Xia Chujian continued: "But after comparing the mineral composition contained in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the small stream, we discovered a strange phenomenon."

"In the middle reaches of the creek, there seems to be a sudden upwelling of groundwater, causing the content of certain underground minerals in the middle reaches to be much higher than that in the lower reaches."

"Upstream there is no trace of this mineral at all."

"But there's nothing wrong with it on the surface of the creek."

Huo Yushen thought deeply and said, "...Why did you specifically choose that creek to measure when you were prospecting for mineral deposits?"

Xia Chujian thought to himself, it's true that an expert will know if there is anything right as soon as he takes action.

Doesn’t this get to the point?

Xia Chujian said: "...it was about the conflict with Shan Jingsheng last time and tracking those Lushu."

At that time, they had quarreled on public channels, and everyone knew what was going on.

Xia Chujian added: "It's just that Shan Jingsheng didn't find the deer and Shu, and I couldn't find the group of deer and Shu. I just followed their hoof prints and came to the vicinity of the creek..."

"They seemed to disappear out of thin air. Now that I think about it, it is very similar to the disappearance of our students."

Huo Yushen frowned and said, "Where is the creek? Do you remember it?"

Xia Chujian said: "I have marked coordinates in the mecha's radar."

In fact, it was Qilu who remembered it for her...

Rounding it all off, the mecha's radar recorded it for her.

Huo Yushen looked at the sky outside the aircraft window.

The sun has set, the dusk is heavy, and the dark clouds in the night sky cover the bright moon. It is not a clear night sky.

Huo Yushen said: "Give me the coordinates and I'll go check it out alone. It's already dark outside, so don't go out."

Xia Chujian was not worried about Huo Yushen going out alone, and refused, saying: "If you don't let me go, then no one will go."

Huo Yushen said: "At night here, people without mental strength cannot go out."

Xia Chujian said: "To tell you the truth, I went out at night on the small island of Dark Village that was used as a camp before, and I even killed a demon."

Huo Yushen: "..."

I should have known that this girl wouldn't be so obedient.

She was told not to go out at night, and she just promised to do so when it was time to go out.

Huo Yushen had a headache, but finally compromised and said, "Then you have to stay with me. You can't run out of my sight alone."

Xia Chujian nodded and said seriously: "Same for you."

"I think I actually have an advantage here. So taking me with you is definitely a big help, not a hindrance."

Huo Yushen also felt vaguely like this, but he was still a little uncomfortable with it.

He stopped talking, released the Great Siming Flowing Gold Mecha, and entered the invisible state.

Xia Chujian gave a few instructions to the exploration robot Xiao Fei, and then also entered the invisible state.

The two left the aircraft together.

Now in her aircraft, there are only seven teammates who have been severely damaged mentally.

They are all still in a coma.

So they left in silence.

The two men drove the mecha and quickly landed on the bank of the creek.

Xia Chujian pointed to a location in the creek and said, "This is right here. At that time, we thought that the underground water rose up from here."

Huo Yushen stretched out his robotic arm, switched the front end to a drill, and dug along the coordinates indicated by Xia Chujian.

I don't know how far I dug, but Huo Yushen suddenly said: "We have dug an empty layer below."

Xia Chujian was surprised: "Is there really a cave below?"

Huo Yushen said: "I don't know. Let me launch a micro-drone and take a look."

As he spoke, Huo Yushen retracted the robotic arm that had its top end switched to a drill bit, and then lowered a drone the size of a small dragonfly down along the groove he dug.

The groove is about the size of an egg in diameter, but I don’t know how deep it is.

After the drone went down, Huo Yushen and Xia Chujian shared the footage of the drone.

Xia Chujian put it directly on the eyepiece display of his helmet.

I saw the bottom of this creek. I don’t know how many meters later, the camera picture suddenly became clear.

It was a cave that was formed naturally or dug out.

It looks quite spacious.

The cave was gloomy and full of clouds of pale green gas.

Xia Chujian was very nervous and said, "Is that Getos' lair right here?!"

Huo Yushen said: "No, this is not Getos' lair."

"The pale green mist underneath is just mist. There is no distraction of Getos hiding in it."

Xia Chujian said hesitantly: "...Getos's appearance is like two eyes and a mouth in the mist, and then the eyes and the mouth are the faces of a clock?"

Huo Yushen said: "Yes, that's exactly what it looks like. Have you seen it all? Don't you feel uncomfortable? Or is your spirit greatly polluted?"

Xia Chujian said: "Yes, my eyes are extremely contaminated, I'm dirty."

Huo Yushen: "...Speak well."

Xia Chujian said: "I'm telling the truth. It's so ugly. Not only is it disgusting, it's also quite scary."

