Xia Chujian immediately said: "You mean, strike first to gain advantage?"

Huo Yushen was very satisfied with Xia Chujian's understanding.

Although he is a scumbag, he still has some merits.

He nodded and said, "Yes, it means to strike first. You can kill the other party before they can react. So what difference does it make to you whether the other party is a genetic evolver or an ordinary person?"

Xia Chujian's eyes lit up: "Does Inspector Huo think so too?! When I go on missions in the team of the Night Hunters Association, I am always the first to shoot! But my captain always says that I am too reckless and shoot indiscriminately. , and said that I..."

"What did you say?"

Xia Chujian didn't want to say it at first, but when she reached this point, she still said awkwardly: "...said I wasted bullets..."

Huo Yushen: "...".

Thinking of her impressive record of firing 100,000 rounds of bullets at a time, Huo Yushen showed a smile: "I will never say you wasted bullets here. No matter how many bullets you need, I can afford them."

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

For the first time since she met this man who was colder than the frost in the far north, Xia Chujian felt that his words spoke to her heart.

Moreover, he has a pretty good smile.

Xia Chujian calmed down the tense atmosphere and praised: "Inspector Huo is a good man and has a safe life."

Huo Yushen: "..."

I knew I shouldn't say another word to this scumbag.

He suppressed his smile, turned around and said: "The test is over, you can leave."

Xia Chujian didn't care and made a face at Huo Yushen's retreating back.

Today is Sunday. After more than two months of intense training, Xia Chujian finally has a day of free time.

Usually from Monday to Friday, she spends her time doing papers at school and after school.

Saturday and Sunday are intense physical training.

Today she finally had a day off, but early in the morning, she was called by Huo Yushen for another "assessment".

Fortunately, she went home early. When she came back, she didn't want to do the test papers, but wanted to see her own land.

The whole family was still sleeping, and she took the initiative to make breakfast.

Although her cooking skills are not as proficient as those of her aunt, she still learned them from her aunt and her cooking is very delicious.

What she made today was glutinous rice, wild rhinoceros and pork siomai.

The glutinous rice is grown by Sanzong himself.

He hybridized Tantai Yutian rice and ordinary glutinous rice to create a new variety of glutinous rice, which is plump and round in shape like small pearls. It tastes soft and glutinous but not sticky to the teeth, and is sweet but not greasy.

With only a small plot of land planted, it is said that one crop can be harvested in two months.

This is the first batch. Xia Yuanfang brought it back when he went to their place last weekend.

Xia Chujian's hands were very skillful and his movements were quick. He quickly rolled the snow-white and fragrant plain girl powder into thin and almost transparent skins, and each piece of Shaomai skin had twenty-four pleats.

The stuffing of Shaomai can be whatever you want, including pork, beef, mutton, seafood, and vegetarian dishes.

What Xia Chujian made today was wild rhinoceros pork stuffing, and also added a little bit of purple salmon meat. It tasted tender, smooth and refreshing, with a layered texture and a very satisfying feeling of fullness.

Half an hour later, the shaomai with snow-white skin was like a cup held by a beauty, filled with carmine red meat filling, and dotted with small pearl-like glutinous rice grains on the top, and came out of the pot.

Xia Yuanfang, Sixi and Wufu were almost awakened by the fragrance.

"Auntie, I don't have to go to training today, let's go and see the land outside the city!" Xia Chu put out a table full of breakfast made by herself as if to please, and asked full of hope, "Since the wall was built, I’ve never seen what that place looks like. Also, how’s the house we built doing?”

Xia Yuanfang thought about it and knew that Xia Chujian had been really hard recently.

Not only is she very serious about studying, she passed the recent test without having to worry about the questions, she just relied on herself, and she also worked very hard on physical training.

It's also time to let her go out and play, and relax, that's the way to learn...

Xia Yuanfang agreed and said, "Okay, let's go take a look together. The fence is very well built. The house has been built and now it needs to be decorated. I haven't figured out how to decorate it yet."

Xia Chujian was even more anxious when he saw it. He wished he could immediately put on the black silver mecha of Shao Si Ming and fly over to take a look.

But they still had to be patient, finish breakfast with everyone, and then wait for Aunt Chen to come over and take them there with them.

Ten minutes later, Aunt Chen led them to a stop on the land outside Mulan City.

The group of them appeared in the gatehouse on the south side of the wall.

Xia Yuanfang said: "The wall was completely built more than a month ago. There are only two gates in the entire wall, a north gate and a south gate. Ours is the south gate."

Xia Chujian opened the door and walked out of the gatehouse at the south gate. He first went outside to look at the wall of his land.

At that time, Baili Xin said that the wall built for them was called the "Nine-curved Corridor."

From the outside, it looks like a simple gray and white wall, but the material of the wall is not ordinary building materials. Instead, it has earthquake-proof measures and is made of steel mixed with special metals.

Even if there is a magnitude 12 earthquake, the outer wall of this wall falls off, but the structure inside is still intact.

The wall is more than two meters high, and including all the electronic fences on the top of the wall, it is three meters high.

