I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 230: Popular in Half the Sky (The second larger chapter, including May monthly pass)

Chapter 230: Popular in Half the Sky (The second larger chapter, including May monthly ticket +)

As time passed, Xia Chujian's fighting skills against sparring robots, with the cooperation of ordinary mechanical mechas, gradually rose from the early stage of D-level to the peak of A-level.

But then Xia Chu met and discovered that the physical ability of a peak A-level genetic evolver was really impressive.

Although she has an invincible mechanical mecha of the same level, she still has a hard time dealing with the A-level peak genetic evolver simulated by the sparring robot.

She played a total of eight arena matches of the same level with A-level sparring robots, and only drew one and lost seven.

In the draw, she cheated and took advantage of the sparring robot's battery system being short-circuited by her, so she took the opportunity to punch a few more times.

The sparring robot quickly repaired the circuit by itself, immediately turned from defense to offense, and tied with her.

In the other seven games, he was basically beaten by the sparring robot.

On the last weekend at the end of March, Xia Chujian once again lost to a sparring robot whose power level had been adjusted to the A-level peak.

She jumped out of the mecha control room a little depressed, sat on the floor of the training hall, and asked Meng Guanghui: "Leader Meng, is it impossible for me to defeat a peak A-level genetic evolver with a mecha?"

Meng Guanghui looked at her training data over the past two and a half months.

It only took her two weekends to go from defeating the early stage of D class to the middle stage of A class.

Then all the rest of the time was spent fighting against the top A-level players.

It cannot be said that there was no progress at all in the time since then, but the progress has been so slight that it can be ignored.

Meng Guanghui said: "This is the first lesson for you. - After genetic evolvers reach the peak of A-level, they have made a qualitative leap in human physical fitness."

"This qualitative leap is not only an improvement in physical fitness, but also other aspects, such as the realization of mental power."

Xia Chujian was curious: "What is the embodiment of spiritual power?"

Meng Guanghui stared at his hands. A second later, a small black bow as big as a palm appeared in his hand and said: "This is the manifestation of spiritual power. - You touch it..."

Xia Chujian carefully put a finger up.

Huh? It really feels like touching the real thing.

She couldn't help but put another finger on it, and it was indeed the real thing.

Then, she directly took the small bow from Meng Guanghui's hand and turned it over in her own hand.

She suddenly remembered that day when she saw a silver long bow and golden arrow suddenly appearing in Huo Yushen's hand.

Is that the embodiment of Huo Yushen's spiritual power?

But she remembered Huo Yushen's silver long bow, which was half a person tall!

This palm-sized black bow is simply Wufu’s toy...

She tentatively asked: "Leader Meng, can you make this bow bigger?"

Meng Guanghui was proudly waiting for Xia Chujian's surprise and praise, but he didn't expect anything and was choked instead.

He took back his little black bow from her hand and said with a straight face: "Isn't this big enough? It can still be used!"

As he spoke, he pulled the bow string with two fingers, and a small black arrow appeared on the bow string.

An arrow was shot, and another blue star on the dome was extinguished.

Then, the black longbow in his hand disappeared like smoke.

Xia Chujian was surprised and asked: "Didn't it materialize? How could it still disappear?"

Meng Guanghui said: "... materialization is not a permanent entity... it always remains an entity, which requires very high mental strength."

Xia Chu said "Oh" when he saw it, and said: "Boss Meng, your mental strength is not enough, right?"

Meng Guanghui glanced at her and did not answer. Instead, he said, "Your physical training is over as of today."

"Ah? Is this the end?" Xia Chujian looked at the sparring robot, "I haven't beaten a peak A-level genetic evolver yet."

"I said, for genetic evolvers, reaching the peak of A-level is also a qualitative leap. As an ordinary person, it is impossible for you, an ordinary person, to beat a genetic evolver at the peak of A-level with this kind of mecha."

Xia Chujian refused to give up: "...If this kind of mechanical mecha is not possible, what kind of mecha can be used? Can I practice them all?"

Meng Guanghui said: "I heard that Master Su has a new type of mecha. It is said that ordinary people can have the ability to fight against A-level peak gene evolvers. Unfortunately, it is too expensive and cannot be widely installed in the army."

Xia Chujian subconsciously touched the Bianhua necklace around her neck.

She does know what kind of new mecha it is, and she happens to have one...

Unfortunately, she is still too weak to expose this Shao Siming black silver mecha to others for the time being.

Then I can only feel happy secretly.

And she was indeed secretly happy.

She faked a sigh and said, "That's a pity. I wonder if I will have a chance to try out Master Su's new mecha in the future?"

Meng Guanghui rolled his eyes at her: "Stop daydreaming. Master Su's new mecha is the empire's top secret. Even Inspector Huo can only take a look. - Let's try it in the next life."

Xia Chujian: "...Oh."