Huo Yushen glanced at her and thought, there's nothing scary about you looking like this, but it's definitely disgusting.

In Xia Chujian's tone, the strong disgust almost overflowed into reality.

Huo Yushen was silent for a while and then said: "You know, if the person who saw the image of Getos was not you but anyone else, including me, he would have suffered a mental breakdown by now."

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "...so powerful? Is it because you are so ugly that you can't stand it?"

Huo Yushen smiled: "Summer insects can't be compared to ice."

Xia Chujian: "...Speak politely and don't curse."

Huo Yushen stopped paying attention to her and concentrated on watching the scene brought up by the micro-drone.

In that underground cave, the drone flew quickly, bypassing groups of pale green mist.

Then, they saw more pictures.

In that cave, skeletons appeared one after another, some of animals and some of humanoids.

There are also some strangely corroded items, some of which have shapes that are probably guns.

Others can't be seen at all.

Even those skeletons with visible shapes are very few.

Most of them are jet black masses wrapped together, and no shape can be seen.

Other than that, there was no sign of life inside.

Huo Yushen said: "Go in and take a look."

As he spoke, he switched to a larger drill bit, and in just a few minutes, he expanded the egg-sized groove into a groove with a diameter of 1.5 meters.

He jumped first.

Xia Chujian also jumped down.

Both of them had second-generation mechas. When they went down, the second-generation mechas started up, just like diving from a high platform. It didn't take long before they fell to the ground.

The cave is not dark inside. I don’t know what material the rock wall is made of, but there is white light shining on it, as if there is a light source here.

Huo Yushen said: "The radiation here is very strong, and the white light on the rock walls is all radioactive stone."

Xia Chujian looked at the radiation data that appeared on the display screen of his mecha's eyepiece, clicked his tongue and said, "Actually, it's not bad. The radiation concentration is still a little lower than that of Morizawa Star."

Huo Yushen said: "Nothing can be compared with Morizawa Star. When some humans commit evil on their own, it may be comparable to the level of damage caused by the first-level relics."

Xia Chujian smiled and followed Huo Yushen, taking a clear look at the surrounding environment.

In a recessed place at the corner of the cave, some bones were stored, most of them were animals, but there were also some human bones.

Judging from the freshness of the skeleton, it should be the student they disappeared a few days ago...

Xia Chujian felt miserable and said, "At least this was once the base of Nagthos' distraction."

"All the things it hasn't corroded are here?"

Huo Yushen said thoughtfully: "...Getos is a distraction. Any place with fog can become an anchor point for his arrival. Theoretically, he does not need a fixed base."

Xia Chujian said, "Then what's going on?"

Huo Yushen said: "There may be something else here."

Xia Chujian was curious: "Is there something else? How can I see it?"

Huo Yushen said thoughtfully: "The anchor point needed for Getos' arrival is these thick green fog."

"And these thick green fogs probably have an owner, so He needs to pay the reward."

Xia Chujian was greatly surprised: "Isn't it?! Such a powerful master needs a reward for coming down?! It should be this thick fog that rewards him, right?"

Huo Yushen said: "What you said is a general situation."

"If Nong Wu's status is lower than Getos, then Getos can come at will without any reward."

"But correspondingly, Getos' distraction cannot play a big role. Because the lower mass limit of the descending anchor determines the upper limit of Getos' distraction energy."

Xia Chujian felt dizzy after hearing this, and couldn't help but say: "...how do you know everything? You clearly said that Getos' information is not included in the Tel'an Bureau's top-secret information!"

Huo Yushen said: "I said it was a secret book passed down from my family."

Xia Chu felt sour and said quietly: "...How many mines do you have at home? You have all these secrets... I'm afraid you have saved the whole world, right?"

Huo Yushen ignored her muttering, and his expression gradually became solemn: "... Getos is the master of the nameless fog, and his energy can affect time and space."

“When He comes, there will be payment for the anchor of His coming, and these should be the payment!”

"The owner of the thick green fog is here!"

Xia Chujian also became alert, and suddenly felt someone's cold gaze behind her.

The robotic arm quickly raised and switched out the Destroyer 1 sniper rifle.

At the same moment, Huo Yushen also switched out the Destroyer No. 1 sniper rifle.

The two of them stood back to back in the underground cave, holding up sniper rifles with the same vigilant expression.

The four walls are covered with white light radiating from the stone, and there are scattered bones and dead grass on the ground, as well as blood stains that have turned into dark black, and large areas of pale green fog.

This situation is like Shura's dream.

As they watched, a thick pale green fog gradually turned from thick to light, revealing a human face.

This is the first update. There will be a second update at five past twelve noon.

It's Monday, please vote for me.

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