I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 892 Really? I don’t believe it (first update)

Xiao Fei continued: "However, your internal bleeding is too severe and your body may not be able to absorb it. This part of the blood needs to be released."

"If you agree, Xiaofei can..."

At this time, the data displayed in the medical cabin was constantly changing.

It was as if an invisible hand was operating on Xia Chujian.

No, it's not surgery, but helping Xia Chujian's body repair from the genetic level.

As Xiao Fei watched, he could clearly see that the internal bleeding in Xia Chujian's body had begun to be absorbed by her internal organs.

From a medical perspective, a small amount of internal bleeding can be absorbed by the body itself.

However, a large amount of internal bleeding cannot be absorbed by the human body itself in a short period of time.

Blood is the best culture medium. If it cannot be absorbed, it will become the best breeding ground for germs inside the human body, causing multiple infections.

Therefore, in this case, the conventional surgery is to transfuse blood and remove the internal bleeding from the body at the same time.

But the data detected by Xiaofei showed that the internal bleeding in Xia Chujian's body had been eliminated by a strange and rapid absorption method.

Her blood volume and blood pressure are steadily recovering.

The heart, spleen, liver and stomach that had been damaged by the kinetic energy of the bullet were all repairing themselves.

No surgery or blood transfusion is required at all.

Xia Chujian's body is repairing itself.

Xiaofei was in a complete downtime at this time and didn't know how to deal with this phenomenon.

Xia Chujian waited for a while, but didn't hear Xiao Fei continue speaking, so he hurriedly asked: "Xia Fei, what can you do?"

Xiaofei's eye display flashed a few blue lights, and then said: "Classmate Xia, your physical condition is recovering stably. Xiaofei does not recommend any surgery. Conservative treatment is enough."

Xia Chujian said, "What kind of surgery did you do before?"

Xiaofei quickly repeated what Dr. Su said outside.

Xia Chu understood it as soon as he heard it.

It was her aunt's medicine and it worked.

The injuries that were originally serious are now healing steadily.

And Xia Chujian could also feel that her physical condition was improving rapidly.

But her waist was still very uncomfortable.

Xia Chujian thought for a while and asked Xiaofei: "Xiaofei, don't tell others my data."

"Now help me clear all the data in this medical cabin. Of course, it's my data. Don't worry about other people's data."

When Xia Chujian was talking to Xiaofei, the banging sound on the door over there became louder.

Xiaofei explained: "It was Xiaofei who locked the door and they were banging on the door."

This door actually has a smart lock.

But as soon as Xiaofei took action, the password of the smart lock became unbreakable.

And because this room is in an aircraft, the door and the wall of the room are integrated. It cannot be like in an ordinary house, where the door is separately embedded in the door frame and can be kicked open directly.

So they can only try to knock on the door, hoping to physically break the lock and get in.

Xia Chujian said quickly: "Then destroy my data quickly and then open the door."

She didn't want Xiaofei to be exposed to Huo Yushen because of her own affairs.

Xiaofei agreed, and it only took a tenth of a second to destroy all the data about Xia Chujian's physical condition, and then remotely opened the password of the smart lock.

The door was banged open with a bang, and Huo Yushen was the first to rush in.

As a result, he only saw the exploration robot Xiao Fei standing blankly next to the medical cabin, talking to Xia Chujian.

"Captain Xia, Xiao Fei failed to protect you."

"Team Xia, you can punish Xiao Fei."

"Team Xia, Xiaofei didn't fulfill his duties."

A few sentences are repeated over and over again.

Huo Yushen: "...".

Zong Ruoning: "...".

Chen Yanjun and Jiang Sheng, who followed behind, were extremely moved.

Chen Yanjun said: "Xiao Fei, you are so conscientious!"

Jiang Sheng said: "Xiao Fei, you are my role model! But you can't close the door and prevent us from coming in!"

The robot Xiaofei's hemispherical head turned ninety degrees, pointed at them and said: "You are not allowed to approach the captain's medical cabin."

"Xiao Fei wants to protect the captain."

Chen Yanjun: "...Master Chao, is this robot short-circuited?"

Jiang Sheng: "I think it is too self-blaming and its logic is confusing."

Zong Ruoning wondered: "Even if the robot blames itself, why does it lock the door?"

Xiao Fei turned to him at this moment, and the mechanical electronic synthesized sound was sonorous and powerful: "No one can get close to Team Xia!"

"This will bring danger to Team Xia!"

Chen Yanjun felt that he understood, and said sympathetically: "Xiao Fei is trying to protect Team Xia, he really wants to lock Team Xia up..."

Xia Chujian's voice came from the intercom in the medical cabin: "Xiao Fei didn't mean it. I've already said it."

"Xiao Fei, I apologize to everyone."

After the red and blue lines flashed alternately on Xiaofei's eye display, his voice sounded dejected: "...I'm sorry, Xiaofei shouldn't have locked the door."