She said "Oh" heartlessly, without any regret or pity that she should have.

Meng Guanghui thought this was a weirdo.

But he didn't have any ill feelings toward her. Instead, he valued her because of her excellent marksmanship.

He continued: "The training of these days is mainly to give you an intuitive understanding of the physical gap between yourself and genetic evolution. You must also realize that although there are these gaps, they are not completely absent. A way to survive. If there is a mecha, or if you can have a gun in your hand and strike first, you can still kill the genetic evolver. Of course, if the opponent is a peak A-level genetic evolver, I have only one request for you, run away!"

This is truly speaking from the bottom of my heart and speaking from experience!

Xia Chujian stood at attention and nodded solemnly: "Yes, Leader Meng."

Seeing that she finally respected him from the bottom of her heart, Meng Guanghui put his hands behind his back with satisfaction, straightened his back and said, "Although the physical training is over, other training is not yet."

"What other training is there?" Xia Chujian was curious, "I know how to operate the ordinary mechanical mechas here, and there are no new mechas like Master Su, so what else should I practice?"

Meng Guanghui said: "Yes, for example, learning to fly fighter planes, interstellar spaceships, interstellar battleships..."

"Ah! You can also fly fighter planes and interstellar battleships!" Xia Chu saw that his eyes were shining.

She held Meng Guanghui's hand: "Thank you for your cultivation! Thank you for your attention! Shall we start now?!"

"Of course not. These trainings cannot be completed in Mulan City. Our plan for you is that after you take the college entrance examination, during the summer vacation, you will leave Mulan City and go to Kanli Star to start new training. Our Special Security Bureau has a dedicated team there. flight training base."

"By the way, tomorrow is Sunday, so you don't need to come. I'll give you a day off from now until the end of your college entrance examination. Your grades have been very good in the past two and a half months." Meng Guanghui praised.

In fact, it's not only very good, she has already set multiple training records.

She drives this ordinary mecha, which is even more powerful than a genetic evolver.

Of course, in addition to genetic evolvers at the peak of A-level, it can be said that those below the peak of A-level can be swept across with this ordinary mechanical mecha.

But the peak A-level genetic evolvers are still the backbone of their special security bureau and cannot be compared with the new rookies.

That's bullying a newbie.

And Xia Chujian didn't know it yet, but her codename of "kill with one shot" had already become famous on the internal sniper forum of the Special Security Bureau.

Many people are asking who this "killed with one shot" is, but because of the special protection program Huo Yushen set for her, no one, not even people from the Internal Information Department and Intelligence Department of the Special Security Bureau, can find out her true identity.

And when digging further, they will be warned by the system that they "attempt to steal confidential information and will be treated as traitors."

This reminder has come out, and everyone understands it tacitly.

Probably this "kill with one shot" is the secret weapon of the bureau.

As a result, everyone was happier and more excited, and they worshiped this "one-shot kill" even more. They also paid homage to Huo Yushen, the person who had recruited the "one-shot kill" genius.

The more capable your own people are, the stronger their strength will be. When facing the enemy on the battlefield in the future, they will have a greater chance of winning!

Among the field personnel of the Special Security Bureau, Xia Chujian's "one-shot kill" status has particularly high prestige.

They are envious, but there is no jealousy or fear at all.

Who would be jealous and fearful of someone who might turn the tide and save their lives in the future?

He’s not a mentally retarded patient with an inferior IQ…

Among the field personnel of the Special Security Bureau, those whose IQs are not online have long been "targeted for elimination" by the enemy, and those who survive are the elite among the elite.

Xia Chujian was unaware of this and said enthusiastically: "I don't need to rest, Leader Meng, can't we really start right away?"

She had never dreamed of learning to fly a fighter plane, let alone a starship and starship!

"You don't need to rest, but I need to rest." Meng Guanghui stopped her and said deliberately: "For your physical training, I haven't had a weekend rest for more than two months. Do you know?"

In fact, he had some time off, but in order to make Xia Chujian feel grateful for this prickly person, he still used some tricks in secret.

As expected, Xia Chujian said "Ah" and said apologetically: "It's my fault, I was just thinking about myself. - Leader Meng, let's all have a rest tomorrow!"

Meng Guanghui smiled and said, "That's pretty much it."

After Xia Chujian left, Meng Guanghui applied for a video call with Huo Yushen again.

Huo Yushen answered the call half an hour later and asked him, "Is something wrong?"

Meng Guanghui said: "Xia Chujian's physical training has come to an end today. Huo Shuai, I think it's such a pity. Is there really no way to make her a genetic evolver?"

With that said, he sent Xia Chujian's physical training data records to Huo Yushen.

"Look at this data, genetic evolvers below the A-level peak are not as good at operating mechanical armors as she is."

"If she is also a genetic evolver..." Meng Guanghui did not dare to say the next words.

