I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 829 Fruit and Cannon Fodder (Second Larger Chapter, Monthly Pass)

Qiu Zijun's words were simple and straightforward, but they made more people think.

Chen Yanjun was the first to come to his senses and said immediately: "Classmate Qiu is right!"

"If it takes ten consecutive shots to hit a transformed snake, then it's really impossible for Team Xia to hit so many transformed snakes with just one person!"

"So this is not Team Xia's battle alone!"

"This is a fight for all of us!"

"Classmates! We are soldiers too!"

"This is the time when we need to work together!"

The words of Qiu Zijun and Chen Yanjun completely dispelled the hesitation and doubts of most people.

Yes, if it were two transformed snakes, Xia Chujian might have handled it himself.

But now, what they are facing is not just one or two, but more than a hundred!

Xia Chu saw that no matter how powerful a person was, he could not stand alone.

Everyone said: "Let's fight together! We want to fight with Team Xia!"

Of course, there are also a very small number of people who will never be happy if they can't take advantage and it will cost them their lives.

Their eyes were evasive, and they did not shout slogans along with everyone else. They wanted to find a place to hide.

Xia Chujian has also participated in many military operations, large and small.

She knew this very well and had never thought about satisfying everyone, let alone treating these few people as human beings, so she paid no attention to their emotions.

She nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you to classmates Qiu Zijun and Chen Yanjun for their support, and thank you to all the students and teachers who are willing to support me in leading this action!"

"This time the transformation into a snake outside really requires the efforts of all of us!"

"Since everyone is willing to fight together, and Commander-in-Chief Tantai has appointed me to take charge of this military operation, I will first talk about manpower allocation."

"There are about a hundred transformed snakes outside, and there are more than four hundred of us."

"On average, three or four people can deal with a transformed snake, so we need to regroup."

"Listen to my command now. The sniper will stand on the left, the one who can throw grenades will stand in the middle, the one who can use shoulder-resistant rockets will stand on the right, and the students who can use the Chi Yang Fire Launching Stick will stand with the sniper."

"Each team of four people needs a sniper, a teammate who can throw grenades, and teammates who can fire shoulder-resistant rockets and Chiyang fire."

"With four people taking action together, it's easy to kill a transformed snake."

"If three people form a team, there is no need for shoulder-resistant rockets, just use the Chiyang Fire Launching Stick."

"Master Chao and I, as mobile support forces, will deal with those extra or particularly ferocious transformed snakes."

After she finished speaking, everyone quickly started forming teams.

After the team is formed, immediately run upstairs to get your weapons.

Only the three foreign students from the Eastern Tianyuan Divine Kingdom in the Interstellar United Class had no intention of taking immediate action.

Next to them, there was an international student from the Principality of Southern Cross standing, looking very embarrassed.

These four people can form a team, but the three international students from Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom have no intention of forming a team.

The international student from the Principality of Southern Cross looked at Xia Chujian slightly awkwardly and said, "Team Xia, can I join Mai Aotuo's team?"

There were ten people in the team that Xia Chu met, including her, there were nine of them.

If there are four people in a team, there is still Chen Yanjun, who plans to form a team with others.

Hearing that this international student from the Principality of Southern Cross wanted to form a team with Mai Aotuo and the others, Chen Yanjun immediately said: "Jiang Sheng, come out and form a team with me and give up your position to this classmate. - What is your name for this classmate? name?"

This student from the Principality of Southern Cross said quickly: "My name is Kami! Thank you, classmate Chen Yanjun! Thank you, classmate Jiang Sheng!"

Neither Mai Aotuo nor Fan Ruisi objected, which meant they acquiesced.

Jiang Sheng came out of their team, walked to Chen Yanjun, and whispered, "Who are you going to team up with?"

Chen Yanjun said: "For military operations, you can form a team with anyone. Quickly find a classmate who can fire shoulder-type rockets and Chiyang fire, and we can form a team."

Jiang Sheng said: "I can throw grenades, are you a sniper?"

Chen Yanjun puffed up his chest proudly: "Although his marksmanship is not as good as Team Xia's, he can still be considered a sharpshooter!"

Jiang Sheng sneered, patted him on the shoulder, and the two of them went upstairs to get their weapons.

Xia Chumi looked at Sugi Kagekatsu, Asaganobu and Ishii Takashi standing in the lobby on the first floor and said, "Are you going to form a team with three of you?"

