I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 241 The disappearing hot search (first update)

Of course, Ji Jiayi's bodyguard provided a gun, but guns are not allowed in school...

Especially if you have a gun and can't attack a psychotic shooter, the gun will be blinded for nothing!

Thinking about it this way, what don’t you understand?

Ji Jiayi just relied on his good family background, so the school leaders looked at him differently!

Fortunately, Ji Jiayi understood quite well and smiled and said: "Principal, I think the credit for this time should be entirely attributed to classmate Xia Chujian. There is no need for me. This time was so dangerous, I almost died, my body I feel a little uncomfortable, so I have to go home and recuperate for a few days."

Is Ji Jiayi planning to take leave?

The principal looked at her dumbfounded and said immediately: "Student Ji, we still have half a day of exams today! These days of review are particularly important for the college entrance examination!"

Ji Jiayi smiled lightly: "I don't need to take the college entrance examination. My family has already found a recommendation spot for me, and I passed the interview."

Everyone knows that 90% of the Beichen Empire's university admission quota every year belongs to the college entrance examination.

But there are still 10% of the places, which are controlled by each university and do not need to take the college entrance examination.

As long as you have strong letters of recommendation, you can directly participate in interviews at prestigious universities without taking any exams.

The civilian class basically does not have this opportunity. The only way they can fight is to take the college entrance examination.

The method of recommendation letters for college admission is reserved for nobles, royal families, and clans.

Of course, there are also a very small number of particularly talented students who will receive letters of recommendation from academic experts before the college entrance examination. They can be exempted from the college entrance examination and directly participate in interviews at prestigious universities, with a 100% acceptance rate.

With Ji Jiayi's appearance, it's hard to tell that he is a particularly talented student, so he should belong to the aristocratic class...

The classmates and teachers were secretly surprised.

They all guessed that Ji Jiayi's family background was unusual, but they didn't expect that he really had a good family background. Not only was he rich, but he also had status!

Since the Ji family is not aristocratic, then her mother's family is probably aristocratic.

No wonder I can live such a luxurious life and go to university directly through recommendation without taking the college entrance examination!

The principal became happy and hurriedly asked, "Have you got a university recommendation spot, Mr. Ji? Has he passed the interview? Which university is that? Have you decided?"

Under everyone's envious gazes, Ji Jiayi smiled slightly and said, "It's decided, it's Beichen University."

Everyone held their breath, and the corridor was so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop.

Beichen University ranks first in the entire Beichen Empire and is the most difficult university in the empire to get into.

Every year on all major planets, the places to enter Beichen University are extremely rare.

After a while, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

They returned to Yuanxing, and no one had been admitted to Beichen University for more than ten years!

Whether it’s through an exam or through a recommendation.

Students in Ji Jiayi's advanced class even gathered around and congratulated her.

The principal closed his hands and smiled so hard: "Great! We are going to put this news on the Star Network! Our No. 1 High School in Mulan City already has students going to Beichen University this year!"

As a principal who had just died of so many students, his smile at this time was really dazzling.

Ji Jiayi still refused. She shook her head and said, "No, principal, I feel a little uncomfortable. I'm going back first."

After saying that, she took her two disgraced bodyguards and left without looking back.

Xia Chujian looked at her back in confusion for a while, holding a dozen hairs tightly in her hands.

School leaders: “…”.

Feeling humiliated but unable to do anything.

In embarrassment, even though something like this happened in the school, the principal actually changed his mind about letting school go early and asked the remaining senior high school students to stay for the afternoon exam!

If he can't cure Ji Jiayi, can't he cure these students from ordinary families? !

However, everyone was very excited now. If they couldn't go home immediately, they all asked to get the quantum optical brain or smart bracelet back first.

If something like this happens, you must ensure that your family is safe.

And although they can't access the Star Network, what happened in this school has been revealed to various news media and self-media, and they have all started reporting at the school gate.

Therefore, the Star Network has been abuzz for a long time, and all kinds of gossip are flying all over the sky.

The school had no choice but to agree to let everyone get their quantum optical brains and smart bracelets back before the afternoon exam, but they had to hand them in during the exam.

At the same time, it was announced that after today’s exam is over, we will take a week off to allow everyone to study and revise at home.

Such a big thing happened, and the whole Mulan City was in shock.

Parents whose children go to school here ran over and waited anxiously at the school gate.

From time to time, parents cried and were dragged to the hospital by the school bus.

They are all parents of the ordinary class student.

Although the parents of other classes were not notified to go to the hospital, they did not see their children. They were anxious and did not want to go back. They waited at the school gate, as if looking at the windows of their children's classrooms would make them feel at ease.

Xia Yuanfang is no exception.

When she first saw the hot search on StarNet, she was stunned.

After being stunned for a full minute, he hurriedly packed up his things and ran out.

