I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 435 Thank you (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chu smiled happily and said, "Really? Then may I ask what benefits are included in your support list?"

"Is there a salary? What about the five insurances and one housing fund? Does the medical insurance cover family members? What about pensions?"

Quan Yuxun: "..."

No one has ever asked Quan this kind of question.

As long as those people know that their names are on Quan's support list, they will be grateful and cry bitterly...

But Quan Yuxun was also mentally prepared.

Xia Chujian is not so easy to "win over".

Without real money, people won't dump you at all.

Quan Yuxun smiled and said: "These are available, but a contract needs to be signed."

Their Quan family’s money didn’t come from strong winds.

If Xia Chujian asks for these benefits, Quan will also be protected.

Xia Chujian laughed and said, "So this is how the Quan family supports... It seems to be no different from getting a salary at work. Then why do you say it is to give me face?"

Quan Yuxun: "..."

The difficulty was beyond his expectation.

Quan Yuxun coughed lightly and calmly changed the subject and said, "I know some good lawyers who also take on this kind of lawsuit."

"What lawsuit?

"That's what you said, no attorney fees unless you win."

"But this kind of lawyer charges relatively high fees."

"How high?"

"The maximum I can take away is 70% of the compensation. The minimum is 50% of your compensation."

Xia Chujian's eyes widened: "Why don't they go and rob it! What's the difference between this kind of approach and Star Thieves?"

Quan Yuxun smiled and said, "Of course there is a difference. Star thieves want money and lives, but they only want money."

Seeing that he was discouraged, Xia Chu leaned on his seat and let out a long sigh: "That's money that people exchanged for their lives. If they take so much, aren't they afraid of retribution?"

Quan Yuxun said slowly: "Lawyers don't believe in retribution, lawyers only believe in legal regulations."

Xia Chujian put away his smile, thought for a while and asked: "What about the kind of lawyers who charge legal fees? The kind of lawyers who don't get paid by winning the lawsuit?"

"There are expensive ones and there are cheap ones, but basically, if you win compensation, the lawyer's fee is only 10% of the compensation, so if you can win, it's certainly a good deal."

"But if they can't win, these people will be saddled with another debt."

After Quan Yuxun finished speaking, he glanced at Xia Chujian and asked, "Are they rich?"

Xia Chujian said angrily: "If you have money, do you still have to commit suicide in exchange for money?"

Quan and Xun stopped talking.

The two of them drove together. After more than an hour, Xia Chujian looked around and said, "Why haven't you arrived yet?"

"Of course my antique car is not as fast as an aircraft." Quan Yuxun said slowly, "It's just for viewing the scenery. You haven't gone shopping yet when you came to Changliu County on Zangge Star, right?"

Xia Chujian said nonchalantly: "What is there to see in the street? What can't be bought directly on StarNet? You even need to feel it in real form!"

Quan Yuxun thought to himself, who said shopping is just about buying things?

Of course, Xia Chujian said this, and Quan Yuxun also deduced that this girl must be because of her limited family background, and she doesn't know that there are many interesting things in shopping, and shopping is the least important one.

For example, the high-end clubs in the most prosperous business district of Changliu County, various golf courses with caddies, antique sports, entertainment activities...

Since Xia Chujian had not thought of this, Quan Yuxun would not remind her.

He smiled and said: "Forget it. By the way, how many days do you want to stay in Master Su's villa? Do you want me to stay with you for a few days as a landlord?"

Xia Chujian said hurriedly: "I don't dare take that seriously! I will stay for a short time and go back after finishing the matter."

Quan Yuxun said: "You still decide to help those victims file a lawsuit?"

Xia Chujian said seriously: "It's not my decision, it's them who want to file a lawsuit. I'm just seeing if I can help in any way."

Quan Yuxun nodded.

Another half hour passed, and the road in front of them became more and more suburban.

Seeing it was driving into the mountains.

There are large broad-leaved plants planted on both sides of the mountain road, with dots of flowers blooming.

Looking on both sides of the road, there is a deep and shallow green, and even the grass on the ground is as high as the knees.

The original features can be seen at a glance.

The gray-white vintage cement road extends deep into the mountains.

The two of them drove deep in the woods for another half an hour before the scenery in front of them suddenly opened up.

There is also a flat mountain col among the layers of mountains.

What you can see is a quiet green lake, like the clearest green emerald.

There is a wooden pier on the edge of the lake, and then there is a green grassland, which should be trimmed and lush. The height is only close to the ground, and it looks like a natural green carpet.

In the middle of the grassland is a very avant-garde villa. It is full of technology, but it is magically integrated with the natural scenery here and is not obtrusive at all.

Quan Yuxun parked the car on the path in front of the door and walked to the villa gate with Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian took out the smart antique key, walked up the steps, and was about to open the door when the door clicked open.

