I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 152 The issue of continuing the family line

At the welcome ball that night, Clementine also showed her true qualities as a social cow, having fun and playing tricks with a group of aristocrats from the Palace of Versailles, and soon became the focus of the audience.

Queen Mary looked at her niece with satisfaction and nodded frequently, thinking how great it would be if she were her daughter-in-law.

The aristocratic ladies of the Palace of Versailles who dared to approach the Crown Prince were all repelled by his little cousin with ferocious eyes, which allowed Joseph to have a rare and relaxing dance.

Late at night, Joseph and Louis XVI came out of the ball side by side.

Father and son chatted for a while about training flash cap gun craftsmen. The king suddenly signaled the accompanying attendants to stay away, then pulled his son to his side and whispered: Grand Duchess Clementine is very healthy and lively, but Princess Maria seems to be smarter. To be honest, they are both pretty good.

Well, it's pretty good.

Then what do you think?

Joseph turned his head in confusion: What do you think?

Louis XVI showed an experienced smile and patted his son on the shoulder: Tell me the truth, which one of them do you like? Ah, don't worry about what your mother thinks, marry the person you like. the most important.

Get married?! Joseph suddenly realized, I'm going! It turns out that these two girls came here to get married? !

This can't be blamed on his slowness. In his subconscious, it was impossible to associate such a young girl with his fiancée, so he ignored such an obvious problem.

Joseph was speechless for a while - Maria was fine. Although she was younger, at least she still had some breasts... well, she looked a bit like a woman.

And Clementine is obviously not yet developed, she is just a little brat! This is simply a crime!

Not to mention that she is still his cousin. Do you know the dangers of incest marriage? I don’t want to give birth to a bunch of children with intellectual disabilities...

Joseph thought for a moment and whispered: Dear father, what if I don't like both of them?

Ah? Sixteen frowned, Dear Joseph, as far as I know, you seem to be the only female doctor around you, and you probably haven't had sex with her, ah, that one, right?

You have to tell me the truth, are you there...

He glanced at his son's crotch and asked with a worried look on his face: Is it very tight and even painful? If so, believe me, it only requires a simple surgery by the doctor. Don't be like I did that back then, and it took me a long time...

Joseph was startled, and then he realized that what his father was talking about was probably the issue of being too long - it was because of this that he had troubles after his marriage. He is judging others by himself, suspecting that he also has this problem?

Joseph hurriedly waved his hands and said: No, no, thank you for your concern. I am fine.

Unexpectedly, Louis XVI's expression became more serious: Joseph, if you like... a man, you must also fulfill the obligations of a crown prince...

Don't think wrongly! Joseph was almost numb. No, I'm only 14 years old. Isn't it normal to not have a lover? Why does Dad have to think about so many things?

Oh, right. He frowned secretly. The nobles of this era really had to start having romantic affairs at the age of 14... Could it be that he had to find a lover to prove that his body and orientation were okay?

He could only say to the king seriously: Father, I really just haven't met the right person. Don't worry. As for the two princesses... My energy is now focused on making France stronger. The rest... Let’s talk about it in a few years.”

Louis XVI immediately said seriously: Son, I know you have great ambitions, and you will definitely be a very good king in the future, but you can also take care of women...

The father and son walked while talking, and the night deepened unknowingly.

Joseph was caught by his father and instilled the belief in passing on the family line. He was already suffering from a headache. Just as he was thinking about how to escape, he suddenly saw a white shadow swooping past him and disappearing at the end of the corridor in an instant.

Be careful! The Swiss Guards responsible for protecting them immediately stood in a circle, protecting the king and the crown prince in the middle.

Then a petite figure hurried over with people and said in broken French: Have you seen Mr. Beard?

Clementine? Joseph was very surprised, Beard...what happened to your cat?

It's lost! Little Loli's face turned red with anxiety, It's usually very obedient, but today for some reason, it tried its best to run away, but I didn't stop it...

Joseph remembered the white shadow just now and pointed to the corridor behind him: It should have run in that direction.

Thank you, cousin. Clementine called to the two maids behind her, Let's chase him quickly!

Joseph hurriedly pulled her back: You have never been to the Palace of Versailles. It is easy to get lost running around like this.

What should we do? The little girl was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Joseph motioned to Kesode: Please take someone to find the cat.

Yes, Your Highness.

On the other side, Louis XVI also ordered the Swiss Guard to look for the cat together. Suddenly, dozens of guards put down their muskets and swords, went into battle lightly, and became cat hunters.

Joseph also wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of his father who continued to talk about continuing the family line, so he invited Clementine to embark on a cat-hunting journey.

Not long after, the Palace of Versailles began to get agitated.

As the guards knocked on each door, there would usually be two men and women hurriedly throwing on their clothes and panicking inside. Well, not in the case of a couple.

Of course, this is a very normal phenomenon in France nowadays. If you don't find a few lovers, it only means that you are not attractive.

On Joseph's side, Clementine was more efficient. She knocked on the door all the way, apologized pitifully, and went in to find the cat. And at today's dance, she was familiar with most of the nobles, and with her sweet mouth, no one got angry at her for being disturbed.

Until she knocked on the door of a room on the second floor of the South Hall, a man's displeased roar came from inside: Aren't you looking at what time it is? What are you doing?!

Joseph blinked. The voice sounded a bit familiar. It seemed...Minister of the Interior Monod?

The little Loli begged in a cute voice: I'm really sorry to bother you. But my beloved cat has gone missing. I hope I can find it here with you. May God bless you, kind gentleman.

There's no cat here!

It's very good at hiding. The vent on your door can allow it to get in. Please! I'll just look for it. It'll only take a minute.

The room fell silent.

But the little Lolita was very patient, pleading desperately and knocking on the door from time to time.

Finally, the people in the room couldn't stand it anymore, and it seemed like a man and a woman were arguing in a low voice. Then, the door opened, and a lady with disheveled hair and casually wrapped clothes walked out quickly with her head lowered, then turned a corner and disappeared up the stairs.

Joseph was stunned. Isn't that the wife of the Marquis of St. Priest?

Thank you! Clementine didn't realize how much chaos she had caused. She rushed into the house happily and ordered the maid to find the cat.

Joseph, on the other hand, looked at Mono who was sitting by the bed, smiling tacitly.

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