I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 164 She is the luckiest (first update)

Meng Guanghui snorted: "Why don't you go to Beichen Star to find the Senate, the Cabinet, and His Majesty the Emperor to complain about our Special Security Bureau?"

"No, no... I was confused for a moment... How could I... How dare I... I really, just miss my husband and son..." Shang Qizhen said and started crying again.

Meng Guanghui stared at her for a long time, and then said angrily: "Okay, if you want to see it, just go ahead and see it. If you had come a minute earlier, you might have seen something alive..."

"What do you mean by Colonel Meng?!" Shang Qizhen raised his head suddenly, with tears streaming down his face, and his face was full of shock, "Even if my husband and son are at fault, they can't be punished with death, right?! These people from the Special Security Bureau are actually looking down on human life. !”

"Don't rush to blame us. I'll take you to see how they died... We have video and surveillance."

Meng Guanghui said, playing the video of the deaths of Fan Chengqi and Fan Bowei.

Fan Chengqi's video was recorded by Meng Guanghui in the interrogation room.

Fan Bowei is the monitor in the detention room.

When Shang Qi saw these two people, it was as if someone was strangling their throats, and he immediately cried: "Who? Who wants their lives! You are the Special Security Bureau! How can someone infiltrate you!"

Meng Guanghui showed her the dead soldiers captured on the surveillance camera again: "... I have to ask you... Who are you cooperating with? Which led to the disaster of death and the destruction of the family?"

Shang Qi was really speechless and couldn't say a word, he just cried.

When Meng Guanghui asked her: "Your private interstellar spaceship is sending people away from Guiyuan Planet for the third time. Where is it going? Who is it sending?"

She could only spread her hands helplessly and said: "During the time you asked, I was still visiting relatives at my parents' home on Beichen Star, not on Guiyuan Star..."

Meng Guanghui took a deep breath and vaguely understood why Fan Chengqi and Fan Bowei were killed, but Shang Qizhen was able to survive.

Because she didn't know about that matter at all, right?

After Shang Qizhen left, Meng Guanghui had a video call with Huo Yushen.

He released today's interrogation video, the surveillance video of Fan Bowei in the detention room, and the video of the death soldier's suicide.

Finally, he said: "Huo Shuai, it's my fault. I didn't expect that in order to silence Fan and his son, the other party actually dispatched at least two S-level mental powerhouses! ... Only then did the other party succeed and the only clue was cut off. .”

Huo Yushen watched those videos silently, not surprised at all.

He thought he probably knew who it was.

It turned out that the other party could stretch his hand so long...

But why?

Is my sister so important to them?

He always felt something was wrong.

But then he thought, his mother was right, they only had one clue now.

See you in the summer.

Or, their whole squad.

Why didn't the person who took the girl away silence the Xia Chujian team?

Did he not want to?

Of course it's impossible.

What was the reason that made this person give up trying to kill this team?

Huo Yushen recalled the time when they interviewed Xia Chu and their entire team, and even took out the video of the interview at that time.

Sure enough, in the team's answers, no one mentioned that they had been accidentally attacked...

Huo Yushen suddenly understood where their misunderstanding was.

"Xiao Meng, go to Mulan City quickly and question the night hunter team again." Huo Yushen said thoughtfully, "Except for Xia Chujian, there is no point in asking her."

Meng Guanghui: "Yes, Chief! What is the focus of this question?"

"The focus of this interview is what happened after they killed the traffickers and left the small building." Huo Yushen ordered coldly.

Meng Guanghui was puzzled: "You are asking, what did they do after they killed the traffickers and evacuated from the small building?"

Huo Yushen nodded: "Yes, let's ask clearly. I don't believe that the person who can silence him and go to the Special Security Bureau branch will let their team go!"

Meng Guanghui suddenly realized: "...It turns out that their team is the biggest clue! Huo Shuai, you are so wise! You asked our people to protect them secretly early in the morning. Is this the reason why they were not targeted?"

Huo Yushen: "..."

He asked the Special Security Bureau's field officers to keep an eye on the team for a while, and the feedback came back that everything was normal, so he asked them to withdraw.

Is it because of this that the other party is unintentionally afraid?

That's not right. This man even dared to kill Fan Bowei and Fan Chengqi, the father and son who captured the Special Security Bureau branch. Would he let that team go so mercifully?

Could it be that the biggest reason is that the other party also knows that this team actually doesn't know what's going on?

Therefore, the importance of this team on the opponent's "kill list" is very low, and the opponent is not even willing to pursue them at a greater cost.

Does it belong to the position of "I am happy to kill and let go easily"?

Analyzing from this perspective of interests, the fact that the opponent dispatched S-level or above genetically evolved experts to silence the dead this time proves that the Fan family and his son are in a very important position in the opponent's heart.

This directly proves that Fan and his son must not only have met each other, but also know who they are.

So the person who was transported by their private interstellar spacecraft for the third time was the mastermind behind this time.

As long as he was sure of this, he was not in a hurry.

On Huo Yushen's side, Fan and his son were not that important at all.

He didn't even believe a word that came out of their mouths.

Because people can lie, but dead people cannot.

The killer who committed murder and then committed suicide used his life to confirm who his opponent and target were this time.

Otherwise, he would have been interrogated immediately, so why send Meng Guanghui, whose muscles are better than his brains, to take action?

