I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 194 The beauty who has lost her youth (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian followed Quan Yuxun into the South District, which is famous for its "dirty and chaotic environment". He was very calm and calm, without any fear or panic.

And in order to have evidence, she even secretly turned on the pinhole camera on Shao Siming's black silver mecha.

Originally, the camera was mounted on the mecha's helmet, but because she pressed the helmet into a neck hood, the camera became an inky black dot in the middle of the neck hood. The working principle is still the same.

With this, Xia Chujian is not afraid of Quan and Xunhui's default.

As a weak side, Xia Chujian also has his own trump card when cooperating with a behemoth like Quan.

Quan Yuxun, on the other hand, had to try his best to control himself so as not to show a strange expression.

Although he had learned a lot about the southern district of Mulan City on the Star Network before coming here, only when he came here in person did he know that the bad conditions mentioned on the Internet were not even a fraction of the reality.

Walking in through the door is like walking into another world.

Time seems to have stood still thousands of years ago.

The cement road on the ground was cracked and dented, and the heavy snow had been shoveled roughly and piled up in the ditch on the roadside.

There are no neat skyscrapers here, only crooked houses made of scrap steel bars and cheap cement. They are scattered high and low, and look like ridges and peaks on the side.

All kinds of old industrial garbage are piled outside the house, and sewage of unclear color flows across the door, making it almost impossible to find a place to stay.

Although it is a cold winter, the air here seems to be full of chemical toxins. Taking a breath, even if it is filtered by a mask, makes people's lungs burn.

Quan Yuxun thought to himself that if he hadn't known there was a problem a long time ago, maybe he would have really believed that it was a leak from the chemical plant...

Xia Chujian just looked around and sighed in his heart.

This place has remained the same for more than ten years without any change at all.

She could even see the relatively tall commercial building, which was exactly the same as in her memory.

Xia Chujian followed Quan Yuxun and found that there was no one in the narrow alleys, as if he had entered another world.

Suddenly, several young women wearing backless short skirts on a cold day emerged from the low shack on the roadside.

They have average looks, rough skin, and sallow complexions, as if they have been hungry for a long time.

Seeing Quan Yuxun walking by, even though he looks like a middle-aged Luther man with "bitter hatred and deep hatred", these women still pounce on him like bees seeing nectar.

"Does this gentleman want a massage?"

"Sir, I know how to massage. For the price of one pancake, I guarantee that you will want to do it a second time!"

"Have you had breakfast, sir? Do you want to go to my house and have a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up?"

The woman in the backless dress was almost touching him.

Quan Yuxun hurriedly took a few steps back and said with a slight embarrassment: "I'm sorry everyone, I came from Luoxu Prefecture to visit my relatives. I would like to ask, how to get to Wuyou Lane in District 404?"

The faces of the women who had been doing business with smiles just now changed immediately.

"I've never heard of the No Alley in District 404!"

"Gungun, don't do business, don't occupy the road!"

There was only one woman who softly said to Xia Chujian: "Are you here to visit me too?"

Xia Chujian's voice still sounded like a child's voice despite the use of voice-changing equipment.

She nodded and said, "Yes, my father and I came from Luoxu Prefecture to visit relatives... I really can't survive there. Sister, can you give me something to eat? I'm so hungry..."

The woman still had a cigarette in one hand. She was stunned for a long time when she heard her being called that. Then she went back to the pigsty-like shack, took out a tube of low-grade nutrient solution, and said, "This has never been opened before. You don't know how." You can’t even afford low-grade nutrient solution, right?”

This is the minimum consumption, a tube only costs a dime, but eating one tube will keep you from being hungry all day long.

Xia Chujian shrank his neck, made a pitiful look, and whispered softly: "...We have no money."

The woman clicked her tongue and put the nutrient solution into her hand, "Take it, it's rare to meet someone poorer than me. Area 404 is just ahead. Walk about two miles and turn left." "

Xia Chujian: "..."

Quan Yuxun: "..."

The woman looked them up and down, especially Quan Yuxun, from his weather-stained face to the large cotton-padded jacket he wore that had a layer of oily crust on it after wearing it for who knows how long. After a while, she said: "You guys go What are you doing there? It’s been sealed there, and there are no normal humans anymore, nor are there any humanoids.”

Quan Yuxun looked shocked: "Isn't it?! My brother came here seven or eight years ago and wrote me a letter saying that it is better than Luoxu Prefecture. There is not such a big wind and sand, and you don't have to spend all day in the grassland. He was always trying to convince me to join him!"

The woman sneered, took a puff of cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, and said: "Seven or eight years ago it was about the same. Although it was not good, it was not bad. Now, there is really no one there."

"Sister, can you tell us what's going on? Why is there no one there?" Xia Chujian said, reported an address and said, "My little uncle lives there."

When the woman heard the address, she shook her head and said, "That's the center of Wuyou Lane in District 404. Your relatives are in trouble."