A housekeeping robot that looked similar to Liushun stood in front of the door and said in a polite electronic synthesized voice: "Ms. Xia, welcome."

Before Xia Chujian could speak, Quan Yuxun had already wondered: "...Why does Master Su's housework robot know you?"


Of course, because Su Buyan has already sent her portrait and biological data...

Xia Chu cursed at the sight, but said with a smile on his face: "Huo Shuai must have thought carefully about this! Since he lent me Master Su's house, he naturally wanted to send my information."

Then he waved the smart antique key in front of Quan Yuxun and said, "There is still a key! If there is a problem with the robot program, or there is a power outage or something, I can open the door and come in by myself."

The housekeeping robot said politely: "Ms. Xia, No. 6's battery has been modified and is a high-energy battery. It can be used continuously for thirty years without running out of power."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Quan Yuxun smiled and asked the housekeeping robot: "Your name is No. 6?"

The hemispherical head of the housekeeping robot turned to Quan Youxun, and its electronic eyes flashed a few times, as if scanning.

Then he said: "Hello, Barrister Quan Yuxun, I am No. 6, I am here to welcome you, and I will be shining brightly."

Xia Chujian said: "Is your name really No. 6? - You are so educated!"

Look at the idioms people use...

Normally, he is certainly not like Liushun, that housekeeping robot who doesn't do his job properly. He secretly reads uneducated Internet articles every day.

The housework robot's mouth display showed an upward curve, showing that it was smiling, and then it slid away a step, allowing Xia Chujian and Quan Yuxun to enter the room.

The houses here are really big.

No. 6 introduced them to them that the house had three floors above the ground and two floors below the ground.

Each floor is 700 square meters in size.

The second floor is where the owner lives. There are fifty guest rooms on the first and third floors in total, not counting the two underground floors.

Xia Chujian was amazed and said, "It's really scary to live alone in such a big house."

Quan Yuxun said: "I can live in with you."

Before Xia Chu could object, he immediately said: "I'm not alone. I have a team of lawyers who can move in and help you with the prosecution of the victims."

This reminded Xia Chujian.

She thought for a while and said, "I'll go over there and ask Huo Shuai and ask him to ask Master Su if he can lend his house to the victims to live in for a while. - They will pay rent."

As long as Quan Yuxun takes action, Xia Chujian believes that this lawsuit will be won.

Therefore, the final compensation Chang Shengnan and the others received should be able to pay their own rent.

With this thought in mind, she walked to the study on the other side of the living room and secretly sent a message to Su Buyan.

Of course Su Buyan didn't want the rent, but Xia Chujian still didn't allow him to object and directly made the decision for him.

Helping people means helping people, Xia Chujian still has a sense of propriety.

Helping those women pay their medical bills was the greatest kindness she had ever shown in her life.

Why bother dragging Su Wuyan into the water?

After settling Su Buyan's side, Xia Chujian began to contact Kang Shanxing.

At this time, Quan Yuxun was also contacting his team.

The two chose two study rooms, one in the east and one in the west, to conduct video calls there.

There is a large living room separated in the middle, so they don't disturb each other.

Xia Chujian started a video call with Kang Shanxing here.

She said: "Colonel Kang, I found a place for Ms. Chang and the others to live in a villa on the outskirts of Changliu County, Zangge Star."

"Can they go to the hospital affiliated to the Special Security Bureau when they need treatment every day, and then return to this residence after treatment?"

Kang Shanxing said: "No problem. If this is the case, the cost of treatment they need can be greatly reduced."

Xia Chujian was very happy: "Really! Does the medical fee include hospitalization?"

"Of course, if we only treat it now, we can reduce it by a quarter."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Only a quarter less, not much less.

But mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, so just save what you can.

She couldn't think about how much the overall cost would be now, because just thinking about it made her heartache so much that she couldn't breathe.

Kang Shanxing was amused by her forced calm expression and said, "Send me the address and I'll have someone send them there."

Xia Chujian sent Su Wuyan's address, but warned: "Don't send them here yet. You can pick me up first in the afternoon, and then send them here."

Kang Shanxing said: "You really don't need to see them in person? Then they don't even know who their benefactor is..."

Xia Chujian sighed and said: "Forget it, if you don't know, just don't know. I'm not a kind person who helps everyone. This time is purely an accident..."

It was really tragic to witness the mistreatment of them by the Star Thieves that time.

Kang Shanxing nodded: "Okay, I understand. I will let my subordinates take charge of this matter. Don't worry, we will pick them up on time every day for treatment."

Xia Chujian hesitated and said, "What about the transportation fee... It won't be very expensive, right?"

Kang Shanxing: "...it's okay. I'll put it into your account and pay it back slowly with your salary."

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched: "...I thank you."

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There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening!

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