I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 810 The difference between inside and outside (first update)

Of course, this may also be because the dense fog composed of nebulae in this unknown galaxy is relatively thick, which affects the function and efficiency of the observation and scanning equipment, so it is impossible to measure the edge of the galaxy.

Or their technical capabilities are not strong enough, so they cannot detect where the edge of the galaxy is.

This is all possible.

Zong Ruoning looked sharply at the display screen in front of him.

There are two red dots on it, moving slowly among the blue nebula that is so dense that it cannot be dissolved.

The two red dots represent their two star exploration ships.

Diagonally in front of them, a coordinate position is marked with a green dot.

Captain Kong of the driving team pointed to the green dot and said: "This should be the coordinate position of the planet in the starry sky."

"But in so many years, except for the first thousand years when it was first discovered, there was only one time nineteen years ago when our troop's expedition ship found the planet at that location."

"After so many years, no matter how we searched, we couldn't find it for the third time."

Zong Ruoning said: "Every time you come to this galaxy, which coordinates do you go to?"

Captain Kong nodded: "Been there. I was the one who led the team last year. When we drove over, we found that the coordinates were empty and there were no planets at all."

"So we went on an expedition to the nearest planet."

"The place we went to later was completely different from the planet in our records. It was not the green star we were looking for at all."

Zong Ruoning pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, let's go there first."

"If you still can't find it, then just find a nearby planet and let them explore it."

The driving captain agreed, returned to the cab and started moving at full speed.

Two hours later, they arrived at the location of the green dot.

This time, Captain Kong was surprised to find that there was a huge planet in the place that was empty last year!

Moreover, the planet seemed to be obscured by a thick green fog. Looking down from the starry sky, one could only see a pale green, thick and solid planet, which seemed to be a blue ball in the vast universe.

No wonder it is marked with a green dot and called a "green star"...

Zong Ruoning also saw the "green ball" appearing on the high-definition physical display.

His eyes suddenly lit up and he pressed the call button connected to the cab.

"Captain Kong, did that planet appear?!"

The pilot captain was also dumbfounded at this time and murmured: "I have been the captain of a star exploration ship for twenty-four years!"

"Been to this galaxy twelve times!"

"This is the first time I have seen this legendary green star!"

Zong Ruoning was a little nervous and said, "Are you sure? Is this really the green star in our records?"

Captain Kong nodded heavily: "I'm sure! The coordinates of the starry sky are exactly the same!"

"They are all consistent with the two starry sky coordinate data from a thousand years ago and nineteen years ago!"

"We will soon reach the atmosphere of this planet, so we can observe it more clearly!"

Zong Ruoning asked again: "How large an area can the planet scanner installed on the expedition ship scan?"

Captain Kong said: "Based on the historical experience of 19 years ago, the two expedition ships working together can scan the magnetic field data of the entire planet within two hours, but they cannot scan the ground scene with near-earth radar."

Zong Ruoning said: "The ground scene cannot be scanned with radar. At present, we only need to scan the planet's spilled magnetic field data."

"Then make a detour as soon as you arrive, and then start scanning."

Zong Ruoning sat behind the large desk in the captain's cabin, with three high-definition physical displays hanging in front of him.

It was hanging in front of him like a wall, blocking the prying eyes from the other side.

Soon, two star exploration ships began to fly around the green star while scanning the planet's spilled magnetic field data.

On the high-definition physical display screen in front of Zong Ruoning, a sphere composed of various grid curves gradually took shape.

This is the three-dimensional picture of the green star generated by the planet scanner.

They had done a scan before, that is, nineteen years ago, when the group of students came here to explore.

Later, those scanned data were carried by the escape equipment cabin and returned to the Beichen Galaxy.

This is the second time.

As the scanned data gradually became complete, Zong Ruoning and Captain Kong looked grim.

Captain Kong said: "Commissioner Zong, the starry sky coordinate position of this planet is exactly the same as the data from a thousand years ago and nineteen years ago."

"But the magnetic field data is completely different from the data from a thousand years ago, but it is exactly the same as the data from 19 years ago."

"Is this the green star we are looking for?"

Zong Ruoning was also very excited, but still kept a little calm.

"Let me analyze it a little more," he said.

As he spoke, he pulled out a virtual keyboard and began to enter a series of commands on it.

The current planet model constructed based on the planet scanner is indeed different from the data sent back a thousand years ago.

But it is exactly the same as the data sent back nineteen years ago.

