Pei Zijing said awkwardly: "It's not that I won't tell you, I really don't know."

"This task is assigned to a relatively high level. Although I am the chief instructor of the base, I am not that familiar with the military."

I heard this from Xia Chu.

She said nonchalantly: "Okay, they're not in a hurry anyway, and I'm even less in a hurry."

"My training is over and I'm going home."

"Instructor Pei, we will see you again in the future."

Xia Chujian cupped her hands towards him and turned to leave.

Pei Zijing stopped her again and whispered, "One more thing. I heard that our students and the two thousand surviving Star Marines have all become genetic evolvers."

"See you in the early summer, have your genes evolved?"

Xia Chujian felt sour in her heart, but she still looked cheerful on the surface and said confidently: "No! What's wrong? If genes can't evolve, can't they go home?"

Pei Zijing hurriedly waved his hands and said with a regretful tone: "Of course not. It's just that you are so powerful, but your genes have never been able to evolve. What a pity..."

Xia Chujian said: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, it has been proven that the age of eighteen is wrong."

"After the age of eighteen, there is also the possibility of genetic evolution."

"If I wait a little longer, maybe it will evolve genetically."

Pei Zijing thought for a moment and realized that this was really the case.

He also laughed and said, "Well, you have the best idea."

Pei Zijing returned to his office and smiled bitterly at the person who was still waiting for his reply: "Colonel Shen, Xia Chujian is just a student who came to my base for special training."

"I don't have much jurisdiction over her."

"If she doesn't want to hand over the Wanshou Feiyu, I really can't do anything to her."

In fact, it was not true that Pei Zijing had nothing to do.

He just didn't want to use it on Xia Chujian.

He was also extremely dissatisfied with the military's actions this time, but he could not directly disobey orders like Xia Chujian, so he could only resist passively.

Colonel Shen Fushan came to the Kanlixing Special Flight Training Base to perform a mission on orders from Shangfeng.

He put his hands behind his back, frowned, and asked dissatisfiedly: "What should I do? Does she have any requirements?"

Pei Zijing said: "Her request is very simple. She just needs to pay out all the rewards mentioned in the previous mission."

Deep down in his heart, Pei Zijing felt that Xia Chujian had done the right thing, although of course he knew that thinking this way was not very military-like.

So he was still a little envious of Xia Chujian's ability to "do whatever he wanted".

Maybe it’s because you’re too young and can still make mistakes, so be strong if you don’t have desires.

Shen Fushan said displeasedly: "She is only eighteen years old and is already a lieutenant."

"If the reward standards agreed upon in advance are followed, she would at least be a major..."

"Have you ever seen an eighteen-year-old major?!"

"Even among the young talents born from the four great dukes, there is no eighteen-year-old major!"

"She is a commoner and not a genetic evolver. Why?!"

The smile on Pei Zijing's face could hardly hold on anymore.

He asked doubtfully: "...but this is the reward for this mission..."

"If the military feels that such a reward is unreasonable, why did it announce it like this?"

"Now that everyone's mission has been completed, it's still so difficult and dangerous, and it was completed with a narrow escape, but the military broke its promise? - This is not good..."

At this moment, Pei Zijing had more doubts about this task.

Originally, when he heard the details of the battle among the students who came back alive, he already found it very incredible.

He didn't even know that the military's intelligence was so wrong this time!

But think about it again, if this task is simple, why would the military give such a high reward?

Therefore, the difficulties encountered by the students can be considered reasonable.

However, Shen Fushan's attitude made Pei Zijing confused.

If this task is so difficult, shouldn't the students who completed the task deserve a reward? !

But judging from Shen Fushan's attitude, it seemed that they were very surprised that someone could complete this task. They were so surprised that they even wanted to break their promise and not give a reward...

Not only did they not give rewards, they also made things difficult for Xia Chujian, the man who accomplished the task!

If those three videos hadn't been circulated on the Star Network, allowing His Majesty the Emperor to intervene in seizing the title, disrupting some people's plans, Pei Zijing even believed that it would not be impossible for these people to bring Xia Chu to court in a military court!

Thinking of this, Pei Zijing's expression became strange again.

Could it be that the purpose of the military's mission this time was to wipe out everyone?

It seems that this is the only way to explain why they went back on their word after promising unprecedented rewards...

It seems that the fact that more than two thousand people came back is a slap in the face to some people.

This is too cheap...

Pei Zijing was murmuring, and at the same time, the upper echelons of the military department were also arguing.

Most people still insist on giving rewards to those who complete tasks.

According to different merits, it can be divided into top gear, first gear, second gear and third gear.

Ye Chenfeng, Commander-in-Chief of the Fourth Star Fleet, slapped the table and shouted: "Of course my people are of the highest quality!"

"If it hadn't been for Xia Chujian! This time the whole army would have been wiped out!"

"What if we are defeated by some primitive people and the entire army is wiped out! You will all die!"

"She also brought back the Wanshou Flying Fish! If she is not the best, I won't accept whoever is the best!"

