I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 158 Income Settlement

Fleiselle added: This is only the income of the organizing committee. There should be hundreds of thousands of livres in income from the city hall. The specific amount has to be calculated by them.

Only the income from the Tuileries Palace and the amusement park goes to the Fashion Week Organizing Committee, while additional money from buses, museums, theaters, etc. belongs to the city hall.

Joseph nodded calmly, but he was quite excited. This number was nearly one million livres higher than he expected. And this is only the sixth day of fashion week. There are two more days, and the total profit must be more than 5 million livres. As for why there are 8 days of fashion week? Haha, actually there are still more than half a month of various activities ahead. Events such as fashion art exhibitions, charity weeks, food weeks, etc. will last until the end of the Frost Moon.

However, he was not too surprised by the amount of income. After all, this kind of one-stop service for food, drink, entertainment, and fashion as a huge gimmick was the first time in the world that it would definitely be sought after by the upper class in Europe. .

This is the result when transportation and information are not smooth. For example, almost no one comes from the Americas, and even there are not many guests from Eastern Europe. If it was in the railway era, it is estimated that the revenue of fashion week could have doubled.

In addition, Joseph had several other huge gains that he had not calculated.

The first is the real estate project.

The vacant land in the Tuileries Garden has been developed into the Palace Garden community. There are a total of 75 villas in the first phase, with an average price of 48,000 livres. Half of them have been sold so far. That is an income of more than 1.8 million livres. And there is an endless stream of people who come to consult and view houses every day.

You know, this house hasn't been built yet, and no one can see the finished product, otherwise it might have been sold out long ago.

Joseph was not in a hurry - according to the real estate routines of later generations, prices would increase from time to time, and there would be news of a certain Duke moving in. By the time the house was topped out, the average price was estimated to be at least 60,000 livres.

Moreover, after the completion of the first phase of the project, supporting hospitals, schools, etc. have also been built, and the second phase of the project is basically pure profit.

Compared with real estate, which can earn huge amounts of money, the cosmetics of the Paris Angel company and the carriage sales of the Jewel Jie Carriage Shop are nothing to behold.

Among them, cosmetics sold more than 800,000 livres in 6 days, and the horse-drawn carriage shop had just started, resulting in a serious shortage of supply, with revenue of less than 120,000 livres.

Joseph roughly estimated that by the end of the month, the fashion week organizing committee should be able to earn over 7 million livres. The French finance and royal family accounted for the majority of this, and the Paris Chamber of Commerce also received 3% of the income because it invested some money.

However, for Joseph, most of the money belonged to him - the French government owed him a loan of 6 million livres, and he later put in millions more to buy food. My brothers have settled the accounts. The French government wants to return the money to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, so let’s deduct it from the proceeds of the fashion week.

As for the royal family, it was put directly into his pocket. What the Queen said at the beginning was to give the Tuileries Palace to her son for free. Of course, some amount will definitely have to be given to the queen in the future. If everyone makes money, the road ahead will be wider.

And all the income from the Palace Garden belongs to Joseph. Because he is the only developer. He previously spent 50,000 livres on the land in the Tuileries Gardens - it was all vacant land at the time, but it has now become the top luxury area in Paris.

Lin Lin finally settled down. He worked hard to organize a fashion week, and the net income was about 10 million livres.

With this money, more food can be purchased from overseas to cope with the upcoming famine.

Joseph continued to look at the income details of Fashion Week.

Among all projects, the highest revenue is naturally the sales share of fashion, shoes, hats, jewelry, etc., including store rent, which totals 1.47 million livres. Based on a 15%-25% share, a total of more than 6 million livres of clothing and jewelry have been sold during Fashion Week so far!

The project that ranked second in terms of revenue surprised Joseph a little - it turned out to be an inconspicuous amusement arcade.

There are 75 machines in the Tuileries Palace and 30 machines outside. In the past six days, a total of more than 800,000 livres have been made!

On average, one machine can earn 1,200 livres per day! !

Joseph suddenly felt, why bother to engage in industry and commerce? This thing is no faster than making money?

However, he also understands that the reason why these game consoles can make so much money is, firstly, because they are novel and everyone is interested in them; secondly, because the people attending the fashion week this time are all very wealthy people, as long as they have fun, It doesn't matter how much money you put into it.

If time passes and everyone's freshness wears off, coupled with economic factors, it will definitely be impossible to have such an exaggerated income.

And Joseph didn't want the French to suffer financial hardship due to their addiction to these game consoles. From now on, we can only put a dozen or so in the Palace of Versailles, and leave the rest to the colonies.

The following income items are: accommodation, Eden Playground, special services, catering...

Joseph then asked Fleiselle about some fashion week operations, and then heard the melodious music coming from outside, so he had to end the revenue report - the catwalk will start in more than ten minutes, Fleiselle has to go busy.

Joseph looked out the window at the crowded fashion week scene, and was already planning in his mind how to maximize the benefits of this event.

In fact, as for the direct economic income, he cares more about the hidden benefits of fashion week.

For example, it has made a huge contribution to improving the image of France.

When the guests attending Fashion Week return home, they will surely tell everyone about the grand occasion of Fashion Week and the prosperity of Paris.

This will attract additional investment to France, as well as all kinds of talents who yearn for the comfortable environment here.

After the influence of the fashion week is stable, we can build on this basis the European Expo and various awards activities to further improve France's international status and attract more investment and talents.

In addition, the total price of all kinds of clothing sold during this fashion week is more than 4 million livres, most of which are from Lyon.

Previously, due to the lack of competitiveness of France's textile industry and the reduction of tariffs by the Treaty of Eden, Lyon's textile industry was almost on the verge of collapse.

Historically, a large number of Lyon textile workers were unemployed, which was also one of the triggers for the outbreak of the Da Ge Ming.

The publicity of this fashion week will bring about hot sales of French clothing - although my French textile technology is not as good as yours in the UK, the good sales of our clothes can largely make up for the high cost of fabrics.

Of course, at present, most families buy fabrics and make their own clothes. The ready-made clothing market is still very small, and it is mainly concentrated in the lowest end.

However, Joseph is confident that he can use some promotion methods to significantly increase sales of ready-made clothing.

In this way, the French textile industry can be stabilized to a stage where it can compete with the British.

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