Because they have the ultra-miniature controllable nuclear fusion generator as the energy system, the coverage rate of the electronic fence on the fence is 100%.

If you have electricity, resist the fire!

It was now late March or early April, and the weather was finally getting warmer.

However, since the heavy snowfall at the beginning of the year, it has never rained again in Mulan City.

The weather is very dry, and the vegetation on the ground is no longer the usual green color during this season, but is instead a sparse, withered yellow color, really like the pitiful hair on the head of a man with diarrhea.

Because the wall is high, you can't see what's going on inside the wall from the ground.

Xia Yuanfang pointed it out to Xia Chujian: "With such a long closed wall, there are only two gates in the north and south. The space inside the wall is relatively large, so I bought two more self-driving scooters to use inside."

Xia Chujian said with a smile: "My aunt is really generous. I never thought that I could live in a mansion with a traffic light at home."

Xia Yuanfang couldn't help but laugh and said, "I really want to install traffic lights. Although no one drives inside the wall."

The people who live there permanently now, Aunt Chen and Yingying, don’t need a scooter.

The Three Mane may need them, but he likes to run barefoot on the ground and rarely uses them.

The rest are members of Baili's family, but they have their own cars and don't use Xia Yuanfang's car.

Xia Yuanfang bought the car as a precaution for a rainy day.

Xia Chujian admired it outside before walking into the south gate.

When you enter, you will find that the scenery inside is many times better than outside.

On one side of the wall is a covered wooden corridor with a simple and elegant shape, but with sharp edges and corners. It has the sharpness of high technology and the elegance and beauty of antique buildings that have accumulated over time.

Xia Yuanfang said: "When we were picking out the wood, Baili Xin said hemlock would be the best. It's cheap but as hard as steel."

"But Aunt Chen said that in the area of ​​the Alien Beast Forest near the far north, there are a lot of oak trees that have grown for who knows how many years. They are very old. When cut, the trees are dark ink red, and they have a glaze without the need for painting. .”

"And Aunt Chen said that the wood of the eucalyptus tree is not only much harder than the hemlock wood, but it also has a characteristic that makes people less jealous."

Xia Chu understood and clapped his hands and said, "That's great! Even if someone sees the corridor in my house, they won't think of taking it as their own!"

Xia Yuanfang said: "Of course, if there is no jealousy, there will be no greed. Aunt Chen's help has helped our hearts."

Aunt Chen hurriedly said: "Researcher Xia is really over-the-top. This is just the petty thinking of a small person. We are ordinary people with no background, and we have such a big industry. If we don't keep a low profile, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep our money..."

Xia Yuanfang nodded and said: "That's true. I was also worried that we were too high-profile. We are ordinary people who have nothing, but suddenly we have a piece of land. If the output is better in the future, we may not be able to hold it. "

Although Xia Chujian didn't take it seriously, she thought that whoever wanted to take away her family's land, she would definitely make the other party think about it, even if she didn't want it!

But it’s better to do less than to do more. She’s not really an embryo-killer…

At this time, she looked at the elegant corridor of her home with its own glaze, and felt that the sky was high and the road was far away, and her heart was peaceful.

Sure enough, it makes people feel calm and not greedy.

Xia Chujian asked again: "Since we provide the wood ourselves, the cost of Bailixin's construction should be reduced, right?"

Xia Yuanfang said: "Yes, because we produce the wood ourselves, the cost at Baili Boss's place was suddenly reduced by 100,000."

Xia Chuji suddenly felt more refreshed.

She looked at the white path in front of her. She didn't know what kind of building material it was. It looked very delicate, but it was not the smooth tile material.

Other than that, there are green lawns, which are like another world compared to the withered and desolate scenery outside the wall.

Xia Chujian couldn't help but ask: "The grass here grows lush and green, why is it different from the ones outside? Isn't it all about lack of water?"

Aunt Chen said: "This was done by Sanzong. He was busy for two months. When the Baili family members were away, he went out to build culverts and divert the water from the small lake along the wall. "

"Ah? I don't think that lake is big. If water is diverted on such a large scale, is that lake... still there?" Xia Chujian was very curious.

Aunt Chen raised her hand and said, "Isn't it strange when I first met you? The lake doesn't look big, but Sanzhao has built such a long culvert to divert water, but the water level of the lake has not changed at all. It is still the same deep, not any deeper." Son, nothing less."

Xia Yuanfang said: "I'm afraid the bottom of that lake is connected to other rivers, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

Xia Chujian laughed loudly, raised his hands and said, "I found a treasure! Sure enough, I found a treasure!"

Originally thought it was a wasteland, it would take Sanzong several years to turn it into fertile farmland.

Unexpectedly, it only took Sanzong a few months to solve the water source problem!

Aunt Chen said: "This is not that easy. If it weren't for the generator you brought, this culvert wouldn't be able to draw water."

Xia Chujian sighed: "So, energy is the top priority!"

In this way, it is not that no one has thought about how to take care of this wasteland before, but the cost is too high and not cost-effective, so those people have given up.

It’s Monday, please cast your vote!

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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