I am so Accurate

Chapter 513: Xiaoshuai has six operations in this wave!

Ray Allen turned to look at Pierce.

What Garnett said was a bit provocative, he was wondering if he wanted to remind,

But Pierce smiled after seeing Ray Allen's gaze and said nothing.

It can be seen that Pierce agrees with Garnett's answer.

Ray Allen said nothing more.

Personally, he and Garnett and Pierce are still a bit far behind.

"Running-in is not a problem for us. Today is our first training session, but we have been playing together for several years."

Garnett continued to answer questions from reporters.

He also used the most relaxed tone for the issues that reporters were most concerned about.

This answer can be regarded as a reassurance for Celtics fans.

When talking about why he came to the Celtics, Garnett said a long time.

"This is my first choice. Whether it is Paul or Ray, we all have something in common.

We have all led a team in the past, but we all failed in the end. In a sense, we are all losers.

So we have a common language and a common goal, which is why I am here.

The championship is our only goal. "

Danny Angie, the general manager of the Celtics, listened to the interview not far behind them.

He was stunned when Garnett said this, and then couldn't help but laugh.

Thanks to a good relationship between him and Timberwolves general manager Sanders, otherwise he really believed what Garnett said.

However, the Pistons and Timberwolves trade has not been made public, so it is a way to increase goodwill.


After Garnett's interview was exposed by the media, it caused an uproar.

Especially for Lakers fans, Garnett's attitude of not paying attention to the Lakers at all makes people very angry.

"Look forward to the scene where the Celtics were defeated by the Lakers in the Finals! I don't know if Kevin Garnett will talk like that at that time!"

"Forget the history of 58 so soon? I have never lost or won in a game!"

"No, no, he can't win by talking about it, and he is right? They are a group of losers!" A comment from a new user 20070001.

"Also, are you so sure they can make the finals? Where do you put the Wizards and Pistons?" a comment from a new user 20070002.

"It makes sense to say so! So we should expect them to not make it to the finals!" Comment from a new user 20070003.

"Shit, brother, you are invincible, I think you should go line up with Kevin Garnett!!"


Sun Hao couldn't help laughing when he saw Durant's comments.

In this area, Durant is really a genius, and Lin Dog has to stand aside.

However, this wave of Garnett did provoke him to be black.

You know, at the beginning of the summer, Garnett wanted to come to the Lakers, but he didn't come.

Now when I go to the Celtics, I turn my head and ignore the Lakers.

This is indeed, very iron and blood.

But think about it carefully, this is not entirely a bad thing. The yellow-green war is a classic in the NBA itself, and it is also a rival for decades.

Wendou before fighting.

Garnett's wave is preheated.


Garnett's remarks attracted attention, but more attention was paid to the signing of the Celtics.

Whether it was Angie acting fast, or that a group of people sharpened their heads and squeezed in, before the Big Three debut, the Celtics signed several people in a row, and used a second round in exchange for the Grizzlies. Jones, who has been rumored, immediately made up the lineup.

The current Celtics lineup:

Point guards: Delonte West, Rajon Rondo, David Wesley;

Shooting guards: Ray Allen, Eddie Jones, Tony Allen;

Small front: Pierce, Ricky Davis, Duntai Jones;

Power forwards: Garnett, Leon Bowie, Keith Van Horn;

Centers: Perkins, Ratliff, Brian Scarabrian;

This efficiency can only be said that Boston has become too popular overnight.

And one detail that needs to be noted is that, except for Jones, who was traded, the other newly signed contracts are all non-guaranteed basic salaries.

So what is certain is that this will not be the final lineup of the Celtics season.

This is more like a large-scale interview site. Those who are now signed are just the first batch of interviews.

With this wave of operations, Danny Angie, the best general manager of this year, can no longer run away.

The first show of the Celtics Big Three was at home against the Nets.

The Nets were a bit unlucky this season. The team's power forward and third scorer, Krstic, was reimbursed for the season without finishing the first two months.

This is definitely a fatal blow to their already weak inside line.

