I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 219 Thanks for taking care of me (first update)

With the last cry of the woman on the altar, she knelt down, took a knife, and inserted it into her heart with a whoosh. Then she held the knife inserted into her chest with her right hand and turned it 365 degrees. Then pull it out suddenly.

On the tip of the pulled out knife is a bloody lotus, a lotus carved from the heart.

The woman had a big hole in her chest, but she had a satisfied smile on her face. She knelt there straight, still looking up at the sky.

She sacrificed herself and the lotus heart to the bloody dark cloud.

At this time, the blood-colored dark clouds in the sky became darker and darker, rolling and gushing continuously, like a precursor to a volcanic eruption on the seabed, or like a sunspot collapsing during nuclear fusion!

All the members of the Judge Organization on the ground raised their heads and looked at the dark cloud shining with blood.

Finally, the rolling blood-colored dark cloud changed, changed, and gradually turned into the shape of a door.

At the edge of the door, the blood light became thicker, as if the bloody bubbles that had been sacrificed just now were trying to gather around the "door".

Seeing this, She Zhuyin raised her eyebrows.

Huo Yushen had already read it once and seemed untouched.

They watched the video screen quietly and saw the shadow of the door formed by the blood-colored dark clouds. They tried very hard to take shape, but in the end, it dissipated like a bubble with a divination sound.

The shape of the door suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the blood light was like dewdrops under the morning sun, quickly evaporating.

The huge blood-colored dark cloud twitched for a while, and then gradually became transparent.

The sun emerged from behind the bloody dark clouds again, shining towards the altar, clearly illuminating all the blood and ugliness there.

When the members of the Judge Organization under the altar saw this scene, they were all extremely disappointed, beating their chests and wailing, as if the sunshine had taken away all their hope, and they wished they were at odds with the sunshine!

The video ends here.

Huo Yushen turned off the video and said to She Zhuyin: "Mother, this is the human sacrifice sacrifice organized by the Judge Organization three years ago. Just like before, it failed again."

"According to the information I have, three years ago, after ninety-nine failures, they finally concluded a rule, that is, their sacrifices have not received a response from the Lord of R'lyeh because they sacrificed The blood of the sacrificed human beings is not noble enough.”

"So they spent another three years collecting clues, and finally kidnapped twenty-four young men and women from the upper class of the empire."

"According to the intelligence from the Judge Organization, among the twenty-four people they kidnapped this time, three were barons and 21 were from upper-class citizen families."

"Among these twenty-four people, my sister is among them. The family origins of the last twenty-three who died have been found out. The twenty-fourth, the family from which my sister was born, has even been found out about me. No clues.”

She Zhuyin sighed: "We have known the origins of the twenty-three kidnapped young people for a long time. It is not a secret at all. But the only thing we want to know is that there are still no clues. - Probably only by finding the Judge Organization ”

Huo Yushen said calmly: "We have been following up on this clue, but the Judge Organization is too secretive. I only got this news recently. It is the Secret Security Bureau that has used the most secret secret. After waking him up once, ten I can’t keep waking him up during the year.”

She Zhuyin smiled faintly: "...the judge's organization?"

As she spoke, she looked at her fair and tender palms and blew them gently, as if to blow away the invisible dust.

Huo Yushen nodded: "Their family members have taken away all the bodies. The only one missing is my sister. On the plus side, my sister's living environment has been pretty good these years, although I don't know where she is."

Otherwise, he would not have become the target of the judge organization this time.

She Zhuyin was silent for a while and asked: "Then why does Quan have this human-face hood? What do they use this human-face hood for?"

Huo Yushen said: "This is the key point I want to talk about today. - The Quan family used this human face hood as bait, and actually attracted the judge organization. They still continued to try to kidnap the girl wearing this human face hood."

She Zhuyin raised her eyebrows: "...They still haven't given up? Still want to kidnap your sister? I'm even more curious now, which family raised your sister? Why do they value your sister so much?"

She missed her for nineteen years and woke up from nightmares countless times, worrying that something had happened to the child.

Now I finally got the news. Although I still don’t know where she is, I can at least believe that she has been doing well in these years.

For She Zhuyin, this was at least much better than her painful imagination.

Huo Yushen said coldly: "I don't care who raised my sister, but I really want to know why the Judge Organization must arrest her for sacrifice? - It's obvious that their last operation failed, why not change the target? "

"Also, why did Quan know that using this human face hood can fish out the Judge Organization? And why they wanted to fish out the Judge Organization are all questions."

She Zhuyin said: "Do you want to ask Mr. Quan directly?"

Huo Yushen said thoughtfully: "If I ask, with Quan and Xun's shrewdness, unnecessary associations may arise. I don't want anyone to notice for the time being that we are looking for my sister."

