Chapter 51!

Listening to the quarrel in the distance, Zhou Ye could not take care of much, time did not wait, he directly casually handed a cold ice arrow, and threw it on the puppy’s body.

And then – the whole world is much quieter.

Zhou Ye doesn’t like small animals, he likes cats and dogs, but the premise can’t be male…

There are so many women in the house, dressed so casually, and a male dog scurrying around the house, how disgusting.

As the source of the sound disappeared, the zombies finally stopped gathering downstairs towards Nanli Xiang…

Zhou Ye stood on the balcony like this, cleaning up the falling zombies at the speed of one cold ice arrow per second… Soon, in the courtyard opposite in the distance, the cry of the little loli was heard, and Zhou Ye knew——

This means that little Lori, Ciri Alice’s father, like the original, threatened the people inside to smash the door when knocking on the door was fruitless…

It was precisely because of his threat that the people inside finally stabbed him to death with a kitchen knife tied to a mop stick.

In this regard, Zhou Ye is not surprised that – or rather, selfishness – is the norm in this end times.

In the last days, nothing matters, only – only the life of himself and his woman is the most important, before there is no strength, Zhou Ye does not mind lewd development… However, he really couldn’t just sit back and watch a cute little loli turn into a dead body just like that.

“How so?…… Drop the chain at the critical moment, bastard…” Zhou Ye looked at the zombie group that had gradually become sparse downstairs, and said hatefully.

…… Because his blue is empty.

Although Zhou Ye’s mana has risen to six hundred and thirteen because of his limit plus point method, it is already six times his health value… But, don’t forget – magic consumes mana as a percentage…

And the increase in mana value also shows the importance of the blue attribute… It was precisely because of Zhou Ye’s extreme addition method of pursuing the power of magic that his endurance became weaker… After all, – the mana has increased, but the speed of returning to blue has not become faster… That correspondingly means that his endurance has become weaker.

But – why didn’t you find out in the afternoon?

But at this time-there was no time to complain about the setting of the system for Zhou Ye, he gritted his teeth, looked at a slightly empty landing point, and jumped directly from the balcony, sure enough, the cute loli or something, is a terrible creature that can’t make people sit idly by…

As soon as he jumped into the group of zombies, Zhou Ye smelled the bloody and rancid smell coming from the bodies of those zombies, this smell was not unfamiliar to Zhou Ye, but – facing this smell directly at such a close distance was the most fatal.

After all—in the afternoon, he was still an elegant magician…

“Little loli is a creature that hurts, not eats… Bastard! Zhou Ye shouted, using the last magic power in his hand, condensing a cold ice arrow more than one meter long… Aiming at the head of the dead body in front of him, he stabbed it.

Even if there is no magic power, even if the rich and handsome mage is reduced to a short and poor warrior, but–Zhou Ye’s own tenfold ordinary physical quality is not just talk…

I saw Zhou Ye, who was holding an ice arrow, like an agile monkey in the slow-moving zombie group, sometimes bending down, sometimes turning sideways, sometimes sprinting, sometimes sprinting, sometimes fluttering… With his MAX kendo, he was surrounded by a group of dead bodies and killed a bloody path.

When he arrived at a slightly empty place, Zhou Ye was no longer willing to pay attention to the zombies that could not hinder him.

At this time, his full-level parkour skills came in handy, and at this moment, Zhou Ye, like those ancient warriors who flew on the wall, stepped on the wall and rushed into the courtyard where the little loli was located with lightning speed.

At this time, the little loli was covering her face with her hands, crying bitterly and kneeling in the corner of the wall… Crying and shouting, “Babbling—don’t—don’t come over… People, people obviously haven’t done anything bad… Don’t come over…”

And a middle-aged dead body was attracted by her voice, forcing towards her step by step…

“Bastard… That’s my loli! Zhou Ye sprinted, and the ice spur in his hand pierced the head of the middle-aged dead body.

And the other dead bodies in the courtyard also rushed towards Zhou Ye when they heard the sound…

“… it……” At this moment, Zhou Ye burst out with the last of his strength, and the ice spikes in his hand stabbed out continuously…

Soon, those zombies were finally dealt with…

However, this time was not yet the time to rest, Zhou Ye dragged his tired body again, closed the iron gate of the courtyard, and then sat on the ground at once.

“Phew… Call…… Phew…” To be honest, the feeling of bottoming out the magic value is not comfortable, that feeling makes Zhou Ye feel as if his body has been hollowed out, especially with such a feeling to fight with people close skills… It’s really worse than death.

If this were not the case, just with these hundreds of zombies, it would not have allowed Zhou Ye to fall to such a point.

“Big brother…” At this time, the pink-haired little loli Siri Alice had stopped crying…

She felt that the handsome big brother in front of her was like an angel, coming to her when she needed it most… So – the big brother must be his own guardian angel…, that’s right – it must be like this.

“Little sister… You are very strong…” Zhou Ye, who was sitting on the ground, finally felt better after gasping for a while——。

“Big brother… You…… How are you?? Alice looked at Zhou Ye’s uncomfortable expression, and her little face suddenly became anxious… “You don’t want to die… Big brother… I don’t want you to die…”

For Alice, Zhou Ye is her guardian angel and her last reliance… If——Zhou Ye died in front of her again, she wouldn’t know what she should do…

“I’m okay… Can’t die… Just need to take a break. Zhou Ye rubbed his head with some headaches, the sequelae of his body erupting and mana being consumed all came out at this moment, his body was hollowed out, and his brain was still painful… It’s so uncomfortable.

“Then big brother, I’ll help you massage, my parents praise me for pressing well… They said that as soon as I massaged, they recovered! Alice said, then got up and walked towards Zhou Ye… Zhou Ye could see that she really wanted to do something for herself…

However, when she walked to Zhou Ye, looking at the fence of the iron gate, there were more than a dozen pairs of dead hands, constantly scratching and scratching inside, and suddenly threw herself into Zhou Ye’s arms. “Yes, I’m sorry big brother… I was a little scared. ”

“It’s okay…” Zhou Ye gently patted Alice’s back and comforted, “Don’t you see that they can’t get in?” We’re safe now…”

“Hmm…” Listening to the comfort in Zhou Ye’s mouth, Alice gradually felt less frightened…”But… Big brother, how are we going to get out…”

“Ugh——!” Looking at the doorway that was already crowded with zombies, Zhou Ye was also depressed…”If… Now it would be nice if the mana speed could be restored faster…”

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