Fortunately, the Tridents are there, and the Nets still have strength.

This kind of team that is neither strong nor weak is a good opponent for the Celtics.

Of course, this is from the perspective of the Celtics.

On the Nets side, Carter squeezed a few into the rim when he warmed up before the game.

The Celtics are envious of the Big Three, but they are actually hated.

In this era, Bao Tuan is despised by many stars.

This first show was highly anticipated.

Including Sun Hao, because the Lakers did not play that day, he also pulled O'Neal at home to watch the game live.

"The Nets are still weak. It would be great if they were playing us."

O'Neill spoke while eating the salted tofu in his hand.

Garnett's previous remarks, the most uncomfortable is O'Neal.

In the summer, he yelled to come to the Lakers and almost sent him away. Now that he looks at the Lakers in this way, O'Neal must have seen him want to beat him once.

"Eat slowly."

Sun Hao reminded O'Neill first.

After hiring a dedicated chef, tofu brain, a low-calorie, high-energy, yet delicious thing, became his royal snack.

It's just that for O'Neill, who drinks mineral water bottles like oral liquid, that portion is too small for him.

O'Neill slowed down the speed of delivering it to his mouth. This thing is low in calories, but his daily amount is also controlled.

"If you want to fight them seriously, it's probably the finals."

Sun Hao continued.

The two teams are not in the same division and have played twice in a season.

Once in December, and once in April.

The game in December has already been played, and at the end of April it is also the end of the season.

Some people might say that with Stern's layout, this should not be the case.

But this really can't blame Stern, no matter how Stern can make arrangements, he can't predict the prophet!

O'Neill sighed, then poured the tofu in the bowl into his mouth.

"Guru" swallowed his belly at once, and suddenly he felt much better.

But looking at the empty bowl in front of him, he suddenly felt uncomfortable again.

Finally he had to look at the TV.

Yes, watch the game obediently!

At the beginning of the game, the situation was a bit unexpected.

Carter played extremely vigorously over the Nets, slamming Pierce two consecutively, and all dunks ended.

Under his leadership, the Nets started off with a great advantage.

Although Garnett said that the three of them don't need to run in at all, but the Celtics can still see that there is a problem with the tacit understanding of the Celtics.

This is also completely normal.

You should be stolen, you can go straight to the topic as soon as you come up!

In history, the Celtics can play 66 wins in the first season, but it was a summer run-in.

Now this Celtics has only been training for two days.

But in the second quarter of the game, the situation began to change.

The main change came from Garnett, who began to put more energy into the defensive end.

The Nets' inside line was cut off.

Tucao return to Tucao, the strength of Garnett, who is still at the peak, is absolutely super giant.

Especially his defensive ability belongs to the kind with its own defensive system.

In addition, the Nets' current inside configuration is Corinthian "snake man" Mickey Moore.

This is really not enough in front of Garnett.

After standing firm on the defensive end, Pierce and Ray Allen also started their respective performances on the offensive end.

Pierce is one of the most underrated players.

In terms of honor, he is incomparable to the top five shooting guards and James Wade.

Few people will include him in the discussion when discussing the best small forward.

But everyone who has watched the ball knows that he is very strong.

He belongs to a player who, like Turkoglu, plays by rhythm.

The difference is that his abilities are more comprehensive, with almost no technical shortcomings.

And more importantly, his mental attributes are on the same level as Kobe and Iverson.

You may win the game, but it is very difficult for you to beat him.

He made a sudden wave of shots and the Nets had to double-team him.

It was this defensive change that brought the Celtics offense to life.

Ray Allen began to show his excellent off-ball scoring ability, he received consecutive passes from Pierce and Garnett to make three-pointers.

And it was obvious on the court that the Celtics were constantly suppressing the rhythm and bringing the game into a positional battle.

In a positional battle, the advantages of these three are extremely huge.

Even they still have a big surprise in this segment.

Rajon Rondo!

Because West fouled prematurely, Rondo appeared earlier.

His passing ability is perfectly used in positional battles.

