I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 101 An unexpected gain

The man in black turned his head when he heard the words. When he saw the young man's face clearly, he couldn't help blurting out: Crown Prince?

Joseph was also a little surprised: It's actually a lady? Do you know me?

Oh, um, I've seen you.

Eman pulled off the stabbing sword from the waist of the man in black - although it was almost impossible to use this thing in the carriage, for the safety of the crown prince, it was better to take it away - and then pointed at her mask and gestured to Joseph After a while, that meant asking if I should uncover it.

Joseph shook his head slightly and asked the man in black: Who are you? Why is the Duke of Orleans chasing you?

I...you can call me Tulip. The woman in black said vaguely, I just went to the Royal Palace to get something, and those guards were chasing me like crazy.

Joseph frowned: So, you are a thief?

Strictly speaking, yes. The woman in black suddenly inhaled as she spoke, and then pressed her shoulders hard, her voice trembling a little, But everything I do is for equality and justice.

Only then did Joseph notice that there was blood seeping out from between her fingers: Are you injured?

A little injury, it's okay. The woman in black shook her head, Now, you can hand me over to that guy Phillip. He should thank you.

The Philip she was talking about was the Duke of Orleans.

Joseph shook his head: First, tell your real name. Second, what did you steal?

Why should I tell you?

Joseph did not waste time with her and signaled to Eman: Eman, please search to see what she stole.

Yes, Your Highness. Miss, I'm sorry...

Don't touch me! The woman in black hurriedly shrank back and gritted her teeth, Okay, I said. I took a few IOUs and contracts from the document room of the Royal Palace.

IOU? Contract?

Yes, it belongs to Mr. Lenoir and several of his partners. She took another breath as she spoke. The wound was obviously very painful, but she continued, The harvest has not been very good in recent years. Their wine cellar operation They were in trouble, so they lent Philip some money... Now that they can't pay it back for the time being, Philip is going to take away their wine cellar, house, and land!

Mr. Lenoir's son is also seriously ill. If the Lenoir family loses everything now, he will definitely die! Oh, those people who are still working in the wine cellar will also lose their jobs and have no money to buy bread.

Joseph touched his nose. Although he thought it was natural to pay back debts, the words coming out of her mouth made it sound like Lenoir had been greatly humiliated and persecuted.

But he didn't have any problem with it causing trouble for the Duke of Orleans.

Okay, so you sneaked into the Duke of Orleans' document room and just took a few IOUs? Didn't you grab some evidence of his dealings with foreign countries, corruption and illegal activities? Joseph sighed regretfully, and this The nickname Tulip is simply that of a middle-aged boy.


Tell me who you are and I can consider letting you go.

The woman in black was startled: Really?


The woman in black recalled the time when she saw the crown prince helping the homeless brothers and sisters outside the Angel Shop in Paris, and forced a smile: Sure enough, you are not so kind-hearted... Well - okay, my name is Sorel. Anna Sorel Rael.

Eman quickly retrieved his memory and said to the Crown Prince: Your Highness, she is the sister of Viscount Frédésis.

Joseph is a bit funny. A nobleman from the Palace of Versailles, in order to do justice, wore a night clothes and went to the Royal Palace to steal things at night...

He heard the shouts of guards coming from far away, and turned to wink at Emang. The latter immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

The carriage had just moved a few steps when it was stopped by two teams of heavily armed guards.

Emang immediately rushed forward and shouted: What are you going to do? This is the car of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

The captain of the guard of the Royal Palace recognized him and hurriedly bowed and saluted: Count Eman, we are arresting a thief...

I didn't see any thieves. Okay, get out of the way. Eman waved his hand, Don't delay His Highness's schedule.

When the guards saw that Kesoud had also come over with the crown prince's personal guards, they did not dare to say anything more and signaled their men to make way for the carriage.

Several carriages then sped past and walked far away. After turning into an alley, Joseph ordered to stop.

He motioned toward the car door and asked Sorel, Are you sure the wound is okay?

Thank you for your concern, it's okay.

Sorel opened her long legs and was about to get out of the car when she suddenly remembered something and turned around: Your Highness, in return for helping me get out of trouble, I can tell you something.

I heard a conversation between Philippe and the British Ambassador to France at the Palais Royal today, which seemed to involve you.

Oh? Joseph's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect an unexpected gain.

Philip said he hoped that the British would allow Necker to serve as a financial advisor and participate in the negotiations you proposed. He also said that it would be best to exclude Archbishop Brian and let Verzhen and Necker take the lead. However, the British did not seem to agree. .

Oh, Philip also mentioned that the 15 million livres his banks invested in the UK last time have been implemented, and now there are several banks that hope to invest another 10 million livres in British automatic looms.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and got out of the car. Covering her wound, she turned back and curtsied to Joseph: Thank you from the bottom of my heart again, Your Highness. In addition, please keep my confidentiality.

Eman handed over her stabbing sword. The girl took it and pinned it to her side, nodded in thanks, then twisted her waist, swooped into the night like a black cat, and disappeared.

Joseph smiled. He didn't expect that in this era, there would be someone who thought he was a knight. He could do justice by himself, and he was still a young girl.

When the car started, he thought of Sorel's words again, and a chill flashed in his eyes. These banks, taking French funds, went to help the British promote the industrial revolution!

A total of 25 million livres, probably more than half of which was earned from the interest on the French government's debt. It seems that the financial circle needs to be reorganized.

Not long after, the convoy arrived at the office of the Industrial Planning Bureau in Paris.

Joseph quickly entered the small building and saw that it was still a little messy. After all, the moving started just yesterday.

He came to the innermost director's office and immediately saw a pile of documents neatly stacked on the desktop. This was information on the French industrial situation that he had asked his assistant to sort out. He did not expect it to be delivered so quickly.

He suddenly smiled and shook his head. As the head of industry in France, he had been thinking about how to get food along the way.

Joseph sat down in the chair and began to look through the papers. Eman quickly brought a candlestick with five candles over to increase the light for him, and then whispered to the maid to make a cup of tea.

After reading about ten pages, Joseph frowned.

Last year, there was a backlog of textile products worth more than one million livres in Lyon, France alone. Nearly a hundred textile industry workshops closed down, resulting in more than 3,000 workers losing their jobs...

Seeing as there are girls appearing again, it’s not too much for me to ask for monthly tickets and recommendation votes, right?

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