I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 393 Sa is still the master Sa (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian laughed: "Is this the effect of light refraction? Make me completely invisible?"

Qilu said: "Yes, master, this is the result of light refraction."

Soon, the first door closed behind her.

Xia Chujian walked forward and came to the second door.

She also opened the second door with captain authority.

After walking in, the second door closed behind her.

The second passage in front of her was completely black, also glossy black, but it couldn't illuminate her appearance.

Xia Chujian felt more confident.

She soon arrived at the third door.

Qilu's electronically simulated child voice pointed the way: "Master, this is the third door and the last passage."

Xia Chujian said: "I can't wait, let's go!"

She opened the third inner door, and there was still a passage in front, but this passage was L-shaped.

Standing here, she couldn't see the end of the passage at a glance.

Xia Chujian quickened his pace, floated in the passage, and finally came to the last door.

This is the so-called outer door. The three doors in front are all inner doors.

Qilu reminded: "Master, outside this door is outer space. Master, please check the completeness of the mecha one last time."

Xia Chujian was curious: "...This mecha is complete, can't you test it?"

Qilu's childlike voice said seriously: "...Master, this is a routine procedure, you must ask."

Then, on Xia Chujian’s eyepiece display, an emoticon of someone wiping his head, wiping sweat, speechless and choking was posted.

Xia Chujian: "..."

Why is there nothing you can do?

It was as if she asked a particularly retarded question.

Xia Chujian curled her lips, stretched out her hand to push open the door, and slipped out.

The last outer door quickly closed automatically behind her.

Although there seemed to be nothing in the space, she did not feel like she was falling. Instead, she was as light as a swallow and could turn around easily.

Xia Chujian looked back in the vast space, and behind him was a huge thing like a mountain.

You can't see the top from the top, and you can't see the sides from the left and right.

It's that Falcon-class star cruiser!

Now, she and the Falcon-class star cruiser are still maintaining the same speed, so they seem to be relatively stationary.

Xia Chujian waved to the cruiser playfully, then turned around, like a fish entering the sea, speeding up instantly and disappearing into the vast space.

In all this, only the detection system in the pilot room can catch a glimpse of any changes on the route outside.

But after being completely controlled by Qilu, no one on the Falcon-class star cruiser noticed anything had happened.

Xia Chujian activated the Shao Siming black silver mecha with all his strength, flying at a speed of 60,000 kilometers per minute in the blink of an eye.

This is a speed that is completely unreachable within the planet's atmosphere.

Because there is gravity and friction in the planet's atmosphere, but in outer space, these are not problems.

Therefore, as long as the energy block is enough, the speed of her Shao Siming Mecha can be increased exponentially.

At this time, their starry sky cruiser was an hour away from their destination. According to the speed of the cruiser, it was still 720,000 kilometers away.

Xia Chujian was now flying at a speed of 60,000 kilometers per minute, so it only took him twelve minutes to see the vision in front of him.

It should be an asteroid belt with floating star rock fragments, but at first glance it looks like there are high mountains and tall buildings.

It looks weird.

Xia Chujian said in surprise: "...That's where we're going? What's going on?"

Of course, sound cannot be transmitted in space, but she is wearing the fully enclosed helmet of Shao Siming's black silver mecha, and sound can be emitted from the helmet.

Qilu sensed it and immediately replied to her.

Qilu's childish voice also sounded in the fully enclosed helmet: "Master, ahead is the coordinate position where the eighteen large ships appeared. It seems that they stopped... and did not run away!"

So they followed the previously calculated coordinates and caught up in time.

Xia Chu saw it suddenly. It turned out that the place that looked like mountains and tall buildings from a distance was anchored with eighteen large ships like the Falcon-class star cruiser?

Xia Chujian became more interested.

She was as fast as lightning, and she was already approaching the target in the blink of an eye.

This is above the top deck of a large ship closest to her.

She looked around. No wonder Qilu said that these large ships were similar to their Saker-class star cruisers.

Judging from the appearance, they are indeed huge monsters suspended in space, like small towns that have been hollowed out and suspended in the sky.

Of course, the shapes are not the same, just the volume is approximate.

The eighteen "small towns" in front of them are also arranged in a spherical shape, with the tops pointing directly to the center of the ball in front of them.

Moreover, Xia Chujian also saw that these large ships all had the same flag.

It was a flag with a white background and black stripes. In the middle of the flag was a skull. Two thick bones below the skull were staggered, holding up the skull above.

Xia Chujian's expression suddenly changed: "Is this the Star Thief's flag?! - Those are the Star Thief's ships!"

Star Bandits, short for Star Bandits, are a group of lawless criminal organizations that embody the "evils of human nature".

Qilu's childish voice was a little nervous: "According to the data stored by Qilu, this flag belongs to one of the star thief organizations in the Beichen Galaxy - Bodhi Leaf."

Xia Chujian frowned: "Is it really Bodhi Leaf?! This star thief organization is not the largest in scale and has the longest history, but it is the most notorious..."

