I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 702: My life will not be discounted (First update, please vote for me)

The middle-aged woman, also named Chen, took Xia Chujian, Po Jun and his adoptive mother, activated her "stealth" ability, and successfully left the blocked southern district of Mulan City and came to the place closest to the villa area in the east district of Mulan City. .

Xia Chujian is no stranger to this place.

Thousands of years later, there are still single-family villas facing the sea and mountains behind.

People who can own a house here must not only be rich, but also powerful.

The middle-aged woman said that the people who live in this single-family villa area in the East District are all nobles.

But in Mulan City a thousand years later, there are no nobles, even the lowest noble baron, and no family has Mulan City as its ancestral home.

Xia Chujian didn't speak. He only waited for the middle-aged woman to activate "stealth" and disappear, then she disliked the fully enclosed mask and looked at the single-family villa in front of her.

She asked: "Is this your house?"

Po Jun nodded: "My mother and I used to live here."

"Something happened last month, so I moved to the southern district of Mulan City. I didn't expect..."

Xia Chujian said: "Do you think the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

Po Jun smiled and seemed to agree with her statement.

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue: "Actually, the most dangerous place is the most dangerous place. Don't take chances."

Po Jun remained silent.

Probably because he remembered His Majesty the Emperor who died in the southern district of Mulan City...

At this time, the adoptive mother on his back opened her eyes and said, "Now that we have arrived at the door of the house, let's go in."

She regained her calm and calm demeanor, no longer as panicked as before.

Xia Chujian had no feelings for her and just nodded politely, then looked at Po Jun.

Po Jun said: "Go in, and we will make a long-term plan after entering."

Pojun's adoptive mother pressed the password several times in front of the iron-fence-like courtyard gate.

The courtyard door quietly opened, revealing a gray stone road leading to the single-family villa.

Po Jun's adoptive mother glanced at Xia Chujian before walking in.

Just when she entered, Xia Chu saw the Bianhua necklace around her neck, and suddenly a weak electric current stung her several times.

Xia Chujian hurriedly pulled down the mask of the fully enclosed helmet.

Qilu's little child's voice sounded nervously: "Master, don't go in!"

As soon as it finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded in the yard.

boom! boom! boom!

Po Jun's adoptive mother, who had just stepped into the courtyard, had been blown to pieces.

Xia Chujian only had time to grab Po Jun and stand in front of him.

Because Xia Chujian was protected by "Holy Armor", she felt that she was stronger than Po Jun.

Unexpectedly, the "holy armor" in this game can protect against bullets, but cannot prevent the shock wave of explosions.

She was not a genetic evolver, and she faced the shock wave of the explosion. Her internal organs were almost displaced, and blood even flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Fortunately, she was wearing a fully enclosed helmet and the eyepieces were covering it, so she couldn't see anything from the outside.

Po Jun was stunned for a moment, and then he saw that the entire courtyard wall was blown over by the bomb, flew into the air, and then fell straight down.

He hugged Xia Chujian in front of him like a reflex and quickly retreated several hundred meters before being hit by the reinforced concrete courtyard wall.

When Xia Chujian was hugged by Po Jun's arm, he struggled for a while and found that this guy was really strong...

After all, she is a high-level genetic evolver, and her "holy armor" seems to be inferior to his physical data.

Xia Chujian felt a little sad, but he didn't show it. He just quickly said to Po Jun: "You have been targeted."

"We can't live here anymore, we have to get out of here."

Po Jun's voice became even deeper: "...I have to bury my adoptive mother first."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Although this is just a tool in the game, Xia Chujian can't make him "wake up".

It would be cruel and immoral to expose all this.

Xia Chujian just said calmly: "As soon as you explode here, the people staring here will know that you have come back. How will you bury it?"

Po Jun was silent for a long time and said, "You will become invisible first and give me ten minutes."

Xia Chujian wanted to slap him awake and tell him to leave his mother-in-law now and run away immediately!

But seeing that Po Jun was Huo Yushen's game character, he reluctantly said, "Okay, I'll wait for you for ten minutes, not even one second longer."

Po Jun let go of her and suddenly jumped up, his speed was astonishingly fast.

Xia Chujian also quickly activated the stealth function of the mecha and quietly followed Po Jun.

She saw that he was as fast as lightning and quickly found a group of thugs who were smashing and looting at a nearby convenience store.

This is taking advantage of the chaos in Mulan City tonight to come out to rob and make a fortune.

Like a silent tiger, Po Jun rushed into the raging pack of wolves, grabbed the most ferocious alpha wolf, casually broke his neck, and beat the rest to death at the same time.

He used a long-handled pistol and quickly emptied two twenty-round magazines.

Xia Chujian quite admired this about him.

Cruel enough and strong enough in action.

It was difficult for Xia Chujian to understand the matter of burying her adoptive mother at such a critical moment.

Pojun then picked up a bucket of water from the convenience store. After emptying the bucket, he filled it up at the gas station in front of the convenience store.