Wufu and Sixi were so frightened that they didn't know what had happened. A man and a puppy were sitting on the ground, their faces full of fear and uneasiness, and they didn't dare to move.

When Xia Yuanfang went out, he told the housekeeping robot Liushun: "Keep an eye on Sixi and Wufu. I'll be back soon. Don't open the door if anyone calls."

If the matter was not particularly urgent, and if there was no housework robot at home, Xia Yuanfang would not be able to leave Wufu and a child at home.

Forget about Sixi, although he is still very small, he is still a little puppy.

But it's different if there is a housekeeping robot at home. Even if it is not a professional childcare robot, it usually takes good care of Sixi and Wufu.

Xia Yuanfang is still very relieved about this.

Moreover, the situation at Mulan City No. 1 High School is really not suitable for bringing a child like Wufu there.

Liushun's slightly dull electronic analog synthesis sounded: "Yes, Aunt Xia, Liushun will take good care of Sixi and Wufu."

Xia Yuanfang nodded and rushed out of the elevator. When she ran out, her neighbor across the door also ran out.

Although the two families are not particularly friendly, they have always been neighbors for almost half a year.

At this time, they were all anxious and had no energy to chat.

In order to get to Xia Chujian's school as soon as possible, Xia Yuanfang didn't wait for the inner city levitation train, but called a self-driving taxi.

There is no driver in this kind of taxi at all. They are all driverless. Only people control these taxis remotely.

When Xia Yuanfang arrived at Mulan City No. 1 High School, he found that he was not the first to arrive. There were already many parents waiting here.

Soon, she saw the Department of Corrections' on-duty vehicle, and even the military camouflage truck driving into the city.

Then ambulances drove out from the campus.

Then, some more parents were notified by the school to get on the school bus and follow them to the hospital.

The remaining parents are unable to contact their children and have already made trouble with the school.

Not long after, the school returned the quantum optical brain or smart bracelets to the students and asked them to contact their parents.

The parents who stayed behind knew that their children were fine, but there were two exams in the afternoon.

So the parents didn't go home and stayed at the school gate.

Xia Yuanfang also sent a message to Xia Chujian. After waiting for fifteen minutes, Xia Chujian replied that it was okay.

But soon, Xia Yuanfang saw the new hot search of Mulan City No. 1 High School in the hot search of Star Network.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Chu saw the surveillance video of the man flying out of the window, kicking out with his long legs, kicking away the opponent's pistol, and then grabbing the gun and shooting. Who knows who made it into a gif, and it suddenly exploded on the Star Network .

This animated picture is very small, and the picture quality is not high-definition. It doesn’t even show Xia Chujian’s full face.

Only her long and graceful legs, her neat turning, and her precision in raising her hand to shoot.

But precisely because of the unclear picture, the authenticity of this hot search is much higher.

It’s not a staged shot or a special effect, it’s someone who actually has such clean and neat skills!

It was so popular that it even covered up the news that Mulan City No. 1 High School failed to perform security checks and allowed a psychotic gunman to enter the campus.

Although this animated picture does not show her face, people who are familiar with Xia Chujian will know it is her when they see it.

What's more, Xia Yuanfang knew all the clothes she was wearing. He recognized her at a glance, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Such a big school, but in the end it was its own students who saved lives...

But there is no doubt that Xia Chujian’s trending animated picture is really cool.

Public opinion suddenly reversed, and no one even thought about holding the school responsible. There were only fanciful remarks like "I'll marry you!", "My husband!", and "Sister sharks me!"

Xia Yuanfang even saw many girls shouting on StarNet, "Miss, don't be so stuck on the gender of your mate"...

She immediately understood that the school leadership of Mulan City No. 1 High School must be deliberately adding fuel to the fire.

Because they didn't want the public to focus on them, they used Xia Chujian's animated pictures as a shield.

Otherwise, who would have the ability to obtain the school surveillance video so quickly? And quickly turned it into an animated picture that went viral?

However, Xia Yuanfang didn't want Xia Chu to see such limelight.

She was about to contact the major social media platforms as Xia Chujian's parent and ask them to remove the hot search for Xia Chujian's animated pictures. Suddenly, she found that the blood-red "explosion" hot search was removed from all major social media platforms in the blink of an eye. Disappeared into thin air.

No matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find this GIF hot search.

And even this hot search term is missing.

It’s just that some people are posting sporadically, “Am I dazzled? Why are the animations I downloaded based on my ability missing?”

Remarks like this.

But soon, even such remarks disappeared.

Xia Yuanfang was thoughtful.

Is this someone's move to create a hot search for GIFs for the first time in the summer?

Who is the one?

Her first reaction was that it should be the Special Security Bureau.

An organization like the Special Security Bureau most likely doesn't like its staff to be in the limelight on the Star Network.

She was right, because the next second, Meng Guanghui, Xia Chujian's immediate boss, sent her a message.

Second update at 1pm.

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