Quan Youxun and Xia Chujian looked at each other, both trying to figure out how to get something out of this woman's mouth.

Xia Chujian looked worried and murmured: "Will they all move out? Sister, do you know how to contact those who have moved out?"

The woman became more and more sympathetic. She brushed her frizzy yellow curly hair with her hand and said, "It would be great if I could move out..."

"I also moved in later. I heard that one night at the end of last year, there was a big leak in the chemical plant here, and all those people were poisoned to death."

Xia Chujian frowned: "Huh?! He was poisoned to death?! Where is the chemical plant? Didn't the boss pay compensation?"

Seeing her cute expression, the woman patted her face with her hand and said, "What are you dreaming about? Our planet is a farming planet. Where have you heard that there is a chemical factory on the planet? There are also poisonous gas leaks. When people openly lie in the media, they also fool us lower-class civilians and those poor human beings."

"It wasn't a poisonous gas leak from the chemical plant?! Then how did they die?!" Xia Chujian's eyes widened, and he didn't mind being "snapped" by this woman.

The woman suddenly didn't want to talk anymore. She curled her lips, twisted her waist, which was as thin as a handful of bones, and said, "I'm really full. I didn't earn a penny today, and I even lost a bottle of low-grade nutrient solution! - Let's go. Let’s go! Don’t hinder me from doing business!”

Xia Chujian, Quan and Xun, who had pretended to be poor just now, were too embarrassed to spend money to buy information, so they had no choice but to bow to the woman together, then turned around neatly and walked deep into the alley with heavy steps.

The further you go deeper into the alley, the fewer people there are, and even rough-skinned humanoids don't appear in this place.

Occasionally, a rat as big as a dog swished past, dragging a cat that had been bitten to death.

Xia Chujian subconsciously raised his gun to fight.

Quan Yuxun took her hand, glanced at her, and said Wen Yan: "Don't be afraid, I will hold you."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Who is scared?

She just wanted to shoot.

Of course, Quan Yuxun's intention was to stop her from shooting, not because he thought she would be scared.

Xia Chujian didn't agree with Quan Yuxun's way of speaking, but he didn't dare to mock him either.

She didn't insist anymore, and with a sullen face, Quan Yuxun pulled her sleeves and walked forward step by step.

Xia Chu looked around and saw no one around, so he asked in a low voice: "Chief Quan..."

"Call me dad."

"You took advantage of me!"

"Call me dad."

"What's wrong!"

"Don't waste time."

Xia Chujian: "...Abba, do you want to be so cautious? There is no surveillance here."

She lived here until she was six years old, and was told since she was a child that the crime rate in the South District was high because there was no surveillance here and it was a paradise for criminals.

Quan Yuxun said quietly: "Without surveillance, there are people like us."

"...You mean, besides us, there are others coming here?" Xia Chujian immediately restrained his attention and stopped even looking around.

Quan and Xun said nothing.

The two of them kept walking with their heads down until they came to the place where they turned left, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

Quan Yuxun said: "This time, don't pretend to be poor and pretend to be so outrageous."

Xia Chu met and laughed.

The alley that turned left was even narrower and more congested. Among the haphazardly built houses, there was only a bluestone road that was only large enough for two people to walk side by side.

The road was covered with moss and freshly melted snow, making it very slippery.

If Xia Chujian hadn't been alert, Quan and Xun would have fallen several times.

"What a broken road!" Quan Yuxun, no matter how well-educated he was, couldn't help but complain at this time.

Xia Chujian felt that it matched his character, so he echoed, "That's right! Is there really no one in this place?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw an old lady wearing dark gray clothes walking out of the dark shack.

She was so old that her waist was almost bent at ninety degrees.

All white hair, wrapped in a turban full of holes.

His face was as wrinkled as a persimmon, there were probably no teeth in his mouth, and his entire mouth was sunken.

She dragged a bamboo chair and staggered to sit down at the door.

Above her head was a shabby neon sign that read "Terminal House Hotel."

The colors of the light sign have faded away, and those colorful colors in the pale sunlight look like a beauty whose youth has gone, leaving only silent embarrassment and endless regret.

The old lady looked up at them, her toothless mouth opening and closing: "Are you two from other places?"

Quan Yuxun said hurriedly: "Yes, we came from Luoxu Prefecture to visit relatives. My brother lives in Wuyou Lane in District 404 not far ahead."

The old lady looked at them with squinting eyes: "That place? When did you move here?"

"...It's been seven or eight years since we moved here, and he kept asking me to come and join him, but I didn't come because I thought it would be troublesome. Recently, I really can't live in Luoxu Prefecture anymore, so I wanted to come and join him."

"That's unfortunate. You should go. There are no people in that place, and there are no humanoids. There are only some monsters. If you go there, you can't come back..." The old lady took out the dark gray cotton-padded jacket. A wine bottle, uncorked it, and drank from it.

This is the second update, please vote for me!

There will be an update at midnight.

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