I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 757: What about trust between people (the second larger chapter, monthly ticket)

Huo Yushen then ordered Meng Guanghui to locate Xia Chujian's quantum optical brain.

It turned out that she was in the forest of alien beasts.

A little further north, you will enter a violent and chaotic area of ​​the magnetic field, and you will be unable to contact Xia Chujian.

Of course, Xia Chujian couldn't send them instant audio calls.

There are still intermittent audios coming, indicating that Xia Chujian's positioning has not changed.

Huo Yushen said: "Meng Guanghui, go find Xia Chujian and help her deal with the remnants of the judge of the cult organization this time."

"This is her identity in action, don't let her reveal her true identity."

Huo Yushen said, took out a small suitcase from under the desk and handed it to Meng Guanghui.

When Meng Guanghui and the others carry out this kind of operation to eradicate the cult, they also have to modify everything so that their true identities will not be exposed.

It's not to be afraid of these people, but to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The people in their Special Security Bureau also have families.

As for the judges of the cult organization, they have no lower limit.

They have killed some of the families of Department of Corrections officers who tracked them down.

It was also because of that tragedy that the cabinet of the Beichen Empire asked the Special Security Bureau to take over all investigations and raids related to cult organizations.

Because according to the laws of the Beichen Empire, if you are a suspect, evidence is still needed to arrest you.

But if you are designated as a cult or terrorist organization, then all you need is a reason to arrest you.

The last time the Operations Department of the Special Security Bureau was led by Meng Guanghui, they destroyed some strongholds of the Judge Organization and arrested many people. It was considered a relatively successful operation.

But now it seems that they were misled last time.

There is talk of attacking from the east to the west and losing soldiers to protect the chariot.

Meng Guanghui was also holding back a ball of fire in his heart, and immediately said: "Promise to complete the task!"

After Meng Guanghui left in a military aircraft, Huo Yushen said to Kang Shanxing: "Go to the Royal Biosimulation Factory and check the commissioned production records of Rong Shenzhi and Yu Wangyou's human face hoods."

"Remember to keep it a secret."

Kang Shanxing said: "Yes, Huo Shuai. I will pay attention. It just so happens that this year there will be another group of big shots who need to make real-life hoods. I will contact the royal factory right away."

Huo Yushen nodded, turned and left.

He returned to his exclusive office on the Bat fighter and sent a message to Xia Chujian.

[Huo Yushen]: We already understand the situation on your side and there is an action for you to participate in.

Xia Chujian was dumbfounded after listening to Qi Yue's words, and felt angry and angry.

Just as Huo Yushen's message arrived, she said to Qi Yue with a sullen face: "I'll go out and take a voice call. You wait here."

Qi Yue's face was ashen, he didn't nod or shake his head.

When Xia first met, he took it as a promise.

She opened the aircraft's hatch and jumped out.

The climate in the Alien Beast Forest is of course cold.

This is just over a hundred kilometers north of Mulan City, and it's already 80 degrees below zero.

However, Xia Chujian was wearing Shao Siming's black and silver mecha, which had its own temperature adjustment system, so she wasn't cold.

But when she came out without a helmet, her face almost froze off.

She hurriedly activated the fully enclosed helmet of Shao Siming's black silver mecha and wrapped her head tightly so that she was not too cold to speak.

Then he sent a voice call invitation to Huo Yushen.

Huo Yushen answered the call.

When Xia Chu saw his face, he said: "Huo Shuai, did my boss share the voice I shared in the past?"

Huo Yushen said "hmm".

Xia Chujian said: "Did you also hear what I just said?"

Huo Yushen said "hmm" again.

Xia Chujian became even more angry and said, "It's a hood with a human face again!"

"Didn't you say before that the manufacture and use of human-face hoods are strictly controlled in the Beichen Empire?"

"Aren't only people with very high status and special departments like you able to have the opportunity to use human face hoods?!"

"Can any cat or dog be used now?!"

"There are so many people in the Beichen Empire. If everyone wears a hood with a human face, who can we trust?!"

"Where's the trust between people?!"

