: "You let me go first, okay?"

Yu Gu mumbled in his throat, and lowered his eyelashes, "They won't let me see you."

He is only interested in tea.

When I was young, I liked to follow her.

A little bit older is like raising the kitten in my own house, wanting to raise her.

Yu Gu is now an adult.

He moved the minds of men and women towards Chacha.

He began to have a spring/dream, the girl in the dream, with a beautiful and lovely face, with round and bright eyes, looked at him with a smile.

After Yu Gu woke up, he took a calm bath, changed the dirty sheets, and then clearly realized that he wanted to go to bed with tea.

Cha Cha said: "The doctor also hopes you can get better soon."

Cha Cha feels that therefore is one of the good tempered boys she knows, with a mild temper, polite, respecting teachers, and love to learn.

Yu Gu twisted his eyebrows, as if he didn't want to hear the word doctor.

A classmate came over to spread a message, "Yue, Professor Chen is looking for you."

Chacha stood by the window of the teaching building for a while, and it was another winter, covered with snow, and a thin layer of ice formed on the edge of the window.

She wrapped her coat tightly and walked slowly out.

When I returned to the dormitory, I heard Chen Xinyi and the others mention this year's fireworks display in the city.

Yu Wan said: "It is Saturday, we can all go to see the fireworks."

Chen Xinyi poured cold water on her, "We had an exam that afternoon."

The two of them took the Japanese course, and the final exam score was 75 points or more. It was not small for the two who did not listen to the class well.

Yu Wan said, "Forget it."

She asked again: "Chacha, do you want to go?"

Cha Cha was afraid of the cold, holding a hot water bottle in his hand, nodded gently, "I'm going."

She had made an appointment with Shen Zhi to go together, and she also stepped on the riverside in advance to find a good location.

Yu Wan said: "I wish you all a good time!"

Chen Xinyi just reminded: "Remember to come back at night, the access time is 10:30."

Cha Cha blushed, "Hmm."

On Saturday, Cha Cha seriously put on makeup for herself, "Am I good-looking?"

Yu Wan's endorsement was already delirious, she said, "It looks good."

Cha Cha went out carrying the newly bought small bag, and waited downstairs in the commercial courtyard for almost an hour.

Shen Zhi finished his school work, rubbed his sore neck, went downstairs to see her in the hall, glanced over the clothes she was wearing, and asked, "Is it cold?"

Chacha shook his head shyly: "It's not cold."

She took Shen Zhi's arm, "A Zhi, my roommate told me that the fireworks tonight will be on for an entire hour."

Cha Cha always remembered his fifteenth birthday year, standing in a snowy night with fireworks.

She thought that Shen Zhi likes watching fireworks.

Shen Zhi didn't have much interest in fact. Seeing her enthusiastic about dancing and dancing, she didn't want to discourage her.

The campus was away from the river, and it took more than an hour to take a car. Cha Cha fell asleep on the stubborn shoulder in the taxi.

When she opened her eyes again, the sky outside the car window was already dark.

Chacha clasped his fingers and jogged all the way, holding his hand tightly: "A Zhi, we have to hurry up, otherwise the position I was optimistic about will be robbed by others."

They are not too early, nor too late.

Because of the strong wind on the riverside, Chacha was afraid that Shen Zhi would freeze, so he tiptoeed to tidy up his scarf and made sure that the cold wind could not enter his neck, "It won't be cold."

Then Cha Cha used her earmuffs to cover her ears tightly, shrank her neck, hid her face in the scarf, her shiny black eyes staring at the sky without blinking.

At eight o'clock, the fireworks prepared by the government lit up in the night sky on time.

Cha Cha jumped up, pointed at the dazzling night sky, and spoke loudly to Shen Zhi in the noisy crowd: "Did you see it?! Do you like it!? So beautiful."

Shen Zhi looked up for a while, but for a moment, his gaze moved to the girl's profile, he rubbed her soft black hair, "It's pretty pretty."

The fireworks lasted for half an hour, Cha Cha Wang's neck became sore, she licked her lips, and suddenly said, "A Zhi, I am a little thirsty."

Shen Zhi said: "I'll buy water."

Cha Cha waved to him, "Go and come back quickly, I'll take a seat here."

Shen Zhi: "Good."

He opened his long legs and walked out of the crowd. There was a convenience store two hundred meters away.