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Star Fleet stood with Ye Chenfeng to support Xia Chujian in winning the highest award.

Xia Chujian didn't care about the dispute over there.

Anyway, if the other party doesn't give a reward, she won't hand over the Wanshou Feiyu.

A person quickly returned to her dormitory and saw Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan and Sang Yadi waiting for her.

Seeing her come in, the three of them rushed up to her and hugged her tightly.

"See you for the first time, you are finally back!"

"Are you OK?!"

"First time we meet, we all need to apply to be transferred to the Fourth Star Fleet!"

Xia Chujian's heart trembled, and he almost couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

She was struggling in her heart, but she didn't dare to tell her true identity. She just smiled and said: "Sisters, it's not my fault, but I will leave the Fourth Star Fleet for a while."

"If you transfer here now, you won't be able to see me."

Chu Qingjuan was the first to shout: "Why?! When we first met, are you leaving the army?!"

Mao Yonggui and Sang Yadi also looked at her nervously.

Xia Chujian pursed her lips and said, "The military is unreasonable and refuses to give me a reward. I'm very angry. I may take a leave of absence for a while."

"I will reconsider whether to return the Fourth Star Fleet in the future."

Mao Yonggui and Sang Yadi breathed a sigh of relief.

Sanyadi immediately said: "We have just met. As long as you don't leave the army, it doesn't matter how long you take. We will keep in touch."

"Whenever you decide to go back, tell us and I will report immediately and request to be transferred to your place and serve as your adjutant!"

Since Sanyadi achieved genetic evolution, her stuttering problem has also been cured. She is now more confident in speaking and doing things.

Xia Chujian looked at her and couldn't help but think of Lin Xiaoxiao.

I used to be so timid and timid...

If Lin Xiaoxiao was still alive and her genes had evolved, she would no longer be like a weed hiding in a corner, growing timidly alone, but would be able to chase the sun and bloom the most beautiful flowers...

It's all because of Lu Luyu, these nobles who don't treat common people as human beings!

Knowing that her whole family had been deprived of titles and the head of the family and core members of the family were executed, Xia Chu was quite happy to see her.

But she sympathized with Lin Xiaoxiao, who would sympathize with her?

Everyone else can genetically evolve, but she can't. It's impossible to say that she doesn't mind at all.

She just didn't want this to affect her emotions.

Looking forward, maybe one day she will genetically evolve?

As a human being, you must always have dreams, even if it is to dream of being a salted fish.

Xia Chujian cheered up, shook hands with the three roommates one by one, and said, "I'm packing my things now and going home."

"The group of four of us can still be maintained. But I can't guarantee that I will keep an eye on the news in the group."

"I still have a lot to do."

Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan and Sang Yadi all expressed their understanding and vowed to wait for Xia Chujian's summons.

Xia Chujian agreed, and then carried his backpack to the bathroom.

Before releasing the water, she sent a message to Huo Yushen.

[Xia Chumei]: Huo Shuai, I saw that the Ji family was also deprived of their title and their home was ransacked. Do you know how they deal with the servants in their families?

Huo Yushen replied instantly.

[Huo Yushen]: The Ji family was deprived of their titles and their homes were confiscated. Their servants no longer had personal dependencies and became free civilians.

Xia Chujian breathed a sigh of relief and wondered whether she should go and see if the Lin family had been settled first. As if Huo Yushen could see through her head, he replied again.

[Huo Yushen]: Lin Xiaoxiao’s family has left Kanweiqi. They have free status and have received military pensions, and will settle on Guiyuan Planet.

Xia Chujian: "...".

Guiyuan Planet is the most remote and backward planet among the five habitable planets in the Beichen Empire.

She thought for a while and asked Huo Yushen.

[Xia Chumei]: Huo Shuai, can you give me their contact information?

[Huo Yushen]: What do you want to do? Will you carry this family on your back from now on?

[See you at the beginning of summer]:...

[Xia Chumei]: Huo Shuai, Lin Xiaoxiao saved my life...

[Huo Yushen]: I have saved you, and Zong Ruoan has also saved you. How do you plan to repay us?

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

The corners of her mouth twitched and she continued to reply.

[See you at the beginning of summer]:...

[Xia Chumei]: Huo Shuai, I just plan to repay within my ability. As for the Lin family, I just want to see them, and Guiyuan Planet is also my territory. If they come to settle in my territory, I will protect them regardless of emotion or reason.

[Xia Chumei]: If Huo Shuai and Master Zong come to settle in Guiyuan Star, I will definitely protect you!

[Huo Yushen]: See you in Xia Chu, you said that Guiyuan Star is your territory, does your Governor of Guiyuan Star know? Does His Majesty the Emperor know?

[Xia Chumei]: ...Huo Shuai, don't worry about these details. As long as you understand what I mean, you can rest assured that I will never do anything beyond my capabilities.

[Xia Chumei]: Huo Shuai, but I understand your concerns, I understand them all. I won’t embarrass you. You go and do your work, I have to pack my things and plan to go home.

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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