I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 109 Getting ready for a blind date!

It just so happens that the Crown Prince is here, you can follow his example and carefully perfect the painting. Queen Mary smiled at the painter Madame Le Brun, then asked the maid to fetch a chair, and pressed Joseph on it without any explanation.

Seeing this, Brian cast a helpless look at Joseph, took the potato promotion plan signed by the queen, and left.

Mrs. Le Brun very professionally directed her assistants to set up the painting equipment, squinted at the sun, adjusted the angle, and began to modify the painting The Son of God.

Joseph's plan also required a painter, so he followed the queen's request, made a praying gesture, and asked Madame Le Brun: Excuse me, can you paint a painting of The Last Supper? Just like the one by Leonardo da Vinci.

Mrs. Le Brun rubbed the oil paint on the painting with her fingers and nodded without thinking: Your Highness, of course it is possible. In fact, any student at the Paris Academy of Art has copied this painting hundreds of times.

Joseph smiled and said, Can you make some modifications to the picture?

Oh, please restore the expression you had just now, Your Highness. Madam Le Brun frowned, but still nodded: Of course you can. Do you want to make some changes to the clothing of a certain saint?

Joseph quickly put away his smile and looked up diagonally: Ah, no, actually, I want to add two potatoes to the food on the table.

It's easy... Le Brun was suddenly stunned when he said half a sentence, You mean 'the devil under the ground'?

She showed a melancholy look: Your Highness, I'm afraid this must be approved by the church, otherwise I'm worried that it will cause some kind of blasphemy. You know, that will subject me to the church's judgment...

Joseph tried to persuade her for a while, but Mrs. Le Brun never dared to agree, saying that no other painter would dare to paint such a controversial thing as potatoes.

Joseph was helpless and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It's really not that easy to ask God to speak for you...

Queen Mary, who was sitting a little further away, saw her son frowning and covering the sun with a fan, and asked loudly: My dear, what are you talking about?


The queen showed a kind smile: Don't always think about potatoes, those matters will naturally be handled by Archbishop Brian.

Oh, by the way, did you know? Next month, Princess Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies is coming to Paris for a trip.

Ah, okay. Joseph was thinking about how to persuade the church, but he just thought the queen was talking about common things, so he responded casually.

But he forgot one thing. According to the practice among royal families, this kind of tour with clear direction usually means a blind date.

Seeing that her son agreed, Queen Mary thought that he was satisfied with the princess. She couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and hurriedly added: Also, your cousin, Maria Clementini of the Principality of Tuscany, I will also travel next month. What do you think?

At present, the Archduke of Austria, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Queen Mary's brother Joseph II has no children, and his wife has been dead for many years. So basically the daughter of his younger brother, the Grand Duke of Tuscany, the Grand Duchess Clementine, was one of the highest-status girls in the Habsburg family.

And she is also Queen Mary's favorite daughter-in-law. Well, her own niece is still the most caring.

Joseph still didn't react and kept his posture and said: Welcome her to Paris.

The queen was happy, but then a little surprised. Her son had no objections to either side. Which one did he prefer?

Forget it, let’s wait until someone comes.

She was quite worried about the marriage of her overly excellent son, but precisely because of her son's excellence, she had to consider his own opinions more.

If she had the character of Louis XVI back then, she might have asked someone to propose marriage early on.

It was finally noon, and Queen Mary took her son, whom she hadn't seen for several days, to have an unusually sumptuous lunch.

Louis XVI was the last to enter the restaurant. Although he looked energetic, the thick bags under his eyes reminded everyone that His Majesty the King was devoted to the research and development of weapons day and night and could not extricate himself.

Sixteen hugged his wife and son respectively, and then whispered mysteriously and excitedly into Joseph's ear: Joseph, the first sample has been assembled. However, the air tightness needs to be improved, I believe , you can see it launch next week!”

Joseph gave him a look of great approval and whispered in the same low voice: You really have the most dexterous hands in France! Without you, I don't know when this gun will appear. Then next week we will go to the Paris Police Academy to try it out Shoot, there is a professional shooting range there.”

The father and son looked at each other and nodded, secretly chuckling. When Queen Mary looked over, they stopped smiling at the same time - His Majesty the King was secretly making dangerous firearms in the palace. If she found out, she would have to scold him several times. God cannot.

After finishing lunch, Joseph gave Louis XVI a cheering gesture. Before Madame Le Brun arrived, he immediately called Eman and fled the Palace of Versailles like a fly.

On the carriage, Eman leaned over and asked: Your Highness, do you want to go back to the Industrial Planning Bureau or...

Joseph immediately said: No, let's go to Notre Dame de Paris!

Okay, Your Highness.

The convoy finally entered Paris after several hours of turbulence. Through the car window, Joseph saw craftsmen digging holes and building walls on the side of the road. They were obviously a construction team building public toilets.

Along the way, he had seen seven or eight public toilet construction sites.

Joseph nodded secretly. Although Mono was a veteran in politics, if he really left the matter to him, his execution would be pretty good.

I just don’t know how much money he will embezzle from.

Joseph pouted, thinking that he should find a time to remind him that this was his own project, so don't be too harsh.

After walking for a while, Joseph finally saw the towering spire of Notre Dame de Paris from the top of a treetop. Soon, the two square twin towers that seemed to stand majestically between heaven and earth also appeared in the field of vision.

This is the largest church in Paris and the seat of the Archbishop of Paris.

Joseph came here this time to discuss with the archbishop the revision of The Last Supper.

Although Brian is also an archbishop, since he took over the position of finance minister, his influence on the church has not been as good as before. Moreover, he is the Archbishop of Toulouse, so he cannot make the decision in Paris.

Knowing that the Crown Prince was coming, a group of black-robed priests, led by Archbishop Beaumont, immediately came to the church door.

Joseph enthusiastically pulled Beaumont into Notre Dame Cathedral and said with a warm smile: Archbishop Beaumont, I have something to ask you for help.

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