I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 316 The master wants to win glory for his apprentice (Third monthly ticket update!)

So that afternoon, the special mecha designer of the royal mecha and the mechanical genius Master Su Buyan of the Beichen Empire suddenly revealed to the media at the Royal Heavy Industry in Beichen Star that he had found the root cause of the Harrier fighter engine defect. The reason is that a research and development meeting must be held immediately in Beichen Star to discuss with everyone how to improve the engine defects of the Harrier fighter.

With Su Buyan's status in the military industry, he wanted to hold this seminar, which was highly desired by the military.

Therefore, as soon as his words were revealed, the relevant military departments immediately sent notices to engine research and development departments at all levels.

The R\u0026D chief engineers of these departments responded immediately and immediately set off to Beichen Star to attend the seminar held by Su Buyan.

Several R\u0026D chief engineers who originally planned to go to Kanli Star Flight Training Base immediately canceled their trips and went to Beichen Star instead.

The military headquarters had previously decided to come to Kanli Star to confirm the person who broke the record, but they also changed their mind and asked Pei Zijing to prepare the materials and submit them.

Because the main factor is not to mention that the Harrier fighter's engine defects have been improved. If the previous record is broken, it will be broken. It is not important at all.

Everyone's eyes are on the new capabilities of future ground fighters.

The fighter engine development meeting held by Master Su Buyan of Beichen Star became the focus of all eyes.

In this way, although Xia Chu met the record-breaking event on the surface, it seemed important, but in fact, it was no longer important.

Of course, according to the procedures, the military merits of Pei Zijing, Xia Chujian and Yu Fei are still counted, and the records must be recorded, but they are not so rigorous.

Before Xia Chujian could go to Pei Zijing's office, Pei Zijing got the news.

He stood in front of the window with his arms folded, looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the office. He shook his head for a while, feeling that Xia Chujian was not very lucky.

A great opportunity to make a name for the entire interstellar army was gone without a trace.

But this played into the hands of Huo Yushen, Meng Guanghui and Xia Chujian.

Huo Yushen immediately forwarded the news to Meng Guanghui.

Meng Guanghui forwarded it to Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian was on her way to Pei Zijing's office when she saw the news and smiled from ear to ear.

She was busy sending messages to Su Buyan.

[Xia Chumei]: Master is amazing! Master, you are my pride! You must keep up your efforts in the future, continue to work hard, and bring glory to me as your apprentice!

When Su Buyan saw this message, he knew that Xia Chujian's predicament would definitely be solved. He didn't pay attention to what she meant by the next sentence and hurriedly replied.

[Su Buyan]: I will know if your master is there as soon as I take action! I will definitely continue to work hard! I won't let you down!

After posting it, Su Wuyan felt that something was wrong.

Xia Chu saw that he was laughing so much that he could hardly walk.

At this time, Pei Zijing also sent her a message through the base's student system.

[Pei Zijing]: See you in the summer, no need to come to my office. The military suddenly has an urgent mission. We don't have to come to Kanlixing. We just need to report the records.

Xia Chujian knew the reason, but she pretended not to know and replied immediately.

[Xia Chumei]: Instructor Pei, did you stop coming so suddenly? So my record is okay? ! What about military exploits?

Her nervous look made Pei Zijing feel that this was normal.

Who has lost such a big opportunity and has no regrets?

Thinking of this, Pei Zijing no longer plans to go to the Fourth Star Fleet to continue investigating Xia Chujian's history.

If the commander of the Fourth Star Fleet knew about this result, I don’t know what would happen...

Pei Zijing is a man who puts things to rest and plans to end the matter here.

Xia Chujian changed his route back to the dormitory. His mood was so high that he almost stopped singing.

On the third day, they began to learn the maintenance and inspection of ground fighters.

The instructor took them to the five-row warehouse on the other side, pointed at the various ground fighters here and said: "Every fighter here has a problem, and we will have repairmen come over to repair it on site. You take a look at it first, and then we will Take the parts apart and repair them yourself. Remember, this is very important and you will be assessed on the weekend."

Xia Chujian and his roommates looked at each other, full of uncertainty and tension.

Xia Chu met and stopped talking. She had only flown a fighter plane for two days, and now she had to learn maintenance and inspection. She really felt that the learning progress here was a bit overwhelming for her.

The other three roommates are not much better than Xia Chujian.

But at this time, no one can give in.

They all want to be among the top twenty to participate in special military operations!

In a short time, fifty repairmen were in place.

Wearing repairmen's military uniforms and carrying toolboxes, they opened the cabin and started working without a smile.

Xia Chujian didn't really understand much when she was learning theoretical knowledge in the classroom before, but when she saw the repairman picking up the wrench and starting to remove the screws, she suddenly felt something.

She quietly placed her hand on the fuselage of the Harrier fighter jet.

She didn't remember what material the fuselage was made of, she just felt it was cold and had an indescribable metallic feel.

Looking at the repairman's gestures, she suddenly felt like she was enlightened.

Just like watching Meng Guanghui pilot a mechanical mecha at the Special Security Bureau's training ground, those parts and structures became concrete image features in her mind from the abstract knowledge in the book.