After hitting the back, Pierce was not organized anymore and let Rondo take control of the team.

As a result, the Celtics played more and more smoothly, and quickly opened the score.

After halftime, the Celtics led the Nets 53 to 38 by 15 points.

When O'Neal started watching the game, he fudged Sun Hao to get him food.

But looking behind, he was silent and silent.

This is a threat.

The Celtics who have been running for two days can be like this.

If you really meet them in the finals, this game will be hard to play.

Sun Hao was also silent.

These three guys are only one year younger than in history, but their competitive form is much better.

But it's right to think about it. In that extra season in history, the three people struggled and suffered in their respective teams.

But at this point in time, it is when they are holding back their energy.

In the second half, the score became more and more open, the Big Three all came to rest, and it was Ricky Davis's turn to start performing.

He and Carter dunked each other several times on the court.

This one is also a serious buckler.

The fans at the scene looked hi.

The Big Three, Rondo and Ricky Davis, one after another!

Such a Celtics team makes them very excited!

In the end, the Celtics beat the Nets 106 to 89, and the Big Three made a good start in their debut.

Pierce had 23 points, 5 rebounds and 3 assists, Ray Allen had 19 points, Garnett had 17 points, 12 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks. Ricky Davis had 16 points, Rondo had 7 points, 5 rebounds and 7 assists.

The phrase "data deceives people" is well explained in this game.

Looking at the data of the Big Three are very general, but only when you really watch the game do you know their influence in the game.

And from the number of assists, it can be seen that they still need some time to run in.

But it's like this if you haven't run-in well. Isn't it true that you have to send them the championship trophy in advance?

Sun Hao and O'Neal are not the only ones watching this game.

In other words, the impact of this game on other teams is all-round.

When the previous transaction happened, they were just worried.

But now, worries have become reality!

If you want to win this season, you must cross the two mountains of the Lakers and Celtics.

They really have to think about how they will play later this season!


The season is still going on. At this time in January, in addition to the Celtics Big Three, there is one more thing that deserves the attention of fans:

All-star voting.

This year, the East and the West are full of power, and the All-Star battle has become more intense.

In early January, the league announced the second batch of All-Star votes.

There is a very interesting aspect of this list.

On the Lakers side, Sun Hao and O'Neal ranked first in their respective positions without any suspense.

But in addition, Hill also ranked third in the ranking of defenders!

Moreover, the difference in votes between him and Kobe is only 200,000 votes!

Don't be surprised! !

Hill's popularity in the United States is phenomenal.

Say something that many people may not know.

In history, Hill spent most of his time recovering after going to Magic.

4, 14, 29, this is Hill's attendance in the first three years of the Magic.

And because of the lack of playing time, his data has repeatedly refreshed the lower limit.

Then in the 2004~2005 season, Hill played a rare 67 games that season.

Hill averaged 19.7 points, 4.4 rebounds, 3.3 assists, and 1.4 steals. The Magic's record was also average and didn't make the playoffs.

But in that season, Hill suppressed Wade, Pierce and others and became the Eastern All-Star starting forward!

What is popularity?

This is popularity!

Not to mention that now he and Sun Hao have a bonus from Chinese fans.

Overtake Kobe to become the starting backcourt for the Western Conference All-Stars?

This sounds incredible, but it may happen!

In the East, the Big Three who have just played a few games for the Celtics ~www.ltnovel.com~ have all been selected for the starters!

This is a bit surprising, but it is actually understandable.

Because unlike in history, James went to the west and Iverson went too.

There are a few more popular players in the East. Wade is already the starter, and Carter and Arenas are the rest.

Carter was an uncontroversial candidate, but now the Nets record is too average.

The impact of the Big Three and the hopes of Eastern fans that they would end the blocking of the Lakers dynasty finally turned into votes.

Then, the fans were finally surprised to find that the yellow-green battle between the Lakers and the Celtics is likely to be staged in advance of the All-Star!

This is another topic that cannot escape.

However, while the fans were discussing this yellow-green battle, a piece of news from the Mavericks team quickly attracted people's attention!

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