Sugi Jingsheng clenched his fists and said, "We refuse to participate in this operation. Please send us back to the Starry Sky Exploration Ship."

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "Since you refuse to participate in this operation, please leave here."

Shan Jingsheng hurriedly lifted his legs to go upstairs.

Xia Chujian stopped him: "Where are you going?"

Sugi Jingsheng said: "Didn't you ask us to leave here?"

"We're leaving now."

Xia Chujian said, "I'm talking about leaving this island. Do you think I'm asking you to leave the first floor and hide on the second floor?"

Shan Jingsheng's face turned red and he said: "There are snakes outside, how can we leave the island? Do you want us to die?!"

Xia Chujian said: "We are going to fight the transformed snake soon. Since you don't want to fight, of course you have to leave here."

"We are an expedition team, not your bodyguards. You are not qualified to enjoy the fruits of victory after our bloody battle."

Sugi Jingsheng sneered: "The fruits of victory? You can enjoy the fruits of victory, but what about others? - They are all cannon fodder fighting for you!"

"Don't think you can dominate us!"

"Who doesn't know who?!"

With that said, he started walking upstairs again.

Xia Chu didn't get used to him when she saw him. She commanded Shao Siming's black and silver mecha. As fast as lightning, she grabbed Shan Jingsheng's neck and dragged him to the gate of the castle.

"Listen, whoever doesn't want to go out and fight the transformed snake, just get out of here!"

"I asked you to take the kayak away. It's a big world outside. You can go wherever you want!"

Asaganobu said angrily: "You clearly know that we are surrounded by snakes, where else can we go?!"

Xia Chujian said: "Yes, everyone knows it, so everyone should fight the snake and fight for some life for themselves!"

"You want to get something for nothing and enjoy the fruits of everyone's bloody victory. That doesn't work with me!"

As she spoke, she even ordered other students to get all the luggage of these three people, including giving them a kayak.

When Shan Jingsheng saw Xia Chu meeting Laizhen, he said angrily: "I'll fight! I'll fight! Isn't it okay if I fight?!"

"I'm warning you, if something happens to me, our Shan family will definitely not let you go!"

Xia Chujian said: "You signed a liability exemption agreement. How come you people from Dongtianyuan Kingdom are so good at defaulting on your debt? - Since you can't afford to lose, then don't participate and leave now!"

Xia Chujian pointed in the direction of the door and said sternly: "I don't have that much time to chat with you! I just want to say, leave or stay?!"

To leave, you have to paddle your kayak out of the circle of snakes.

If you stay, you have to join everyone and fight the snake with weapons...

Sugi Jingsheng weighed the two considerations, but in the end he was dejected and formed a team with students from his own country to fight the snakes together.

Ten minutes later, more than a hundred kayaks were moving quickly on the water in front of the castle.

There were three or four students sitting on it, all wearing protective raincoats and holding weapons, heading towards the coastline.

Xia Chujian and Huo Yushen both used mechas to fly in mid-air to show everyone the way.

She originally thought that they still needed to break through the gray fog barrier before they could contact the transformed snake outside.

As a result, they were only halfway through the journey when they saw black rolling snakes on the vast sea!

It was exactly the same as what was shown on Xia Chujian's virtual screen, with a human face but wings.

The body seems to be that of a jackal, but it is infinitely elongated, like a thick python.

Their loud roaring sounds really sounded like they were scolding someone, and it sounded very strange.

They rolled in the seawater, making waves. The wind and rain above their heads became stronger, and the visual range of the naked eye was further reduced.

Even with a telescope, I couldn't see through the edge of the rain curtain.

Xia Chujian's mechanical right arm switched out a sniper rifle and aimed directly at the fastest swimming snake.

Click! Click! Click!

After three shots, the snake's head was blown off by her again, and the several-foot-long snake body fell heavily, creating a huge wave on the sea.

The sea water hit the face of the student on the kayak at the front.

But instead of being afraid, everyone was aroused by this scene.



"Fuck you!"

Sniper rifles, grenades, shoulder-resistant rockets and Chiyang Fire all erupted in the heavy rain in an instant, shooting at the surging snakes!

Click! Click!

boom! boom!


The sound of the heavy rain became more violent, but it could not suppress the fierce gunshots.