Xia Chujian followed Po Jun and saw him coming back carrying the thug who had broken his neck and throwing him into the yard.

Soon, there was another roaring explosion in the yard.

Xia Chu met and clicked his tongue.

Is this yard already filled with landmines?

What kind of hatred or resentment is this...

Xia Chujian thought, and saw Pojun throw the bucket filled with gasoline into the yard where the explosion was taking place in the next second.

Xia Chujian immediately activated the mecha and retreated quickly.

At the same time, Po Jun's lightning-fast figure was also retreating with her.

As they retreated, they saw the spacious single-family villa engulfed in a huge sea of ​​fire.

If it weren't for the fact that the single-family villa was completely empty and there wasn't a single tree around, the fire might have burned down all the surrounding villas.

But precisely because this single-family villa was isolated on the best hill in the East District, the surrounding open space became an isolation zone, and the surrounding houses were not burned down.

Xia Chujian and Po Jun are both decisive and powerful people.

The two quickly left the East End.

Drones, armed helicopters, ground fighters, as well as police cars and armored vehicles all swarmed in.

Just like in the South Side.

It's just that the East District doesn't have as high a wall as the South District, so it's impossible to seal off the entire area.

Xia Chujian said: "Pojun, it seems they are determined to win you."

She pretended not to know and said, "And you are the only one who saw His Majesty the Emperor being killed. It seems they will not stop until they find you."

"How about you think about how to send a message to His Majesty the Emperor's most loyal subordinate?"

Po Jun said calmly: "His Majesty the Emperor's most loyal subordinate is in Beichen Star."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She wondered: "Did His Majesty the Emperor secretly come to Guiyuan Star alone? No way?"

Po Jun said: "Of course His Majesty the Emperor did not come here secretly alone, but now, if you ask me to tell them that His Majesty the Emperor has been assassinated, do you think they will arrest me as a scapegoat as soon as possible? "

Xia Chujian thought for a while and said, "This is also very possible."

She looked Po Jun up and down and said, "What should we do? If you don't hide your name and change your appearance, they won't be able to find you."

Po Jun lowered his eyes and said, "We'll talk about this later. Now we have to avoid their pursuit first, and then leave Guiyuan Star."

Xia Chujian corrected him: "It's you who want to avoid their pursuit, and it's you who want to leave Guiyuan Star, not me."

Po Jun looked at her with a somewhat reluctant expression and whispered, "Aren't you going to come with me?"

Xia Chujian put gold on his face: "Why should I go with you? I am a professional killer. If you hire me, you will pay a big price."

"I, Qisha, are not some little minions! I am very expensive!"

Po Jun said, "I'll hire you, and I'll pay you whatever you want."

The corner of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched: "You are so insincere when you say that."

"Am I the kind of person who asks for prices all over the place? - But you have a special status, so you have to ask for at least 100 million Beichen coins."

Breaking the military:"……"

He looked away, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "Okay, as long as I can return to Beichen Star alive, 100 million is 100 million."

Xia Chujian opened her eyes wide: "I'm asking for a lot of money, you can pay me back on the spot!"

There was a bit of magnetic warmth in Po Jun's deep voice.

He said: "...You charge a high price because you think highly of me. My life will not be discounted."

This made Xia Chu smile.

She patted Po Jun on the shoulder and said, "This is the one who understands! You can see my value even if you don't look down on yourself. - Po Jun, you have always had a good taste!"

Po Jun said: "...always good? You did know me before? Why don't I remember it at all?"

Xia Chujian was about to make up an excuse when Po Jun said again: "But I completely believe you...Does it really mean that people have a previous life?"

Xia Chu smiled but said nothing.

I thought to myself, if it were a real person, there would be no previous life.

But you are not a human, you are a game tool, so you have a previous life.

In the previous level, I saved you, but took away your throne...

I saved you at this level, but I probably won’t be able to take your throne this time.

Xia Chujian thought.

Because in the previous level, she was the leader of the royal family's internal guards, and she had included Dazang Star in her territory. She also had a large number of troops, so she was in the right place at the right time and with the right people.

And at this level, with such a low status, if he really wants to "seek to usurp the throne" again, he doesn't know how much energy it will take, and Xia Chujian doesn't want to waste time.

Po Jun looked away and said, "Now we only have one place to go."

Xia Chu met and said: "...you mean, the forest of strange beasts?"

Po Jun nodded: "Except there, no matter where we go, they will hunt us down."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She wanted to say again, I am chasing you, there is no "we".

But forget it, I'm too lazy to correct him.

The two of them turned and flew towards the alien forest to the north.

This time, I encountered no obstacles.

It seems that all the people on duty in Mulan City have gone to the South District and East District.

The West and North districts were quiet, and the commercial district in the middle of Mulan City was brightly lit, creating a scene of singing and dancing.

In this rare opportunity, Xia Chujian and Po Jun came to the alien forest to the north of Mulan City.

This is the first update. The second update at 1pm is still a big chapter!

After all the hard work in updating, you need to give me some thought, right?

Where are your monthly passes? o(╥﹏╥)o

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