Furthermore, only by forcing the opponent to dispatch their strongest soldiers to the Special Security Bureau branch station to silence them and make the Special Security Bureau disgraced can the opponent be convinced to the maximum extent that all clues have been eliminated.

No one will know who is behind the scenes.

No one will know who they took away.

This allows the other party to sit back and relax without having to continue to hunt and silence them.

It can also divert their attention to the maximum extent, so that they will not put their eyes back to the team where they met them at the beginning of Xia.

The other party didn't know that there was a strange person in that night hunter team.

This weird guy actually saw clearly...his sister's appearance.

This is the biggest and last clue they need to protect.

Even he didn't know that his sister would look like this when she grew up.

Huo Yushen recalled that on the virtual display screen, the mechanical intelligence drew a girl based on Xia Chujian's memories. She was unconscious and her shoulders were beaten with blood, and her face was cold.

So on the second day of the New Year, when Xia Chujian and Xia Yuanfang happily went to the Alien Beast Forest outside Mulan City to visit Aunt Chen and Sanzong, Ye Shijie, Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong were once again summoned to the special Security Bureau branch in Mulan City.

The person who asked the question this time was Meng Guanghui.

Still in the same conference room they had been to before.

Meng Guanghui stared into Ye Shijie's eyes and suddenly asked: "Last November, after your team killed the human traffickers in Room 004 on the first floor of Building 334, District 089, West Mulan City, where did you go after rescuing the abducted victims? ?What happened?"

His mental power surged out, hitting Ye Shijie's brain directly.

Ye Shijie once again felt the powerlessness of being imprisoned.

This time, he went directly into unconsciousness. No matter what Meng Guanghui asked, he could only answer the original question by instinct.

"We...we...go back to the association branch to receive the reward..."

"On the way...on the way...someone attacked us...targeted us with missiles..."

"We...we...all fainted..."

Meng Guanghui perked up and thought to himself, he had indeed been attacked before!

This is right!

The mastermind behind the scenes was so ruthless and cruel, how could he let this team member go!

He hurriedly asked: "You all fainted? Then how did you escape?"

Ye Shijie's eyes were straight and his lips were biting tightly, as if he didn't want to speak.

Meng Guanghui had no choice but to increase his mental strength.

This increased mental power was just a drop in the ocean to him, but to Ye Shijie, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

He completely said what he least wanted to say and what he wanted to hide most.

"At that time... we were on the aircraft. We... our aircraft was invaded... We fainted again, but Xia Chujian didn't faint..."

"She...she...she has no mental power, so the other party didn't use mental power on her..."

"So she first blew up the opponent's missiles...and then...then used our missiles...to lock on the opponent's aircraft..."

"She...she...she was a prodigal...used six missiles...saturation type to blow up the opponent's aircraft..."

Meng Guanghui was dumbfounded and murmured: "...This is too fierce...I don't believe it...Do you have a video?"

Ye Shijie nodded: "...Yes."


"At...that's where Xia Chujian was."

"Why put it there with her?"

"...because...because she is the luckiest..."

Meng Guanghui: "..."

What the hell?

The luckiest thing is to put the video in her place?

Meng Guanghui made a mental note for Xia Chujian, and then asked: "You said your aircraft was invaded. What happened?"

Ye Shijie's forehead was covered with sweat, but the expression on his face was very dull.

He said dumbly: "We...we suspect...that there is a mole in the association, who wants...to kill us..."

"There is a mole in your Night Hunters Association? Why do you want to kill you?"

"Maybe...maybe...maybe I have offended someone..." Ye Shijie was telling the truth at this time.

He really felt that he had caused that attack because he had offended someone.

Meng Guanghui asked again: "What then?"

Ye Shijie kept talking for a long time about their going to the association to receive rewards, and kept complaining that Xia Chujian was a waste of bullets...

Then they received the mission of the Alien Beast Forest, and a group of people immediately went to the extreme north of the Alien Beast Forest.

By this time, Ye Shijie couldn't keep up with his breathing.

Under Meng Guanghui's long-term mental suppression, his brain was exhausted, could no longer hold on, and was about to collapse.

Meng Guanghui saw that his condition was really bad, so he didn't continue to ask.

Then, he asked Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong respectively.

The same methods, the same questions, got the same answers.

Moreover, the mental power level of the next three people is not as good as that of Ye Shijie. Before they even mentioned going to the association to receive their rewards, they were all foaming at the mouth...

So Meng Guanghui could only stop questioning.

After they all left, Meng Guanghui reported to Huo Yushen.

"Huo Shuai, your reasoning is correct."

"The other party did not let this team go, but tried to silence them at the first opportunity."

"But this team is lucky enough to have this teammate in Xia Chu."

"Because she had no mental power, the opponent did not use mental power to attack her. This allowed her to take over the aircraft in time and use an all-round saturation style to counterattack and eliminate the killers sent by the opponent."

"Then the team immediately went to the extreme north of the Alien Beast Forest to perform the mission. It is at least 100,000 kilometers away from Mulan City. The natural environment is very harsh and the ground magnetic field is abnormal. It is very dangerous even for high-level genetic evolvers. place."

"Since their mental condition was close to collapse, I did not continue to ask questions."

"Also, I think if a killer followed to the Alien Beast Forest, no one in this team would survive."

"But now this team is not only back, but has also received rewards from the Night Hunters Association, so I think the man behind the scenes who likes to silence people should not have sent anyone to follow them to the Alien Beast Forest."

Second update at 1pm.

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