I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 874: Charity (first update, asking for monthly votes)

Xia Chujian frowned: "...Ah? Is this possible?"

"Can the purity of gold in natural gold mines reach this level?"

Then why do we still need the smelting industry?

Just dig it out and exchange it as a general equivalent.

Xiao Fei said: "The fact that the captain can raise this question shows that the captain is truly a person who is not affected by external objects and has an innocent heart.

Why does Xia Chujian feel a little sarcastic when listening to Xiao Fei's words?

She asked confusedly: "Am I wrong?"

Xiao Fei said: "The captain is right, but when most people see such gold, they will only think about possessing it immediately, and will not think about whether it is reasonable."

"The fact that you asked 'is it possible?' shows that you are not dazzled by the gold here."

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "I was indeed carried away, but it didn't last long and I calmed down quickly."

"So Xiaofei, natural gold mines in nature shouldn't be of this purity, right?"

Xiao Fei said: "Strictly speaking, the natural gold mines in the Beichen Galaxy will not have this kind of purity."

"But this is a green star in an unknown galaxy, and the gold mine here, maybe that's why it's so special?"

Xia Chujian said: "I remember Song Baotai said that the soil resources and atmospheric environment here are the same as those in the Beichen Galaxy, so the plant growth cycle should also be the same."

"Are the geological conditions and mineral resources the same as those in the Beichen Galaxy?"

Xiao Fei said: "The environment over at Yangzhi Mountain may be the same as the soil and atmospheric environment of the Beichen Galaxy."

"But this is the God's Land, and the environment of the God's Land is probably very different from the Beichen Galaxy."

Xia Chujian's heart moved, and she remembered the pocket planet she had been to.

The geological and atmospheric environment above is completely different from that of the Beichen Galaxy, and the organisms and mineral deposits there are also different accordingly.

This place has the same atmospheric environment as the Beichen Galaxy.

Because she is not wearing a helmet, she can breathe naturally here without taking oxygen.

But the smell of sulfur in the air was a bit strong, so she had to wear a mask to filter the air.

So what kind of geological environment is this place on the green star where the gods descended from?

Xia Chujian said, reluctantly taking a look at the gold that was full of gold, and said regretfully: "I still don't want it. Although the gold here is good, I'm afraid there is something bad on it."

Xiao Fei said objectively: "Captain, the gold mine here is indeed very pure gold."

"Although its appearance is very strange, its quality cannot be doubted."

"You don't have to worry about it having anything bad on it. Xiaofei has tested it and found that there is none, not even bacteria."

"It is like the gold element that has just been rolled out from the depths of the star core, still carrying the residual heat after high temperature..."

"The temperature deep inside the star core is as high as nine thousand degrees, killing all viruses and bacteria."

Xia Chujian blinked: "Really? Does Xiao Fei mean that I should mine all the gold?"

Xiaofei said: "This is a very small vein, estimated to be only about one ton."

"After mining it all, the captain's suitcase can fit in it."

Xia Chujian became happy: "Is it because the density of gold is relatively high? If the density is high, the volume will be smaller for the same weight, right?"

Xiao Fei said: "Yes, the captain is very smart, that's right."

“A ton of gold sounds like a lot, but it’s not that big.”

Xia Chujian was happy: "That's great! Since it doesn't take up any space, let's mine it now!"

Xiaofei was very obedient and immediately started his robotic arm to dig for gold.

Because the gold was so pure, it was dug out and immediately pressed into gold bars weighing one kilogram. A total of one thousand gold bars were pressed.

Stacked up, it was indeed the size of her standard-sized suitcase.

Xiaofei put the gold bars into his trolley, put a lid on them, entered the aircraft, and put them into the suitcase in Xia Chujian's room.

Xiaofei took out the clothes and daily necessities in her suitcase and placed them on the bed and table.

Just as Xiao Fei left, Xia Chujian caught a glimpse of a dim yellow light flashing past in the hollowed-out pit.

This is not the first time Xia Chujian has seen this thing.

She was suddenly shocked and thought, what on earth is this? !

Why does it seem to be "giving" her things and constantly helping her? !

When she was in Yangzhi Mountain before, she said she wanted to eat golden fruit. As soon as this thing flashed by, a golden fruit tree grew up and was full of fruits!

Just now I said I wanted gold and gold mines, and immediately gold nuggets and gold mines appeared!

But she once saw this dim yellow light flashing past the place where the snake and the evil Queen Mother disappeared...

Is this thing good or evil to her?

Although so far, what she has seen seems to be the good side, and she even has the good luck and pleasure of having her wishes come true.

But, what if the other party uses this method to seduce her step by step?

This is not unprecedented.

In the Star Net article, those evil heretics are not always given out with some small favors.

After you get used to their "charity", you will never be able to leave them again, until your whole person is controlled by them.

