I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 361 Lifeless and Fateful (Second update)

Huo Yushen said coldly: "So General Zhuo means that if the rebels give enough benefits, Zhuo Wangying will do things for them? - Yes, this dispels my doubts. I am not as wise and decisive as His Majesty the Emperor." "

"Come here! Take Zhuo Keyi away. Everything here must be sealed. Zhuo Keyi has too many high-level military secrets and must go to the Special Security Bureau to undergo brain declassification processing." Huo Yushen waved his hand.

Zhuo Keyi's face became even more ugly.

He said with stern expression, "How dare you do this to me?! Your military position is not as good as mine. If you do this, you are committing the following crime!"

Huo Yushen said coldly: "The following is the crime? - This is the decree of His Majesty the Emperor. The Zhuo family will seize the title. Zhuo Keyi, the Viscount of the Zhuo family, will be taken away by the Special Security Bureau for investigation and rigorous interrogation. If you don't believe it, see for yourself."

Zhuo Keyi's eyes were filled with tears, his head was buzzing, and all the blood in his body seemed to be rushing towards his brain.

He shouted sternly: "I want to avenge His Majesty the Emperor! Our ancestors of the Zhuo family were also the ones who followed the first Emperor Beichen to raise an army! His Majesty the Emperor must have listened to the slander!"

"I am one of the five chiefs of staff of the high-level military joint meeting! Without the dual permission of the military and the cabinet, you dare to arrest me with just the emperor's decree?!"

Huo Yushen didn't even look at him. He cast his gaze on the desk in front of Zhuo Keyi and said coldly: "I came to arrest Viscount Zhuo Keyi on the orders of His Majesty the Emperor. As for your military position, what does it have to do with me? "

Zhuo Keyi stared at him, and after a while he came to his senses and said sternly: "Huo Yushen! You are avenging your personal revenge! You are holding a grudge against me when I removed you from the frontline troops!"

Huo Yushen rolled up his eyelids and glanced at him, still calmly and indifferently saying: "Viscount Zhuo, you think too highly of yourself."

After saying that, he turned around and just said "take it away".

Just as he turned around, Zhuo Keyi's hand finally reached into the drawer and took out a gun.

One of Huo Yushen's guards rushed over to block him and said, "Huo Shuai, be careful! Zhuo Keyi has a gun!"

Huo Yushen turned around suddenly, raised his Quzu 110 pistol like lightning, and pointed it at Zhuo Keyi.

But Zhuo Keyi pointed a gun at his own head and said with a ferocious smile: "No one can judge me!"

Then with a bang, Zhuo Keyi committed suicide.

The pistol was so powerful that his head was blasted like a smashed watermelon in his office.

Huo Yushen put away his pistol and said sternly: "Zhuo Keyi committed suicide and resisted arrest. According to His Majesty's order, his body was taken away to close the case."

Kang Shanxing had seen many such scenes and said indifferently: "This Zhuo Keyi wants the military to put pressure on His Majesty the Emperor. As long as he dies, the military will save many people. These people He will definitely work for the Zhuo family with His Majesty the Emperor. Maybe, his title can still be passed down."

Huo Yushen said calmly: "The Zhuo family may be saved, but it is absolutely impossible to save the title."

He took Zhuo Keyi's body back to the Beichen Star Imperial Palace and reported this operation to His Majesty the Emperor.

His expression was always cold and cold: "Your Majesty, Zhuo Keyi committed suicide by resisting arrest. There is no way to strictly interrogate him."

Emperor Tantai Hongyuan was so angry that he almost jumped up and said angrily: "I ordered him to be investigated, but he actually dared to fight with me with his life!"

"The rotating chief of staff of the high-level joint meeting of the military is still in charge of equipment. How awesome... Is this because he dies and saves the people in the military, so I don't dare to touch his Zhuo family?! - Ah bah! "

"Dare to confront me! I want the whole empire to know who has the final say in this country!"

"According to my decree, Zhuo Keyi committed suicide and was arrested. The evidence is conclusive. The Zhuo family will not only seize the title, but also kill the clan!"

Huo Yushen reminded: "Your Majesty, clan execution requires the joint consent of the cabinet, the military and the Senate..."

The emperor became even more angry. He was furious in the hall, and then he came up with an idea and said, "Then, according to my decree, all the Zhuo family's men over the age of 18 will be executed!"

"The Zhuo family's men and women under the age of eighteen will be demoted to civilians. All Zhuo family members who serve in the cabinet and the military will be fired. Within three generations, the Zhuo family will not be allowed to serve in the cabinet or the military!"

After speaking, he looked at Huo Yushen proudly and said, "Isn't this considered a clan execution?"

Huo Yushen: "...Your Majesty, this requires you to draft an edict."

While he was talking, the emperor's clerical attendant was about to kneel down in front of Huo Yushen.

He didn't even dare to look at him. He just prepared the table for the proposed edict and wrote down the contents. He just waited for His Majesty the Emperor to sign and seal it with his royal seal.

Emperor Tantai Hongyuan was furious and signed the imperial edict without hesitation, stamped it with the imperial seal, and threw it to Huo Yushen.