I'm afraid this is the group of people nineteen years ago. At the beginning, they didn't realize that this was the reason for the Green Star...

However, Zong Ruoning also knew.

As long as the star system still exists, the starry sky coordinate positions of the planets in the star system will never change.

The magnetic field data of the planet itself, like the vicissitudes of the ocean, may change after thousands of years of invasion.

Therefore, the magnetic field data they measured now are different from those a thousand years ago, but they are the same as those nineteen years ago. They can initially determine that this is a green star.

In other words, it is the planet that those people came to nineteen years ago.

Although that group of people did not return and only sent a distress signal, at any rate, nineteen years later, they found this planet again!

We should be able to find some clues about what happened in the first place.

Also, was it possible for those people to still be alive at that time?

Zong Ruoning's heart felt heavy when he thought of all this.

Now, he has to do the last round of testing, which is to detect the core magnetic field data of the planet.

No matter how the planet's appearance changes, its core magnetic field should not change.

Zong Ruoning's own software can calculate deep core magnetic field data based on surface data.

It took him half an hour to calculate one-third of the planet's core data.

But he breathed a sigh of relief, because no matter how the appearance changed, the core magnetic field data of the planet was still the same as it was a thousand years ago and nineteen years ago.

There is really a difference between inside and outside.

Zong Ruoning said to Captain Kong: "I checked the deep magnetic field data and they are the same. This should be the green star we are looking for."

Captain Kong suddenly laughed with joy: "Hahahahaha! I can retire now! I have no regrets in my career!"

From now on, you can brag in front of your friends for the rest of your life: He is also the one who found the Green Star!

For a thousand years, the green star has almost become a symbol of luck in their industry of star exploration.

Legend has it that those who can see a green star in the vast starry sky will surely have their dreams come true!

Captain Kong thought of this and hurriedly held the four-leaf clover lucky necklace he was wearing with his hands, closed his eyes, and silently made a wish.

At this time, Zong Ruoning had already begun to formulate the goals of this expedition based on the data scanned on the surface of the Green Star.

Then he started to frown.

"According to the scanning data, there should be intelligent biological activities on the green star, but the previous data did not mention this."

"The energy at the north and south poles of the planet should be the greatest, and the energy fields at these two poles are black."

"The planet's shallow ground data is rather strange. The land area is too small. Some places in the sea are said to be land, but they are not hard enough."

"But it's not water either, because there's not enough humidity."

"Maybe it's the wetland?"

"But looking at this data, it can't be that the entire planet is sea water..."

Zong Ruoning recorded the scanned data while conducting data analysis.

After the mechanical intelligence parses the data, it adds it to the planet scan to enrich the content of the scan until it can finally be converted into a visual picture.

It's like someone using a drone to give them a live broadcast of the planet's surface appearance.

But for now, it seems that mechanical intelligence doesn't know how to deal with this strange landscape.

Zong Ruoning was also worried that the planet scanner was not scanning accurately.

Because the closer they get to the green star, their magnetic field detector keeps beeping alarms, which is a reminder of magnetic field interference.

So the best picture is to go down and test it yourself.

While Zong Ruoning looked at the three-dimensional diagram he made, he compared it with the graphics produced by mechanical intelligence nineteen years ago.

He found that although many shallow data were different, there was an overlap between the two.

At 21 degrees north latitude and zero degrees longitude in the northern hemisphere, two green icons flash.

Their map is based on the magnetic field on the earth's surface.

The same color means the magnetic field strength is exactly the same.

This means that the data in this place is exactly the same, so it must be the same place on the planet.

As for why the other data is so unreasonable, we can only find out when we land on that planet.

Based on the scanned data, Zong Ruoning selected a few key places and said to Captain Kong: "Let the drone go down first, go to this coordinate position, and conduct a close scan."

Captain Kong said: "We are all here, why don't we just let these students go down?"

Zong Ruoning said: "This planet has not appeared for eighteen years, and the people who came last time suffered incredible disasters. It is too dangerous to let them lose their sight now."

Captain Kong clicked his tongue: "Commissioner Zong, you really think about these students. I heard that they signed a liability exemption agreement..."

The implication is that even if they encounter danger on the Green Star, it has nothing to do with the school.

Zong Ruoning smiled and said: "Since there are technical means, of course we must use them first."

"Let them go down after the technical means don't work."

He doesn't want students to take unnecessary risks.

This is the first update. There will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon.

It’s the end of the month, take a look at the monthly pass folder~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

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