Xia Chujian had seen a lot of gossip about this star thief organization on the Star Network.

This star thief organization named "Bodhi Leaf" suddenly emerged about thirty years ago.

Their methods of robbing passing starships are particularly ruthless, and they are known to want money rather than life.

This meaning of wanting money but not life does not mean that they only want money but not life.

Rather, they only want property, and even the most dilapidated interstellar spacecraft is not willing to break a little bit of skin.

But there was no mercy for the passengers in the starship.

Not only were they all killed, many of them were brutally killed, and then their bones were crushed and their ashes were scattered into space.

In the past thirty years, they have been running rampant in the Beichen Galaxy, turning the starry sky routes they often robbed into bloody passages.

At the end of this passage, everyone calls it the "Space Cemetery."

Over the years, the missing starship passengers who never reached their destination are said to be buried here.

Not only that, they also disguise themselves from time to time, sneak into various countries in the Beichen galaxy, and commit various shocking crimes in civilian areas.

To put it simply, this is a star thief organization formed by desperadoes from various countries in the Beichen galaxy.

Various countries in the Beichen Galaxy have been fighting against this star pirate organization for many years.

But they are not stationed in any country's star field at all. They only break into a certain route when they need to rob, and then run away after robbing. It is difficult to catch them all.

Xia Chujian was recalling the gossip news related to the "Bodhi Leaf" star thief organization in his mind, when he suddenly heard Qilu's surprised childish voice.

Qilu: "Master, there are ten interstellar airships ahead. Look at the logo, they are the interstellar airships of the master's flight base!"

Xia Chujian perked up and quickly flew up to look ahead.

Sure enough, what was surrounded by eighteen large ships of the star pirate organization Bodhi Ye was the star airship with the logo of the Kanli Star Changliu County Flight Base!

And behind the ten interstellar airships, there seemed to be shadows of star fighter planes!

Xia Chujian was surprised: "...are those students' fighter planes behind the interstellar airship?"

Qilu flattered me happily: "Master is right! These ten interstellar airships hide the students' star fighter planes in the middle!"

So are those interstellar airships using themselves as shields?

Are they thick-skinned, or do they have strong attack power?

It's obviously just a transport ship, so why pretend to be a big clove capable of fighting? !

Xia Chujian saw it and was moved and angry at the same time.

Of course I was moved by the interstellar airship pilots sent by the base. They really wanted to sacrifice themselves to save the students!

I am angry at those students.

Can you still be successful? !

What you are flying is a star fighter!

Are you embarrassed to let an interstellar airship that specializes in transportation serve as a shield for you?

Xia Chujian couldn't help but mutter: "There's no bloodiness! Why hide? - Fight!"

Although the size of the Star Fighter cannot be compared with those large ships of the Star Pirates, the ants can kill the elephant...

The students have more than 150 fighter planes, and they can almost fight one by one.

Of course, the scale is still incomparable, but if you can fight a little bit, it's better than sitting back and waiting for death, right?

Qilu immediately shared his hatred with his master.

Its little childish voice chirped: "Master is right! Come on! Let's fight! Whoever doesn't take the lead will be the grandson!"

Xia Chujian said leisurely: "Qilu, you are still young, it is not good to curse people behind their backs."

Qilu immediately admitted his mistake: "...I'm sorry, Master, Qilu was wrong."

Xia Chujian raised the mechanical arm of the mecha, pointed far ahead, and said calmly: "If you want to scold me, scold me in person!"

Qilu's childlike voice was immediately full of surprise: "...Sa is still the master Sa!"

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and then he said something fair: "It's not entirely the students' fault. They probably didn't carry suitable space weapons."

But just after saying this, Xia Chujian felt something was wrong.

Although the base does not allow the trainees' starry sky fighters to be equipped with space weapons this time, Jiang Yongbai's fighter plane is really equipped with a space ion beam cannon!

It's hard to say that the fighter planes of those nobles and their supporters are not carrying these "contrabands"...

Also, what does this star pirate organization Bodhi Ye mean by surrounding the student fighter planes and interstellar airships at their flight base?

Of course, it was this star pirate organization that surrounded the airships and fighter planes at the base so that their coordinates did not change further, allowing Xia Chujian to catch up.

This is their fate too. It’s too bad. Meeting her...

Xia Chujian complained in his heart, his eyes flickered, and he asked quietly: "Qilu, if I am like this, their radar can't even detect it, right?"

Obviously the sound waves cannot be transmitted at all, but Qilu also responded in a low voice: "Master, don't worry, this is in the asteroid belt, and our radar is just a deaf ear - just a decoration."

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue twice and praised: "Qilu is amazing, he can even speak a few words."

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

PS: Qilu has been writing on the eyepiece display from the very beginning. When it didn't have a name earlier, I used double quotes to indicate its written content. Maybe some people misunderstood it. But before each sentence quoted in double quotation marks, I wrote that a line of font appears on the eyepiece display. I haven’t communicated consciously with Chu Jian. I was disgusted with this method at first sight ().

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