Huo Yushen waited for Xia Chujian to finish before saying sternly: "There are indeed strict procedures and requirements for the use of human face hoods."

"You are right, it is impossible for ordinary people to own a hood with a human face, especially a hood with a real face."

As soon as Huo Yushen said this, Xia Chujian suddenly understood.

She said: "You mean, the people who use real human face hoods are not ordinary people, they are the upper class?"

Huo Yushen said: "Of course, this is a very simple reasoning."

Xia Chujian couldn't help but sneer: "Simple reasoning? Do you mean that the other party is stupid? But no matter how stupid he is, he still fools us!"

Huo Yushen knew that she was angry, and he was actually angry too, but he was no longer the type to show his emotions on his face and voice.

He still said calmly: "The other party actually concluded that we would definitely not know the truth about the appearance of two Yu Wangyou."

"But once we became aware of it, they were almost streaking."

Xia Chujian: "...What do you mean?"

Huo Yushen said: "If the true and false stories about Yu Wangyou are true, then someone has made a hood with a real human face."

Xia Chujian said: "A hood with a real human face? Are there also fake hoods with a human face?"

Huo Yushen said: "Yes. First of all, this kind of simulated biological human face hood can only be produced by the royal factory."

"Secondly, the vast majority of human face hoods are made from synthetic images drawn with machine intelligence to make portrait impressions. In other words, the vast majority of human face hoods are not like real people."

“In the end, there were only a few bio-face hoods that used real-life heads.”

"And the manufacturing process for this kind of real-life avatar is even more stringent."

"They are all commissioned by the Special Security Bureau and are stand-in backup props prepared for big shots."

"These are all in the royal factory, and there is backup data that can be queried."

Huo Yushen used this kind of data query last time and went to the database of the royal factory to check his sister's face model data records.

When Xia Chujian heard this, he immediately said, "Then can you find out who made this Yu Wangyou hood?"

Because Yu Wangyou is a real person, her human-faced hood is a real-person hood.

Huo Yushen said: "We should be able to find out who commissioned it."

"I have asked Secretary Kang to investigate this matter."

"He just wants to find out about Rong Shenzhi borrowing Qiu Shenxing's face data to make a face mask. He will also find out who commissioned Yu Wangyou's face mask."

Xia Chujian felt less angry now.

She said: "This thing happens again and again. Does your Special Security Bureau really have no measures to solve it once and for all?"

Huo Yushen was silent for a while and said, "That factory is not under the jurisdiction of the Special Security Bureau."

Xia Chujian blinked: "...who cares about that?"

Huo Yushen said: "Of course the royal family is the majority shareholder of the royal biosimulation factory, but the four nobles also have certain shares."

Xia Chujian frowned: "...So the royal family and the four nobles are all suspected?"

"What kind of bad luck did Yu Wangyou have? He was involved in an internal fight among these big shots..."

"So I hate these big shots. It's okay for them to kill each other. Why involve innocent people?"

Huo Yushen said: "Are you sure Yu Wangyou is innocent?"

Xia Chujian said: "The real Yu Wangyou must be innocent."

"Maybe it's just because she's smart and beautiful but comes from an ordinary family that she was targeted by someone."

Huo Yushen remained calm and continued: "Now there is an opportunity to verify whether Qi Yue's words are true or false, and to verify whether there are two Yu Wangyou. Do you want to participate?"

Xia Chujian immediately said: "Of course! What does Huo Shuai want to do?"

Huo Yushen said: "Ask Qi Yue if he wants to tell us all the news he knows about the Judge Organization."

Xia Chujian said: "What's the use of what he said now? Didn't he say that all the members of the Judge Organization have run away?"

"By the way, Huo Shuai, does the sudden change in the judge organization have something to do with the vote we did on Dazang Planet?"

Huo Yushen said: "There may or may not be, so we need Qi Yue to provide some information."

Xia Chujian said: "What information are you providing?"

Huo Yushen said: "For example, there are other places where he was detained."

"The strongholds we obtained last time were obviously not high-level strongholds of the Judge Organization, not even the middle-level ones."