She may not remember the contents of the book very clearly, but she can understand every movement of the repairman at a glance.

Then she went to see the repairman nearby to repair another Harrier fighter jet.

Same feeling.

It was as if just by seeing what they did, she would know why they did it and what to do next.

With this strange feeling, after the repairman finished his demonstration, Xia Chujian took over the task of repairing a Harrier fighter himself.

The repairman watched from the side and found that the female student's movements were as precise as a textbook. Not only did she repair the problematic areas of the Harrier fighter clearly, but she also found several small areas that they didn't pay attention to and repaired them. It was readjusted.

When she was finished, the repairman ran a test with the instrument.

This Harrier fighter plane, which originally had many problems, has been extended by at least five years after Xia Chuji's repairs...

This is an amazing stretch.

Because the normal lifespan of an ordinary fighter plane is only five years.

After five years, the core parts of the fighter aircraft will not be repairable at all and must be replaced with new ones.

Therefore, she single-handedly doubled the life of this fighter plane!

This change is not obvious or important for starfighters.

But for ground fighters, that is simply good news for local governments on various planets!

This means that they do not need to spend a large sum of money every five years, and their combat power has not changed as a result.

After the inspection, the repairman did not hesitate to give Xia Chujian an "excellent" rating and suggested: "Are you Xia Chujian? You can skip tomorrow's maintenance course and learn something else." , or just prepare for the exam the day after tomorrow."

Xia Chujian was quite happy at first, but when he heard "exam", his expression changed and he asked: "Doesn't this count as an exam now?"

"Forget it, but the test the day after tomorrow is a test of book knowledge, which is different from the actual operation here."

Xia Chujian understood and suddenly frowned.

She knew how to fly and how to repair, but if she was tested on book knowledge, she found that her head was confused again...

In order not to fall too far behind in the book knowledge test, Xia Chujian made a quick decision and said, "Then I'll go review. You have to remember, it wasn't me who missed class, it was you who asked me to leave!"

"I know, I've given you full credit. I have nothing more to teach you in this repair class."

The repairman spoke so sincerely that the three roommates Xia Chu met were dumbfounded.

Mao Yonggui murmured: "... First meeting, you are a legendary genius, right?"

Xia Chujian had a sad face: "When the book knowledge test comes, you will know that I am not a genius, but a mediocre person!"

After she finished speaking, she left, planning to go back to the dormitory to study book knowledge.

In the remaining time, she really concentrated on studying book knowledge and worked hard for the college entrance examination.

But without Xia Yuanfang's help, she had a hard time learning.

Originally, she was wondering whether to secretly send the textbook content to Xia Yuanfang and ask her to make an outline for review, or give her some questions.

But when she tried to send a piece of content from the textbook to Xia Yuanfang, she was warned by the base's network system.

[System Administrator]: The base’s teaching materials are military secrets and are prohibited from being disseminated outside. If you offend for the first time, please forgive me. If he commits the crime again, he will be punished for both crimes.

Xia Chujian saw this system message and immediately understood that her previous content must not have been sent.

At the same time, I also learned that all external communications here are actually strictly monitored.

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but think about whether the messages she sent to Meng Guanghui would also be monitored...

If that's the case, wouldn't her identity have been revealed a long time ago?

But Pei Zijing didn't seem to know her true identity.

Xia Chu was a little nervous when he saw her.

She didn't even dare to contact her family anymore.

But Xia Yuanfang and the others missed her very much.

I thought she would have video calls with her family every day.

But it's already Thursday, and she still hasn't contacted her family.

Kanlixing's time was basically synchronized with Guiyuanxing's. Xia Yuanfang decided to send a message to Xia Chujian on Thursday night to ask her when she would have a video call at home.

Xia Chujian happened to send a message to Meng Guanghui on Thursday afternoon, asking vaguely about the issue of system monitoring.

Meng Guanghui replied quickly.

[Meng Guanghui]: You don’t have to worry about this. The Special Security Bureau is responsible for the system monitoring of Kanli Star. Your identity is known within the Special Security Bureau, but it is also kept confidential, so you can rest assured.

Xia Chujian breathed a sigh of relief.

[Xia Chujian]: Will my video chat with my family be monitored?

[Meng Guanghui]: Yes, but you can apply for half an hour of privacy time every week, specifically for communicating with your family. This half hour will not be monitored.

Xia Chujian hurriedly went to the base intranet to apply for private calling time.

Then she also sent a message to Xia Yuanfang, saying that she had half an hour free on Thursday night and wanted to talk to her family.

Xia Yuanfang found out and quickly set a time for her to talk in the evening.

Xia Chujian's application for private call time on the base's intranet was quickly approved.

At eight o'clock on Thursday night, when the three students in the dormitory went to the study room to study, she stayed alone in the dormitory and had a video call with her family members in Mulan City, Guiyuan Star.

This is the third update, and the monthly pass in June is 300 for additional updates.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

PS: Thank you to everyone who voted for the monthly ticket, especially in the last few hours, with your help, I finally passed 3,000! The final number of monthly votes is 3100. The kids are so awesome! You know, there was no double last month! Dear friends in the group, please give me a thumbs up ( # ^.^ # ). Are there any new book friends who want to join the group?

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