Su Muzhe, who came in at this time, said: "We can't delay any longer. Let's prepare for blood tests and blood transfusions immediately. There is also surgery, which must be done immediately."

Xia Chujian's voice continued to come from the intercom in the medical cabin: "Dr. Su, what kind of surgery is it? Do you want to perform surgery on me? No need? I feel that my body is recovering very quickly. The current treatment procedure That’s very good…”

Su Muzhe said: "If you think it's useless, you have to let the instrument have the final say."

"The medical cabin has tested your body. Your life is already in danger."

Su Muzhe still remembered seeing the test report of the medical cabin.

That data...

To be honest, Xia Chujian can still speak now, which is already a medical miracle.

Xia Chujian rolled his eyes in the medical cabin and said, "Ah? Really? I don't believe it..."

"Teacher Zong, Master Chao, can you open the medical cabin? I want to see the test report of the medical cabin with my own eyes."

Su Muzhe said slightly, "Classmate Xia, don't be willful."

"Do you think your physical strength can still support you to sit up?"

Xia Chujian said: "...I think I can."

Su Muzhe became a little angry and walked to the main control panel of the medical cabin, intending to bring up the test report just now and show it to Zong Ruoning.

As a result, she pressed the button and found nothing.

It was as if she didn't let the medical cabin test Xia Chujian's body just now.

"How could it be..." Su Muzhe was a little anxious, tapping her fingers quickly on the main control panel, trying to find the test report she had just saved.

After searching for five minutes, still nothing.

Beads of sweat appeared on Su Muzhe's forehead, and his face turned pale, as if it was not Xia Chujian who was injured, but her.

There was an eerily quiet atmosphere in the ward.

Everyone's eyes were turned to Dr. Su, who was standing in front of the main control panel of the medical cabin.

When Xia Chu met, he didn't want to embarrass Dr. Su too much.

She waited patiently for a while and then said: "Doctor Su, everyone is here now, why don't we check again?"

Su Muzhe blurted out: "But I just checked it!"

Chen Yanjun said: "What about the inspection report? Can you show it to us?"

Su Muzhe said: "I really checked it! I clearly saw those data! It exists here!"

"...But I can't find it now..."

Huo Yushen was slightly startled and said, "Let me see."

He walked over and naturally pushed Dr. Su aside.

Su Muzhe stood there in despair, and now he began to wonder whether he had checked just now.

But she clearly remembered seeing those data!

Huo Yushen has already started operating on the main control panel of the medical cabin.

After a while, he said: "I checked the system, and there is indeed no data on previous physical examinations, and there is no sign that this medical cabin has just been tested."

Su Muzhe said in a deep voice: "Impossible! I really checked it out! That's why I decided to treat it conservatively for the time being!"

Huo Yushen said: "There is a record of choosing conservative treatment here, but before that, there was no evidence of physical examination in the medical cabin."

Su Muzhe looked at Zong Ruoning, his voice trembling, almost crying: "Young Master Zong, believe me! I really checked it out!"

Xia Chujian felt a little unbearable at this time and said, "Dr. Su, I believe you have checked. There may be a problem with the system. I don't blame you."

"How about you check again? Especially my waist, I think my waist may be broken."

Her words successfully diverted everyone's attention.

Huo Yushen first scolded her: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could your waist be broken at such a young age?"

Zong Ruoning also said: "Xia Chu, see you, don't be alarmist. How can your waist be broken? If your waist is broken, can you still speak well?"

Chen Yanjun said in surprise: "The captain's waist is really broken? Can it still be picked up?"

Jiang Sheng frowned: "I've been injured for a hundred days. Will the captain have to stay in the medical cabin for a hundred days?"

Su Muzhe said at this time: "Your waist should be severely sprained. Conservative treatment in the medical cabin is very effective for severe sprains."

Then she stepped forward and said to Huo Yushen who was standing in front of the main control panel: "Master Chao, please give way and I will check Student Xia again."

Huo Yushen stepped aside.

Su Muzhe opened the testing program of the medical cabin again and tested Xia Chujian again.

This time, she let the testing program run for a full twenty minutes before ending the test.

Then she immediately printed out the test report to avoid losing it again.

She gave Huo Yushen and Zong Ruoning one copy of the printed test report and said, "Please take a look."

Huo Yushen and Zong Ruoning both looked at the test report.

Huo Yushen raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he was slightly suspicious, he said nothing.

Zong Ruoning asked Su Muzhe directly: "Isn't this okay? The most serious injury is indeed a sprain of the waist."

"The other data are pretty good. Although I'm a little anemic and my blood pressure is low, my internal organs were indeed shocked, but it's not serious enough to need to be removed, right?"

"Do you think this is spleen data? I think it is within the normal range, what do you think?

Only then did Su Muzhe read the report carefully.

This is the first update, there will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon.

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