Seeing one transformed snake after another die under their guns also stimulated those living transformed snakes to go even crazier.

Their bodies are already very large, and they are confined to this narrow sea area. As long as they roll in the sea, they can set off huge waves.

The sea water became a weapon, lifting up rows of dense high walls, and pouring towards the small kayaks with a roar!

The kayaks in the distance were okay. Everyone was a genetic evolver, so they wouldn’t be so frightened by a mere wall of water that they would turn around and run away.

But the kayak nearby was overturned by the waves as hard as a tall city wall.

The students on the kayak fell into the sea water, crying for their fathers and mothers, and became a mess.

Xia Chujian stood in front, and together with Huo Yushen, the sniper rifle fired like a submachine gun, blocking the first wave of attacks from the transformed snakes, allowing the first batch of students who fell into the water to get up and fight again.

Fortunately, after everyone got used to the wind and waves caused by the snake, they grasped the rhythm and no more kayaks were overturned.

They are all high-level genetic evolvers. Facing such a scene, they are only mentally shocked, but their bodies are still very strong.

Even without mechas, their bodies are as hard as steel!

The expedition team finally grasped the rhythm and began to kill the transformed snakes in an orderly manner.

Xia Chujian kept shooting with a sniper rifle while listening in all directions and providing timely support to those teammates who were about to lose their resistance.

She saw that Qiu Zijun's group was indeed the most effective.

Four of the ten people came to school from the active forces of Starfleet, and they were no strangers to this level of combat.

Other students, on the other hand, were a little confused at the beginning.

A girl had just picked up a sniper rifle and was still taking aim when a snake's tail suddenly slapped over and knocked the sniper rifle away from her hand.

She looked at her suddenly empty hands and couldn't help but scream.

Xia Chujian arrived in time and, together with her teammates, shot and killed the transformed snake.

Because Xia Chujian was not fighting alone this time, the transformed snake that was killed not only lost its head, but was also beaten into several pieces. Finally, it was burned into coke by Chiyang fire, just like one piece after another. Burning fire sticks...

Xia Chujian dived into the bottom of the sea again, retrieved the sniper rifle that had been blown away by the snake's tail, handed it to the girl, and said, "Don't drop it next time."

The girl witnessed a fleeting battle with her own eyes, and suddenly she was no longer timid.

She held the sniper rifle and nodded vigorously to Xia Chujian: "Okay, captain!"

Xia Chujian patted her on the shoulder, drove Shao Si Ming's mecha to fly into the sky, set up a sniper rifle, and fired three more shots at the nearest snake!

Ejecting the magazine three times in a row quickly turned the snake into a headless snake.

But soon, she discovered that another team was in danger.

The team's kayak was knocked over by the snake, and everyone fell into the water.

The transformed snake even opened its mouth wide and bit the person closest to it!

Xia Chujian quickly raised his gun and fired three times, all of which went into the snake's open mouth!

A huge penetrating wound was made directly on the throat of the transformed snake, so that its body could not support its head and it collapsed softly.

Xia Chujian shot it in the head again, only to see that the person she saved was actually Shan Jingsheng.

Xia Chujian sighed in her heart and secretly thought it was bad luck!

Then left without looking back.

Shan Jingsheng's face turned pale. Just now he thought that he was really going to be buried in the snake's belly, but he didn't expect that he could escape from the snake's mouth!

As a result, after Xia Chujian beat the transformed snake, he left immediately without even mentioning rescuing them!

Sugi Jingsheng waved his fist and shouted in the direction where Xia Chujian left: "Hey! Our kayak capsized! Aren't you responsible for our safety?!"

Now this is a battlefield and everyone has too much time to take care of themselves. Who cares about him?

Xia Chujian pretended not to hear what he heard, and directly selected a snake to shoot again, relieving other students' urgent needs.

For a moment, everyone was nervously dealing with the snakes and killing as many of them as possible to solve their dilemma.

Sugi Jingsheng soaked in the sea water for a while, and found that no one came to help them, so he had to cooperate with his teammates to right the overturned kayak on the sea, and then climbed up hard.

They all had no weapons and did not dare to continue fighting. They lay on the bottom of the kayak one by one, holding their heads, and cursed Xia Chujian in their hearts.

This is the second larger chapter, including a monthly pass of 1800+.

I’ve been posting this for several days in a row, please give me some monthly votes ().

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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