Xia Chujian knew that those messages were said to be anonymously sent by "Yu Wangyou" to the public reporting number of the Special Security Bureau.

At that time, many people from the Judge Organization were also arrested to make everyone believe that what she said was true.

Now that I think about it, it's really not that simple.

Xia Chujian said: "It's just a stronghold. There are no people left. Is it useful?"

Huo Yushen said: "Of course it will work. As long as you give us some addresses, we can still find clues even if everyone has run away."

Xia Chujian was curious: "...How to find it? How long will it take?"

Huo Yushen said: "...Big data. As long as we know an address, we can call up all the surveillance within ten miles of that address."

"Everyone who has been at this address will be captured by our surveillance big data."

"Then through the face recognition system, their current location can be quickly located."

"As long as they are still in the country, they will be caught."

Xia Chujian became excited after hearing this: "...then what happens next?"

Huo Yushen said: "We will launch a major operation, which will take about two months."

Xia Chujian said: "What big move? I'd like to hear the details."

Huo Yushen said: "...Eradicate the judge organization in the Beichen Empire. The first stop is Guiyuan Xingfenghai City."

Xia Chujian nodded heavily: "I will participate!"

Huo Yushen said: "Your leader has come to you with equipment."

"Your task now is to persuade Qi Yue and let him participate in your operation. But don't expose yourself."

"None of our Special Security Bureau's action teams will reveal their identities."

Xia Chujian agreed without hesitation.

After cutting off the call with Huo Yushen, Xia Chujian said to Qilu again in the fully enclosed helmet: "Qilu, when you get back to the aircraft, you can scan Qi Yue by the way."

"See if he has a bug, a pinhole camera, or any electronic device that can transmit information over long distances."

Qilu said: "Master, don't worry, Qilu scanned him when he entered the aircraft."

"He only had a smart bracelet on him and did not have any bugs, pinhole cameras, or electronic devices that could transmit information over long distances."

Xia Chujian felt relieved, praised Qilu for being "good" and returned to the aircraft.

Before entering, she put away the fully enclosed helmet of Shao Siming's black silver mecha.

Then she returned to the aircraft when the extremely cold weather almost froze her mouth.

The constant temperature of 25 degrees in the aircraft quickly warmed her up.

Xia Chujian said to Qi Yue who looked ashen, "Do you want to avenge the real Yu Wangyou?"

Qi Yuesheng's loveless eyes suddenly changed.

He slowly turned his head, looked at Xia Chujian, and said word by word: "...What did you say?"

Xia Chujian said calmly: "Catch everyone in the Judge Organization who kidnapped you and tortured you, and avenge the real Yu Wangyou and yourselves!"

A spark of hope burst out in Qi Yue's eyes, but he soon became decadent again, shook his head and said: "It's useless... they all ran away..."

"Besides, you don't know how powerful they are... They must have something to do with the local Department of Corrections!"

"One of us once escaped and called the police, but the people from the Department of Corrections sent him back..."

"You don't want to know what happened to him."

Xia Chujian said disapprovingly: "That's why you have to take revenge yourself!"

"Don't you want to avenge the real Yu Wangyou?"

Qi Yue said bitterly: "I want to! Of course I want to! But...how can I defeat them?!"

Xia Chujian said: "Just think about it. It's better if you take action than just sitting there and being cruel."

"Come on, as your first step in revenge, can you tell me the address where you are being held?"

"How many judge organization strongholds do you know?"

"How many members of the Judge Organization do you know?"

Qi Yue stared at her and said, "What's the use of these? Those people have all run away!"

Xia Chujian said calmly: "Then what are you doing here? You can just find a place to hide yourself and live your life. Why do you have to look for Yu Wangyou?"

This sentence made Qi Yue feel ashamed.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "I hope she is still alive..."

Xia Chujian said without mercy: "She is not alive, she is dead. If you are just pretending, get out of here now."

"If you have any desire to avenge the real Yu Wangyou and yourself, you have only one way, which is to cooperate with us."

Qi Yue was stunned for a moment: "...you? Aren't you alone?"

Xia Chujian said: "You really think highly of me. How can I fight against the Judge Organization alone?"