At the same time, Meng Guanghui and his nine subordinates were frantically collecting mineral deposits on the pocket planet.

Their own drills are not very powerful, but thanks to the mechanical intelligence from five hundred years in the future, they repaired their mechas. Now they wear upgraded mechas, and it is very convenient to directly mine!

"Boss, I didn't expect that the richest mineral deposit here is the Xuanguang Soft Stone! This thing is light, can be compressed and folded, and takes up no space at all!" A subordinate desperately packed the Xuanguang Soft Stone into his special luggage.

Around the huge pit on the ground, colorful ores were scattered all over the ground.

The most common is the exotic metal Xuanguang Soft Stone, which is the material that the mechanical intelligence gave them to repair the mecha.

"Yes! Everyone, decorate more Xuanguang soft stones! Go back and ask Master Su to help us upgrade all the mechas in the bureau!"

"There is a lot of quantum black iron here, but it is too heavy. How dense is it... It was fine to melt it directly before. Now, I feel that I only have this fist-sized quantum black iron, which is mine." It’s the limit.”

"I know these two things. There is a metal over there that is similar to titanium. It seems to be called mithril titanium. It looks like a fake. I don't know how to collect it. Look, the robotic arm stretches over and directly follows It’s like a phantom, it penetrates and cannot be touched at all!”

"There is a lot of gold here. No, it's not gold. It looks like gold, but there is a layer of green flames outside. I don't know what it is..."

"What is this?! Look at this thing I found..."

As the man spoke, he just raised a blue-purple iron-like object above his head.

The next second, an earth-shaking giant thunder struck from the sky. If it weren't for the upgraded mecha defense, this man could be split in half from head to toe!

Meng Guanghui reluctantly gave up and waved his hand: "Forget it, don't take what you can't take away. Just collect the metals that are easy to take away. There are exotic metals everywhere here, but unfortunately there are also many relic monsters. We'd better leave early."

Although everyone was reluctant to leave, they also understood that Meng Guanghui was right.

No matter how good the exotic metal is, there is no point in taking it away without your life.

So I picked out those exotic metals that were easy to take away and carry, and stuffed them into my prepared luggage.

At the same time, some relic monsters that were not killed by the previous mechanical intelligence came over and tried to hunt them down.

Fortunately, the mechas they modified have excellent performance, and even the performance of the weapons they fire has improved by an unknown amount!

In short, they had used up most of their ammunition before and couldn't kill a single relic monster.

But now, it is really a bullet that takes away a relic, and it is so pleasing to the eye!

But not long after, they discovered that from the blue-black ocean over there, something big seemed to be coming up...

This thing's mental attack is so powerful that they can't resist it.

The forty teammates who had sacrificed before were all A-level peak mental powerhouses. However, after the mecha was damaged, their movements were severely restricted and they could not withstand the opponent's mental attacks. They bled to death from their seven orifices.

The remaining ten people have mental power levels above S level, so they will take a longer time to carry it.

But they all know that without the emergence of the mechanical intelligence from five hundred years later, they would only be dead.

This planet is so small, and those huge remnant species don’t even know where they came from. There is simply an endless supply of them, and you can’t even kill them all.

Meng Guanghui immediately ordered: "All are available! Enter the wormhole in three minutes!"

He said, turning on the small wormhole opener.

The small wormhole opener that had been repaired by the mechanical intelligence changed from silver-white to jet-black.

And as soon as it is turned on, a series of black halos are formed, covering the outside of the instrument layer by layer, like layers of armor.

Meng Guanghui felt that even if the big guy in the sky came to cause trouble again at this time, he would not be able to damage this instrument like before!

It takes time for a small wormhole to open, locate and stabilize.

In the past, this wormhole took thirty minutes to fully open.

But after this upgrade, they found that the startup time was greatly shortened.

It only takes three minutes for the small wormhole to complete the energy storage process from opening, positioning to stable transmission.

Meng Guanghui tried it just now, but as soon as the small wormhole was formed, they discovered those precious exotic metal deposits, so they simply turned off the small wormhole opener and went directly to mine.

Now that I have opened it again, I am not only confident, but I also plan to keep this upgraded small wormhole opener in my department forever!

But this time, they seemed to have run out of luck.

Three minutes of energy storage time could not be waited for. Hundreds of huge tentacles had already broken out of the deep pit in front of them, like steel vines, with the sound of whistling wind, towards the elites of the Special Security Bureau who were standing at the edge of the pit mining. They are coming in force!

Meng Guanghui and the others immediately jumped into the air and flew into the air to avoid the mountain-shattering blow!

When they flew into the air, they discovered that black water was slowly seeping out from the bottom of the deep pit, gradually spreading upward from the bottom.

In the blink of an eye, this place is no longer a deep pit, but a large lake, or in other words, a sea.

The waves in the lake are rolling, and various bulges are constantly emerging from the bottom of the lake, as if there are more huge monsters trying to break through the waves from the bottom.

At the same time, powerful mental attacks also gathered from all directions.

Big birds with scales fell from the sky, and even bigger things as bloated as brains squirmed out of the water.

Like a towering brain mountain, it was at least a hundred meters high!

This is the second update. There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening.

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