She Zhuyin then asked: "Did she know about Xia Chu?"

Huo Yushen didn't care, and said: "She doesn't know, and it doesn't matter even if she knows. She has more secrets, and she is now my subordinate, and she is also a person who knows current affairs. - She doesn't know how, and she doesn't dare to. It got out."

She Zhuyin nodded slowly: "As long as you have an idea. Then, what should you do next?"

Huo Yushen looked at She Zhuyin and said, "Mother, I know that the Judge Organization has an underground dark spot in the Imperial Capital of Beichen Star. It is a black market bar. If mother is interested, you can find a chance to check it out. After all, the only clue now is At the Judge Organization."

She Zhuyin immediately said: "No problem, I'll look for an opportunity to take a look right away."

Huo Yushen sent the address of the black market bar to She Zhuyin, as well as the internal structure information of the Judge Organization, and then ended the call and logged off.

He returned to his office and was about to sort out the information about the Judge Organization when a call reminder suddenly popped up on a dedicated channel on his quantum optical brain.

Huo Yushen immediately connected to the dedicated video call.

In the video, His Majesty Tantai Hongyuan, the emperor of the Beichen Empire, appeared.

He said to Huo Yushen with a serious face: "Yu Shen, hurry back to Beichen Star. Princess Jing was assassinated just now, and the queen blocked a shot for her. Now both of them are in first aid. ... In addition to you, I am the defense of Beichen Star." Don’t trust anyone now!”

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will return immediately."

Princess Tantai Jing is now the first in line of succession to the throne determined by law.

Her assassination was more serious than the assassination of the Queen.

It is reasonable for the queen to block the gun for her.

Tantai Jing is her only child, and she will definitely not let her be harmed, both emotionally and rationally.

But who is so powerful that he can break through the royal family's heavy defenses and injure Tantai Jing and the Queen at the same time?

While thinking about it, Huo Yushen quickly dealt with the work at hand, entrusting Kang Shanxing and Meng Guanghui with full authority to handle matters on Guiyuan Planet. He and other subordinates took a bat fighter that could make space jumps, and could get back in just one hour. Beichen Star.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of his office, he saw Zong Ruoan walking towards him.

He did not wear the uniform of the Special Security Bureau, but his own casual clothes. The tailoring fit perfectly. The fabric looked very high-end, but the color and style were surprisingly low-key.

He walked to Huo Yushen, smiled and said, "Inspector Huo, I'm here to resign."

Huo Yushen raised his eyebrows: "I have to rush back to Beichen Star for something. Do you want to follow me? You have one hour to explain to me why you want to resign."

The Special Security Bureau is a place where it is difficult to get in and it is not easy to get out.

As Huo Yushen said last time, the Special Security Bureau is basically only accessible, but there are exceptions for some people.

Zong Ruoan doesn't need to care about these difficulties for ordinary people, because he is one of these exceptions.

He nodded: "Then I will go to Beichen Star with Inspector Huo."

When they were making space jumps in the Bat fighter plane, Zong Ruoan explained the reason for his resignation to Huo Yushen.

"Inspector Huo, I have been in the Special Security Bureau for three years. Thanks to your care, I have learned a lot."

"But I still feel that this place is not suitable for me. It is not a problem with the Special Security Bureau, but with myself. My personality and behavior are not suitable for working in such a cold place where everyone is like a machine."

"I want to do something meaningful, and I want to help ordinary people at the bottom."

After Zong Ruoan finished speaking, he looked at Huo Yushen calmly: "If Inspector Huo disagrees or wants to punish me, I will accept the punishment, but after the punishment is over, I still have to leave."

Huo Yushen sat on the single seat with his legs crossed, his aura was very condensed.

He asked calmly: "Then what kind of work do you want to do after leaving the Special Security Bureau?"

Zong Ruoan didn't want to hide it, and when he started the election, the Special Security Bureau had to play the card.

He smiled and said: "I want to run for the Senate. This year happens to be the year of the seven-year general election."

If Zong Ruo'an goes to any other department, Huo Yushen will not agree and will stop him, even if he will detain him and prevent him from returning to Zong's family.

Because Zong Ruoan worked in the Information Department of the Special Security Bureau for three years and mastered a large amount of highly confidential information.

According to general regulations, even if he wants to leave the Special Security Bureau, he must be detained in one place for three years, and he can only be released after he is declassified.

But if he wants to run for the Senate, that doesn't mean he can't be generous.

Huo Yushen said: "You know our rules. If you want to leave, it will take three years to declassify. How do you plan to deal with it?"

At one o'clock in the afternoon, there will still be a big chapter update, and there will be an additional update for the May monthly ticket.

All you guys, vote for your recommendation!

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