Qi Yue thought for a while and said, "You mean, you have helpers?"

Xia Chujian received Huo Yushen's instructions and knew not to expose the Special Security Bureau, so he just said: "Of course, we have an elite team."

"You provide intelligence information, and then we use the intelligence information you provide to find those fish that have slipped through the net."

"In case this is a trap or the news leaks out, you have to follow us."

Qi Yue pursed his lips and finally said: "Okay, I'll go with you. Anyway, the worst result is that you and the Judge Organization are in the same group!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She said seriously: "Don't worry, if I were a group with the Judge Organization, I would have shot you long ago."

"What do you think you have that is worthy of us recruiting a group of people to act with you?"

Qi Yue came back to his senses and said sarcastically: "You are right, I shouldn't doubt you."

"I'll go with you. I can at least take you to the place where I was last held captive."

As he spoke, he mentioned several place names.

They are all addresses of Fenghai City.

Xia Chujian asked clearly how the addresses were written and passed them to Huo Yushen one by one.

Huo Yushen received the news there and immediately forwarded it to Kang Shanxing.

Kang Shanxing sent those addresses to his close men while contacting the royal factory.

He calmly issued an order: "You should immediately collect big data to check these addresses, including the property owners of those residences."

"Then search for people who come and go frequently near those addresses."

"In this way, we can search for the permanent residents of that address, determine the identities of these permanent residents, and investigate their social relationships and kinship relationships."

"All relevant persons must be investigated within three hours."

Meng Guanghui piloted the military aircraft and flew north to the vicinity of Xia Chujian's aircraft.

He jumped out of his aircraft carrying the small suitcase and came to where Xia Chujian and Qi Yue were talking.

Seeing the aircraft from a distance, Meng Guanghui breathed a sigh of relief and sent a message to Xia Chujian.

[Meng Guanghui]: I’m here. Can you open the hatch of your aircraft?

Xia Chujian replied immediately.

[See you at the beginning of summer]: Thank you for your hard work, leader. The hatch can be opened at any time.

Meng Guanghui walked a few steps quickly. The speed of a high-level genetic evolver brought him to the door of Xia Chujian's aircraft in the blink of an eye.

Xia Chujian opened the hatch and Meng Guanghui got in.

Qi Yue shrank reflexively when he saw another person coming in.

Xia Chujian saw that Meng Guanghui had changed. He was no longer the sunny, tough, rough-tempered man before.

Instead, he has a big beard and speaks in a rough voice.

He said: "Captain, this is the equipment you want. It's all here."

Xia Chujian blinked, quickly recovered, and said, "Okay, I'll take a look later."

"Where are our people?"

Meng Guanghui said: "We are ready to go at any time."

Xia Chujian nodded and said to Qi Yue: "This is our deputy captain for this operation. You call him Ah Hui."

Meng Guanghui's face turned stiff: "..."

Oh my god Ah Fai!

But Qi Yue nodded to him obediently and said, "Hello, Vice Captain Hui."

Although Meng Guanghui felt awkward, he still had a cheerful smile on his face: "Hello, hello, who are you?"

Qi Yue looked at Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "This is the helper I just hired. His name is Qi Yue. You can call him Aqi."

Meng Guanghui stretched out his hand towards Qi Yue: "Nice to meet you!"

Xia Chujian said: "Ah Hui, take Azi to your aircraft and prepare a set of equipment for him."

"I need to go back first and explain something."

Meng Guanghui knew that she had to go back to her home to make it clear to her aunt.

Meng Guanghui was a little frightened by this aunt.

He hurriedly said: "No problem! Please come first. When you are finished, send a message and we will pick you up."

Xia Chujian nodded and asked Qi Yue, "Do you have a quantum optical brain?"

Qi Yue shook his head and said, "I have only been out for a month. That thing is too expensive and I can't afford it."

Xia Chujian said: "Then do you have a smart bracelet?"

For Qi Yue to be able to access the StarNet, he must at least have a smart bracelet.

Qi Yue stretched out his left arm: "...I bought a second-hand one."