He felt that if Xia Chujian could really become a genetic evolver, their leader Huo Yushen would truly face his first evenly matched opponent...

Huo Yushen looked at the data for a while and was a little surprised.

He knew that she was immune to mental attacks, and he also knew that her shooting skills were extremely accurate, almost to the level of absolute gun sense.

But she didn't expect that she would have such good results in operating this ordinary mechanical mecha.

It really works like an arm and a finger, no worse than any genetic evolver who uses mental power to control mechas.

Meng Guanghui continued: "Huo Shuai, I'm wondering if we can help her get a legendary new mecha from Master Su? With that thing, it can perfectly make up for the fact that she is not a genetic evolver. "

Huo Yushen lowered his eyes and looked at the data, thinking, does she still need you to get it for her? ——She had already got one for herself...

It just can't be made public.

He understood her considerations and agreed with her concealment, but getting her another one would be too much.

Huo Yushen closed the data interface and said coldly: "It's just training data. Until it's on the official battlefield, I don't know if these training data can be converted into real results. Don't think too much, just follow the previous plan and proceed step by step. Train her."

"The physical training is over, and next is the training of fighter planes, starships and star battleships in the summer." Huo Yushen thought for a while and then said: "By the way, if her cultural scores can be on the line, you can try to persuade her to apply for the first imperial examination. Star Destroyer Command Major at the Military University.”

Meng Guanghui's eyes widened: "Star Destroyer?! Still in command?! Huo Shuai, are you kidding me?! Besides, that's a profession in the military, our Special Security Bureau..."

Huo Yushen raised his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes filled with coldness.

Meng Guanghui shut up immediately.

He was also stupid. Huo Yushen was transferred from the military just a year ago.

Moreover, the military itself has many secret field agents of the Special Security Bureau, who are their eyes and ears.

Huo Yushen thought more.

Since this Xia Chujian has so much potential, it cannot be wasted.

He needs to give her another identity and add her to the Secret Service Directory of the Special Security Bureau, which is also top secret within the Special Security Bureau.

Everyone on the Secret Service directory has a single line of contact. Only the previous Special Security Bureau inspectors know their true identities, not even the emperor.

After each special security bureau inspector leaves office, the old secret division directory will be transferred to the new inspector.

The new inspector will clean up the directory of the secret service within three years, dismiss some people, investigate some people, and assign new identities to the remaining people.

Three years later, the old inspector's declassification time is completed. Even if he wants to leak the secret, he will not be able to do so.

Huo Yushen has been in the Special Security Bureau for one year, and has learned everything there is to know. After cleaning up the old secret service directory, it is also time to recruit new members of his own secret service directory.

And Xia Chujian was the first person Huo Yushen planned to recruit.

When Xia Chu saw his position with Meng Guanghui, Huo Yushen only intended to use it as a cover from beginning to end.

Besides, the nature of the work of the Special Security Bureau also determines that they are people walking on the edge of gray. It is very common to have multiple identities.

Meng Guanghui knew that maybe an ordinary middle-aged data input clerk at the Secret Security Bureau headquarters had once been the planner or executor who subverted an important force abroad.

They are all people who have made brilliant achievements, but when they return to China, they all hide their merits and fame.

Huo Yushen said to Meng Guanghui: "Xia Chujian hasn't graduated from high school yet, so you can arrange a casual job for her. She doesn't have to work every day, let alone ask her to go on missions."

Meng Guanghui scratched his head and said awkwardly: "But since she is on the branch roster now, can she not go on missions? What should I do if others criticize her?"

"Then let's say there is someone above her who is a related household. After she takes the college entrance examination, I will send her two simple tasks." Huo Yushen waved his hand nonchalantly, "Anyway, we will try it out for a year first, and then we will see if it works after one year. suitable."

Meng Guanghui nodded repeatedly and ended the call.

While Huo Yushen was speaking, he had already created another legal identity for Xia Chujian in the records of the Special Security Bureau.

This legal identity is not generally complete.

It even has records of five generations of ancestors, and I also have all real records starting from my birth certificate, including my student status from elementary school to high school, various transcripts, social relationships, and even my best friends.

Of course, there is also a quantum optical brain number that is equivalent to real-name authentication.

All of this is completely legal and true from a legal perspective in the Beichen Empire.

This legal identity belongs to the first person in the Silk Splitter series in the directory of the Secret Service, the most mysterious organization of the Special Security Bureau, codenamed Greedy Wolf.

And this Silk Splitter series is also the highest level in the ANSI directory. It has been vacant for a long time and has never recruited anyone.

Huo Yushen still had high expectations for Xia Chujian.

After talking to Meng Guanghui, Huo Yushen planned to conduct further investigation on Xia Chujian.

Create a new identity for her so that she can use it when going on more dangerous missions in the future.

This is the second update, a big chapter, including an additional update with a monthly pass of 900 in May.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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