I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 144 Foreign Policy (asking for double monthly votes)

Moreover, with Russia's concerns, if the British interfere with France's actions in North Africa, Russia will first protest against the British.

Joseph returned the letter to Brian: What do you think of what it says?

The latter considered: Uniting with Russia will not bring much benefit to us in the short term, but in the future it may be used to suppress countries such as Austria and Prussia, and even have a certain influence on the British.

Joseph secretly thought that Brian seemed to have a good political vision.

And he knew that the result of this Russo-Turkish war would be a complete victory for Russia and force the Ottomans to sign the Peace of Iasi. Since then, the entire northern coast of the Black Sea has been owned by Russia.

Historically, Austria was the first to stand up for Russia, and thus gained huge political and strategic benefits.

And this time, Joseph must not let this benefit fall into the hands of others.

He nodded immediately and said: I agree with your point of view. Therefore, at the next cabinet meeting, you can ask someone to propose a proposal to unite Russia and be tough on the Ottomans. In fact, declaring war on the Ottomans can also be one of the options.

Okay, Your Highness, I will get started.

After a series of previous incidents, Brian has basically obeyed Joseph's words.

After talking about the international situation, Brian naturally talked about domestic affairs and said in an admiring tone:

Your Highness, I have read the report on potato sowing in various provinces across the country. I really don't know how you convinced those people to plant so many potatoes. Now this year's food should be very abundant.

Joseph sighed silently: It's good if you can barely have enough to eat. How can there be enough...

He hurriedly ordered: Archbishop Brian, although the potatoes have been planted, we still need to pay attention to irrigation to fight the drought. If possible, I suggest that each parish be equipped with some steam pumps. Only one of these things can be used. It can irrigate dozens of hectares of land.”

Parishes in France are actually administrative units of villages and towns.

Joseph's suggestion was not without purpose. Although there are few large coal mines in France, there are many small coal mines scattered throughout the country. As long as it is supplemented by appropriate mining policies, it is easy to meet the civilian coal needs of villages and towns.

On this basis, it can also promote the sales of steam engines and form a virtuous cycle.

This... Brian muttered, The parishes near Paris may be okay, but the more remote ones may not be able to afford this money.

Joseph recalled the situation of the farmer Gazka's family and nodded slightly: Some small parish banks can be established to specifically provide loans to farmers. However, these banks need to limit interest rates to prevent them from becoming tools to exploit farmers.

Brian nodded immediately and said: Your suggestion is very good. I will let people formulate policies later.

Joseph thought about the problem of grain transportation again and continued to give instructions: Also, we have to consider that food cannot be transported during the dry season.

So, I suggest that major cities should establish strategic grain reserve warehouses, set up official management, and regular storage, withdrawal, and inspection mechanisms. By the way, Paris in particular should build two more.

France has always been a major grain-producing country in Europe, and it had no idea of ​​​​developing grain reserves before.

Brian was a little confused: Your Highness, there is not much food now, even if the food depot is built, it will be empty.

I'm already thinking of ways to get food. You just need to issue decrees to the governors of each province as soon as possible.

Although Brian felt that with a large amount of potatoes, this year's food crisis should be able to be successfully overcome, he did not understand why the crown prince was still so cautious.

However, out of his absolute trust in Joseph, he still agreed.

When Joseph came out of Briand's place, it was almost dinner time, so he had to stay in Versailles for the night.

When he returned to the Dauphin's palace after dinner with the Queen, he saw Talleyrand waiting there respectfully.

This is a very capable person, and with his clever mind, it is no wonder that he has survived several dynasties. Joseph made some comments in his mind, and nodded to Talleyrand who came forward to salute: Please sit down, Dean Talleyrand. What's the matter with you coming to me so late?

Your Majesty, His Majesty the King says you are the only one who can save me.

Talleyrand then recounted the obstacles in his promotion to archbishop. In words, he was treated unfairly, as pitifully as a homeless kitten on a snowy day, but he did not say a word against Queen Mary.

Joseph also admired his language skills. No wonder he became the strongest diplomat during the emperor's period.

However, Joseph did not play tricks with him and asked directly: Why did you make Her Majesty the Queen unhappy?

Talleyrand was slightly startled, reacted quickly, and sighed: Your Highness, you know that there were many rumors about the Queen before. I was very stupid to believe some of them, and told others about this... Let Her Majesty the Queen know the matter.

Joseph secretly thought: It seems that the matter is not too serious. When it comes to making the queen happy, I am still somewhat confident. When the time comes, say a few good words to Talleyrand and the matter should be resolved.

So he looked at Talleyrand and said, I can help you with this.

Really?! The latter was so excited that he almost cried, Your Highness, you are really an angel sent by God to save the world!

Joseph hurriedly raised his hand to stop him from continuing to fart: This is nothing, Dean Talleyrand.

However, His Majesty the King has been worrying about your affairs. You should really thank him.

Yes, yes. Your Majesty always cares about me. Talleyrand looked at Joseph with searching eyes, Well... how can I thank Your Majesty? Can you give me some advice?

Joseph smiled slightly: I heard that your Majesty is going to build a firearms manufacturing factory recently.

Talleyrand nodded thoughtfully.

The next day, Joseph personally ordered the palace pastry chef to make more than ten exquisite desserts and took them to the Little Trianon Palace.

Queen Mary looked at the various cakes, puddings, and snacks on the table, with little stars in her eyes.

Joseph picked up a piece of puff pastry cake and fed it to the queen. While she was happy, he talked about Talleyrand.

The queen held her well-behaved and intelligent son in her arms, so she didn't care about Talleyrand. She heard Joseph say a few good words for Talleyrand, especially when he mentioned that he wanted to use this man to do something for the country, and she readily promised her son that she would not care about the latter's previous mistakes.

all the best.

Joseph immediately sent for Talleyrand. After the priest used his extraordinary eloquence and acting skills to solemnly apologize to the queen, the queen expressed her forgiveness for him. Talleyrand breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew.

Coming out of the Queen's place, Joseph saw Talleyrand waiting at the entrance of the Little Trianon.

The priest came over and burst into tears of gratitude. He had been looking for Louis XVI for more than a year, but could not solve the problem. Unexpectedly, the Dauphin solved it with just a table of desserts.

Without Joseph's intervention, it was not until the death of Talleyrand's father at the end of the year that he was promoted to archbishop at the mercy of the queen.

Joseph seemed to ask casually: By the way, Dean Talleyrand, how much do you know about the situation in North Africa?

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