Shen Zhi bought two bottles of mineral water, and the phone in his trouser pocket rang after paying.

A series of numbers flashed on the screen.

No remarks.

It's Jiang Miaoyan's mobile phone number.

Shen Zhi squeezed the phone, and then pressed the answer button. His voice was too tight and his voice sounded hoarse.

Just after Jiang Miaoyan got off the plane, she said: "Sir, my squad leader, I have returned to China, but unfortunately, my wallet was stolen. Could you please come to the airport to pick me up? I dare not take a taxi alone in the middle of the night."

There was a long silence.

Shen Zhi said: "The terminal building."

Jiang Miaoyan smiled and said, "I'm just outside Terminal 3."

Shen held his wrist with bruised veins and tried his best to stay calm. He said, "Well, wait for me where I am."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Zhi almost ran out, and the lady of the convenience store shouted behind him: "Young man, you forgot to take your water."

Panting, he ran to the side of the road and took a taxi, his breath was unstable, "Master, go to the airport."

The love that had been suppressed for a long time and was deliberately buried deep in his heart rekindled like wildfire.

Strictly staring at the road ahead, he urged with a dumb voice: "Master, please go faster."

The fireworks on the riverside arrived as scheduled.

A heavy noise erupted in the air.

Chacha waited for a long time, and Shen Zhi did not come back until the end of the fireworks display.

She was anxious, and the phone calls came one after another, and the voices that responded to her were all mechanical female voices-[The phone you dialed was temporarily unanswered, please call again later. 】

Cha Cha almost cried.

She was afraid of accidents in Shen Zhi's way, and she didn't know what to do except for making the phone calls.

Suddenly, she went to the doctor for a sudden illness. She went to the security guard and asked while making gestures: "Excuse me, have you seen a tall and handsome boy? Wearing a black coat."

The security said: "There are tens of thousands of people here tonight, how can I remember, girl, have you and your family lost?"

Cha Cha hum sounded.

The security guard said: "The law and order here is good. Most of your family went back first. I think you should go back soon."

Cha Cha pursed her lips and said, "No."

Shen Zhi wouldn't go back without saying a word.

Chacha murmured thanks to Uncle Security, and then went on looking for someone.

When almost all the people on the river were gone, Cha Cha did not see Shen Zhi.

Her feet were sore and swollen. She sat on the bench for a while and looked down at the phone. The time indicated on it was already 11:30 in the night.

Chen Xinyi sent a text message asking her whether she would come back?

Chacha replied: [I will be back soon. 】

At 12:30 in the morning, Chacha called Shen Zhi's roommate very sorry, "Excuse me, is Shen Zhi back?"

Cui Nan heard the gentle and gentle voice and was embarrassed to speak loudly. He turned off the game and replied: "Not yet, didn't he go to the airport to pick up his classmates? Don't you know?"

Cha Cha's worries were unnecessary, she turned pale, "Did he go to the airport?"

Cui Nan said: "I asked him a few hours ago. He told me that he was on his way to the airport."

Chacha said: "Okay, I see."

Chacha slowly squatted down outside the boys’ dormitory, looking down at the phone, the latest update in the circle of friends——

Jiang Miaoyan: [Thanks to the squad leader for saving my life in the middle of the night~]

The picture is a reflection of a car window glass. Look carefully at the two people in the back seat.

Chacha has read this circle of friends many times, and she seems to realize that some things are not as good as she thought.


After Shen Zhi delivered Jiang Miaoyan to the door of his house, he smoked two cigarettes downstairs, his facial features were a bit colder than the night.

After smoking, he picked up his mobile phone, and after seeing dozens of missed calls on it, he remembered the tea he had left behind.

He called back and no one answered.

Shen Zhi thought, maybe she was already asleep.

He was really in a bad mood at the moment, so he called his roommate, "Come out for a supper."

Cui Nan felt like he had seen a ghost, but he still called the other two people out of the game, "Walk around, go out for a supper."

Feng Jingnian felt that his brain was convulsed, "What time is it going to go?"

Cui Nan gave him a head, "Shen Zhi called us for the first time, give him face."

Feng Jingnian wondered if the sun came out from the west? He changed his clothes in a panic, a dormitory person slipped out in the middle of the night.

Did not notice the girl squatting outside the wall.

The night snack shop outside the school gate has not yet closed, and there are three or two tables of guests.