Xia Chujian thought of this and said seriously to the place where the dim yellow light flashed: "Did you make this gold and gold mine?"

"You help me, I'm happy."

"But if you want to use this to control me, you're wrong."

"I can return whatever you have to you."

When Xiao Fei got off the aircraft, he happened to see Xia Chujian speaking harshly to an empty pit.

The red and blue lines on Xiaofei's eye screen complement each other again, making him appear to be in a very complicated mood.

After Xia Chujian finished speaking, she put on the fully enclosed helmet. She wanted to talk to Qilu.

"Qilu, did you see what happened just now?"

Qilu's childish voice sounded dull: "Master, Qilu has seen it. Qilu also thinks that thing must have no good intentions!"

Xia Chujian said quietly: "Qilu, when you first appeared, you were just pretending to be a ghost...even though you were helping me."

Qilu's childish voice stammered: "Master...Master! This is different! No...it can't be compared like this!"

Xia Chujian chuckled: "Okay, I'm just teasing you. Okay, let's go further and have a look."

She flew back to the craft.

Xiao Fei entered the airship.

Let's all set off together and continue flying forward.

But on the next journey, Xia Chujian walked nearly five thousand kilometers, but never saw any trace of mineral deposits.

Even the gem crystals that could be seen everywhere before are gone.

There was nothing but scorched earth all the way, and the soil became more and more compacted, as if the scorched earth had turned into coal.

The magma river is still flowing on the earth, and the pungent sulfur smell in the air is getting stronger and stronger.

Xia Chujian looked at the distance displayed on the aircraft console, contacted Xiao Fei on the airship, and said, "Is it time to go back? It's almost five thousand kilometers away."

Xiao Fei said: "Captain, why don't you go to the front and take another look?"

Xia Chujian said: "The airship can only fly 10,000 kilometers, so it has to go back to replace the energy rod."

Because it was the first day, the camp didn't let them go too far, so they didn't prepare replacement energy bars for them.

Xiao Fei came up with an idea and said: "We can let the aircraft tow the airship."

Xia Chujian thought for a while and said, "Forget it, today is the first day, let's go back early."

They've been out for four hours.

It will take about four hours to get back, and a whole day has passed.

This place is out of the ordinary, so it's better to be cautious.

Xiao Fei agreed, so the aircraft and airship both turned around and flew in the direction of the camp.

The rooms of each team member were still quiet, and they were obviously still meditating.

Xia Chujian didn't want to disturb them.

Besides, she didn't feel alone.

Xiaofei and Qilu are both good partners, and she doesn't worry at all about being betrayed or backstabbed by them. She feels more comfortable associating with them.

Qiu Zijun here took three of his comrades, left the camp in an airship, and flew northward.

In front of her, there was also a yellowed map spread out.

It was actually hard for her to imagine that in this day and age, people still used such ancient paper maps.

But after she took the map from her family, she understood why.

Because the information here is too precious and cannot be saved online.

The Internet is the most unsafe. You don’t know when or when someone will steal important information.

She stared at the map and began to re-create a new three-dimensional map based on the ground data scanned by the airship, and then filled in the map.

She knew that she had this picture, and so did Qiu Zining.

However, Qiu Zining didn't know that she also had such a map in her hand.

While watching attentively, she traced the paper map with her hands, and then input data into her own equipment to perfect the new three-dimensional map model.

She really didn't expect that the contrast distance on the paper map was so huge!

Relying on the three-dimensional map she has drawn now, it is difficult to determine the specific coordinates of what she is looking for.

But Qiu Zining followed the same map, and the direction she flew to was not the north, but the east.

But in terms of air distance, the east has different levels depending on the high and low latitudes.

It is not easy to find it at which latitude it is.

She had been flying for almost four hours and found nothing, not to mention Xia Chujian's aircraft and airship that were said to be right in front of her.

"Where have we flown to? Are we lost?"

Qiu Zining said to herself, but felt that it was impossible.

How could we get lost when there was an aircraft?

There is radar navigation on the aircraft.

Even if it is affected by geomagnetic interference, it will only affect the radar's long-range scanning function, and the path recognition function will still exist.

Just when she was confused, she suddenly heard the pilot of her aircraft say: "Noble Lady Qiu, the aircraft and airship you are looking for have flown back."

Qiu Zining perked up and said, "Are they the aircraft and airships that I checked for electromagnetic signs before?"

The pilot said with a complicated expression: "Yes... now we can see the signs on the aircraft and the airship."

There is no need to check the electromagnetic signs. You can directly see the large characters written on the aircraft and airships.

"Treasure Hunting Team 1".

Qiu Zining also choked, then turned gloomy and said, "Then what are you waiting for? - Fire!"

This is the first update, there will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon.

Today is the last day of March. Guys, take a look at your wallet and clear your monthly tickets!

PS: The whole story is based on the Classic of Mountains and Seas, don’t you see? hey-hey()

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