Xia Chujian said: "Sorry, we have to put away your smart bracelet first. We will return it to you after the operation is over."

Qi Yue didn't care. He took off the smart bracelet and handed it to her, saying, "It's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't give it back. It's of no use to me anyway."

Xia Chujian took Qi Yue's smart bracelet, handed it to Meng Guanghui, and said, "Keep it. When he takes action, give him one of our smart bracelets."

She was just in case.

What if Qi Yue actually set up a trap with the Judge Organization?

Although this possibility is very small, Xia Chujian has become accustomed to being cautious.

Moreover, Qilu also scanned Qi Yue's body and made sure that there were no other electronic devices except this smart bracelet.

Qi Yue didn't lie to Xia Chujian, so Xia Chujian initially believed Qi Yue.

She opened the hatch and let Qi Yue and Meng Guanghui go out and board Meng Guanghui's aircraft.

When Xia Chu saw a man driving an aircraft, he first returned to Mulan City No. 2 High School to pick up Aunt Chen and Yingying.

She arrived at just the right time.

Before he could stop, he received a message from Aunt Chen asking where she was.

Xia Chujian stopped on the tarmac of Mulan City No. 2 High School, waiting for Aunt Chen and Yingying to come over.

In the end, she only waited for Aunt Chen to come.

Aunt Chen said: "Yingying has already started class, I can go back alone."

Xia Chujian said: "Are you so anxious?"

Aunt Chen said: "Yingying has been at home for almost a year. If she doesn't go to school, she won't be able to keep up."

Xia Chujian said: "My aunt will also help Yingying with tutoring, don't worry Aunt Chen."

After saying that, she took off in the aircraft and quickly flew to the Xia family manor on the outskirts of Mulan City.

Returning to his manor, Xia Chujian said to Aunt Chen, "I'm going out for a while. You can fly the aircraft to pick up Yingying by yourself in the future."

"My aunt will not go to work in the city for the time being."

Aunt Chen said: "I know, you should pay attention to safety when you go out."

They are now accustomed to having to leave for a period of time when Xia Chu meets, whether they are going to school or performing tasks.

After Xia Chujian finished talking to Aunt Chen, she went to find Xia Yuanfang.

Xia Yuanfang is still immersed in scientific research in his study and laboratory.

She plans to study the genes of Ah Wu and Ah Qu, and is currently making preparations.

Xia Chujian knocked on the door, "Auntie."

Xia Yuanfang looked back and saw her, and said with a smile: "Chu Jian is back, how is Yingying's school?"

Xia Chujian said: "Yingying has already signed up for class, and I came back with Aunt Chen."

She walked in, stood behind Xia Yuanfang, rubbed her shoulders and said, "Auntie, I have something to do and I have to go out for a while."

Xia Yuanfang said: "What's going on? Is it still the Special Security Bureau?"

Xia Chujian said: "No, the army gave me a chance to be an observer and watch their actions."

Xia Yuanfang suddenly became nervous: "Is it dangerous?"

Xia Chujian said: "I just went to watch, how could there be danger?"

"I can only work harder now and be able to protect myself when I graduate and join the army."

Xia Yuanfang sighed heavily and said, "I know, you are carrying out some secret mission again..."

"It's okay, I'll get used to it."

"When we first meet, you must pay attention to safety."

"For our family, no matter how great the military achievement is, it is only meaningful if you are alive, do you understand?"

Xia Chujian said: "I understand, aunt, I will definitely put life-saving as my first priority."

Xia Yuanfang nodded, stood up, took out a small medical kit from the bookcase in the study, and said, "Take this with you. If you are injured, as long as the bones are not broken, the medicine here can save your life."

Xia Chujian was surprised: "Why do you need to remove the broken bones?"

Xia Yuanfang said: "If you break a bone and you have to splint it, your medical staff will be more suitable."

"My medicine can assist bone growth, but without splints, my medicine will make your bones grow crooked."

Xia Chujian shivered and thought quietly that it would be better for her not to use her aunt's medical kit...

This is the second extra large chapter, including monthly votes of 2,700 and 3,000+ in December.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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