As soon as Cui Nan sat down, he realized that Shen Zhi's expression was wrong. He said, "What's the point of eating vegetables, why not drink some wine?"

Shen Zhi did not stop.

Cui Nan asked the boss for a case of beer. He glanced at his stubborn and frosty face and said casually: "Your girlfriend is looking for you tonight, and the phone call is here."

Shen Zhi's expression moved slightly, "Is she back safely?"

Cui Nan nodded: "I told her that you went to the airport, and she should be back to school."

The boss held a case of beer and put it on their table.

Shen Zhi silently opened the bottle of wine, poured it into the glass, and drank it all.

Because of his adoptive mother, Shen Zhi used to not drink alcohol, but tonight, he was uncharacteristically and poured several glasses in one breath.

He doesn't drink much, so he gets on his face after drinking, and some alcohol is gradually emerging under his pale skin.

Feng Jingnian had a pair of gold wire spectacles framed on the bridge of his nose, and he looked deeply at Shen Zhi through the lenses, "Shen Zhi, even if you don't have much affection for your girlfriend, you can't leave her alone."

Cui Nan, who knew nothing and saw nothing, was taken aback: "??? What is boring, fuck, boring, why are you together."

Cui Nan snatched the wine glass in Shen Zhi's hand, and he asked incredulously: "No, Shen Zhi, is there someone else in your heart?"

Shen Zhi lowered his eyebrows and looked unclear.

Cui Nan thought that he was going to pick up people at the airport tonight. Shen Zhi didn't have a warm temper at all. It was as cold as a mobile freezer. It was really wrong to think about it, unless the person he was going to pick up was not in his heart. same.

Cui Nan also thought of Shen Zhi's treatment of his little girlfriend. Although he was very nice and considerate, he was missing something.

Cui Nan asked, "Shen Zhi, do you like your girlfriend?"

Shen Zhi's face was drunk, but his beautiful eyes were still clear, and he slowly said, "I have never liked her."

He brainwashed himself over and over again.

That's it, tea is good.

She has a soft personality and doesn't act. When he was with her, he didn't have any troubles, and he could gradually forget Jiang Miaoyan and the pain he could not get.

However, when Shen Zhi received a call from Jiang Miaoyan, he could no longer lie to himself.

Action is faster than the mind thinks.

He just hasn't let go, his teenage throbbing.

Several years passed.

Shen Zhi felt that his feelings for Cha Cha had not changed.

Holding hands and hugging with his own hands, sometimes he will be in a trance, as if he kissed another person, the one he could not get.

Shen Zhi narrated in a calm and steady tone: "Well, Cha Cha has a good personality and looks beautiful, kind and innocent, but I really cannot have more love for her."

Love this thing, can't tell.

Regardless of the length of time.

Don't ask if you come.

Cha Cha stood not far away, stiff as he listened to Shen Zhi's words.

The incandescent light fell on her pale face, and there was a heavy snow in the sky.

Snow fell on the skin, icy.

Cha Cha's legs were stiff, and she made no sound.

Unbelievable tears flowed down his cheeks.

she knows.

Her love is dead.


Pie really cried

Alas, the moon sheds a few drops of hypocritical crocodile tears like a cake

Very good, then we will officially enter the cremation plot that everyone loves to hear!

Chacha: Deceptive feelings, the sky thunders @沉执.

Shen Zhi: ...dbq

[The official CP in this article is not stubborn, if you can’t catch it, you can’t catch it]

Give a few red envelopes randomly in this chapter!

Otherwise, it looks like a bright moon like a cake, as if stingy! ! !

thanks for your support! ! ! !

Updates in the last few days have been around the early hours of the morning! ! ! !

I'm so fat! ! !

Thank you mine sisters! ! !

see you tomorrow! ! ! ! !

*Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-09-0900:04:05~2020-09-1000:10:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 soft;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 2 matcha; ss, Buju, Pipiran, and Liuliu are the cutest one;

Thank you for the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Shinnosuke Akabane, 10 bottles of Loey **** tea; 6 bottles of Tetsuya; 5 bottles of Yugui; 4 bottles of Yukiji; 3 bottles of red hair; VladaKass, 22937619, salted fish and potatoes, no 1 bottle of the deceased;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

I like Xiao Qingmei in the article I am the heroine of the heavens, please collect it: ( I am the heroine of the heroine Xiao Qingmei's literature update fastest.

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